
Kicking off your smoking habit is not as hard as you think. Maybe you've tried some self-help programs that guaranteed you to become nicotine free within a couple of days. One way or another, the program you've chosen had failed you in becoming one.

To help you boost your confidence and kick your habit for good, below are a few among the most effective and proven tips on how you can quit your nasty habit of cigarette smoking.

Set SMART goals

Stopping cigarette smoking can be one of your hardest challenges you'll ever undergo. To help you become successful with your goal, it is imperative to at least set general and specific goals to serve as your guide throughout the process.

Abrupt smoking cessation will only bring withdrawal symptoms. In order to avoid them, you must learn slowly stop and bringing your smoking habit to a halt gradually.

Set goals on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Whether you'll cut down your cigarette consumption to at least 5 to 10 percent each week, the bottom line is to make goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bounded.

Mind Setting

Setting clear goals is the first step to become successful. The next best thing you have to do and train yourself in doing is mind setting.

Once all your goals are already laid out, create a mindset of achieving all your goals. Repeating your goals on a daily basis is a good technique to help those goals come in contact with your subconscious mind.

De-Clutter Your Mind

Empty or de-clutter your mind on how cigarette can satisfy you. Replace positive thoughts related to smoking with negative thoughts to help you fight your cigarette cravings.

Instead of thinking that smoking can help you calm your mind and body, negate this thought and create new ones. Try to relate smoking with death and alarming diseases and you'll soon realize the true effects of what smoking does to your body.

Consider Hypnotherapy

Boosting your will power to stop smoking will greatly help you overcome your nicotine addiction. If you're experiencing massive cravings for a cigarette you can bust it out by doing self hypnosis. Hypnosis to stop smoking is specifically designed to power your subconscious mind and reinforce it with positive affirmations and hypnotic suggestions.

Self hypnosis and hypnotherapy enjoyed higher success rates compared to other self acclaimed best self help programs out there. Cigarette smoking is mainly a habit and the only method that you can modify it is by changing your behavioral patterns through your subconscious mind.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Attempting to stop smoking for good is a really difficult task. The time that it takes to stop smoking for good can greatly differ from person to person. What is most important is guaranteeing that you are coming up with the correct plan to fight the urge to have a cigarette. Your experience in attempting to stop may present a scenario where the urge to smoke a cigarette is really powerful. How you tackle this problem will go a long way in helping you succeed.

Try to work out the time when it is that you smoke a cigarette. This for instance, could be soon after your dinner or when you finish a brisk walk or even some exercise. Also soon after you have a shower each morning. Figuring out when you typically smoke a cigarette will put you in a prime position to create a good daily plan to fight the craving.

Make sure to produce a good method of attack. This can be some thing as simple as a product like a nicotine patch, herbal remedy or even a device like an inhalator to alleviate the craving. You may also really enjoy the feeling of a having clean mouth so you could have a shot at brushing your teeth at a time of craving, chewing gum should also help, which will freshen your breath.

Try to ignore the temptations that you encounter. For example when you eat out, make sure that you are sitting in the section for non-smokers. Stay clear from tobacco stores, and also try to keep the amount of time you're around people who smoke to a bare minimum. If your partner smokes as well then try to persuade them to smoke somewhere outside away from you. If you do not stay away from smoke the craving will be worse.

Make sure that any smoking relate instruments in your house are hidden away. This includes all ashtrays, cigarette lighters, matches and smells of smoke (use air freshener). Products like Febreeze are great for removing those lingering smoke smells, which can also increase the urge to smoke.

If you generally smoke a cigarette when you are at a specific place in your home, consider changing your location. Once you break up the typical pattern of smoking, it is much easier to greater resist the urge. These self help tips will put you well on the road to stop smoking for good although when combined with products to stop smoking will be far greater.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
With other symptoms like impaired judgment, comprehension, memory, speech, problem-solving ability, reaction time, and driving skills, marijuana addiction can be compared to alcoholism. Smoking the substance can damage your lungs and increase your risk of lung cancer.

You are in luck if you want to break this horrifying habit because marijuana is not physically addicting. For all the above-mentioned effects of the drug, it apparently has no known physical withdrawal symptoms. As a result, discontinuing the use of the substance is very possible and relatively easier than when you are hooked on nicotine. Although psychological dependence develops in a lot of long-term regular users of marijuana, they can be helped by simple therapy and perhaps some hospitalization.

