
Cigarettes are smoked by more than a billion people worldwide. It causes many health problems, some of them potentially fatal - for example lung cancer and heart disease. It is also an expensive habit. How many more reasons do you need to give up? Here, anyhow, are four tips that could help you to kick the habit.

Tip 1: Rise above the cravings

Many of us use cigarettes as crutches, "something to do with my hands". You need to visualise yourself in everyday situations without a cigarette in your hand, this is a simple technique that can really help. You should also try taking deep breaths when you are hit by cravings, and keep busy. Sort out all those household or office tasks that you have been putting off, and you will have less time to think about smoking.

Tip 2: All the reasons to quit

You need to work out why you want to quit, what the benefits of giving up smoking would be, and write it all down. Maybe you don't like the smell of stale smoke on your clothes. Maybe you are worried that your children will follow in your footsteps. Whatever it is, put pen to paper and then keep a diary of how you are feeling, this will help you to view the situation in an objective manner.

Tip 3: The good, the bad and the ugly

Similarly, make a list of what will happen if you don't quit. You could suffer from ill health or maybe cancer. Premature death and debt or being socially ostracized by your non smoking friends can also happen to you as well as having bad breath and yellow teeth. No matter how trivial or how momentous, write it down. Once you've done this you should also remind yourself of the benefits of giving up.

Tip 4: Break time!

Many smokers stop for a cigarette so that they can take a break. You can still take breaks during the day, it's good for you, but do something that is positive, that is good for you. Eat fruit, drink water, take a walk, stop to talk with (non smoking) friends. All of these activities will have a beneficial effect on your physical and mental health and can help to strengthen your resolve to quit.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
People need to quit the habit of smoking for good if they want to lead a healthy life. There are many products in the market that help you but the easy way out is quitting smoking in the natural way. Most products available in the market that can help you to stop this habit but they may contain chemicals that may cause other health related problems. Though these products give fast result but people should certainly take no risks and try to avoid as much issues as they can and go the natural ways to abandon their smoking habit.

The most natural ways of abandon your smoking habits are:

Herbal Methods:
Recent studies support the herbal method of helping people quit smoking as they may lessen their cravings to smoke. People are trying to adopt the herbal way out a sit is getting very popular.

Hypnotherapy is the psychological way to stop smoking and in this process the mind is sub consciously made to resist the habit of smoking and they also try to relax the patient so that he doesn't seek refuge in smoking.

Cold Turkey:
Cold turkey as it is called is the best natural method and in this you simply stop smoking and don't take assistance of different products and it all depends on the will power of the person who needs to stop smoking. Smokers take refuge in drinking lots of water will help you get rid of the harmful toxins that have accumulated in your body due to smoking. The initial days are very hard to resist but with time and a strong will power all this can be achieved very easily.

People try to avoid smoking by drinking juices or finding a healthy substitute that will make it easier for them to quit the smoking habit. The Natural way to stop smoking are the best and more reliable ones as they don't cause any side effects.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Although many people think that smoking marijuana is something generally harmless, it can do a lot to poison your body along with opening many people up other more harmful drugs, hence the title of the "gateway drug." This article will give you some good ideas on how to get started with quitting your marijuana habit, so you can get your life back on track and become the healthy productive person you were meant to be.

1. Make sure that you are drinking plenty of water when first quitting. This will detox your body and remove all of the many harmful chemicals that go into your system when smoking marijuana. You'll also want to include plenty of the healthy foods that help your body to function properly each day. These include fruits like apples and oranges, veggies, various nuts, lean meats, fish, and wholegrain breads.

2. You will also have to set up a very strong and stable support system around you. If you are trying to quit smoking marijuana and you are constantly around people who do it, then the chances of you succeeding in your endeavor are going to be slim. Make certain that your family knows about what you are trying to do so they can be there for you to help you when you need it the most.

3. Doing daily exercises can also help to combat the urge to smoke and keep you occupied. It is highly recommended that if you haven't done so already, you join a local gym or health club. This will open you up to many different opportunities that you can use to get yourself in shape and remain healthy. When you work out, your brain releases endorphins which trigger feelings of happiness and overall well-being, so get started today and become proactive in your journey toward a sober and fulfilling life.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Smoking is a very addictive habit, in fact nicotine is listed as being the most addictive substance on the planet and is the hardest to withdrawal from. So it is no wonder that there is so much advice on how to give up cigarettes as there are so many people hooked onto this lethal drug.

Lets take a quick look at some of the Tips that are the most helpful when giving up. But remember it does not matter one little bit unless you are ready to give up, as reading 100 Tips or 1000 Tips to quitting wont mean a thing. If you believe you are ready to look at quitting then this is all you should do, just look, keep smoking until you have chosen the best possible time as you are going to need all the help and support you can get.

Tips To Quitting Cigarettes

Tip #1

Find a reason to quit. It sounds silly but if you can write down a reason to quit you are more likely to commit to it. Remember that New Years Resolutions usually go away by 1am so find a real reason to quit and write it down and maybe even put it on your refrigerator door.

Tip #2

Plan a Strategy. OK this sounds like too much work but we are not talking about creating a 10 Page Document. What I am suggesting is to plan ahead as timing is the key, don't try to quit just before a big night out on the town. If you have holidays coming up in a month or two then don't stop yet plan ahead and quit when you are under less stress such as when you are on your holidays

Tip #3

Look for Someone to keep you on Track. This does sound a lot like psychological babble but it has been proven to work. If you engage a close friend to help you it can be especially helpful and even more so if they have already quit themselves as they understand you. On the other side of the coin if you have a partner that also wants to quit then do it together.

Tip #4

Make sure you get plenty of Sleep and Rest. This is a big one when quitting and is overlooked far to often. It is important that you get plenty of rest as the body is going to need it, plus the more time you are asleep the less time you have to worry about smoking.

