
Quitting smoking is always difficult and the quitting smoking side effects are always going to be with you no matter which method you undertake. Everybody knows that smoking is dangerous to your health and still people eagerly try to destroy their life and health by becoming addicted smokers.

There is loads of quitting smoking side effects that terrify many people from getting rid of the nasty habit once and for all and the main reason is that when you quit your body is so hungry for nicotine that it naturally reacts by trying to "detox" itself from the harmful chemicals that you have put in there by smoking. The main reason it is so difficult to stop is that the quitting smoking side effects involved in withdraw of the nicotine will make you more anxious and in many cases very depressed.

You can make a supreme effort in overcoming two prominent form of quitting smoking side effects by controlling the physical and emotional cravings. The psychological side effects can be more distressing than the physical ones but if you use a few tools to surmount the psychological factors then you will have a much better chance of overcoming the physical factors you are feeling.

The psychological effects are any feelings of meaninglessness in ones life that can only be filled by smoking a cigarette as if cigarettes were their escape from the hassles of daily living and nicotine used to make them stop thinking about their worries and problems. Most people break down and start smoking again when they get bored, lonely and feel like they have nothing to do.

A physical example of a quitting smoking side effect is that it makes the smokers gain weight when they try to quit because they begin to feel hungry and get an urge for eating when their mouth is not busy smoking. Certain people will also feel nauseous, get the shakes, sweat continuously, have headaches, become irritable and of course have severe cravings for a cigarette.

Try to recognize why you are quitting smoking. Sketch a detailed list of all the health benefits that you will gain and the benefits your love ones around you will receive. You owe it to yourself and those around you to quit and add years to your life
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments


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