However, getting help to break a marijuana smoking habit is not all that it takes to quit; you have to be determined on your own to abstain. Because it does not draw on your nerves the way nicotine does, it cannot 'cause' you to come back for more. As such, any return to the use of the substance after quitting is most likely a deliberate act, and one that is not in your best interest. The fact that it is rumored to damage brain cells should be reason enough to make you stop smoking marijuana.

Your doctor can really be of help to you in ensuring that you do away with marijuana. A visit to this physician can provide recommendations that will help you to do away with this habit, once and for all.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


If you really want to know what happens when you stop smoking and you have made up your mind to quit once and for all, I can give you a few tips. Read the following descriptions of what can happen during your withdrawal period and you will be better equipped to meet your challenge head on! I won my battle over nicotine and you can too!

Normally pleasant people can turn cranky, irritable, and moody shortly after their last cigarette. This could happen to you too. Why? It is because your body will start craving nicotine. Take a brisk walk or a hot relaxing bath instead of giving in and lighting up. This symptom will usually last 2 to 4 weeks.

Hunger pains will attack you all hours of the day. Since your mouth is not busy smoking, you get the urge to eat. Your brain no longer knows if it should crave nicotine or food. Try to eat healthier than you did when you smoked. Try crunching on raw vegetable snacks to keep your mouth busy. Again, this symptom should pass in 2 to 4 weeks.

You may develop coughing, post nasal drip or dry throat. Actually, these can be good signs. When you cough alot and bring up phlegm, your lungs are trying to clear themselves. It is good to cough up as much as you can. Hopefully, this symptom will only last a few days.

You could develop some dizziness because your body is now getting more oxygen. It just needs a little time to figure out what is going on. Again, this is a good thing and should pass in 1 or 2 days.

The absolute worst symptom of all will be your craving for another cigarette. Nicotine is highly addictive and your brain will not give up begging for it! This symptom will be strongest in the first few days. Unfortunately, the cravings could continue for months or years but they will not be as strong. This side effect needs to be fought with every available resource. First, try waiting it out. It will pass in a few minutes. Also, try drinking water, take a walk, or find an online quit smoking support group. A nicotine replacement product would work for this symptom too. You can find one in the form of gum, lozenge, patch, inhaler or spray.

Freeing yourself of your nicotine addiction may require a great battle. It is a battle that can be won! You can do it! Now that you know what happens after you stop smoking, arm yourself with the resources that will make you victorious over the withdrawal symptoms.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Are you trying to stop smoking weed? Maybe you've thought about it for a long time but haven't taken the necessary steps yet. Read on for some tips to help you quit smoking weed for good.

Marijuana or weed used to be considered a "soft" drug. However, during the recent years, ever more potent crops of weed have become available, and they lead to stronger and stronger physical as well as psychological dependence. And that makes it harder and harder to quit.

First, there is the debate as to whether you should stop cold turkey or gradually. It may depend on your personality, but generally, quitting cold turkey is easier - you get it over with and after a week or two, your withdrawal symptoms are slowly subsiding.

Still those withdrawal symptoms can be considerable. Chief among them is anxiety. And the fear alone of the kind of anxiety you could expect can keep you from even trying to quit.

So what does it take?

1) Make a commitment

First of all, you have to be committed to quitting. If you aren't, you're not going to make it. It's hard, and unless you really want to quit, it's unlikely that it will stick.

2) Get a support system

You should surround yourself with a support system. Instead of hanging out with your smoking buddies who will try to talk you into joining them, once again, you should stay clear of any context where you might feel tempted.

Instead, stick with people who support you in your efforts to quit smoking pot. They should be understanding of how challenging it is and help you through any anxiety and mood swings you may have to deal with as you ride out your cravings.

3) Distract yourself

Find other activities that do not involve smoking weed. If you engage in hobbies, outdoors activities, or activities in places where smoking weed is impossible, you will find it much easier to resist temptation. After a while, you might be distracted enough that you won't even think of smoking anymore, or at least not very often.

4) Get help

Get the help you need. There are a number of things that can help you, from supplements to hypnosis and acupuncture. Don't hesitate to ask for the help you need to quit and stay quit.

5) Think of the benefits

Before you even start the process of quitting, make a list of all the reasons why you want to quit. There are many reasons why it's a good idea to stop smoking pot. Your brain will thank you. And there are many other health benefits, including a much reduced chance of coming down with lung cancer.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
You feel that you need to make a total change in your life, and have made the decision to stop smoking, and are now searching for a stop smoking tip. You've thought about quitting smoking in the past but now have an urgent desire to it now, and for good. No longer will you be held to ransom by the nicotine habit that has controlled your life for years. Good for you, now is the time to find a method that will get you free of the habit, you need to stop smoking now, and for good. Never, ever, consider the possibility that you will fail; this is the time to go for it!

