
Puffing away at the cigarette without any care and concern for the consequences can yield terrifying results in the long run. And if the smoker is a woman the results can be more harmful than you can ever imagine. A woman earns the highest respect when she bears a child in her womb but what if she becomes the cause of its death. The life giver becomes a life taker. Many incidents of children dying in the womb of smoking mothers have been recorded and if you do not intend to be a part of such a record then smoking cessation is the requisite which you should adopt on an urgent basis.

Now let’s focus on the inexhaustible range of illnesses that befell you once you get addicted to nicotine and are unable to get rid of the disastrous habit of smoking. What are the specific illnesses that can occur to a smoking woman if she shows unwillingness to kick the smoking habit? Well, the list is exhaustive and it incorporates vaginal bleeding, heart attacks, stroke and various cardiovascular diseases. To add more to the list of woes, women who smoke are12 time more at risk of having lung cancer in comparison to the women who donot smoke.

But how do women overcome this problem of nicotine addiction? Obviously the first requirement is to get hold of the proper information on the adverse affects of nicotine so that the mind recognizes the immense harm caused by nicotine and vows to get rid of its dependence. Avoiding the company of smokers, not visiting cigarette shops frequently and a plethora of other behavioral methods can help you quit smoking but there is no guarantee that you would be able to kick the habit just by adopting these measures.

Experimentally, it has been proved that girls, in general, are more prone to get addicted to nicotine and have a slower functional system to eliminate nicotine from their body in comparison to men. So they need to adopt extra caution to prevent them from getting trapped in nicotine addiction and if they are already addicted they should opt for supplementary anti-smoking measures capable of providing relief from nicotine addiction.

One effective medicine to induce smoking cessation is Chantix which is extensively available on online pharmacies as well as in the neighboring drug stores. The need is to consult a physician if you are unable to get rid of smoking addiction and then obtain Chantix prescription from him. Chantix, the Pfizer manufactured anti-smoking drug has got the approval of the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) on 11 May, 2006 as an anti-smoking treatment in adults and as such the medicine is safe and effective for you.

So, gals! Hopefully all my elaborations on smoking and smoking induced difficulties and their apparent solution have captured your attention? Mind the fact that it is you girls who are mostly vulnerable if you get hooked to the disastrous habit of smoking. So think, analyze and then act!
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments


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