
Smokers seeking to give up a smoking habit have several options to choose from today. There is a surfeit of new stop smoking medication hitting the smoking cessation shelves with each passing day. The spurt of introduction of these therapies is at an alarming rate, and it could certainly confound a smoker who wants to select the best method for him- or herself. However, a careful knowledge of the different methods and their pros and cons can help to make a decision about the best method.

Let us tackle these new stop smoking medication methods one by one. The first on the list would certainly be nicotine replacement. Though it has been in use since the seventies, nicotine replacement can be termed as new, because it is regularly undergoing modification, and also the medical fraternity prescribes this method in favor of any other. The principle of this method is to keep smokers on a dose of nicotine, so that they do not feel the craving for the actual cigarette.

Now, how does that help? For that we must accept the fact that nicotine has no other harmful effects on the human body except keeping the addiction alive. Tar in the cigarettes is infinitely more hazardous to health. Keeping up on nicotine will see to it that the amount of tar entering the body is reduced. Nicotine replacement methods are available in several forms, such as gums, lozenges and patches, out of which the patches are the most popular.

Depression is a very commonly occurring condition of nicotine replacement methods. In fact, sometimes the depression can be so aggravated that the smokers could revert to active smoking. Hence, most doctors would couple nicotine replacement with a steady dose of antidepressants. Commonly prescriped antidepressants today are Chantix and Wellbutrin, and new stop smoking medication is constantly being developed in the form of antidepressants. Using antidepressants, the nervous system becomes stronger, and determination for quitting becomes easier.

One of the most worrisome factors in giving up smoking is coping up with the withdrawal symptoms that might occur. New stop smoking medication does take great care of that, since withdrawal problems can take a person back to smoking. Also, the importance of diet and lifestyle is emphasized.

At the same time, it is also true that antidepressants have contraindications. A large number of diseases can be aggravated by using antidepressants, and some of the leading ones here are all ailments of the liver and kidney, and chronic conditions like diabetes mellitus. There are side effects of using them too, such as the development of suicidal tendencies in people using them. Hence, not all new stop smoking medication is good for everyone.

Among all the different new stop smoking medication available today, the herbal remedies are by far the safest. Since they contain no hazardous chemicals at all, they can be used by people of all constitutions. St. John's Wort is a popular herb used today, which helps people face the depression in a better way. Also, lobelia, a very ancient herb creates a strong dislike for the taste of tobacco in the smoker. Several herbs are mixed together in the right proportions nowadays and made into formulations, which are best for quitting the habit.

A huge benefit of these herbal remedies is that they will not only keep the person away from the addiction, but they will also clear out the toxins that have built in his or her body over years of smoking. Thus, by using this new stop smoking medication, there is a very great chance that the body of the person will return back to its original healthy state, as it was before the smoking habit took over.

A very effective formulation that makes this happen is SmokeRX, which - like all other herbal methods available today - is a carefully prepared blend of the right herbs in the right proportions. Working quite fast, the formulation sees to it that people do not get the craving for cigarettes ever again in their lives.

Finally, it must be remarked that herbal methods are not actually new stop smoking medication, though they seem new. The fact is that individual herbs have been in use for centuries, though their formulations have been prepared only recently with the several research facilities available. This has made the world become aware of these remedies in a very significant manner.
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