Tip #5

Make it a Target to Quit for Good. This does sound a bit silly but many people actually don't think about quitting for good they simply say "this weekend I am going to quit". Now it does sound like they are quitting but the subconscious mind has heard this before and it does just that and allows you to quit for the weekend but come Monday you are right back into smoking again.

Tip #6

Get Rid of Smoke related things. This is almost the hardest thing to do as your subconscious mind wont want you to do this. Your subconscious mind is already having in excess of 40,000 thoughts per day and many of those thoughts are initiated by what is going on in the outside world. So the moment you have thoughts the day before you quit of smashing the ash trays, cutting up any remain smokes, cleaning the house to make it smell fresh your subconscious mind is going to got ape on you with all sorts of thoughts. Such as you better not smash that ash tray you will want it again, last time you failed to quit, its only going to cost you more money replacing it...

Final Suggestion

Above all remember to have fun with this process as the more serious you take it the harder it will be. Your mind works at a rate of 40,000 thoughts a day so there is a lot going on that you are unaware of so anything you can do to help is important. Maybe try some meditation, go for a walk, lock yourself away in a dungeon (just kidding), there are also some wonderful tools around that can help you to release emotions such as TFT, TAT and EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
How to stop smoking weed? I know what it is like to feel like you are addicted to weed and smoking it every day. The sweet smell of herb is something that I miss but my life is now much better for it. In this article, I will share with you two personal tips to help you stop smoking weed.

Tip 1 - Break The Cycle

At the moment you are in a cycle. You are probably waking up with a "weed hangover" where you still feel a little bit stoned but you also don't feel sharp. So you decide to light a joint and "wake and bake".

Problem is, that puts you straight back into the cycle and you will do this for several days in a row. To break it, you need to stop getting so stoned last thing at night. This will stop you having the "weed hangover" the next day and reaching for that first joint of the day.

You should also have a nice cup of coffee or tea in the morning. This will get you feeling sharp very quickly but will keep you productive during the day.

Tip 2 - Ignore Your First Impulses

Weed and other addictive drugs are almost like a small voice in your head that tells you to smoke.

Have you ever thought to yourself: should I smoke or not? After a minute or two of indecision, a little voice in your head tells you "go for it, who cares?" and then it is too late, you are already stoned - yet again!

Next time you hear this voice telling you to throw caution to the wind and just light up a nice big joint, tell yourself to ignore it. Immediately do something productive like writing or some other work or tasks you need to get done. This will stop you smoking a joint again.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
If you know someone that's a smoker, then you do have a good cause to be concerned. Still noted as the number one cause of lung cancer fatalities in the U.S., smoking is also tied to various other frightful types of diseases and cancers. You might then be questioning is this the time to help someone quit smoking, once and for all.

Many individuals are still oblivious to the terrible health effects that are at a result of this habit. One significant point to help someone quit smoking is to have them feeling motivated to give up. What might work with this individual? Are they in the least bit health aware? Have they got small children or grandchildren that they wish to see grow up?

Often, all it needs to assist someone is to guide them though the effective ways to stop smoking and to offer them the necessary support. Are they fearful that they might miss their familiar parties and hangouts? Make arrangements with them to go somewhere else. Are they concerned their friends might not wish to stop by if the house is entirely smoke-free?

One more way to help someone stop this addiction is the various tools and aids; quit smoking products comprise of, nicotine gum, patch, pills, sprays, inhalers. What you can do is research some of these tools in advance so that you're able to present them when required, and demonstrate how efficient and safe these aids genuinely are.

Probably the finest assistance you can offer someone is encouragement, especially if they are someone that has attempted to stop in the past and failed. Let them realize that this is all right, as many former smokers attempt several times before they were successful in quitting. By fulfilling all this and supporting them, you will be successful in your pursuit to help someone quit smoking.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


How many times have you tried to quit smoking but fail? There are millions of people worldwide who are looking to quit smoking. Smoking brings with it many health problems, including heart diseases, cancer and stroke. Yet, many of us are unable to quit for good. Why is that so? Nicotine dependency? Or lack of willpower? This article will outline the few possible ways to quit smoking.

1. Using Nicotine Replacement Therapy products such as sprays, gums, patches, and inhalers. They contain nicotine and act as cigarette alternatives. The advantage with nicotine replacement therapy is that you can gradually reduce the nicotine dosage until you no longer need it. However, this will lengthen your nicotine dependency and you might turn back to cigarettes.

2. Identify the reason for smoking. Do you smoke when you feel stressed? Do you need a cigarette following your meals? Identify the situation when you crave for a cigarette and steer clear of it when the urge to smoke arises. If you have the inclination of smoking at certain places, avoid visiting them for the time being, especially pubs.

3. Go cold turkey. Most people fail using this method because the urge to smoke is too great. However, the advantage of using cold turkey is that you are overcoming the dependency on nicotine immediately. This takes a lot of willpower though.

4. Reminding yourself once you wake up & last thing before you turn in for the night. By repeatedly reminding yourself each day, you are putting new ideas into your mind, which will become a reality after some time. You can say things such as 'Today is a brand new day & I am not going to spoil it with a smoke' or 'Tomorrow shall be the best day ever because I will not touch a stick'.

5. Inform those around you that you are quitting. They will be happy with your efforts and will remind you when you have the urge to smoke. When you have the support of those you love, the chances of quitting will be much higher.

Stopping smoking is not as difficult as it seems. You need to learn these simple tricks to quit smoking forever!
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Attempting to give up smoking is an extremely difficult task. The exact time period that it will take in order to stop smoking for good can differ greatly but what is important is guaranteeing that you are coming up with an agenda to fight the urges to smoke. In the course of your experience attempting to stop you may encounter a scenario where the urge to smoke cigarettes is quite powerful. How you manage this problem will go a long way your best success.

