
If cigarettes are controlling your life. If you've tried quitting countless time before but have always fallen back into the habit. If you think you're trapped and that quitting is just too hard for you then you need to investigate hypnosis programs and scripts. This article will discuss the 2 types of addiction that cigarettes hold on you and show you the difference between quitting consciously and quitting at the subconscious level. We'll also discuss the best way to quit at each level and how to make quitting this time permanent.

A smoking habit is a two edged sword in that there are two different types of addictions going on inside of you. The first is the physical addiction one has with the nicotine in the cigarette. There is no question that nicotine is addictive but the physical addiction to nicotine can be broken in a matter of a few days to a week. This of course is the good news side of things. The second type of addiction is a psychological one. A psychological addiction is really a program or series of programs that reside in your subconscious mind. These programs are the voices in your head that talk you into smoking just one more pack. To go one more week smoking because next week will be a better time to quit. Then those voices do it all over again the following week. Those voices that come from those programs keep us in a vicious never ending cycle if we let them.

If you've quit before but fell back into your habit after a few weeks or months, what you've been able to do is end your physical addiction to nicotine by quitting consciously. Meaning by using the power of your conscious mind or logical mind. But the conscious mind is just no match for your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is what powers most everything we do. For example if we think to our selves, "pick up that pencil" our subconscious takes over and actually commands all the muscles and nerves and everything else needed for you to pick up the pencil. The conscious mind can issue the command but could never fire all the nerve endings and flex all the needed muscles etc. Its just not strong enough. That's also how it is with an addiction. The conscious or logical mind can issue commands and the subconscious will obey those commands. But at some point the conscious mind loses focus or gets tired or overwhelmed and the subconscious will use that old programming  to start that habit up all over again.

In order to defeat the second addiction the psychological addiction one has to fight it at the same level it resides, the subconscious level of your mind. How can we do that? Well hypnosis, or meditation or visualization all work. The secret is to get into a very relaxed state and have a recording or script reprogram that area of your mind with new subconscious commands or voices if you will. Voices that serve you and benefit you. This is the best way to be as sure as you can that you'll kick the habit once and for all and keep it kicked.

Hopefully you've found this article helpful. I know its not much fun reading about subconscious versus conscious minds or psychological and reprogramming and all that stuff but it is important. If you can quit but can't stay quit its not your fault you need to conquer your second addiction. And you have to reach that addiction at the same level where it lives and you'll need help to do so. That is the sinister side of smoking.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments


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