You now have now several things to consider, one of which is deciding a date to quit for good. Stop smoking tip - lots of folks decide that January 1st will be the day, but Jan 1st comes and goes, they are still smoking. What an awkward position to put yourself in, loads of goodwill, but no action. Don't put yourself through this doubt and pain; you are obviously thinking very seriously about becoming smoke free, why not now? Get rid of all your cigarettes, and set yourself up mentally to do this, once and for all.

Stop smoking tip - Look into setting up a reward for yourself when, not if, you achieve your ambition of becoming a non smoker, (even sounds good, doesn't it?) Work out how much you spend in a week, month, a year even. How could you put that money to far better and healthier use? Hobbies, new golf clubs, replace your car, a holiday? Be sure that the things you choose are items that you really, really want, and couldn't afford if you were still smoking. Don't just think of the financial rewards though, look at the improvements in your health, your well being, your outlook on life, these will all benefit, in addition to your wallet.

Stop smoking tip - During the period of quitting smoking you will find it helpful to increase the amount of exercise that you take, also watch how much you are eating. Many people find that when they quit, they put on weight. This can be a big concern but if you are prepared for it you can take charge of the situation and minimize the effects. The weight gain possibly comes about because you now have nothing to do in the time you would have been smoking; the temptation is to eat instead, hence the need for exercise. Accept that you may have some weight gain, but keep it under control.

Stop smoking tip - One major factor you should consider is the state of your overall health. If you are in poor physical condition you should consult your doctor with your stop smoking plan. No doctor is ever going to discourage you from quitting smoking; they will almost certainly be able to offer some support and advice that is specific to your particular situation. This support is invaluable as your doctor will be able to monitor your health improvements, giving you proof of the benefits of quitting.

Do not imagine for a moment that you are on your own. People give up smoking every day, and will continue to do so in ever increasing numbers, why not you as well then? Set out a well thought through plan, and just do it! Nobody ever said quitting was easy, but look at the benefits, to your health, wealth and happiness. Not to mention the pride you will have when you succeed, and you will!
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Everyday new methods are emerging for the treatment of the smoker's addiction to cigarette. Most of them are very easy and cost-effective, while some are stressful and expensive. So many tips, so many solutions, and lots of therapies about how to tackle this problem, but so many smokers are still smoking still... If you are one of those who has just found it so had to quit, this article will help you since it offers some tips that will help you finally conquer the habit. The tips for quitting smoking might not be new or amazing, but if you try it, the result will speak for itself.

The first tip to quitting smoking is to decide to quit and never take another puff of cigarette. You must have faith in your ability to stop, seeing the possibilities and not the impossibilities, you should look and speak to your image in the mirror, calling your name, and affirming the fact that you can do it.

Don't think of all the rest of your life; just take it a step at a time - think of today and how to go through each day far away from cigarettes. At this point you need to create your own quit smoking plan, enumerate them clearly and paste it where you can always see it. This is important because you know yourself more than anyone, even more than professionals in this field, you know you strength and weaknesses, so the plan developed by you will be the best for you.

Set a quitting date and stick to it when that day comes. On that day follow your plan and practice the self made tips that you've created suiting to your personality. In case you don't have any idea of what plan to make, do a quick search online of the many quit smoking tips, go through the suggestion of others and then develop your own personal way of quitting. Be very determined and seriously follow the pattern you've given yourself to stop. If you sincerely do this, you'll find that it will be easy to stop, without any external help - just with self help.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
There are those who claim to have given up smoking all in one day without going through side-effects or having a difficult time saying "no" to another cigarette. I don't care what they say - if they quit that easily and then they were not addicted in the first place. Cigarette addiction is one of the strongest addictions a person can have and while it does not cause aggression and abuse, it can cause premature death. There are several reasons to stop smoking (health, life, family..), but there are not any good reasons to continue to smoke. If you smoke, then quitting is the smartest thing you can do to get healthy.

1. Quitting smoking is not going to be easy. If you are truly addicted, it will be one of the hardest things you have ever done. If you go into your stop smoking plan with the idea that it will be a breeze, you won't be ready to withstand the withdrawal symptoms that inevitably ensue. Be prepared for it to be difficult! This will be a battle but if you prepare yourself, you will win it.