Tip 1. Take the time to decide exactly when you actually smoke a cigarette. For instance, soon after dinners, when you finish a jog around the block, and even soon after your shower each morning. Knowing when you typically smoke cigarettes will probably put you in a great position to create an agenda to fight the need.

Tip 2. Produce a method of attack. This can be some thing as simple as a tension ball for your fists, or even merely a piece of candy to maintain orally occupied. In the event you really enjoy the flavour and feeling of a clean mouth you can have a shot at brushing your teeth any time you want to smoke, or even suck on a peppermint flavoured candy, which will freshen your breath.

Tip 3. Avoid the temptations that lie in wait. When you go out to eat, ensure that you are sitting in the no smoking section. Keep away from heading to tobacco stores, and also try to limit the amount of time period you're around other people who smoke. If you're constantly close to cigarettes, it will be very much more difficult to resist provocation.

Tip 4. Thoroughly clean the house of all tobacco devices. This implies all ashtrays, cigarette lighters, matches and do away with the smell of cigarettes. Products like Febreeze are great for aiding to eliminate smoke smell, which can as well induce a strong urge to light up.

Tip 5. If you have a place in which you generally smoke a cigarette when you are at your home, consider rearranging your location. Whenever you can break up the typical of the scenario, it is possible to resist enticement greater. This works best if you consistently are in the pattern of smoking cigarettes in the exact same location, say for example garage.

Using these 5 tips will put you well on your way to stop smoking for good although when combined with these top stop smoking products your chances will be far greater.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Most of us have absolutely no idea where to start when we want to stop smoking marijuana. It's good that you have made this choice, but if you don't know what you're doing, trying to quit smoking weed can be an absolute nightmare. Therefore in this article i would like to provide you with some tips to stop smoking marijuana.

1) Have a quit date in mind - You need to be totally prepared in order to stop smoking marijuana. Many people make the mistake of thinking they will quit smoking weed as soon as they have finished their current stash. You know as well as me this never works and you end up buying another baggy anyway. The best idea is to set a date approximately one month in the future. Gradually cut down on the amount of weed your are smoking over the next month and then you can completely give up on your "quit date".

2) Try and understand your addiction - Most weed smokers will swear blind that they are not addicted. They will even tell you that marijuana is not addictive! Sorry, but that is just not true. Marijuana is not physically addictive like alcohol, however, it does form a psychological addiction. You are constantly chasing that next "high" and you tell yourself that you will be totally relaxed and at ease as soon as you have a joint! If that is not an addiction, then i don't know what is. I kidded myself for over 12 years that i didn't have an addiction and could give up whenever i wanted! However, i always found myself craving my next hit or high!

3) Make a clean break - In order to stop smoking marijuana it is important that you get rid of all your drug gadgets and paraphernalia. Having items such as papers, grinders, bongs and roach material around you can be just too tempting. Either give all these items to a friend or simply throw them away. When your quit date comes, you want to be rid of everything that you associate with pot. This will make it a lot easier to quit smoking weed.

4) Be prepared for a rough journey - When you stop smoking marijuana, it's tough...really tough. You may have physical withdrawal symptoms for the first few days, but these will eventually go. You may lose your appetite, be unable to sleep and you will be constantly craving and thinking about weed. It is so easy to just give up at this stage and start smoking again, however if you do that you may never quit smoking weed. Just be prepared and understand that it is going to be difficult. Often once you get passed the first 3-4 days, it actually becomes far easier to finally stop smoking marijuana!
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


It is quite difficult to stop smoking after years of being addicted to the dangerous cigarettes. People generally realize the dangers when they start to see the effects in their body. When you start running short of breaths, your teeth start looking pale, you start depending on cigarettes too much; that is when you realize that it is now time to just quit.

If you have made a decision to quit cigarettes, then congratulations! That is the first and most important step to take. It is the most difficult hurdle to come over and you have done it. What comes after this is certainly difficult but you can overcome it with will power and perseverance.

Here are my five tips to stop smoking.

1. Don't just try, make sure you do it. There is a lot of difference between trying and doing. The first step will be to be determined and leave no room for failure. If you leave room to go back to smoking then you are going to take it. It is a good idea to set a date and stick to it. Make sure you choose a date that is suitable to you, because if it is not, then you are going to go back to smoking in the initial stage of your attempt, which is not a good thing. If you have any parties coming up, make sure you choose a date which is after the parties.

2. Tell your friends and family about it. If you tell your friends and family about it then not only you is going to get support from them, you will also be answerable to someone. If you fail in your attempt, then all of them are going to know that you failed. This factor, even though if it works on fear, might prove to be an advantage for you.

3. Don't hesitate to take advantage of therapies, consultancies and aids. There are a lot of therapies, consultancies and aids that are available to assist smokers in quitting. Do not be afraid to use them as they are there to help people like you. You can get a lot of valuable advice from them.

4. In the initial stages of your struggle keep yourself busy. You can find a lot of work if you want to. It is best to keep yourself active and busy because boredom just leads to cigarettes.

5. If you are able to achieve any goal that you set yourself then treat yourself. For example, if you don't smoke for a week, then use the money that you save to buy yourself a gift or a treat. Do it with every milestone that you reach. Now that you have quit smoking, you will be saving a lot of money to treat yourself with.

It might be difficult to fight with the cravings that come every once in a while. You should know that the cravings last only a minute or two, and if you are able to distract yourself for those two minutes you will be alright.

Quitting cigarettes is the best decision that you ever made and it will be one of the best accomplishment of your life when you will look back after ten years. There is no better time to stop smoking than right now. So just go for it.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
"If the WHY is strong enough, the HOW will take care of itself"

Be really honest now in answering the following question. Why do you want to quit smoking? Is it for health reasons, for your kids, to save money? Is it for all those reasons and more?

