How many articles have you read that smoking does not give you any health benefits at all? How many times did the government and surgeons have warned you that smoking kills? No matter how many times a smoker have been reminded about the dangers of smoking, the smoker still cannot help but light up that cigarette but in the back of his head he knows he is heading to a slow suicide. Yet no matter how the smoker wants to quit, tobacco companies turns the negative side effects of smoking into positive outlook just to promote their products. With advertisements that reflects smoking and smokers are cool, they are actually causing confusion to the smoker who wants to quit and to those who have not started smoking. However, the benefits of not smoking and quitting outweighs the benefits of smoking. Here are some tips to help you resist and one and for all quit that cigarette puffing habit.
First of all, you have to think about stop smoking. Do not lose hope if you have failed so many times thinking about quitting because the thinking part of quitting is really the most difficult part. You will actually fail more than once before you can kick the unhealthy puffing habit. Many cannot think about quitting because they do not want to put away the fact that there are many discomforts that goes with once you have started to quit. Even if this is the case, think about the benefits you will gain later. Think about the permanent advantages later rather than the temporary disadvantages. Consider your life to be precious and consider love and care your family and friends has to offer.
Secondly, get ready to quit smoking. Make plans and tell your friends and family about your plan. When they say that smoking stinks, then turn away from them. This is actually the main key wherein you can either make or break. Setup a date when you have supposedly turned away from the cigarette. Letting your family and friends know can help since they will support you in attaining your goal. This is one way of them letting you know that they actually care for you and this is a big factor for you to turn away from smoking.
The third step is staying committed to your goal. It will not be easy but you have to prove that you are with a stronger will than the cigarette. To stay committed to your goal, you have to throw away everything that reminds you of smoking such as ashtrays, lighters, posters, or anything that causes depression, bars and establishments where smoking is nothing but normal. When you have done this, have the mindset and stay the course.
Fourth, seek support groups and keep yourself busy. Remember that idle minds are the workplace of the devil. When you are doing nothing, the more that you will be tempted to smoke again. Attend meetings or do some new productive hobbies just to stay away from smoking. In this way, there will be no time for your hand and your lips to be lighting up a cigarette.
Lastly, have faith that you can quit and stay a quitter. If you have to seek medical attention, do so. There are smoking cessation products available to help you quit. Ask your practitioner or your doctor about each products and understand each of these products. Your doctor can guide you which is appropriate and suitable for you to help you choose wisely.
First of all, you have to think about stop smoking. Do not lose hope if you have failed so many times thinking about quitting because the thinking part of quitting is really the most difficult part. You will actually fail more than once before you can kick the unhealthy puffing habit. Many cannot think about quitting because they do not want to put away the fact that there are many discomforts that goes with once you have started to quit. Even if this is the case, think about the benefits you will gain later. Think about the permanent advantages later rather than the temporary disadvantages. Consider your life to be precious and consider love and care your family and friends has to offer.
Secondly, get ready to quit smoking. Make plans and tell your friends and family about your plan. When they say that smoking stinks, then turn away from them. This is actually the main key wherein you can either make or break. Setup a date when you have supposedly turned away from the cigarette. Letting your family and friends know can help since they will support you in attaining your goal. This is one way of them letting you know that they actually care for you and this is a big factor for you to turn away from smoking.
The third step is staying committed to your goal. It will not be easy but you have to prove that you are with a stronger will than the cigarette. To stay committed to your goal, you have to throw away everything that reminds you of smoking such as ashtrays, lighters, posters, or anything that causes depression, bars and establishments where smoking is nothing but normal. When you have done this, have the mindset and stay the course.
Fourth, seek support groups and keep yourself busy. Remember that idle minds are the workplace of the devil. When you are doing nothing, the more that you will be tempted to smoke again. Attend meetings or do some new productive hobbies just to stay away from smoking. In this way, there will be no time for your hand and your lips to be lighting up a cigarette.
Lastly, have faith that you can quit and stay a quitter. If you have to seek medical attention, do so. There are smoking cessation products available to help you quit. Ask your practitioner or your doctor about each products and understand each of these products. Your doctor can guide you which is appropriate and suitable for you to help you choose wisely.
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