2. You cannot hang around with smokers while they are smoking; especially when you have just begun your journey to being smoke-free. The constant breathing of smoke from others cigarettes will make you feels that you must have one as well. Even if you can withstand the craving, it just seems silly to put yourself through it. Walk away when people light up and do not let them smoke in your home or your vehicle.

3. The plan that works best for you may not be the plan that worked for your neighbor. Every one of us responds differently to certain conditions. By all means, try your neighbors idea, but do not assume you can't quit because what they did does not work well for you. When one avenue fails, try another. Some people respond well to hypnosis while others don't. Some are able to replace cigarettes with exercise. Some require a nicotine patch, gum or inhaler. Some must throw their cigarettes out and call it quits immediately while others do better by quitting in steps. Then there are those who choose to combine a few different strategies in their program for quitting smoking. Don't quit quitting.

The most important thing you need to know to quit smoking is that you CAN quit smoking. Be smart about quitting and eventually you will succeed.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Many people smoke. Smoking has become a trend around the world. Most of the smokers are men but now there are women who smoke too. Time has changed when men used to dominate cigarettes and women shun away from it. The problem here is that smoking not only harms the smoker but the people around the smoker.

The non-smokers are everywhere just the same as smokers. It is very likely that in a park, there are hundreds of people who are non-smokers and equal hundreds of people who smoke. Thus, the surrounding is full of smoke and non-smokers will have to inhale the smoke when they breathe involuntarily.

A passive smoker has a higher risk of getting smoke related health issues such as lung cancer. A study shows that passive smokers are likely to die earlier than the smokers. This seems absurd, but this is the truth so smokers, please take note, you are not only killing yourself but others too.

The problem however is wider than we thought. First, you as a smoker put yourself into a situation that is not supposed to happen. If you develop cancer, what happened to your family? They will have to fork out their savings to pay for your treatments and you will suffer and perhaps bedridden. You have given a burden to your family.

However, don't just stop there. While you smoke, your family is exposed to the smoke coming out from you. Do you know that the smoke you exhale is even more toxic than the smoke you inhale? I can imagine that someone who has kids playing in the pen while he is puffing away ignoring the existence of the kids.

When it comes to kids, they are known to be high in curiosity and want to learn and explore about life. When your kids see you smoking, they will follow you. By the time you realised it is a mistake to smoke in front of them, it is too late as they have grown up and pick up the habit from you.

There are many ways to stop smoking. It depends on whether you want to stop or not. To stop smoking is not easy but with determination, I am sure you can stop smoking successfully. There are many resources that recommend ways to stop smoking. I would recommend you to visit i-will-quit-smoking.com to read more about how to stop smoking, the benefits of stop smoking and many more.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


The prospect of quitting cigarettes can be totally overwhelming - I'm sure you can agree that the idea of life without smoking is not always an easy one, certainly not as simple in a lot of ways as the idea of lighting up "just one more"!

Here's an easy stop smoking tip from a former forty-a-day chain-smoker!

The truth be told is that the task is neither simple and there is no click your finger fix, if there was one, I'd bottle it and become a kazillionaire (maybe one day)...

When your preparing to rid yourself of your "friendly old pal" nicotine you have to get honest, not only with yourself but also with your family and spouse. You may well become irritable and people might have to cut you some extra slack (well there's one benefit to quitting right there!)...

There is a shortcut to quit without too much frustration and its pretty simple...avoidance!

It's fair to say that there might be moments when you get tempted by the lure of "just one more" - indeed at these times it's not uncommon to see cigarettes wherever you look, if you take a stroll, you will see everyone smoking, trees can resemble cigarettes and clouds become puffs of smoke!

Naturally, in reality not everyone is smoking but it may feel that way, like you're the only one "left out".

At these moments, you need to remember that it's all in the mind and you will have these irrational hallucinations - but that is all they are, it's all part of the game and that's the best way to look at it, a game which you can both master and win!

Avoiding places where fellow smokers you work or socialise with congregate, for the first few weeks, will help you quash the temptation of smoking before it has a chance to even think about tapping you on the shoulder!

It's a good idea to change your patterns for awhile and analyze possible areas where you might meet smokers and simply avoid them until your cravings cease (and the cravings are weaker than you may think!).

Changing your routine is pretty easy if you think ahead. I made a plan to avoid all temptation before I even thought about putting out my last cigarette and it worked - five years later, I'm still a Non-Smoker and plan to carry on that way!