The most important stop smoking tip is to find the real reason for you wanting to quit, otherwise all your efforts and hard work may be for nothing. You see, unless we truly are motivated and our sub-conscious mind accepts this, we will go in the direction of our goals, but fall at the first hurdle.

Quitting smoking needs a massive amount of motivation. So, let's get right to the heart of your WHY. On a scale of 1 to 10 (ten being the most) how motivated are you? If you are not at least a 7, you are not ready!

If you are not quite ready, write a list of the reasons you want to quit. Take a good hard look at those reasons and be honest with yourself. Do you really want to quit? On your list are there reasons like: My partner thinks I should quit? Or I suppose it's not healthy for me? If so, you are NOT ready.

Write yourself another list entitled 'Reasons I enjoy smoking'. See how easily those reasons come. If you can easily write 10 reasons you enjoy smoking but are finding it hard to come up with 10 reasons to quit - then you are NOT ready!

I have my hypnotherapy clients carry out this task before I agree to work with them and if they can list ten reasons why they enjoy smoking; I send them away and tell them to save their money. Nothing is going to help them to stop smoking because they are NOT ready.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Cigarette addiction is one of the wide spread addictions in the world. Almost 80 percent of people suffer from this addiction but lately it has been decreasing. Still in order to stop smoking there is an easy way and it needs to be done! Let's face it! Sooner or later you will have to stop smoking. So why then later when you can do it sooner. What do you have to lose?

So you made a decision, ok, we can talk! First step is totally up to you. If you do not agree with this step than don't bother trying anything else! Get it into your mind that this is it!

We all know a lot of stories how people decided to quite and how they actually succeeded, some say it was very easy, while others complain. However, instead of listening to others, create a story of your own. First step is to convince yourself that you must stop. Only for your own sake, not for anybody else, not for your children, not even for your friends sake! You must stop because you want to.

Therefore, you need a lot of will power and a strong mindset. The best thing you can do is write a diary. Pick up a date when you will completely give up smoking.

The next step is when that day comes go cold turkey. Do not use patches! Many people that plan to give up smoking by cutting down smoking first and than completely giving up, never do. You can stop the craving but you cannot stop the addiction. The only way to full recovery is to throw cigarettes once and for all.

Stop three is to avoid all the regular places where you used to smoke. Not only that you need to change the routines, things you use to do every day that led to smoking, but you also need to reshape all the places where you used to smoke. An example would be let's say if you smoked in your office while talking on the telephone. Then change the position of your phone, throw away all the ashtrays everything that you can associate with smoking. Off course this is hard to achieve but this is where your will steps in.

Next you need some support. Ask your friends to support you in this difficult task. You cannot do this on your own. Blogging is popular, you can even start your own blog and get your friends to be a part of your decision and support.

The last step is to try to replace the habit with something else. Try chewing gums, or some fresh-mints. Whenever you feel the craving, drink a lot of water. Water will help you cleanse the organism from all the unhealthy toxins that has been building up in your body. And drink a lot of juice. When you stop smoking, your blood sugar level tends to fall and you need a substitute. Juice is great because it provides you with fructose and a lot of vitamin C. At the end, it all comes down to you, and how strong is your will to quite. These tips are some of the easy ways to stop smoking and keep in mind that you are recovery from a very serious addiction.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


First let me congratulate you, because if you are reading this article you must be contemplating quitting smoking pot. For a lot of people quitting is no problem at all for them, so I won't congratulate them as they won't be reading this article, but for the rest of this article will discuss some steps you can take when taking your journey of a life without weed. Here are some tips to stop smoking weed.

First and foremost set a date for quitting. This is no different from when quitting any other addiction. Setting a date allows you to prepare yourself physically and mentally for what lies ahead. This should be a real date, not just some hypothetical time frame down the road, be specific with it. It also shouldn't be when you run out. Write your day down somewhere that you will see daily to remind yourself. My advice for you on a timeframe would be to do it within the next month from the current date. If you go much longer than that, you will probably just brush it off and push that date further along in time and you won't quit.

Have a good understanding of why you are still smoking pot. Being addicted to weed is something that a lot of people don't understand. While marijuana isn't a physically addictive drug like heroin, cocaine or even cigarettes, it is a psychologically addictive drug. It is this psychological addiction that gives most people difficulties in quitting. If you've smoking weed for a long period of time, I'm sure that you've developed a daily routine that includes when and where you are gonna smoke. When you stop smoking weed, your whole daily routine is thrown out the window, and your mind will constantly fight to get back what it knows. You must be prepared mentally for this fight, as it can really knock you on your butt if you aren't.

Throw away your toys. Most pot smokers have some pretty cool toys for smoking. Getting rid of your paraphernalia is another of great tips to stop smoking weed, give them to a friend or throw them away. Whatever you do with them, just get rid of them and clean up, so you don't have any lingering remnants staring you in the face of smoking. It is easier to resist cravings if there isn't anything in front of you staring back saying "smoke me". People will do some crazy things when they have cravings to get high like raiding between the cushions of the couch to see if any trace bits of weed are in there, scraping a pipe for some left over residue and of course we can't forget a roach joint, which we've all done before.

Not everybody suffers withdrawals, but prepared for them. The number one reason why people cave and smoke another joint, is they weren't prepared for withdrawals. If you have your date set, you are already on the right path, as from the moment you set you date you can start getting prepared for what may happen and how you may feel. Do some research and check out what others have gone through. Anxiety, I will let you know is the biggest symptom of withdrawals. Have you ever felt on edge, when you were out of pot and you were supposed to get some more and something happened and you didn't get it on time? Remember that jittery on edge feeling you felt, well this was anxiety. Not take that memory and multiply it exponentially, and you will have a feeling of what your withdrawal anxiety will be like. Not being able to eat or sleep are two other common symptoms.

