
Are you an expectant mother who is still smoking cigarettes? You can stop smoking while pregnant. As a matter of fact there is no better time to quit smoking. This pregnancy can be a double blessing if you use it as your opportunity to quit smoking.

Smoking is dangerous for your unborn baby. The two biggest threats are low birth-weight and premature birth. But there are numerous other ways that smoking can harm your baby. Smoking can also cause damage to your placenta that can threaten the health of the fetus.

The good news is that it is safe to stop smoking while pregnant. You just have to make sure you use a smoking cessation method that is safe for your baby. You also want something that works fast and is effective since time is somewhat of the essence.

Choose an all-natural method to quit smoking when you are pregnant. You do not want to use nicotine replacement therapies (like the patch) or quit smoking medications. Both of these can cause harm to your baby. Nicotine is the chemical that is the greatest threat you the fetus so you do not want to use a nicotine replacement therapy. And medications have many side effects you do not want to subject yourself to while pregnant.

The best all natural method to choose when pregnant is hypnotherapy, especially hypnotherapy that uses NLP techniques. NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming and is a form of hypnotherapy that has been used for years by smoking cessation experts to help people break their smoking habits.

NLP based hypnotherapy offers the best of all worlds for expectant mothers: it is all natural with no side effects, it works very fast, and it is extremely successful. NLP works by removing the cravings to smoke from the subconscious mind. When these cravings are gone then quitting smoking is very easy. All the while your unborn child is completely safe.

And it is easier than ever to remove your smoking cravings with NLP. You no longer have to see a therapist or professional to have an NLP hypnotherapy session. There are now extremely effective NLP sessions available on CD or in MP3 format that you can listen to in your own home.

So if you are looking for the best way to stop smoking while pregnant then please, for the sake of yourself and to prevent any possible harm you may cause to your baby, look further into NLP.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
One of the best things about quitting smoking is just how quickly your body recovers from the ill effects of smoking. While it takes many years to completely recover, your body starts healing itself in just over a quarter of an hour. These are some of the things you can look forward to (and be wary of) in the coming days after stopping smoking.

About twenty minutes after quitting smoking, your blood pressure and heart rate are back to a normal level.

12 hours after stopping, your blood oxygen saturation has become normal, and nicotine levels in the bloodstream are a twentieth of their levels as a smoker.

One day after quitting, you will start to feel the anxiety and withdrawal that comes with quitting smoking. You've made it this far, don't turn back!

Between two and three days from the last time you've smoked, your irritability will be at an all time high. You'll experience several cravings per day for cigarettes, but as time goes on their length and intensity decreases. It also becomes easier to breathe, as your lungs are healing.

After a week, you'll experience fewer symptoms of withdrawal. Past the three day mark, all withdrawal symptoms are mental, as your body as cleansed itself from the addictive properties of nicotine. Stick with it, because it only gets better from here!

After two weeks, you shouldn't feel withdrawal any more. Urges to smoke will have dissipated, and you can relax knowing that you have taken control of your life again. In the coming few weeks, irritability, sleeplessness, and depression associated with smoking will subside and you'll be able to take in just how incredible it is to not be a smoker.

One year after quitting, you are at a massively decreased risk of coronary heart disease, about half that of a smoker. Over the next few years, the rest of your disease risks will return to those of a non-smoker.

The first month is the hardest, but if you stick to it you'll be rewarded in the end. Make sure that your family and friends know that you're quitting smoking and to expect you to be more irritable and anxious. The first two weeks after I quit, I was absolutely unbearable to be around, but it went away with time and I never look back and miss smoking.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
There are virtually hundreds of things that would help you stop smoking. These range from tips, online advices, products and all sorts of devices that would help you break the habit for good. In this article, we would mention some of these helpful things:

Never stop trying- Stopping your attempts to quit, no matter how many hundreds of times you have been attempting it, would mean your defeat, your surrender to a lifelong misery under this addiction. So if you really want to quit the habit then you must never give in to the immediate urges of smoking or to the likelihood of relapsing. Just continue to do your attempts and sooner or later, you will be able to handle quitting a bit easier than you have first done.

Enroll in a Quit Smoking Programs- Many people dismiss the idea of seeking professional help when wanting to quit because of the thinking that this would not do them any good. Smoking is not as handy as you may have first thought. If you heroin addicts could not break their habit easily then you can't expect that you could easily get off your nicotine addiction flawlessly. Stopping your body's dependency will somehow cripple your body in the initial stages. You will feel every irritable, uneasy and you might not function well in the first few days after getting off the habit. But this will all come to pass. BUT, before you would succeed you are likely to face a lot of things that could challenge your will power and courage to turn your back from something you have learned to accustom yourself with. Thus you will need so much external support.

Multi-layered services of the Quit Smoking Programs will provide the essential steps into cigarette cessation. Normally, these emphasize team effort to stop smoking, to visit psychologists, pulmonologist and a number of other experts in the field. Please check your insurance policy before you sign up for a Quit Smoking Program so you could estimate the expenses. Some policies cover a portion of the costs.

Try Nicotine Replacement Therapy and Products- NRT and its products aim to replace cigarette in terms of nicotine dependency while helping to relieve the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal once a person decides to quit smoking. There are a number of nicotine replacement products available in the US market which includes two types of nicotine patches, nicotine lozenges and nicotine gums. Prescription-only products include nicotine-free tablets and nicotine nasal sprays. These are usually more effective when used in conjunction with behavioral modification program, which by the way aims to change the way someone behaves to better facilitate the cessation of cigarette dependency.

Good self treatment- If you need diversions then please find one. You are denying yourself of the cigarettes and it would be okay if you would find other things that could ultimately and effectively replace the habit without bringing in another substance that will replace your dependency. Cigarette cessation is a very difficult task so try to distract yourself by eating the foods you want- but don't gain weight if possible-, buying the things you want, going to places that would help you ignore the urges of smoking and practically do all stuffs that would make you less vulnerable to relapsing. Make yourself feel good as the process of smoking would definitely make you feel bad.

Think of things...several times over- Planning is a crucial part of cigarette cessation. If you are going into a situation that would likely lead you to smoke, it is better to prepare and condition yourself to repel the temptations. If you do things that you typically associate with smoking then try to find ways to limit your exposure to the pull of smoking. Try to bring with you nicotine replacement stuffs so you would not be allured to "just a puff".

Don't fool yourself- If you have committed to stop smoking then never be deluded to thinking that you would get satisfaction with smoking just one stick. This never works. It's either you decide to smoke full time or find other means to distract yourself off from smoking. Addiction works not only with taking just one hit, in fact you would never be satisfied with just one puff. So try not to bring yourself near any trouble.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


The two medicines involved in a new stop smoking shot - the SMARTTM Shot - has been around for about ten years, Scopolamine and Atarax, and are now FDA approved for stop smoking aids. SMART stands for Scopolamine Medicated Anticholinergic Receptor Treatment, with Scopolamine as a medicine that contains the ingredient of the seasickness patch, while Atarax is an antihistamine like Benadryl. Together, they block the brain nicotine receptors and ease the physical withdrawal pains of the nicotine by placing one shot in the hip or buttocks, instead of the older shots which consisted of three shots - two behind the ear and one in the buttock - of other more traditional shot methods. For the next two weeks, medication and the scopolamine patch are used jointly with a success rate of 70 to 80% while patches have a success rate of 20%, which is considered a normal rate of success. The thing to remember is that it can cause side effects, so doctors advise medical examination before allowing the patients to go ahead with the treatment especially if there are medical concerns or medical drugs being taken.

People who recommend the treatment say that the shots prevent withdrawal symptoms by blocking the nicotine receptors. Others say that this happens only when very high doses of atropine are injected. According to one study, about 40% of the people who took this treatment stopped smoking, though some clinics claim a success rate of 80%. There are some who are quite critical of anti smoking shots. They believe that more work needs to be done before establishing the efficacy of these drugs. The side effects commonly associated with anti-smoking shots are blurred vision, difficulty in urinating, dizziness, dry mouth, confusion, etc. Hallucinations, heart attack, coma, and stroke may be caused by excessive doses of anticholinergic drugs.

This new shot has been developed by Dr. Voelker, who has spent the last ten years studying and fighting smoking, COPD, emphysema, and lung cancer. He has also pioneered early lung cancer detection and treatment, then taught these methods around the country to other doctors. A director of the Doctor's hospital pulmonary and critical care department at the Sarasota Memorial Hospital, he is board certified in internal medicine, critical care, and pulmonary medicine - while also being listed in medicine's "Who's Who". The shot or injection treatment is certainly not advisable for women who are pregnant, or for individuals who have heart rhythm problems, prostate problems or are taking mood-altering drugs. It is best to opt for the treatment as a last resort if you have any of these conditions, while needing to find out the rate of success, the reputation and the support offered by clinics that offer stop smoking shots in comparison.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Are you ready to quit smoking and get rid of the addiction of cigarettes? You have to be prepared to do what it takes to succeed.

This article will tell you about one of the most important things when it comes to quit smoking, the mindset. People say that you can achieve what you want with the right mindset and to a certain point that is true. When it comes to getting rid of the habit of smoking, it is a fact. For everyone who really want to quit, the mindset can be the difference between failure and success.

