
There are currently several medications available that are being prescribed by physicians to assist people in putting down cigarettes for good. These medications are:

o Zyban
o Chantix
o Wellbutrin

These medications have been shown to help a person cope with the side effects of nicotine withdrawal as well as help them to not feel some of the enjoyment of smoking.

Zyban is sometimes used along with a nicotine replacement product such as nicotine gum or nicotine patches. These medications are not available over the counter and therefore require a prescription from your Dr. Also; some insurance plans will cover smoking cessation products as being smoke free improves your overall health. Success rates show that people who used one of these products improved their chance of being abstinent for longer than 1 year by as much as 15%.

Side effects

Drugs, while a valuable resource and aid in helping people become smoke free also come with their own risks. Some of the more common side effects of these medications are:

o Insomnia
o Dry Mouth
o Constipation
o Nausea
o Loss of Appetite

While these side effects are not life threatening, there have been some recent findings that show that some of these medications can be linked to severe depression.


While many of these drugs may sound appealing, it's important to understand that they're not for everyone. You should always talk to your doctor before taking any medication. He'll be able to advise you on the most dangerous effects. Together you'll be able to come up with a treatment that's right for you.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments


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