Doing your research leading up to your quit date is the best of my tips to stop smoking weed that I can give to find out what others have felt. I know that this article has gone on a bit long, and I apologize for that, but if you are serious about quitting for what ever reason, I send you my best wishes.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
If you're a smoker and want to stop with your harmful habit, you shouldn't go into the process blindly. There are several sources that offer you tips on how to stop smoking, and you should pay attention to them as much as possible. Here are just a few more pieces of advice to help you on your way.

The first thing is to believe in yourself. Anybody can stop smoking if they really put their mind to it, but some people drop out when it gets too hard. Don't let yourself give up. Do whatever you can to keep up your focus, including writing a plan on the outset and sticking to it every step of the way.

Part of that plan can include a list on everything you'll gain when you do manage to quit. Not only will you accomplish the main goal of being healthier, you'll also look and feel better. Friends and family certainly want these things for you as well, so ask them to help you and support you.

Many people find success in focusing the energy usually reserved for smoking on other things. Try exercising when you feel the need to smoke which serves a dual purpose as it also helps you become healthier still, and restore things like lung functions from the damage smoking caused them.

When things get hard, you need to remember your inner strength. Picture yourself the way you want to be when you're tempted to give in. There are physical aids too, of course, like drinking lots of water to act as a flush for your body. Start slowly and take the process at your own pace.

Everybody's situation is different. As you start to figure out what triggers bad habits in your own life, you'll know how best to come at them. It will take some time. But once you've gotten past the tough parts, and with the right tips on how to stop smoking, you'll be rewarded for your recovery throughout the rest of your life.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Smoking is injurious to health. That's what we see in every packet of a cigarette. But we still tend to smoke even after knowing it is very harmful. It causes lung cancer and a lot of other diseases. Here are a few tips we can follow to quit smoking. Follow it before it is too late.

• You need to have a strong will power. Believe in yourselves. It's the only first step which can be taken. Our brain controls everything. And our mind is the pillar of our will power. Remember something very hard you did and succeed. Pile up all those guts and use it positively to quit smoking.

• Take a book and write down whatever you feel about how you succeed and overcome the worst things that happened to you. Make your own idea to quit smoking.

• Share it with your close ones; it might be your family or friends. They will obviously support you. Your parents always want the best of you. Use that support as a strength to fight against whatever you are facing.

• You should set a quit date. Think of that day as the new first day of your life without smoking. You will always remember this because you will feel much better than ever before.

• Consult a good doctor. Talk to him about your problems. He will give you medication if needed and also remind you the side effects. Guidance from a professional might add more courage to quit smoking.

• Find something to hold in your hands and mouth to replace cigarettes.

And lastly drink lots of water. It will flush out the nicotine and chemicals from your body. Resort to herbal pills that will decrease the withdrawal symptoms and help you quit smoking for good without any side-effects.

P.S Don't smoke in public. Passive smokers are more affected. Don't kill them.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


As you build up for the big day when you're actually going to quit smoking once and for all, it's always good to have any help you can find and wherever possible, ensure you're not going to try and go it alone.

Each time you find a great stop smoking tip its a good idea to compile it in a list and have it to hand, so here are two ways which really helped me break the nicotine habit painlessly and permanently.

Tip One

To make sure you're successful in your final attempt to give up smoking you need to realise that success does not happen by accident; rather it's your resolve to finally kick the habit and so this means a firm commitment on your part.

There are people, who claim that they just woke up one day and decided to quit smoking, but in my experience, knowing in your heart of hearts that you have to give up is of utmost importance and taking the right steps towards your goal is vital.

If you're plagued with any doubts, you have to shoot them down one by one until you are left with no more excuses.

When it comes to quitting smoking, wishy-washy ideas should be tossed out the window - you need to get leverage and know that it's time to quit!

Tip Two

Make a plan and stick to it!

This for me started with choosing the date I was going to quit smoking and making sure I stayed with it. I used a number of methods to help me give up, but once I had set the date to stop smoking that was it, no turning back!

Tell your friends and family the exact date as an added incentive to see it through! Another benefit to this is that once it's out in the open - if you feel your resolve slipping you'll have other people around you to remind you that you don't want to smoke anymore!

It's easy to tell yourself why you need "just one last cigarette" but not so easy to explain it to others, they don't have the nicotine-demon perched on their shoulder and any excuses the little monster tries to whisper won't sound so seductive to others and hopefully they will point them out for the weak excuses which they really are!

So set a date, tell everyone around you exactly when you're putting out that final cigarette and stick to it, not because you "want to give up" but because "you HAVE to give up"!
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
When smokers take up the courage to kick the smoking habit, they have to undergo the hardship of smoking cessation. They have to meet with this physical changes several times during this process. Especially during this process, they will try various anti-smoking techniques and tips with one goal in mind, that is to have a life from cigarettes and live a fulfilling lifestyle.

Some of those smokers that have successful kick their habit have heard of using stop smoking nicotine patches. Some of them even came across adverts telling them to get a free stop smoking patch. For your information, there is no such thing as a free stop smoking patch.

Most nicotine patches you see on the market are not that expensive. Their pricing mainly depends on the branding and where you have bought from. When you are using nicotine stop smoking patches per day for the whole process, you should consider the price factor.

There are many smokers do not have a strong addiction, therefore they do not have to require any stop smoking patches. However, only those who are compulsive smokers require stronger nicotine stop smoking patches and more frequent change of the patches.