My grandfather told me a story about when he was a young guy. About when he got a pipe and tobacco at the age of 14 from his relatives. It was a gift to show that he was not a boy anymore (this was very usual in the old days here). When he was asked if he was ever going to quit, he told us that he would smoke as long as he could breathe.

When my grandma got very seriously ill, something happened to his mindset. He stopped smoking after over 50 years.

When my daughter at the age of 6 told me she was scared that I would die if I did not quit smoking, and that I would be a dead grandfather for her children, something happened to my mindset. I had lots of reasons to stop smoking before that, but she gave me a very valuable reason that changed my mindset. As a result of this I quit.

Lots of people experience the same thing. They experience happenings in their life that changes their way of thinking, They find motivation to get rid of the cigarettes.

What does it take to change the mindset and get prepared to quit smoking? For the ones that really want to quit this is not a big problem, they will make it anyway (maybe with a little help). There is so much written down, both facts and motivational, about cigarettes and smoke. For the person who wants to get rid of the addiction, reading this could be a good solution. In many cases just a little difference in the way it is written can be all that is needed.

For the ones that need new inspiration and a changed mindset to stop smoking I will give this advice. Read all you can find about the damage tobacco does to your health and surroundings. By doing this there is a huge chance you will find what is needed to trigger your mindset to become a quitter. When it comes to smoking, I just love quitters.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
If you are making an attempt to rid yourself of the smoking habit, then there are great chances that the name of Wellbutrin will be quite familiar to you. Several doctors prescribe Wellbutrin to stop smoking. People use this drug, without actually knowing what it does to the body. Wellbutrin is popularly considered to be an effective medicine for smoking cessation. But very few people know why this drug is effective, or whether there are any limitations to its use.

Wellbutrin is the brand name of the drug buproprion, also known as amfebutamone. In some places, Wellbutrin is also sold under the brand name of Zyban. The main use of this drug is as an antidepressant. In fact, as an antidepressant, it is very popular - it is currently the fourth largest prescribed antidepressant in the world.

The active component of Wellbutrin, i.e. buproprion works at reducing the effects of nicotine in the smoker. Nicotine is the main addictive principle of the cigarettes. It is the nicotine that causes the smoker to smoke again and again. Buproprion works at reducing these effects.

Also, due to its antidepressant properties, Wellbutrin can help the quitting smoker to face the withdrawal symptoms better. One common problem with smoking cessation is that it can cause obesity. Recent studies has shown that Wellbutrin is effective even in causing weight loss.

However, detractors of the drug maintain that the use of Wellbutrin to stop smoking may actually not be so effective as it is claimed to be. There are some experts who claim that the drug will not work in hardened smokers, and there is a tendency to return back to the addiction. Since it is medication to be taken orally, if one forgets a dose, or if the drug is unavailable, the anxiety pangs could be so strong that the person may be forced to smoke again. Wellbutrin has also been denounced as being no more than a placebo, which does nothing better than create a false feeling of de-addiction in the mind of the smoker, which does not last for a very long time either.

There are several contraindications of the drug that doctors need to check up on before making a prescription. Wellbutrin cannot be prescribed to people having problems such as epilepsy or eating disorders like anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Since the drug is metabolized in the liver, it is necessary that the person taking it must have a healthy liver. Wellbutrin is also not advisable for people with any kind of kidney problems, or those who are suffering from high blood pressure.

But the biggest risk of using Wellbutrin to stop smoking is observed in children and adolescents. It is found that continuous use of the drug can increase the risks of suicide. In fact, FDA has made it compulsory for all packets of the drug to carry a suicide risk warning.

The use of Wellbutrin is somewhat controversial, but it does remain one of the most popular treatment methods. It has a comparatively decent success rate in reducing the smoking addiction.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


For some people, to quit smoking is not just dealing with the withdrawal symptoms. They miss the taste of the cigarette itself, or the act of smoking and when the time comes to quit, they don't know what to do with their hands and mouths. I guess you could take up knitting and eating candies. Actually, there are some products that help you specifically with these issues and then some and most of these products work best in combination with a stop smoking program, nicotine gum or patch.

For example, you have the E-Z Quit Artificial Cigarette. This is a smokeless cigarette that let's you satisfy your craving to have a drag. It doesn't contain any chemicals, so it's completely harmless. Instead, it comes with a mint taste that keeps your taste buds busy. Since this doesn't satisfy your nicotine craving, you might have to cover that with gum or a patch, but maybe your imagination is enough.

Kind of similar to the last product is Simply Quit. It also offers you artificial cigarettes, except these actually taste like tobacco.

A product that promises the gradual reduction of nicotine is One Step at a Time Cigarette Filters. This system gives you four different filters; each of them can be used for up to 14 days. With the first filter, you eliminate 25% of the nicotine in your cigarette. Once you're accustomed to that filter, you move on to the next one, which eliminates 50%, then 70% and finally 90%. With this product, you don't need extra help with the withdrawal symptoms, since you're still smoking and you don't need anything to keep your hands busy.

NicoBloc is similar to those products above, only here you apply a few drops of a special liquid directly onto the filter. It claims to filter out 99% of nicotine, tar and other dangerous chemicals contained in the cigarette.

Other products such as Super Stop Cigarette Filters and Aquafilter remove tar and nicotine from your cigarette (well, some of it anyway) without compromising the taste. They promise that you can keep on smoking without the health hazards. Makes you wonder why everybody isn't using it.

Some people just need a few puffs to satisfy their craving at that moment. What they do is have a few drags, put out the cigarette and when the craving hits again, just light up the same cigarette. What the "Smart Ashtray" offers is exactly the same thing, except you have an ashtray to put the cigarette in! What this is supposed to do is gradually decrease your nicotine intake. Personally, I don't see why you would spend money on something that you can just as easily do yourself, but hey, that's just me.

Other ways to help you quit smoking are acupuncture, hypnosis or laser therapy. These can help to reduce the cravings. There are also certain drops that you apply on the filter and which makes the cigarette taste disgusting.

With all the products out there that are supposed to help you quit smoking, there are still many more in development right now. Some of them seem unconventional, but they might just work for some individuals. Maybe they're just right for you!
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
A common misconception about marijuana addiction is that like cigarettes and some hard drugs in that the body develops an addiction to a chemical and if deprived of it brings on serious physical cravings that can near incapacitate some people. This is however totally incorrect and is one of the main reasons people misunderstand the addiction and fail when trying to quit? So what is the secret on How to stop smoking marijuana? Why am I addicted to a non addictive substance? The answer is psychological.

Since your body has no desperate need for pot the addiction this creates is mental or psychological. Psychological addiction stems from a person's addiction to the high that an action creates; gambling addiction is the same when people are addicted to winning and even shopping can be a psychological addiction when people get addicted to finding bargains and buying nice things even if they will never use them. In the end they are all similar in that this high becomes something a person wants so much they believe it is a need and will continue to smoke pot because they think they cannot do without it and continue chasing the high.

However to combat this we need to go even deeper and look at why that initial addiction to that high began. What drove you to start smoking and what drove you to continue smoking. Some people simply fell into it because their friends all smoked, others use pot as a was to escape stress or to escape from abuse and others still smoke marijuana because they lack direction in their lives and it feels like an easy way to waste time which they find they cannot escape from. There are as many reasons for addiction as there are addictions meaning everyone is different but the common link is everyone one needs to understand their addiction and the cause before they can really learn to quit forever.

If you can find these reasons then you can start taking action to stop smoking marijuana. Some methods include meditation, finding rewarding hobbies, exercise, finding different social groups and so on. These solutions often have to be hand tailored by the addict so they can fill that time they spent smoking with other activities that are healthy and bring a sense or reward without being high. Though some have to be careful they do not simply pick up a replacement addiction which can be just as bad.

So how to stop smoking marijuana is actually how to understand all aspects of your addiction and then finding the willpower and help you need to fill your life with healthier and better things. good luck!
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Many people try to stop smoking and fail. There are actually a number of ways to kick the habit easily, but they all take determined self-will, a willingness to succeed, and a desire to want to stop smoking. Many people think that they can just quit smoking 'cold turkey,' and never return to another cigarette. This method of quitting is probably one of the most difficult as there is a high chance for reverting back to the bad smoking habit; yet quitting the smoking habit can be done by those who are determined to do it. That being said, there are plenty of easier ways to kick the diehard habit that one should consider if he or she is looking to get away from a nicotine addiction.

Hypnotherapy for Smoking Habits

One of the easiest ways to quit smoking is to use hypnotherapy to give you the drive and will power to succeed. There are actually several professional hypnotherapists that are actually in your own town or local area that can help transform your mind to make it think that it doesn't want a cigarette. Self-hypnosis is also another option for those who desire to kick the habit on their own. Both of these hypnotherapy options for smoking, though, rely on a technique that involves concentrated relaxation. Your mind focuses on the problem at hand, smoking, and the major goal is to imagine yourself as a non-smoker and putting down the cigarettes.

