
Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy can help you end your addiction to cigarettes, but in order to ensure that you're successful in your effort to quit smoking there are a couple of things that you ought to actually think about. Giving yourself a chance to be successful is not going to happen without cautious planning on your part. If you truly want to give up cigarettes forever then you must create a detailed plan that you can follow. Without this well thought out plan you'll discover yourself back at the nasty habit of smoking cigarettes again.

Initially, you will find that you are probably afraid of quitting. While you know that it is the smart thing to do for your health smoking is a crutch that has become a huge comfort to you. Quitting is so unsettling that you even start to work yourself up over it. You convince yourself that you cannot really do it and that you should just not even attempt since you know you'll fail. Of course, that is the easy way out. However, if you truly believe that you can succeed then you will discover it much easier to give up cigarettes for good.

1.) Your initial step ought to be picking out a definite date that you want to start your smoking cessation program. It is important that all of your family and friends are aware of this date so that they can provide you with much needed support. Often your urge to pick up a cigarette will be overwhelming, and a word of encouragement from someone you trust can be what is needed to keep you on course.

2.) The next step and a critically important one is to remove everything related to smoking from your home. Immediately destroy all cigarettes that you have in your possession. Also, get rid of all lighters, matches and ashtrays. If any of these things are of sentimental value then put them in storage somewhere for a long time.

3.) A very important step is to totally get rid of the smell of cigarettes in your house. Wash your walls and ceilings or repaint them if necessary. Have your carpets, furniture and drapery cleaned. Spare no expense in totally eliminating the smell of cigarettes in your home. The fresh clean smell will help to curb your desire to smoke in your home. Also, the amount of money you spend in this process may act as another motivator in helping you stick with your stop smoking program.

4.) Another way to help you stay motivated is create some sort of reward system for yourself. For example, after going your first day without smoking reward yourself with a small treat that you don't usually eat. However, don't get in the habit of substituting food for cigarettes. With each passing milestone ( first week, first month, six months, etc.) reward yourself with something increasing its value each time.

5.) Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, write your goals down! Research has shown time and time again that written goals are much more likely to be achieved than ones that are not written down. Somehow you are more accountable to goals that are physically written down on paper. Being able to actually see your proposed course of action is much more effective.

One last thing to consider is what type smoking cessation program are you going to follow? Are you going to use nicotine gum, patches, hypnosis or just try to quit cold turkey. Research has shown that Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy used in conjunction with some form of Nicotine Replacement Therapy is the most effective course of action.

Whichever direction you decide to head just remember to take your time and create a very detailed game plan. You will very pleased with the results if you do.
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