Although, you can't get a free stop smoking patch, you still can get a good deal from many online shops selling stop smoking aids. Of course, their prices are much affordable than those prices in the offline shops. Some online drug stores have regular promotions - for example, you may get a free anti-smoking patch if you buy another complementary product. This is another service to keep existing customers.

You have to consider carefully if you happen to come across a free stop smoking nicotine patch offer. Be very skeptical before accepting it such product and question whether it is genuine or not. Check your patches whether they are real or fake. If you are using the fake nicotine patches, you may get harmful chemicals that might affect your health putting it in a dangerous mode.

For ex-smokers who have successfully kicked their habits, you simply do not need any stop smoking patches. But you still need lots of free support and information to prevent you from picking up this harmful habit again. The internet can give you with many websites to show you the whole picture of nicotine addiction as well as hundreds of tips and techniques to assist help you to quit smoking.

The internet medium can offer you many discussion and support groups to help you. You can meet and communicate with them with others similar to your situation. They are able to share your thought and support.

Whether you are an internet user or not, you are able to get lots of free support from many non-smokers groups. They are there to provide advice and support for smokers trying to kick their habit fast.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Smoking the "numero-uno" of all the vices among the millions that are spreading like cancer all around the world is not only a disgusting and filthy habit but is also the one way ticket to a much rapid and sure death. The owes of the human life and add to it the dollops of mounting pressure piling from all corners of life starting from the work place and ending at the kitchen is compelling men, women and even young kids towards a drag or two of a cigarette. The grip of smoking is really tough to come out of. Many of us already know the harmful effects of smoking and yet it is pretty obvious that none can find it easy to quit smoking.

There are a number of stop smoking benefits. In short if you are a smoker you need to quit cigarettes to save yourself because it is the one way ticket towards a slow and certain death.

It is quite true that whoever is in the grip of this disgusting habit of lighting up from time to time without any concern for the neighbors around or even the environment are doing them a big harm. By quitting you will not only save yourself but will also do your part towards the environment which is already taking a beating due to the world wide consumption of the fossil fuels.

Quit smoking is easier said than done for whoever has had the courage to kick the butt will vouch for the fact that it is a vice whose grip is a really strong one. It is only through dedication, determination, will power and a lot of help from the near and dear ones that one can actually quit smoking. This article will provide you with all the necessary quit smoking tips.

The most common way to quit smoking is to impose self restrictions. You need to understand that you have graduated into a chain smoker after years of practice. Funny it may sound but it is true that the transformation to a chain smoker took its time so while quitting you need to be patient and undertake the long arduous journey step by step. You need to come up with short term goals with the decrease in the number of cigarettes you smoke per day. You need to keep yourself in the activities that keep you engaged and happy so that you do not feel the need of smoking. It is best that you seek help from your friends and family. This is something which you cannot do alone.

It has been seen that most people do not have the necessary control over their minds while trying to quit. So stop smoking hypnosis can be applied. Hypnosis is the age old method of gaining control over the mind and this can applied while trying to quit smoking. Believe it or not stop smoking hypnosis does help you to quit cigarettes. This is a tried and tested method and all the necessary information about it can be searched using the internet.

If you have the habit of smoking it is high time that you quit today, save yourself save the world.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Since you found this article, I am going to assume that you are looking for help to stop smoking. Here are a few things to keep in mind when trying to quit:

1) Quitting the habit may give rise to emotional as well as physical emptiness. In order to overcome this feeling of emptiness a person should build a strong resolve so that he does not resort back to smoking. Quitting smokeless tobacco is widely believed to be much harder than kicking the smoking habit. By far the largest aspect of the addiction to smokeless is the psychological addiction. Quitting smoking is probably the hardest thing anyone could ever attempt, aside from scaling Mount Everest. That's because cigarettes are more addictive than heroin, according to some experts. Please keep that in mind, and understand the enemy that you face.

2) Exercise relieves stress and helps your body recover from years of damage from cigarettes. If necessary, start slow, with a short walk once or twice per day. Exercise will also take up time so that you won?t be able to smoke. It?s nearly impossible to smoke and exercise at the same time. Exercise will not only help you keep your weight down, it can help your lungs start to recover sooner and just improve your health in general.

3) Drink a lot of water. This will keep you healthy and energized overall, and also help to flush the toxins from the nicotine to be flushed out of your system quicker.

4) Pay attention to your diet. Eating a diet which promotes body alkalinity is said to show less desire for tobacco. To calm your nerves, try Magnesium 800 mg daily, stress B-complex 100 mg daily, valerian/wild lettuce drops in water.

5) Change up your routine. Eat at slightly different times of the day, switch your furniture around, and try to make everything at your home different to what it was before. The mental effect is that you'll acknowledge change, i.e., that things are different and you are no longer tied to the past.

Keep pushing forward, and focus your eye on the prize. Your body will thank you.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
I wouldn't be so bold as to put the habit of smoking cigarettes or other forms of tobacco down as a disease. It's not a disease, but it sure is close to being one. Especially because it is hard to break that inclination once you are hooked on the substance.

There are a lot of ways that have been tried in the past with various levels of success. Some people actually have been able to quit smoking cold turkey, but that really is not very common. For the most part, a good number of people who break the habit end up relapsing before too long.

There are so many ways by which people try and/or succeed to stop smoking, but because of the addictiveness of the narcotic, few people will lay claims on any smoking cessation technique as being guaranteed. However, as you keep working, you may want to consider the idea of certain drugs that can help your smoking cessation program. There are more than a few of them and their use is rather sensitive. As a result, you may have to get a prescription from a certified psychologist before you can purchase most of these drugs.

The antidepressant drug bupropin has been in use to help with breaking the smoking habit for quite a while, and its application for that purpose seems to be growing of late. Basically, as its nomenclature suggests, it is used to prevent or reduce depression in patients suffering from that form of despair.