The Nicotine Patch

This is one of the very popular methods that have been used throughout the world to help quit smoking. Nicotine patches have consistently worked for hundreds of thousands of people to help them kick the habit. This is perhaps one of the easiest methods to quit smoking as all that's required is a patch that goes on your arm. The patch curbs your smoking cravings so that it's easier to go long periods of time without picking up a cigarette.

Other Nicotine Medications

There are actually several other types of nicotine medications that doctors prescribe for people who are trying to quit smoking. These options include Nicorette, which is nicotine gum, nicotine nasal spray, nicotine inhalers, and nicotine lozenges. All of these stop smoking aids are designed to not only lessen your cravings with also decrease withdrawal symptoms from cigarettes. For example, if you decided to quit smoking cold turkey then you could use one of these medications to help you succeed.

Mind over Matter

Another way that can be really effective to stop smoking and leave the smoking habit forever is to gather up enough will power to set down your cigarettes and never touch them again. The process of mind over matter simply involves facing the fear you have about what will happen if you stop smoking, dealing with the fear and feelings that go with it, and taking action to get rid of the problem. The psychology of action can be powerful not only for your self-esteem when you succeed in kicking the smoking habit, but also for future situations where you need incredible will power to get something done!

As you can see, there are several very easy ways to quit smoking and kick the die hard habit forever! Using mind over matter techniques, nicotine medications and patches that have been proven to work, or hypnotherapy that has helped thousands worldwide, it is entirely possible to easily quit smoking forever!
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM 1 comment READ FULL POST


There are many different quit smoking symptoms that appear in smokers who are trying to quit. The range of symptoms is quite wide but luckily, most smokers will not suffer all of the symptoms, only one or two. Nevertheless, some of the symptoms can be quite uncomfortable and can motivate smokers to start up and abandon quitting.

In alphabetical order, the most common quit smoking symptoms are:

Quit smoking symptom #1: Anger: When you quit smoking, your brain chemistry isn't able to work normally because you haven't any nicotine in your system. As a result, smokers who have been off the smokes for a day or too can get a bit cranky. They tend to be pretty unpleasant company and are liable to fly off the handle pretty easily.

Quit smoking symptom #2 Bad Breath or halitosis: This is one of the more anti-social of quit smoking symptoms. Many people recommend chewing gum as this not only gives your mouth something to do but also covers up the bad odour. What most smokers don't realise is that they had bad breath anyway. It is only because they quit smoking that they actually came to notice it!

Quit smoking symptom #3 Constipation: It is not known specifically why, but many smokers complain of constipation when they quit smoking. The intestinal tract tends to slow down but it is normally only temporary. The only recommended remedies are to drink plenty of water and eat plenty of high fibre foods such as wholemeal and fruits.

Quit smoking symptom #4 Cough: When you quit smoking, the lungs finally get a moment to start cleaning themselves the way they are supposed to. This process doesn't work normally when smoking every hour or so. The body is simply expelling the mucus that has accumulated over the years. This wet cough should only last a week or two and it is your body naturally cleaning itself from the inside.

Quit smoking symptom #5 Cravings: When you quit smoking, you stop taking in a regular supply of nicotine. After only 3 days there is none left in your body. As such, because your brain is so used to nicotine it 'wonders' where it is and asks for more by giving you cravings to smoke. Your best course of action is to distract yourself for a while. The average craving only lasts a minute or two and they become fewer and farther between over time.

Quit smoking symptom #6 Dizziness: When you quit smoking, your body starts fixing the red blood cells that have been handicapped with carbon monoxide. After a couple of days, the 15% of a smoker's blood that was dysfunctional becomes proper working blood again. The dizziness is a side effect of the extra oxygen your blood is delivering to your brain!

Quit smoking symptom #7 Headaches: Your body has been used to nicotine within the system whilst you were a smoker. Now that the nicotine has subsided, your brain chemistry is trying to reset itself. Sometimes this manifests in headaches. To deal with this, your best bet is to avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee or cola and drink plenty of water. Take some painkillers when required.

Quit smoking symptom #8 Hunger: Craving for cigarettes can be confused with hunger. You have been used to having a cigarette (or something) in your mouth about once every hour for the last few years. That is now gone. Try sucking a straw, eating low-calorie raw vegetables or chewing gum. Don't turn to chocolate or potato chips - you will get fat!

Quit smoking symptom #9 Insomnia: Because the nicotine your brain was used to is no longer there, the brain isn't working the way it is used to. As a result, it may keep you in a bit of a nervous panic that stops you being able to sleep. Have a hot bath and a hot drink and see if you can't nod off like normal.

Quit smoking symptom #10 Sore throat: Your body has been used to secreting plenty of mucus in your airways whilst you were a smoker to deal with the irritation of the smoke. When you quit, it stops producing this mucus and leaves you with a dry throat that becomes sore. Drink plenty of water to try and alleviate the symptoms. If they get really bad, try an over-the-counter anaesthetic spray.

All of these quit smoking symptoms will conspire against you. They will irritate and annoy you when you try to quit smoking. But remember, they are just symptoms and they will all pass in time. As irritating and annoying as they all are, none of them are as tedious as an early death from cigarettes!

Whatever you do when you are trying to quit smoking, my advice is to never stop trying to quit.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Smoking can hurt people in a number of ways including being an addiction, with; it is believed more than 400,000 deaths resulting from smoking in the United States. It also hurts those around smokers, and involuntary smoking can cause, it is believed, as many as 300,000 cases of pneumonia as well as bronchitis annually.

Many people try to stop smoking, but may fail in the effort. However, they need to take heart from the fact that they may have to make several attempts before they are able to successfully stop smoking. Every time you try and fail to stop smoking it may be viewed as a part of the overall effort of stopping to smoke, and not a lesson in failure. It is important for you, at the outset, to realize that your smoking habit is an addiction that needs to be cured.

A Matter Of Personal Choice And Liking

Many people believe that they smoke due to liking the feeling, or because they choose to smoke and this may be due to the heavy advertising that tobacco companies use to promote the belief that smoking is a matter of personal choice. The point that needs to be considered is whether this choice or liking to smoke has turned into an addiction, which if it is the case, will prove to be difficult to break the habit. In fact stopping to smoke is as difficult as giving up on a heroin addiction, or cocaine addiction.

If you do make the wise choice of stopping to smoke, you will be well advised to try out a new tool that will help you in your endeavor. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved of Chantix as a means to stop smoking. This is not a magic pill that will end a person's habit of smoking, but it will considerably ease the process of stopping to smoke, and will certainly require you to be persistent as well as committed to achieve your goal.

Smoking causes nicotine from the cigarette to make the receptors within the brain to release dopamine, which is a chemical that causes positive feelings in smokers. If you do stop smoking, the lack of dopamine will trigger misery in you as well as make you feel certain withdrawal symptoms, which include irritation, insomnia as well as difficulty to concentrate. There are nicotine replacement products that you may turn to, which help in continuing to release some few dopamine in the brain and thus lessens craving for nicotine.

You can use Chantix in this way as it also releases low amounts of dopamine so that you do not experience withdrawal symptoms, while it also blocks nicotine receptors within the brain. In fact, the occasional cigarette that you may smoke while taking Chantix will not stimulate your brain's receptors as it would have if you were not using Chantix. In fact, smoking becomes less pleasurable and there is thus less desire to return to smoking.

To get the best from your Chantix intake, you could begin by taking it a week prior to when you wish to stop smoking. It is often prescribed for twelve weeks, and at first, you may need to take it once daily and then progress on to twice daily. With an increase in dosage, you will also not be at much risk of side effects. If you do manage to stop smoking after the twelve weeks are up, another twelve weeks course may also be required to ensure that you do not go back to your old smoking habits again.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Smokers wanting to stop smoking, often try everything they can to quit the habit and become smoke free. Quit smoking aids like pills, creams and patches can help, but many have not been successful with these types of products.

A new aid to help stop smoking has now become available. These are the stop smoking magnets. Featuring two specially designed bio-magnets worn on the upper ear, the gentle yet precise pressure created by these magnetic anti smoking aids, stimulate specific nerve points in the smokers ear. By applying this gentle acupressure, these magnets induce the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the smokers' brain.

Dopamine is a natural chemical produced by the human brain producing feelings of calm, pleasure and satisfaction. Stop smoking magnets encourage the production of this natural brain chemical and reduce the desire to smoke in the process, slowly eliminating the smokers need to light up.

This bio-magnetic anti smoking device is worn on the left ear by the smoker for at least two hours a day, during which he or she can continue to smoke as usual. Quitting "cold turkey" is not required when using stop smoking magnets which are FDA registered medical devices. Smokers wishing to quit have reported reduction in their desire to light up a cigarette after using the magnets for seven days.

Stop smoking magnets are a form of auricular therapy, which is the science of applying acupuncture to the ear. As auricular therapy devices, these magnets, which are usually 24 karat gold plated, are similar in effect to reflexology and iridology.

Currently it is reported that over 2 million people have used stop smoking magnets to cure their smoking habit. Smokers trying to quit, often complain about the ongoing cost of aids such as pills, patches and creams. The magnets are reusable and require a onetime investment by the smoker.

