
For many reasons, quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your loved ones. As much as the disease affects the people around you, the process of quitting also requires their support or cooperation. For the most part however, it is your decision and determination to quit smoking that predicts the outcome.

There are different ways to quit smoking, and these ways or methods affect people differently. It is safe to say that there is no one-fits-all approach in ditching the bad habit. The best thing to do then is know all the methods there are and try to see which one works best for you. Here are some suggestions on how to quit smoking:

1. Cold turkey. Quitting cold turkey, or quitting smoking altogether and without any outside support, is done by just too many smokers. Often, they end up trying, relapsing, trying, and relapsing again. It's no wonder that this approach doesn't lead to much success. Only a few succeed at quitting smoking this way.

2. Nicotine Replacement Therapy. Nicotine Replacement Therapy, or NRT for short, employs the use of gum, patches, inhalers, and lozenges in lieu of smoking. It has a success rate of 50% to 100%. This therapy works best when combined with behavioral therapy.

3. Behavioral therapy. With a behavioral therapist, you work on gaining insight into what started you smoking, what triggers you to smoke, and what your best method of quitting smoking would be. You then devise a behavioral pattern that supports non-smoking, often requiring the support of family, coworkers, and friends.

4. Medicine. With your doctor's prescription, you can control the urge to smoke by taking certain drugs such as Zyban and Chantix.

5. Combination treatments. As it suggests, combining two or more methods might be the right method for you to quit smoking. The medical approach requires the involvement of your doctor, so it would be good to couple it up with behavior therapy as well. Also, when you are taking medications or NRT, for example, you would likely need the help of family members or friends.

Other important things to keep in mind when quitting smoking are:

1. Knowing and avoiding triggers. This means you should avoid things or situations that drive you to smoke. It may mean not going to bars or hanging out with smoking friends.

2. Understanding physiological reactions. Feeling irritable, tired, or depressed are common symptoms of withdrawal. Be prepared to experience it, but stay on the course.

3. Employing will power. Family and friends take on the role of supporters; you are the main actor. The decision to quit, stay on the course, and avoid triggers all come from you. Exercise those will-power muscles to success!

4. Developing new habits. Quitting smoking can create a vacuum in your routine, so you might as well develop new habits to fill that up. Take on a new hobby; take up sports, make new friends, or go to new places.

As a last tip, remember that oftentimes, approaches or methods don't work right on the first try. You have to keep at it until you see signs of success.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments


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