It works by regulating the levels of serotonin that are secreted in your system so that your craving for nicotine - the dangerous addictive substance in tobacco - can be greatly lessened. Bupropin is sold under the brand name Zyban in the United States, and no, you will not get it over the counter.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
You could be using hypnosis, cognitive behavioural therapy or just about any method to stop smoking, no matter what, you can benefit from these 3 powerful tips on stopping smoking.

Tips #1 on stopping smoking

Take a piece of paper, and on one side, write down at least 10 reasons you wish to become a non-smoker. E.g.: it smells, its expensive, I am slowly killing myself... And on the other side of that paper, write at least 10 benefits you will gain from quitting. Keep that paper handy, and look at it whenever you feel like taking another puff.

Tips #2 on stopping smoking

Sit down in a quiet place, and think ahead. When you think one year ahead, think about what happens in your life if you keep going, and smoking and puffing away. Then 3 years, and 5, and 10 years ahead, how is your life going to be if you are honest with yourself? Try to really feel the disgust about the smells, the gigantic mounts of cigarette buds you have left behind, and really try to feel sick inside at the thought.

Then get up, take a short break, and get away from those negative feelings.

Sit back down, and do the same exercise, but now start looking at all the wonderful things that will come off you being a non-smoker. 1 year ahead, 3 years, 5 or even 10 years, imagine how much better you will feel about yourself, how much better you will smell. Just try to imagine the feeling of success, that you will get from accomplishing to quit smoking. Embrace all those great feelings, and take them with you, when you quit smoking.

Tips #3 on stopping smoking

Get social support, and commit yourself even deeper to quit smoking.
When you decide to quit smoking, you can make that decision even more powerful by letting your friends and family know about it in advance of you quitting. Make sure you talk a lot about you quitting, and let everyone know that you may need there help and support to stay a non-smoker.

Don't underestimate the power of support, just look at the Tour de France, and how the yellow jersey sometimes make the rider wearing it, perform way above his normal standards. And the "fear" of having to tell all your friends and family that you failed in quitting, could also be a great motivating factor.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Here are some stop smoking tips that will help you quit nicotine easily and permanently...

Tip #1: Stop relying on old, outdated methods that rely mainly on willpower!

You're ready and dedicated to quit smoking. You're willing to do whatever it takes right? This type of commitment is to be admired but the bad news is... It's not going to be enough!

In our culture struggle is seen as a natural and even admirable process of getting what we want. But when it comes to quitting smoking, relying on will power and determination only makes things worse for most people. You probably know what I'm talking about. Have you tried numerous stop smoking programs and products only to fail time and time again? It's not your fault! You're just following instructions... instructions that are, unfortunately, outdated and just don't work!

Tip #2: You have to truly want a life without smoking more that the cigarettes themselves!

This may sound obvious, but the fact remains that some people just aren't ready to quit. Try to imagine how much healthier and happier you and your family would be if you could kick the habit.

Tip #3: Find a proven method that fine tunes your mind without the need for will power!

In spite of the all the ineffective methods for stopping smoking, there are in fact a few effective ones... ones that DO NOT rely on pure will power or artificial aids.

One such method is called Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and it is without a doubt the easiest and fastest way to quit smoking permanently. NLP fine tunes your subconscious so the desire to light up disappears. There is no will power involved outside of actually following through with the instructions.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy can help you end your addiction to cigarettes, but in order to ensure that you're successful in your effort to quit smoking there are a couple of things that you ought to actually think about. Giving yourself a chance to be successful is not going to happen without cautious planning on your part. If you truly want to give up cigarettes forever then you must create a detailed plan that you can follow. Without this well thought out plan you'll discover yourself back at the nasty habit of smoking cigarettes again.

Initially, you will find that you are probably afraid of quitting. While you know that it is the smart thing to do for your health smoking is a crutch that has become a huge comfort to you. Quitting is so unsettling that you even start to work yourself up over it. You convince yourself that you cannot really do it and that you should just not even attempt since you know you'll fail. Of course, that is the easy way out. However, if you truly believe that you can succeed then you will discover it much easier to give up cigarettes for good.

1.) Your initial step ought to be picking out a definite date that you want to start your smoking cessation program. It is important that all of your family and friends are aware of this date so that they can provide you with much needed support. Often your urge to pick up a cigarette will be overwhelming, and a word of encouragement from someone you trust can be what is needed to keep you on course.

2.) The next step and a critically important one is to remove everything related to smoking from your home. Immediately destroy all cigarettes that you have in your possession. Also, get rid of all lighters, matches and ashtrays. If any of these things are of sentimental value then put them in storage somewhere for a long time.

3.) A very important step is to totally get rid of the smell of cigarettes in your house. Wash your walls and ceilings or repaint them if necessary. Have your carpets, furniture and drapery cleaned. Spare no expense in totally eliminating the smell of cigarettes in your home. The fresh clean smell will help to curb your desire to smoke in your home. Also, the amount of money you spend in this process may act as another motivator in helping you stick with your stop smoking program.

4.) Another way to help you stay motivated is create some sort of reward system for yourself. For example, after going your first day without smoking reward yourself with a small treat that you don't usually eat. However, don't get in the habit of substituting food for cigarettes. With each passing milestone ( first week, first month, six months, etc.) reward yourself with something increasing its value each time.

5.) Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, write your goals down! Research has shown time and time again that written goals are much more likely to be achieved than ones that are not written down. Somehow you are more accountable to goals that are physically written down on paper. Being able to actually see your proposed course of action is much more effective.

One last thing to consider is what type smoking cessation program are you going to follow? Are you going to use nicotine gum, patches, hypnosis or just try to quit cold turkey. Research has shown that Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy used in conjunction with some form of Nicotine Replacement Therapy is the most effective course of action.