If you would like to learn more about stop smoking magnets, the technology behind them and their effectiveness, please click on over to: http://www.discover-more.info/about/stop-smoking-magnets.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Smokers are well aware of the fact that even if they try to stop smoking, they will have to give in after some time due to the presence of nicotine in cigarettes. Once you quit smoking, then coping with the cravings becomes a mountainous task. In order to stop smoking, you need to have complete command over your mind. You need to enhance your coping skills in order to eradicate the habit of smoking. Your doctor may give you tablets to deal with the cravings of nicotine, but actually, it is your mind, which would help you in the long run.

You can go for a nicotine replacement therapy, if your cravings are too strong. Use replacements such as gums, patches and sprays during the withdrawal period. Following are the things that may assist you tackling with your cravings:

Refine your Thinking: Great thinkers believe that it is the thinking, which determines one's life, so after quitting the habit, you need to stop thinking about it, as if it was never a part of your life. Begin with some creative work and engage yourself in it and soon you may find that you have many others things to look forward other than smoking.

Exercise: In order to get rid of the problem, you need to be mentally sound and this is only possible when you are healthy. It is essential for you to remember that exercise helps in overall development of the body, so you need to exercise religiously. It helps in relieving stress and allows the mind to relax.

Breathe Deeply: There is need to perform breathing exercises on a daily basis. Smokers have breathing problems, so if you start these exercises, then not only can you deal with your cravings, but also can find solutions for breathing problems. You need to learn meditation techniques, as they can be a great help. Incorporate these things in your life for dealing with smoking.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
When people try to stop smoking they don't really understand the 2 specific problems they face and there attempts to stop smoking fail.

Understand the problems and the solutions are straightforward.

Let's look at them.

The first problem is mental addiction.

Most people see cigarettes as a friend that they can't let go.

Smoking is social and pleasurable (despite the health risks) and to overcome mental addiction you simply must want to stop.

You know the health risks and the cost and you know deep down if you really want to stop.

If you do you will, if you don't you wont. It's a simple choice.

Now, if you really want to give up the battle is with:

The physical addiction.

Quite simply, if you stop you will face nicotine withdrawal symptoms and they are not pleasant.

You will face nausea, stress, irritability and fatigue, it's hard to cope with but there is good news.

You don't have to face the above!

You can simply take nicotine, which causes these symptoms outside of cigarettes and if you do it will do you no harm.

Nicotine is not dangerous!

Nicotine only provides the addictive nature of smoking and does not cause death or disease - That is some of the other 4,000 chemicals consumed in cigarettes, many of them poisons.

There are many ways to satisfy a nicotine craving.

You can use patches, gum, puffers and inhalers that all give you a measured dose.

Forget hypnotherapy and herbs, they don't satisfy the craving as they don't contain nicotine.

If you want to stop smoking you need a dose of nicotine.

If you are finding the addiction uncomfortable and you don't' have the willpower, you need some help.

Still worried about taking nicotine? Then read on.

Fact: Nicotine does you good!

Nicotine not only does you n0o harm, it actually does you good - When consumed outside of cigarettes.

Many people don't know that it's actually part of the natural food chain.

Trace elements are present in many everyday foods including:

Teas, tomatoes, potatoes and bell peppers, to name just a few.

In organic form it is safe non toxic and does you good.

It is proven to make you feel better by improving mood, attention and concentration and is being researched to provide help with a number of conditions from depression to Altziemer's disease.

Organic nicotine products are now being produced and the first one to hit the market with no added chemicals is nicotine in water.

Originally just aimed at smokers when they could not or did not wish to smoke, it's now being taken by many non smokers for its health benefits.

Final words.

Mentally it's easy to stop smoking - If you really want to you will.

The physical addiction is harder to overcome, as nicotine withdrawal symptoms are hard to cope with - So don't try!

Get help and satisfy your craving when you stop smoking.

Take nicotine outside of cigarettes and you know that not only will it satisfy your craving, it will not only do you no harm, but will actually be healthy for you as well.

If you understand the above and really want to stop smoking you will.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
To be able to stop smoking is a dream for many people; but actually being able to quit is whole different story. Smoking addiction can be one of the hardest habits to break. Some people start smoking as a child or teenager trying to fit in with their peers. This puts them on a road that is very hard to turn around on.

Children are exposed to the glamorous side of smoking at a young age. You see actors and actresses in movies that make smoking a cigarette look like it is a cool thing to do. You have from the sophisticated starlet to the tough gangster. The military specialist or the supposed hero of the movie may smoke. What kind of message do we really want to send to our children?

Unfortunately, the inglorious side of smoking is not shown enough. True, we have more public service announcements today than they did a few years ago but there are far less PSAs than there really should be.

Cigarettes contain many different chemicals that cause a multitude of health problems and keep you addicted. There is nicotine, tar and even arsenic just to name a few of the chemicals. Normally, you would try to avoid these chemicals in any other situation. You would never think to use arsenic in your everyday life. Unless, of course, you are slowly trying to deliberately kill someone. When you smoke, you are doing exactly this. You are slowly poisoning your body.

There are numerous aides out there to try to help you stop smoking. There are gums, patches and pills. Just about any gimmick that you can think of is out there and someone has tried it. You can even try hypnosis. For some people, these gimmicks do work. Whether this is just a psychological effect or a true helpful aide is left for debate. Some people will tell you that there is nothing out there that can help them stop smoking. They have tried everything and they have failed every time. Some of these smokers have been smoking for years. Some have been smoking for only a little while. The result is still the same.

Will power is considered a major factor in being able to quit smoking. For some people, it is considered the only true aide that you need to stop smoking. It is believed that you can consciously make the decision to quit and since you made this decision you can win the battle over the addiction. This group of people believes that if you don't want to quit smoking then you will never be able to quit. Still others believe that will power is not the deciding factor in being successful. They believe that you have to have something to help you quit.

Smoking causes a multitude of health conditions. These conditions can range from asthma to lung cancer. The damage can be reversible or it can be deadly. The goal for quitting is to regain as much of your health as you possibly can. Even if you can't regain all of your damaged lungs back; every little bit that you can gain can add years to your life. The quality of your life also increases.

Figuring out what will work for you is the hardest part of trying to quit smoking. You may go from one stop smoking aide to the next with little success. Realizing that smoking is an addiction that needs to be beat is a good start to being successful. The next step is finding the best way for you to quit smoking. There are a lot of fears of what will happen when you quit smoking. You will gain weight. You will have to follow a special diet or take special medications. All of these considerations have to be looked at and evaluated. You can be successful with a program that is comfortable for you and is a program that you can commit yourself to in order to win the battle to quit smoking.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Although it can be a difficult process to quit smoking there are obvious benefits to seeing it through to the end. You will save a heap of money that can be used on spoiling your family or even yourself. You won't have to go outside every 30 minutes to have a smoke in social events. But the most obvious benefit is that your health will be improved. This article will discuss the stop smoking effects on your body when you manage to quit.

Even after the first day of being smoking free your body will start to change. In effect, it will start to heal itself. Your blood pressure will come down, your heart rate may drop and more oxygen will get into the bloodstream than previously. Cardiovascular and circulatory problems, like atherosclerosis, will be reduced if you keep off the smokes. The chances of heart attacks due to smoking will also be reduced.  Within a week you will probably find your food is tastier and be more aware of aromas and smells of your food. Smoking dulls the taste buds and blocks the sinuses. By stopping smoking, these senses will be improved.

A few months after you quit smoking your circulation will start to improve and you will have more capacity in your lungs. This means you will feel fitter and be able to exercise more. You will be able to walk, jog of play sports without gasping for air. The persistent cough that you got used to when you smoked will stop. You will not be short of breath as often a before.

If you manage to quit smoking for a year the chances are you will not go back to smoking. If you can stay smoke free for a year the chances of a smoking related heart attack will halve. You will also reduce the chances of developing many smoking related cancers, like lung, throat, kidney and pancreas cancer.

If you can mange to stop smoking for any length of time, you might find that the noticeable changes in your body and health will spur you on to stop smoking for good. There is no doubt that your quality of life will be improved and you will have more capacity for life if you kick the habit. Start today, there was never a better time to stop smoking for good.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Smoking is an addiction triggered by the presence of nicotine in our bodies and it's one of the main reasons that when we quit smoking we develop some symptoms. Generally, the period after nicotine withdrawal during which a person feels certain symptoms is known as Quitter's flu. So what happens when you quit nicotine consumption?

One of the most common symptoms during the recovery from nicotine withdrawal is craving. Craving to smoke is the most common symptom and some experience other symptoms like insomnia, headache, cough, dry mouth, irritation, constipation and sore throat.

Other common symptoms of nicotine withdrawal are tiredness and lack of concentration. You might feel an increase in your appetite and weight gain. But usually, these symptoms only last a few days.

Here are some tips that might help you dealing with nicotine withdrawals. Whenever you get the urge to smoke try to delay it until the urge passes away. Secondly, drink a lot of water it helps curbing the urge to smoke. Do something else that will occupy your mind and distract you form lighting up a cigarette. Another tip I came across was to fill up a small plastic container with cigarette butts and water seal the lid and leave it .When the urge arise you simply open the container and smell the content that should, hopefully put you off smoking another cigarette.

