
Information overload in showing people how to stop smoking is possibly the reason people don't actually stop smoking! As a smoker you must get very confused by not knowing which method may be better than another! On top of this are the conflicting messages that pervade this issue. Because it is not easy to stop smoking, this information overload may present you with a good excuse to put off giving up. To assist your motivation to stop smoking there must be very clear advantages given to you because what you are trying to do is break an addictive habit - this is difficult.

OK as a smoker you probably know that stopping smoking will improve your health, you will certainly know that it will save money! If you use smoking as a way of pacifying yourself in stressful situations then you may be scared to give up. But, stopping smoking involves mind over matter because there is the addictive urge produced by the tobacco as well the habitual aspect of physically taking and lighting up a smoke. So stopping smoking involves removing the addictive nicotine from our body and stopping a mental habit.

But hey, there is enough information out there to show that whichever way you look at it the advantages of not smoking certainly outweigh any disadvantages (If there can be disadvantages!).

Pointer No. 1

You need to do this for 21 days OK. So for 21 days say to yourself "I am not going to give up smoking, I am just not going to smoke any cigarette for 21 days, that's all." You say this during the 21 days any time you feel like having a smoke. Going through this process is psychologically easier and it helps you break the habit (This alone has helped three of our friends quit).

Pointer No. 2

Focus on one good reason to stop and write it down. Be sensible it has to be a good reason for you personally. Obviously the desire to stop has to come from inside, a mental decision so that the process is successful.

Pointer No. 3

Plan out your strategy to stop. Make a decision on what you will need to do to stop and stick to it. Set a time schedule - nothing too tough, say reducing one cigarette each day. At the start of the day put in the packet the number of cigarettes you have allowed yourself for that day. Keep a diary of how you are going (ie sticking to plan!) what you are feeling.

Pointer No. 4

Try and be positive - write out the reason you are stopping and refer to it often - give yourself a pat on the back for each goal or milestone you have set for yourself - give yourself a reward. Regularly remind yourself why you are doing this. It will keep you focused and motivate you to go for your goal.

Pointer No. 5

If you find you smoke for a reason - to relieve stress for example, You need to identify why you get stressed and deal with this issue. This will certainly assist in your mission to stop smoking. Whatever the reason may be it makes sense to deal with it so that you can remove the cause/effect syndrome..

Pointer No. 6

There is such a thing as negative motivation. For example, if you fail to complete a daily goal, then do something that you will find irritating like not stopping at your favorite coffee shop that you might regularly visit. This is really punishing yourself for not doing what you said you would do - it's all about self discipline - so make sure the something that you take away from yourself is something that you will miss!

Pointer No. 7

Seek the support of your friends and family. Tell them what you are doing and how you have set a plan in action. This will achieve two things - ensure that you are not alone during the process, and tend to keep you honest!

Pointer No. 8

A problem shared is a problem halved - work through the solution with someone who has the same problem as you. Having someone alongside you means you can mentor each other, provide support for each other during testing times, and help to hold you both accountable. Stopping smoking is not easy, and difficult tasks are much easier to achieve with a partner.

Pointer No. 9

Make sure that you lifestyle is healthy when you are on your journey to stop smoking. Eat healthily, get plenty of sleep, increase you exercise etc. Your old bod is going through a bit of a change so support it through the process! This will ensure that the moments when you feel agitated or irritated, just plain cranky or even angry with the world will be minimized. This is important because you want everything to be in your favor.

Pointer No. 10

Build into your plan the mental attitude that you don't want to smoke and you are giving up for very good reasons. This will deal to the habit aspect of your smoking. This will help to make the change permanent because you will be turning your back on something that was in your past and will not be part of your future.

Pointer No. 11

Take your mind off cigarettes. Read more books, exercising is a very good idea, arrange with a friend that you will ring when you need a chat, surf the internet and maybe do some baking!?

I wish you every success!
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments


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