
Once you've made the decision to stop smoking, the next thing you need to do is set a quit date. If you set yourself a quit date and tell people that's when you're going to stop smoking, you're more likely to succeed. If you keep saying I'll do it tomorrow or next week, you'll never get around to actually doing it.

Choose a date and write it down on your calendar. It is helpful if the date you choose is a special day. This could be a birthday or anniversary, the first day of the month or year or Stop Smoking Day. Have a countdown on your calendar; make it an exciting event and something to look forward to. You'll remember this date for the rest of your life.

Mentally prepare yourself to quit on that day. You are just like many thousands of other people who have stopped smoking. You have the ability inside you, just like them. The only difference is that they took action and kept going. Create an image in your mind of yourself in the future being a non smoker, this will help keep your mental resolve.

Make practical preparations too. Throw away not only your cigarettes, but also all the paraphernalia that goes with them: lighters, ashtrays etc. Anything, in fact, that you associate with your smoking habit. Anything that may remind you that you used to smoke.

Plan lots of activities for your quit day. Make sure you are occupied and the day will pass quicker. Before you know it, you will have gone for a whole day without a cigarette. And if you can go for a whole day without a cigarette, you can stop smoking completely.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments


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