Understand, your body is used to nicotine; it will take time for the body to overcome this addiction. Get plenty of rest, take multivitamin and exercise.

nicotine withdrawal is a temporary phase, it will pass and it's well worth the benefits you gain from giving up smoking.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Every smoker knows that he or she needs a stop smoking tip or two. It could be from a friend who quit successfully because he stuck to a quit smoking timeline; it may be the girl you met in a bar who stopped the smokes when her favorite grandma died from constant tobacco use; it may even be your barber who quit when he accidentally set on fire his customer's head.

Whatever the reason - hilarious or not - know that smokers who decide to quit need support from the people they are preferably close to.

When I finally quit smoking - as in really quit after more than 10 years of smoking 2 packs a day - I realized on the 3rd day that I couldn't do it alone, but had to so I quit cold turkey. I had the feared withdrawal symptoms - I coughed all through the day and night, was irritable, wanted to eat all the time (specifically sweets), had intermittent headaches, didn't get enough sleep and felt like I had non-stop premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Everyone was on tiptoe when I showed up at work looking like a hag - and knew I was being laughed at behind my back.

This last time, I got moral support from the most unexpected person - my husband. Whether he just lusted after my stash of smokes (he's a smoker too, but only does so for less than a pack a day) or he was really concerned for my well-being, I couldn't care less. His looking after me and his assistance when the cravings came was more than enough to make me quit totally. And the funny thing was, one person was all I needed - one person who listened to my anxiety-ridden 3 weeks of a nerve wracking nicotine withdrawal.

Hence, the first tip: Find at least one person who will be patient enough to support you in your quitting. He should be willing to listen through your heart-breaking angst. He should also be ready to do a karate chop on your arm just so you don't reach for the smokes. (My husband smoked, so I tried to steal some of his sticks; he did it on me.) One person is enough, than having a lot of "friends" castigating you at the same time.

And based on experience, here are some other tips to try:

- Throw away all smoking paraphernalia - cigarette or tobacco packs, ashtrays, lighters, cigarette cases - anything that would remind you of the habit. The adage "out of sight, out of mind" doesn't just refer to love; it applies to smoking as well.

- Write down a list on why you want to stop, your goals and stick it by your refrigerator door. This is so that you'll always be reminded of why you're quitting in the first place.

- Prepare yourself for withdrawal symptoms. When we started smoking, we already knew that it was bad for the health. Quitting would be payback time for the smokes, but will greatly benefit us in the long-term. Expect at least a cough because your airways are slowly being revived, the oxygen is sometimes suffocating. Give it time; it'll ease in a couple of days, or probably a week or two.

- Have a calendar by your bedside table or a diary where you can cross out each day that you go smoke-free. This will slowly build your confidence and self-assurance that you can do it, that you can actually quit. (It should make you proud too, a great way to boost your self-esteem.)

- When you crave for food, don't worry. Your body is just craving for sweets due to lowered blood sugar levels. When you gain weight, don't worry. You can always lose the gain. Just eat if you must and concentrate on quitting. When you feel that you are completely free from the addiction, then you can start concentrating on your diet and your body's needs.

- Lastly, don't walk in a bar, especially if you're just starting out with quitting. You may still be prone to cravings now and then; baiting and testing yourself if you can say "no" to a lighted cigarette is like falling in the middle of the ocean with no hope of rescue. Believe me, stay away from any atmosphere that may make you see smoke. Just a few weeks, and you can party with friends again.

Smoking is a dangerous addiction. You won't feel the effects while you're doing it, but the future may cost you your life. I can't stress enough the dangers of long-term smoking - the risks of cancers and coronary heart disease would be too high. It is never too late to quit.

Quit now. In the end, you'll thank your lucky stars that you did.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


If there's one thing that is known to contribute to almost all diseases, it's smoking. Stop smoking if you want to help prevent cancer, diabetes, asthma, digestion problems, liver problems, kidney problems, and most important of all, heart and lung problems.

Smokers have been known to have a variety of different diseases, and the first thing that a doctor suggests is to stop smoking! The major problem attributed to smoking is COPD or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This is a destructive lung disease that blocks the airways and prevents you from breathing normally. To stop smoking is the best way to prevent COPD, or, if you already have COPD, at least help control the symptoms. There are also medications also that can take care of COPD signs and symptoms to some extent.

In the case of COPD, the breathing tubes start getting clogged up and that prevents entry of oxygen into the lungs. The inhalers used by such patients actually help open constricted airways and facilitate the passage of more air into the lungs. If you do not stop smoking, the alveoli--the fine finger like projections inside the lungs--will get clogged up, and this will prevent the diffusion of gasses inside the lungs.

Doctors typically tell the patients to stop smoking because the tar deposition from the smoke first burns up the fine flagella inside the air tubes. Over time, the tar deposits continue to build up more and more, and the air channel becomes too narrow to let air pass through. COPD can be a fatal disease if you do not stop smoking after the warning signs start to show up. The warning signs include difficulty in breathing, fatigue, wheezing and a constant phlegmatic cough.

A patient suffering with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ends up having brittle lungs and decrease lung function, which results in the lungs being unable to maintain the rhythm of normal breathing. This causes oxygen deficiency in the body and the vital organs start to malfunction. In most cases the COPD patient is left with nominal functionality of the lungs, and this reduces his or her body function to a mere subsistence level. Such patients have far more painful lives and often need the help of external breathing devices and home oxygen. Having COPD can make minor tasks like preparing a cup of coffee a tiring event.

If you stop smoking now, you can not only help prevent COPD, but also a host of other diseases that are known to be either caused by or aggravated by smoking.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
The answer to the question, "What happens when you stop smoking?" seems to be a no-brainer, but people who lay off cigarettes half-heartedly may still be unsure of what to answer.

The reason why this is so because some quitters may not have gone through the whole process of giving up smoking. It is actually an addiction involving physical, mental, and emotional aspects, and only treating the physical aspect of the condition leaves the therapy half-baked.

Those who have gone through proper counseling, on the other hand, can readily give a definite answer when you ask them, "What happens when you stop smoking?" The most common responses are having a healthier lifestyle, feeling more energetic, and becoming more appealing to others.

Instantaneously, what happens when you stop smoking is that the food you're eating will taste better. Your breathing will suddenly clear up and you won't have to endure labored breathing again.

Although what happens sometimes when you stop smoking is that you gain a bit of weight, as is the case in a majority of smokers who need to constantly pop something into their mouths to compensate for the act of puffing on a cigarette, you will also experience a desire to return to exercise.

This is because subconsciously, you know that you are returning to a healthier lifestyle. What happens when you stop smoking is that you begin to get rid of your old excuse for not exercising - that your health is deteriorating, anyway, due to smoking.

What happens to your looks when you stop smoking?

Your skin will begin to take on a healthy glow if supplemented by a balanced, nutritious diet. You will also enjoy a fresher breath (and so would those around you) and you won't have to contend with yellowing, stained teeth.

What also happens when you stop smoking is that even your hair or your clothes will smell fresh and clean, unlike when you're always ensconced in a haze of smoke and you're always smelling like you've been standing on the freeway for hours.

What happens in the first few weeks when you stop smoking is that your blood pressure and your heart rate would begin to normalize; you will experience a slight increase in temperature on your hands and feet; and even your blood circulation will start taking a turn for the better.

Are you now convinced of all the good things that will happen when you stop smoking? [http://www.stopsmokingaidsguide.com/Acupuncture_Stop_Smoking/]

To top off all these wonderful advantages, you can also think about all the health benefits you'll get in the long term. You'll have a healthier heart, robust lungs, and clean organs - including the liver, the trachea, and the stomach.

After reading all these amazing things about what happens when you stop smoking, all you're left to think about is what's taking you so long to make that life-changing decision.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
For years people who smoke have been searching for an effective method to help them break away from the habit of smoking. This is an increasing problem as tobacco users have discovered how difficult it can be stop smoking cigarettes and will more than likely have tested many different methods to try to solve problem. The Majority of smokers who are attempting to stop smoking at the moment using whatever technique are most probably the aforementioned smokers that may have attempted additional kinds of ways to cease smoking and have, so far not been capable to determine a resolution that may bring home the bacon!

The so called "stop smoking injection" has recently been proving to be quit popular amongst those people trying to stop smoking, this is a new medical process that's being tendered to assist individuals with their quit smoking campaigns. The stop smoking shot has been capable of allowing individuals who may have been battling with an addiction to nicotine for an extended period of time to no longer have to address this trouble and be capable of being rid of the complete dependency completely. It has been reported that a growing rate of individuals has been helped quit smoking after selecting a stop smoking injection. The per centum of individuals that have encountered success by this treatment are considerably more than 60%.

