Nicotine addiction won't let you stop smoking - nicotine is a drug - drugs are addicting. When the Surgeon General initially reported their studies and cigarette warnings, they reported that tobacco was addicting because of its nicotine content with similar properties to other addicting drugs.
Nicotine is not only addicting, it was concluded to be as addicting as heroin or cocaine, but it is still legal. Nicotine is found naturally in tobacco, and its quantity has been increased in cigarettes and tobacco products over the years. And why not, if nicotine is addicting and going to keep smokers from being able to quit, then it would stand to reason that cigarette manufactures would want to increase the amount.
Nicotine addiction causes your body to need it physically and mentally. Nicotine impacts how the brain works, and as a result the smoker will crave more, while going through withdrawal symptoms when stopping or even cutting back on smoking. This is directly related to why it is virtually impossible for some people to quit smoking; it becomes overwhelming to address the effects of both of these aspects of the nicotine addiction. And besides the impact of the direct results, it is hard to even keep the amount you smoke constant, let alone quit, because the nicotine has the effect of making your body crave more.
Nicotine addiction has been one of the hardest for people to break. When you smoke, it takes about eight seconds for the nicotine to hit your brain, where it stimulates the dopamine pathways - dopamine is essentially a neurotransmitter that gives feeling of pleasure. So, when this happens, there is a tendency for the smoker to want the nicotine, because of the urge for, and anticipation of the feelings the drug gives. But this phase wears off in a relatively short period of time, thus causing the smoker to continue to want more, and to continue to smoke throughout the day, while increasing the quantity over time..
Besides the nicotine leading to the release of dopamine, it also suppresses MAO, which causes the satisfaction to linger longer than it normally would. This combination of anticipation and satisfaction leads the smoker to wanting more nicotine and the longer they smoke, the more nicotine will be needed for them to be satisfied - this is endemic of drug addiction, and especially nicotine addiction with its ongoing and increasing effects.
As if nicotine addiction wasn't problematic enough, smoking also has other physiological effects that can be viewed as beneficial to the smoker, and give additional reason to not stop smoking. Nicotine is known to inhibit the release of insulin. Considering that insulin is a hormone that removes sugar excess from the blood, having it inhibited or decreased can make the smoker become hyperglycemic. As a result, the blood sugar level is increased, and this has the tendency to suppress the smoker's appetite.
Feel constant pleasure and satisfaction from nicotine, while also being able to control or lose weight - why would anyone ever want to stop smoking? And that is the core problem of nicotine addiction, and other supposed benefits from nicotine. Psychologically and illogically, these offset the fact that smoking is causing tremendous damage to your health, and to your real well being. And don't forget that nicotine is not the only hazardous substance that is found in cigarettes. There are 100s of additional chemicals that are affecting the body while smoking - these include known carcinogens, along with carbon monoxide.
Benefits from smoking - what a ridiculous concept. There is nothing that leads to more illnesses, diseases, and conditions - and death, than smoking. And when smoking is the cause, these are all preventable. Cancer, heart disease, increase in infertility, decreased lifespan, etc etc etc - these are the real benefits from smoking. Whatever it takes - stop smoking today.
When the smoker finally decides to quit, they are going to have to confront the nicotine addiction and resulting withdrawal systems. It is typical to suffer from things like irritability and anger, anxiety and depression, and weight gain. And these are difficult to deal with as they may last for a few days or weeks depending on the level of addiction - but that is a relative short period of time when compared to the benefits of repairing your health, and adding years to your life.
There are numerous aids to stop smoking and stop smoking today. Sure, quitting 'cold turkey' is the quickest and most efficient way to stop smoking for those who can do it that way. But the objective is quitting, and if you need to use stop smoking aids or even seek counseling to do so, then do it.
Nicotine is not only addicting, it was concluded to be as addicting as heroin or cocaine, but it is still legal. Nicotine is found naturally in tobacco, and its quantity has been increased in cigarettes and tobacco products over the years. And why not, if nicotine is addicting and going to keep smokers from being able to quit, then it would stand to reason that cigarette manufactures would want to increase the amount.
Nicotine addiction causes your body to need it physically and mentally. Nicotine impacts how the brain works, and as a result the smoker will crave more, while going through withdrawal symptoms when stopping or even cutting back on smoking. This is directly related to why it is virtually impossible for some people to quit smoking; it becomes overwhelming to address the effects of both of these aspects of the nicotine addiction. And besides the impact of the direct results, it is hard to even keep the amount you smoke constant, let alone quit, because the nicotine has the effect of making your body crave more.
Nicotine addiction has been one of the hardest for people to break. When you smoke, it takes about eight seconds for the nicotine to hit your brain, where it stimulates the dopamine pathways - dopamine is essentially a neurotransmitter that gives feeling of pleasure. So, when this happens, there is a tendency for the smoker to want the nicotine, because of the urge for, and anticipation of the feelings the drug gives. But this phase wears off in a relatively short period of time, thus causing the smoker to continue to want more, and to continue to smoke throughout the day, while increasing the quantity over time..
Besides the nicotine leading to the release of dopamine, it also suppresses MAO, which causes the satisfaction to linger longer than it normally would. This combination of anticipation and satisfaction leads the smoker to wanting more nicotine and the longer they smoke, the more nicotine will be needed for them to be satisfied - this is endemic of drug addiction, and especially nicotine addiction with its ongoing and increasing effects.
As if nicotine addiction wasn't problematic enough, smoking also has other physiological effects that can be viewed as beneficial to the smoker, and give additional reason to not stop smoking. Nicotine is known to inhibit the release of insulin. Considering that insulin is a hormone that removes sugar excess from the blood, having it inhibited or decreased can make the smoker become hyperglycemic. As a result, the blood sugar level is increased, and this has the tendency to suppress the smoker's appetite.
Feel constant pleasure and satisfaction from nicotine, while also being able to control or lose weight - why would anyone ever want to stop smoking? And that is the core problem of nicotine addiction, and other supposed benefits from nicotine. Psychologically and illogically, these offset the fact that smoking is causing tremendous damage to your health, and to your real well being. And don't forget that nicotine is not the only hazardous substance that is found in cigarettes. There are 100s of additional chemicals that are affecting the body while smoking - these include known carcinogens, along with carbon monoxide.
Benefits from smoking - what a ridiculous concept. There is nothing that leads to more illnesses, diseases, and conditions - and death, than smoking. And when smoking is the cause, these are all preventable. Cancer, heart disease, increase in infertility, decreased lifespan, etc etc etc - these are the real benefits from smoking. Whatever it takes - stop smoking today.
When the smoker finally decides to quit, they are going to have to confront the nicotine addiction and resulting withdrawal systems. It is typical to suffer from things like irritability and anger, anxiety and depression, and weight gain. And these are difficult to deal with as they may last for a few days or weeks depending on the level of addiction - but that is a relative short period of time when compared to the benefits of repairing your health, and adding years to your life.
There are numerous aids to stop smoking and stop smoking today. Sure, quitting 'cold turkey' is the quickest and most efficient way to stop smoking for those who can do it that way. But the objective is quitting, and if you need to use stop smoking aids or even seek counseling to do so, then do it.
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