
To stop smoking without drugs you are going to fight a hard battle, but it is not much more difficult than trying to quit with drugs. But, how do you quit smoking cold turkey without reverting back to cigarettes? You have to fight the mental addiction head on. 

The physical addiction is easy to fight. You can simply replace what your body wants with other things. You can replace nicotine with a patch or some gum if you must. The act of holding a cigarette can be replaced by holding a pen or pencil. You can replace the need to have something in your mouth with a drinking straw. Overall, the physical addiction is easily amused by other means.

Fighting the mental addiction will be one of the hardest things you ever do. Your mind has turned smoking cigarettes into a habit that must be done as a part of daily life. To you, the act of smoking is as necessary as breathing or taking a shower. The overall desire to light up and smoke will eat at you and make you want to give up.

This is where you need to dig in, take a deep breath, and exhale slowly. Many times you will find that this simple act can help. You should also add in some exercise to keep yourself moving and your mind off of cigarettes. Instead of smoking a cigarette you should take the dog for a walk or shoot some hoops. 

If you truly hate physical activity you should replace smoking with anything you don't associate with smoking, like going out to the movies where you cannot light up. If you want to stop smoking without drugs you are going to need an abundance of willpower, but this is a battle can can be won.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments


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