Of Course there are always doubters that don't trust in the ability of the stop smoking shot and the power and results that it may have on someone that's contending with an addiction to nicotine. In that respect there have been numerous favorable reviews by individuals who have had the stop smoking injection and then delivered a favorable feedback for it. Yet it is true that a few other individuals have laid claim that the injection doesn't work at all and that there is no use trying the stop smoking injection as it doesn't function. The reality of the matter is that I personally don't think that the quit smoking injection will be able to act in the same way with each individual round the planet; I think there'll be many people that will be helped by the stop smoking injection and some individuals who are won't experience the same level of positive results. Not all medications work on everyone in the same way, this is something that the majority of medicines will point out in the enclosed leaflets and is something that is of course also true for the stop smoking injection. Utilising the stop smoking injection is but one of the numerous processes which can be employed to help break away from nicotine addiction and rid yourself of the smoking habit for once and for all.

It is common advice that before you take any kind of medical treatment that you should do your own research thoroughly to ensure that you do not have any type of pre-existing allergy to the treatment or any of the components of the medicine. Following this advice should help to alleviate the chance of you suffering any major health problems during the chosen treatment. This research prior to any treatment of this nature must include a visit to your doctor so that he can help you form an accurate opinion.

Fighting any kind of physical addiction is always a very tough thing to accomplish and using recognised methods to assist you get past your nicotine addiction can make sure that you are not only successful in your campaign but also that you will not slip back into your old habits.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


The fear of weight gain discourages many smokers to attempt giving up smoking. They rather avoid weight gain than quit smoking. Studies show that at least 25 percent of ex-former smokers with weight-gain phobia lose weight after quitting smoking.

Do all smokers gain weight after they stop smoking? Fortunately, not everybody puts on weight. If you gain weight, the average increase will be as much as 10 pounds. Only smokers who smoke between 10 to 20 years or have more than one pack of cigarettes a day are more likely to experience weight gain.

Why do some smokers put on weight when they quit smoking? The outcomes of quitting smoking cause your body to experience physical changes. Your taste bud begins to improve which leads you to eat more. Smoking increases your metabolism. When you stop smoking, your metabolic rate begins to fall. Your weight goes up because your body now burns less calories. The absence of nicotine causes your insulin level to rise. This gives you the feeling of hunger. If smoking at the end of a meal used to be your habit, you now use food to replace the vacuum left by smoking.

You can maintain or lose weight after quitting smoking. As mentioned, When you quit smoking your metabolism slows down. Exercise can get rid of unneeded calories. To enjoy the benefit of exercise, you need to work out for at least 30 minutes, 5 days a week. You can include climbing stairs, walking briskly, and cycling into your exercise routine. Exercise can also stop you from craving for cigarettes.

Improve your eating habits. Chances are if your eating habit remains the same, you shouldn't put on much weight. Choose your food wisely. Use the Food Guide Pyramid each day so that you eat different kinds of food. Eat lots of beans, grains, vegetables, fish, and fruits. These healthy foods don't carry much calories. Opt for lean meat, low-calorie beverages, and low fat foods. You don't need additional calorie and fat as before. Just use your common sense when it comes to food selection.

Don't let the fear of weight gain discourage you from quitting smoking. The health risk of gaining 10 pounds is nothing compared to the health hazards of smoking. You should worry only if you put on 100 pounds, which is uncommon. Being smoke free will bring you more health benefits. You can lose weight but you can't make lung cancer or heart disease go away.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
The first easy way to stop smoking is never to have started in the first place. It was not a tough decision to begin smoking, but it sure will be a tough one to quit. The decision to quit smoking has three possibilities, according to Bobby Jennings, a writer for Inner Self. Those possibilities consist of

(1) winning,

(2) losing, and

(3) a tie.

What this means is that we will win by successfully quitting smoking, or lose by reverting back to smoking, or tie - we will quit for while, start smoking, quit awhile, and so on ... never quite getting anywhere except ruining our health.

Once we make the decision to quit, the first step will be to develop a stop date. This incidentally is the easiest, because the date is not locked in cement. It can be any day we choose; our birthday, our anniversary, our graduation day, and so on. However, our determination lies in giving up smoking on that date. We can quit smoking gradually over the course of time or do it "cold turkey." The latter is a common term used for people who smoke until the stop date, and then give up smoking completely on that date. This is extremely difficult, and very few people succeed without smoking aids, counseling, or therapy.

The reason why the phase "easy way to stop smoking" is not easy but hard, is because it is difficult to let go of the withdrawal symptoms that will occur when we quit smoking: severe mood swings, irritability, sleeping problems, increased hunger, and a strong desire for a cigarette. To help a smoker through this phase, it is important to register with smoking clinics or smoking support programs. Other helpful methods are acupressure and acupuncture, adopted by many people for stopping smoking. Regular exercise and a healthy non-fat diet can improve your health and will leave you feeling energetic. Yoga and walking are also very beneficial.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is a commonly preferred option by most smokers. These are available over the counters as well as by prescription. Some current products are nicotine gum and patches, which gradually provide the body with small amounts of nicotine to ease the withdrawals, and medication. Zyban is a very popular drug that helps the body get rid of the nicotine craving. Another new drug that was just released by the FDA in May of 2006 is Chantix, a tablet that helps cigarette smokers stop smoking. It acts upon part of the brain that is affected by nicotine, helping the smokers in two ways: it provides some nicotine effects, easing the withdrawal symptoms; and it blocks the effects of nicotine from cigarettes if smoking is resumes after quitting.

Take care to dispose all the ashtrays or any other reminders from your offices as well as home. Drink a lot of fluids or fruit juices instead of alcohol. It is essential to stay away from places and people who can increase the urge for a smoke. You can use your free time in pursuit of a newly discovered hobby or maybe visit a non- smoking support program

Last, write down the reasons for quitting smoking and read it every time you reach out for a smoke. Keep record of the number of days you have not smoked and tell yourself that you can keep it going. Treat yourself with the money that has been saved by not buying cigarettes. The biggest triumph would, however, be if you could influence others into giving up smoking.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
If you have been smoking cigarettes for one year or many years, you'll know how addictive they are. Your body gets used to the nicotine and the smoking habit, and it lets you know when you need to have a smoke break. What if you could free yourself of that craving, and improve your health at the same time? A stop-smoking vaccine, or injection, can help you do just that.

There are various methods and products available to help you quit smoking, and each one of them is effective for some people but not for others. Some of these methods include natural herbs, nicotine-free cigarettes, nicotine gum and patches. One of the methods that has proven to be most effective, with over 70 per cent of smokers having success in quitting, is the stop-smoking vaccine.

The vaccine, which must be administered by a doctor, works rapidly once you receive it to block the receptors in your brain which recognize and crave nicotine. Stopping the craving for nicotine is the most difficult and important part in quitting smoking, and the results of this vaccine show themselves almost overnight. Once you no longer have to worry about craving nicotine, you will have more energy and willpower to devote to breaking the smoking habit.

Along with the need for nicotine, there is simply a habit in stopping for smoke breaks, having something in your hands, and the social part of talking with others about your day while having a cigarette. You can learn to replace these habits with other, healthier behaviors that don't make you crave a cigarette. Try talking on the phone, or going outside for a five-minute walk. Even chewing gum can help break old habits.

Your doctor will be able to provide you with all of the information you need on stop-smoking vaccines, including how effective it will be for you, if there are any possible side effects, and what the cost will be. Although the cost of the vaccine is not incredibly high, you may consider it out of your budget. But take a minute to think about two things: how much you would spend on cigarettes over the course of your life, and what types of health problems you could end up with from smoking. This helps to put the cost of the vaccine in perspective, and you'll realize that it is definitely worth investing in.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


How to stop smoking fast is a very common asked question by smokers

And let's be honest smoking can causes seriously health damages.

I don't give you a list here because I'm sure you now already the dangers of smoking.

But here are some things why you should stop smoking fast.

- More money to buy things

- Do the sports you have always wanted to do

- Have more pleasure while eating

- You can have fresh clothes.

Read on in the next few paragraphs you will discover 5 secret tips to stop smoking fast.

Tip 1 # Be busy

There are several ways how to be busy. Here are some examples you can use.

- Make longer phone calls with your friends or family.

- Peel an orange with your fingers.

- Watch a movie

Tip 2 # change your mind

If you want to get rid of cigarettes you will have to change your mind. The tobacco and the pharmacy industry have on thing in common they are monster companies.

What does this mean to you? They will that you believe that it is not possible or very hard to quit your smoking habit.Stop smoking is not different; in fact it is very easy to do.

You are just brainwashed by the big companies. Both the tobacco and the pharmacy industry is making big money from this lie.

Tip 3 # A reward plan

If you really want to quit you must reward yourself.

I'm not talking about big rewards such as a new car or new clothes but smaller rewards.

A little example.

If you have eaten and you don't smoke within your first hour after the lunch then reward yourself with an extra dessert.

Tip 4 # Some drinks to avoid

If you want to stop this smoking habit you will have several drink.

Stop drinking alcohol, coffee and juices.

Tip 5 # Make a list

Take a piece of paper and write down:

- The dangers of smoking a cigarette

- The benefits of quitting.

Everytime you smoke a cigarette read this list and ask yourself the question.

"Why do I smoke again?"