Whichever direction you decide to head just remember to take your time and create a very detailed game plan. You will very pleased with the results if you do.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
I know that stopping smoking can be difficult because I was once a smoker myself. Get the tips for quitting smoking that you need to finally become smoke free and get your freedom back, in this article.

Think Of Your Family

Addiction makes you feel selfish. So what you really need to do is to think more about your family. Your family love you and care for you. They don't want to see you dying early and in pain. Smoking takes an average of 15 years off a person's life and your family don't want this. So think of them always.


If it helps, then when you quit smoking you should just throw out the ashtrays and the lighters. You won't need them anymore anyway.

Don't keep them in case your smoker friends come around. They are now banished to smoking outside and your home will be totally smoke free from now on.

Reasons To Quit Smoking

It can help many people to assemble a large list of reasons to quit smoking. What you'll find is that there are no reasons to keep on smoking but a million reasons to quit. Create yourself a large list just to remind yourself of this fact.

Open Your Mind

The last tip I want to give you might seem like strange advice but please remember that I used to be a smoker just like yourself but I have now been clean for 8 years.

Open your mind to new possibilities and really think about what your addiction is doing to you. The reason that I say this is because there are a lot of cures out there but many of them don't actually work. Did you know that the cure rate for people using patches is only about 7%? I bet you didn't know that already, right?

So be more critical but at the same time be open to novel ways to quit that you have never thought of before.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


You try to quit smoking?
That`s one of the wisest decisions you can ever make. Smoking critically increases your risk to have heart disease, lung cancer and brain stroke to mention few.

Am I here to scare you? You bet!

There's no one on this planet who can deny the fact that smoking kills!

You want to live? The you better stop smoking!

Here's a free tip you can use to try to quit smoking.

Take a pen and a notebook (or a piece of paper) that you carry around for a day.
Every time you light one, you write it down; 1, 2,3,4,5 and so on...

At the end of the day, take your notebook and see how many you smoked. Next, count how many cigarettes per hour you have smoked. For example, if you have smoked 20 cigarettes in a period of 10 hours, that's 2 cigarettes per hour, right?

So every half hour you go and light one. What you need to do next is interrupt that pattern! Whenever you want to go and light a cigarette, you delay it! You find something else to do, right that moment! Go for a walk and leave your cigarettes home. Surf the internet. Go and find a book to read. It can be anything as long as you keep thoughts on something else than smoking!

Your goal is to delay so much that you smoke only 1 cigarette per hour! Then you keep going from that until you smoke 1 cigarette per 2 hours! And then 1 cigarette per 3 hours and so on...

Smoking is a habit. All you have to do is interrupt that habit and replace it with a new one! If you try this tip you'll see you have reduced your amount of cigarettes in a very short time. And when you see how easy it is to reduce your smoking this way, you find it very easy to quit!
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
There are multiple options, such as the nicotine gums and nicotine patch for nicotine addicts who want to stop smoking. Unfortunately, none of these stop smoking options can be compared to the success rates of a quit smoking hypnosis program.

Various studies have proved that using hypnosis to stop smoking is very effective, presenting a high percentage of cases as high as over 60%. This represents twice the success rates of the patch and gum options.

Why is it that hypnosis has proved so successful?

According to scientific definition, hypnosis can be defined as "a relaxing, naturally occurring state of mind which happens to us every day." According to the American Medical Association, hypnosis is "a valid therapeutic tool."

Being a "direct unconscious communication," hypnosis has proved to be an efficient technique to stop your addiction to nicotine. In the course of hypnotism, your mind and body are capable of accepting change much more willingly, because through hypnosis, direct communication with your unconscious mind can be attained.
The number one cause for smoking is stress. Hypnosis can help in reducing or controlling stress.

Also, hypnosis to quit smoking provides the benefit of making changes in your approaches, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and associations towards smoking, in order to eliminate nicotine dependency.

You can use self-hypnosis to stop smoking or consult a certified hypnotherapist. The first option consists of employing techniques to relax yourself, and lead you through the images that will inspire you and can make stopping smoking work.

If you think you need help, you can find an accredited hypnotherapist, who has specific training and skill to help you relax and direct you in using specific images and words that work to help you stop smoking.

Beware of unqualified hypnotherapists.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
When you quit smoking today, you are presented with so many choices it sometimes feels like it's easier just not to quit at all. Choosing the right stop smoking program can mean the difference between stopping smoking forever and failing miserably. Follow these tips on stop smoking programs to pick the ones that give you the highest chances of success.

Nicotine withdrawal is one of the toughest parts of stopping smoking. If you pick the wrong program for quitting smoking, you end up having gone through all those withdrawal symptoms for nothing. Not only that, but you'll have to go through all of it again the next time you try to stop smoking.

If you use these tips when picking out a program for stopping smoking, you'll greatly increase your chances for successfully quitting the first time around with an effective method.

Will You Do It?

This may sound simple, but it can be one of the most important factors. If you've decided to join a support group, but you need to drive 2 hours before you reach it, chances are sooner or later you'll find an excuse not to go, and sooner or later you'll slip up and start smoking again. Pick a method you know you can stick to, and one that you are enthusiastic about.

Can You Afford It?

When you stop smoking, your cigarette and medical expenses are supposed to go down. If the therapy costs so much that you have to sell your soul just to pay it off though, you may have been better off smoking. Quitting smoking doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg, so make sure you're able to afford the method you've chosen.

Does It Work?

Check out the success rate of other people who have used the method before you. You also need to look out for potentially negative side effects. It doesn't help if you quit smoking successfully but your eyes pop out of your head.

Now you know what to look out for when deciding between stopping smoking programs. Picking the right program is really half the battle. Have you found the best program for quitting smoking yet?
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
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