
Smoking is the number one preventable cause of death and disease - that should be enough to get you to quit the habit. But if you want more motivation you need to understand what smoking is and why quitting is so good for you. The nicotine in tobacco is as addictive as cocaine or heroin! That's why it is so hard to quit and why the desire to smoke just keeps increasing. The addiction is not just physical but also mental and emotional. Smoking becomes a crutch to provide artificial support to you, support you do not really need. Research shows that the sooner you decide to quit and act on the decision, the easier it is to follow through.

Withdrawal symptoms are tough, like with any major addiction - nausea, fatigue, flatulence, irritability, lack of concentration and weight gain are just some of the symptoms. Mood swings can be a major problem. But once you get over this hump, the feeling of being in better health and in control of your life makes it all worth while.

However, some quitting smoking benefits are far more immediate and knowing these can improve your motivation level. Even if you cannot actually notice the changes, just knowing what is happening will make you feel good. Within 20 minutes of your last smoke, your elevated blood pressure levels and heart functioning return to normal. The amount of carbon monoxide in your system drops noticeably in 24 hours and your breathing becomes easier.

Within one year you are less vulnerable to lung diseases and your breathing improves. For every year you do not smoke, you increase your overall life expectancy. Normal illnesses are easier to diagnose, treat and recover from. Non-smokers say that one of the biggest quitting smoking benefits is how much the quality of their lives improved after kicking the habit.

The dangers of smoking during and after pregnancy are well documented and the effects of parents smoking on the health of children cannot be ignored. Nor can the dangers that a smoker exposes his family to, through second-hand smoke. Another of the major quitting smoking benefits is that you are no longer endangering the lives of your loved ones along with your own.

Smoking can ruin your looks and affect your skin tone, color and overall appearance. Quitting will bring you back to your normal self - maybe not overnight, but soon enough. Along with your appearance, your social life will improve. People tend to avoid smokers. Once you kick the habit, you will be welcome into places where people had reservations about associating with you because of your addiction to smoking.

There are so many quitting smoking benefits. Think about it and you will find many more that relate specifically to you. Now what are you waiting for?
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