I hope you found the tips useful. Keep in mind this list can help you out but is not enough to stop smoking fast. You will have to do more research. Whatever you do don't spend your money on laser therapies or nicotine gums they do simply not work.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
When people want to quit smoking, they will search for all possible stop smoking methods available including taking a smoking cessation aid. One aid that is quite popular is Zyban. Actually, before it was named Zyban, it was called Welbutrin SR. A doctor from Loma-Linda research hospital discovered this drug. She noticed many patients taking Welbutrin SR did not want to smoke as much. She studied it further and found there to be a connection between the ingredient and the feeling of not wanting to smoke again.

So the drug's manufacturer, Glaxo Wellcome, produced extra batches of Wellbutrin SR and renamed it as Zyban and marketed it as a smoking cessation aid. Although Zyban is an anti-depressive, this character is actually a side-benefit. The drug is the mood changing type, it blocks the neuro-transmitters in our brain that feel rewarded from nicotine that makes it such a wonder drug.

However, many people also prefer Prozac over Zyban. Often, they get result with Prozac after a week or so before they completely quit. The best idea when using drugs is to taper off of whatever drug you take, even though the maker may not say so. But still, each person's result varies and thus you will need to consult with your health advisor.

One should notice during the quitting process. Several people actually took many quits before they realized that they got depressed and those lead to a relapse. Even on Zyban, you may feel the blues descend so much that you feel Zyban is not working and that you may get off them. The truth is Zyban is helping considerably.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
We all know that nicotine acts as an appetite suppressant and many people worry about putting on weight after they stop smoking.

If you follow the advice below you will not have the desire to over eat.

Nicotine provides the addictive nature of cigarette smoking, but when not consumed in cigarette smoking is safe and non toxic.

Nicotine by itself has an affect on the neurotransmitters in the brain that control hunger signals and acts as an appetite suppressant.

Recently there has been a lot of research into providing organic nicotine to people who have stopped smoking in it's organic form.

Nicotine in water has been looked at by a number of companies as a safe delivery method, which does not have the added chemicals of many other Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) methods, such as patches.

An easy way to curb hunger pangs

Nicotine water was designed not as a stop smoking aid, but as a convenient way for users to get nicotine when they cant or don't want to smoke.

It's ideal in terms of stopping hunger pangs.

It gives the body pure organic nicotine and pure fresh water both of which are proven appetite suppressants.

Water is the best delivery method for people wanting to control hunger pangs when they have given up smoking.


Because, water keeps your stomach full and stops dehydration which, can lead to hunger pangs.

When you get a hunger pang, in many cases it's just a thirst signal, and if you drink the hunger goes away.

Water also helps your body metabolize stored fat in the body by helping the kidneys flush out waste and toxins.

Nicotine and water together are therefore an ideal way to keep weight off when you have given up smoking.

Nicotine & Health

Nicotine is an organic compound that is safe, non toxic and is found in a number of foods we eat everyday including:

Potatoes, vegetables, bell peppers and some teas.

Medical research

Major research is being carried out at present into how nicotine can help treat obesity and a number of other illnesses.

Nicotine for example, helps to improve mood, concentration and memory. Therefore, it is seen as being able to relief and treat the symptoms of a variety of conditions including:

Depression, Schizophrenia, Altzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Many companies are looking at producing nicotine drugs to help and treat the symptoms of the above diseases.

Nicotine water is already available and on the market and more products will follow as the health benefits of organic nicotine are accepted by the general public.

Nicotine has suffered from an image problem simply because it is consumed in cigarette smoking however, it is a proven fact that it is not nicotine that is the killer, it is some of the other 4,000 chemicals consumed in smoking that cause illness and death.

From the point of view of keeping weight off after you stop smoking nicotine water provides a great combination to curb appetite and control hunger pangs.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Stop smoking by using natural quit smoking aid can really be a godsend for those people who find it difficult to stay on the wagon. Nowadays there are many stop smoking programs that can help you to get rid of smoking habit in case you feel you need help. Some nicotine replacement products like patches and gums are one of the types however you can instead opt for natural cures to stop smoking.

Even if you haven't thought before, do give the idea some serious thought of giving up smoking. Not only because the smoking habit harm your health, it also affects the health of those around you included your family and friends. With the support from your family and friends, the right natural quit smoking aid can help you easily.

Today there are many types of natural cures to stop smoking available in the market. Any products that derived from herbs can be the right natural ways. The following are some of the natural quit smoking aids that you can try out:


Besides as a good natural quit smoking aid, Peppermint has the added advantage of reducing breathing problem and respiratory distress which related with your smoking habit. This herb not only cleans out your lungs, it's also reducing the craving for nicotine. You can make peppermint tea or use the leaves and extracts for aromatherapy to stop smoking.


The Licorice herb has detoxifying components which helps your body get rid of all nicotine during smoking cessation. Its detoxifying effects will help your nicotine cravings diminish and can also help the liver by clearing out the oxidants and toxins. The root of Licorice is very effective in quitting smoking as it helps in distracting you from the desire for smoking.


Mullein makes a great natural quit smoking aid because it has been used to cure asthma and other breathing problem since many years ago. This herb not only can help you regain your natural lung function, it can also reduce the craving for nicotine by clearing out toxins from your blood.

Slippery Elm

This stop smoking herb is amongst the best natural cures to quit smoking as it clears out your circulatory and respiratory systems by removing harmful oxidants and toxins during smoking cessation. Natural quit smoking aid that contains Slippery Elm is available in the form of supplements, tea and even infusions.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
The question on every smoker's yellowing lip will always be "Is there an easy way to quit smoking?" The instant answer to that would be yes, as there is a mountain of anecdotal evidence to suggest it is possible. There are millions of smokers who can testify that they packed in a long-term habit overnight, and never desired another cigarette again. The real question then, is how did they do it?

The answer is simple: if you wish to quit smoking easily, then you need to change your mindset. After years of smoking, your brain will be configured to believe that smoking is an integral part of you. As a former smoker myself, I know full well just how emotionally connected the smoker is to the cigarette, and this is something non-smokers often overlook. It's not just a question of willpower - it's about being able to sever the emotional links we have with the habit.

The fact is that nicotine is one of the least physically addictive drug substances out there. We can sleep for eight hours every night without our body waking us up in a cold sweat to smoke. Although this sounds like a big claim to make, the amount of anecdotal evidence mentioned earlier should be testament to this. The smoking habit is not the nicotine habit - it is the psychologically addictive habit.

The easy way to quit smoking is to shake up the beliefs you associate with smoking. It's not enough to simply say it's bad for your health, because that is a rational fact. Smoking breeds irrational, emotional attachments, and it is those attachments which you have to perceive in a different way. No smoker is going to argue that smoking is good for their health, but many will claim that a cigarette helps them relax. Do you see the difference? Smokers have more irrational beliefs than they would think.

This calls upon a great deal of introspection. Head to the pub with a notepad and pen and start writing about how you feel about smoking. Compare smoking to a girlfriend or boyfriend, if you will, because that's the level of emotional attachment most smokers will feel towards the habit. Start assessing how you feel about smoking and make a list of all the positives you feel smoking brings to your life. Then try to detach yourself and question these "positives".

Ultimately, if you want an easy way to stop smoking, then you need to realise that all that is really required is the re-wiring of your brain. You do not need gum, patches or any other gimmick. Such gimmicks only maintain your emotional attachment to the habit without the actual physical side-effect, but that is not enough. You need to beat both the physical attachment and, particularly, the emotional attachment. If I can do it, then so can you.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Smoking creates many health problems. It's so dangerous that you can lose your life also. All smokers know this but they are so addicted to cigarettes that they are not able to quit smoking. In this article, I will give you some tips on how to stop smoking.

There are many methods people can try to quit smoking. Not all methods are for all people. One method which worked for your friend may not work for you. So if one method doesn't work for you then don't think that you cannot stop smoking. You can also quit smoking but you may need to try different method.

Patches & Gum

Using patches or nicotine gum increases chances of quitting smoking. After quitting smoking, people carve for cigarettes. They actually are carving for nicotine. Patches and gum substitute the nicotine supply and keep smoker away from a pack of cigarettes. Then smoker gradually reduce the dose of patches and gradually completely stop nicotine supply. Thus smoker becomes non-smoker.


Yes, you can use acupuncture method to quit smoking also. You need to visit acupuncture specialist for this. Acupuncture directly doesn't make you quit smoking but it can help in reducing side effects of quitting.


Using hypnosis method also you can stop smoking. You will have to attend few sessions of hypnosis. Hypnosis mp3s and CDs are also available if you want to do hypnosis yourself and don't want to visit hypnotists. You can choose any method depending on your budget.

There are many other methods like taking part in discussion group and meditation. Whatever method you choose, stopping smoking ultimately depends on your determination and your will power.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Cigarette smoking is always unsafe. It has been observed that those people who smoke 20 or more cigarettes a day are likely to take twice as many days off work annually than non-smokers. Forty percent of heavy smokers who are now aged 35 are likely to die before reaching their retiring age compared with only 18 percent for those who do not smoke at all. In America alone, smoking causes about 400,000 deaths annually.

Smoking poses countless dangers to a person's health, starting with the mouth and throat. The major risk of smoking is cancer. Tobacco smoke can also cause tooth decay and gum disease and can make the smoker's teeth yellow and unpleasing to the sight. As smoke passes through the esophagus, the tar that comes with it can trigger cancer. The smoke that reaches the bronchi contains hydrogen cyanide and other chemicals, which attack the bronchial lining causing inflammation thus increasing a person's susceptibility to bronchitis. The nicotine that is carried in the blood circulation causes a rise in blood pressure. Carbon monoxide results in the development of cholesterol deposits in the arterial walls that can cause stroke and heart attack. Smoking can cause ulcers in the intestines and can also cause diarrhea. Smoking can also affect the brain. Headaches are common to smokers and the lack of oxygen in the brain and narrowing of the blood vessels can lead to stroke. The most common danger we know about smoking is the adverse effect it has in the lungs. Lung cancer is 10 times more likely to develop in heavy smokers than non-smokers. Nicotine in cigarette smoke can also affect the heart. It makes the heart beat faster and work harder. Nicotine also makes the blood clot more easily, increasing a smoker's risk to heart attacks.

Even with all the imminent dangers that come with smoking, many heavy smokers still refuse to quit. Are all these health reasons not compelling enough for you to quit smoking?

In order to stop smoking you have to take the first step. Finding out why you smoke is a good first step to quitting. The following are statements based on the research conducted by the US Public Health Service. You have to give yourself a score in order to assess how intense your reasons are for smoking. Scoring would be as follows: Always true:5 points, Frequently true:4 points, Occasionally true: 3 points, Seldom true:2 points, Never true: 1 point. It is considered a high score if you get 11 or more in any category and 7 is considered low, while any score in between is average.

Stimulation: This is due to the physiological effect of nicotine. a. "Smoking keeps me going and stops me from slowing down." b. "Smoking perks me up." c. "Cigarettes give me a lift."

Handling: For some people the ritual of smoking is an important element that adds pleasure to the act of smoking. a. "Handling a cigarette is enjoyable." b. "I enjoy the lighting-up routine." c. "I like watching the smoke."

Relaxation: Smoking can provide both calming and stimulating effects. These effects are probably due to the rate and depth of inhalation although this assumption is not yet proven. a "I find smoking pleasant and relaxing." b. "Smoking is pleasurable." c. "I want a cigarette when I am most comfortable and relaxed."

Tension reduction: Most people use smoking to relieve themselves from stressful situations. a. "I smoke when I'm angry." b. "I smoke when I am uncomfortable." c. "Cigarettes take my mind off my worries."

Craving: Nicotine can be real addictive. a. "I cannot bear to be without cigarettes." b. "I am consciously aware of the times that I am not smoking." c. "I get a gnawing hunger for a cigarette when I haven't smoked for a while."

Habit: smoking is habit forming and can become an almost mechanical response. a. "I smoke cigarette automatically without being aware of it." b. "I light up when I already have cigarette going." c. "I have smoked without remembering lighting up."

If you get high scores for most categories, it means that the reasons you have for smoking are intense and complex. You may have difficulty quitting but strong motivations and the will power to stop smoking will still give you positive results. There may be times that you will fall back but always stay motivated and you will get to your goal.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Once you decide to stop smoking, natural methods to overcome your urge to smoke are your best bet to help you quit smoking. Natural products do not have the side effects associated and costs associated with medications.

Stop smoking medications can help but they have numerous unfavorable side effects. They can also get costly. Since they only work while you are taking them the cost can really add up. Also, they are not safe for everyone based on their medical condition.

There are a lot of natural methods to help you quit smoking. Let's take a closer look at some of your options.


This involves tackling your psychological aspect. Analyze probable situations that prompt you to light a cigarette. Try avoiding such situations. Remain calm and composed without getting agitated or worried. Practice deep breathing exercises for three to five minutes whenever you crave for nicotine.

St. John's Wort

This natural herb is an antidepressant. When you smoke, nicotine increases dopamine levels. These levels drop when you quit smoking. St. John's wort increases dopamine levels in brain in similar fashion like nicotine and reduces your urge for a smoke.


Fix a date to quit smoking. Remain determined not to give in to any temptation. Stay away from bars, clubs, casinos, hotels, and other places that could trigger desire to smoke. Engage in other activities like playing online games, going out for long and brisk walks, take up a sport to keep you busy and occupied. Keep home and workplace clean of ashtrays, cigarette packs, lighters, and similar objects.


NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. It is a branch of psychotherapy that has been around for years but just recently has proven to be very effective at helping smokers to quit smoking. In a recent test of 5,000 smokers who participated in an NLP session 97.2% were still smoke free six months after the test.

NLP works so well because it targets and destroys the cravings to smoke. Once the cravings to smoke have been removed it is actually quite easy to stop smoking. Natural NLP methods can greatly increase your odds of quitting smoking by removing the cravings to smoke.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
It is easy to just stop smoking, but the hardest part of quitting comes after you stop. The cravings for cigarettes, the frustration, the irritability, tiredness etc. are just a few of the side effects that you may expect when you stop smoking.

When you quit, do not expect your body to accept the new change in your lifestyle in a moment. It can easily take a week or even a month before your body fully recovers from the sudden change in the nicotine intake. The amount of time before your body acclimates to the new and healthy habits can differ from person to person. However, the side effects are mostly psychological and with a few therapies (like hypnosis), it can be minimized easily.

When you quit smoking you can expect the following changes in your physical and mental behavior.

1. Headaches. Headaches could be attributed to the smoking cessation. But headaches can only be expected within one or two days after quitting. If you experience headaches even after two days of quitting, then you should go see a doctor. Headaches can be easily waned by an aspirin or even by a quick nap.

2. Insomnia. For some people sleeping becomes difficult after they quit smoking. But the problem is mainly psychological rather than physical and can be easily cured by therapies, or by simply following a strict sleeping routine. It is recommended that you do not resort to sleeping pills unless you feel there is no other choice.

3. Behavioral problems. One may experience irritability, frustration, anger, uneasiness etc. after they stop smoking. This behavior is only natural and should not be fretted upon. It is going to fade away after a maximum of one week after you quit. The best way to counter this side effect is to tell your friends and family in advance that you are going to stop smoking and tell them that they can expect such behavior from you. People are generally supportive when you want to quit and they will co-operate with your bad behavior.

4. Intense craving for cigarettes - People generally associate smoking with their day to day activities like driving, drinking coffee, after lunch, after dinner, office work etc. When they stop smoking, one of the side effects is that they feel that they are not able to give their hundred percent to these activities just because they miss the cigarettes in their hand. This effect is again psychological and will fade away with time. Once you start to realize that you are much better off without cigarettes, you will actually become more efficient in these day to day activities and perform better. Therapies are also helpful in making people subdue these intense cravings.

If you think about it for a moment, the benefits of quitting are a thousand times more than the side effects. Do not waste your time thinking how hard it will be to stop smoking, and what the side effects will be. Instead, just go for it and find out for yourself that it isn't that hard and the benefits are just astounding when you actually are able to quit.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


The next time you go out for a smoke of cigarette, tell yourself, that not only are you slow poisoning yourself, but you are also subjecting the people around you to the possibility of a slow death as you expose them to second hand smoke, a phenomenon that kills about 3,000 non-smoking Americans each year. Just think about it, why would you want to put your young child at such a health risk? If you want to protect you family, one of the ways that you can do so is by stop smoking. Stopping smoking for habitual smokers is not an easy task but if you are serious about getting clean, it is not an impossible task.

Start by believing in yourself. You must see yourself as a non-smoker and not look upon yourself as someone who is trying to stop smoking. It is important for you to withhold a clean image of yourself. If the going gets too rough, just think about all your past difficult phases that you have managed to overcome and accept that this is like one of those times. Try making a list of all the pros of stopping smoking which will include a long and healthy life, smelling better, an improved budget and then compare them with the cons of smoking. Read the list that you have made daily so that the next time you have the urge to smoke just a one cigarette, your conscience will make it difficult to do so.

If you are serious about quitting, understand the gravity of what you will be going through and to make the process a little easier, ask your friends and family for help and support. Tell them how to plan to proceed and ask them to be accommodating and understanding to your possible mood swings that will take effect as a result of your nicotine withdrawal. Withdrawal can make you irritable, tense and cranky. In order to combat that take up yoga or exercising which help to reduce the stress and relax your body. Also it's advisable to take in respectable amount of fluids to rid your body of all the nicotine that has been deposited over the years. Exercising and taking in lots of fluids aims to help your body recuperate from the years of damage from cigarettes.

Figure out a plan that will best suit you and will enable you to stop smoking. You can either opt to stop smoking gradually that is by cutting down on the number of cigarettes you smoke daily or follow the "cold turkey" method, where you quit suddenly instead of trying to cut down gradually. Another thing that you can do is find someone who is also trying to stop smoking and become each other's sponsors. It is best to figure out the triggers for your craving for a cigarette like a pub, after meals, stress at work and try to avoid them. In case you cannot avoid the triggers, suck on a toffee or a chewing gum or find something to hold in your hand and mouth like a straw to substitute the cigarette.

Stopping smoking is a huge achievement and when you succeed, treat yourself; you will feel good. Mark out the day when you stopped smoking and take it each week at a time and finally celebrate with your friends and family when it has been a year and you can enjoy the promise of a long and fit life.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
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