It's all in the planning so start now, follow this easy stop smoking tip, have faith in yourself and look forward to your new smoke-free life today!
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Whether you are using Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Hypnosis or just Cold Turkey, these strategies and hints are for aiding you to stop smoking and are sure to assist you in helping your neurology change and thus enable you to stop smoking with ease. It is up to you to ensure that you do these things to really enhance what you are doing, the more effort you put into these exercises, the easier it is to stop smoking for good.

Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 1.

Being a smoker is like cycling with stabilisers attached to the wheels, you can find it hard to be balanced without smoking. Now, when you cycle freely again, the natural balance returns.

When people smoke, more than half of what they breathe is fresh air - pulled through the cigarette right down into the lungs. So if you feel any cravings you can instantly overcome them by taking three deeper breaths. Imagine breathing from that space just below your belly button. Whenever you do this you put more oxygen into your bloodstream. This means you can use deep breaths to change the way you feel instantly and give you power over the way you feel and help you let go of those old cravings and thus making it easier to stop smoking.

Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 2

Next, think now of all the reasons you don't like smoking, the reasons that it's bad and the reasons you want to stop smoking. Write down the key words on a piece of paper. For example, you experience breathlessness, it's dirty, filthy and your clothes smell, your friends and family are concerned and it's expensive, unsociable and so on. Then, on the other side of the paper, write down all the reasons why you'll feel good when you've succeeded in stopping. You'll feel healthier, you'll feel in control of your self, your senses are enhanced, your hair and clothes will smell fresher and so on. Whenever you need to, look at that piece of paper.

Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 3

Next, we are going to programme your mind to feel disgusted by cigarettes. I want you recall 4 times when you thought to yourself "I've gotta quit", or that you felt disgusted about smoking. Maybe you just felt really unhealthy, or your doctor told you in a particular tone of voice 'You've got to quit' or somebody you know was badly affected by smoking. Take a moment now to come up with 4 different times that you felt that you have to quit or were disgusted by smoking.

Remember each of those times, one after another, as though they are happening now. I want you to keep going through those memories and make them as vivid as possible. The more vivid you make those memories, the easier it will be to stop smoking. See what you saw, hear what you heard and feel how you felt. I want you to take a few minutes now to keep going through those memories again and again, overlap each memory with the next until you are totally and utterly disgusted by cigarettes.

Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 4

Have a think to yourself about the consequences of you not stopping smoking now, if you just carry on and on. Imagine it, what will happen if you carry on smoking. What are the consequences? Imagine yourself in 6 months time, a years time, even 5 years time if you do not stop smoking now. Think of all the detrimental effects of not stopping right now and how a simple decision you make today can make such an impact on your future.

Next, imagine how much better is your life going to be when you stop smoking. Really imagine it's months from now and you successfully stopped. Smoking is a thing of the past, something you used to do. Keep that feeling with you and imagine having it tomorrow, and for the rest of next week. In your mind, imagine stepping in to that non-smoking version of you and feel how it feels to be a non-smoker.

Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 5

Also, your mind is very sensitive to associations, so it's very important that you have a clear out and remove all tobacco products from your environment. Move some of the furniture in your house and at work. Smokers are accustomed to smoking in certain situations. So, for example, if you used to smoke on the telephone at work move the phone to the other side of the desk. Throw away ashtrays, old lighters and anything that you used to associate with smoking. Make your environment conducive to stopping smoking.

Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 6

Smokers sometimes use their habit to give themselves little breaks during the day. Taking a break is good for you, so carry on taking that time off - but do something different. Walk round the block, have a cup of tea or drink of water, or do some of the techniques on this programme. In fact, if possible drink a lot of fruit juice. When you stop smoking the body goes through a big change. The blood sugar levels tend to fall, the digestion is slowed down and your body starts to eject the tar and poisons that have accumulated. Fresh fruit juice contains fructose which restores your blood sugar levels, vitamin C which helps clear out impurities and high levels of water and fibre to keep your digestion going. Also try to eat fruit every day for at least two weeks after you have stopped.

Also when you stop, cut your caffeine intake by half. Nicotine breaks down caffeine so without nicotine a little coffee will have a big effect. Drink 8-10 glasses of water (ideally bottled) to help wash out your system.

Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 7

You were used to using cigarettes to signal to your body to release happy chemicals, so next we are going to programme some good feelings into your future. Allow yourself to fully remember now a time when you felt very deep ecstasy, pleasure or bliss, right now. Take a moment to recall it as vividly as possible. Remember that time - see what you saw, hear what you heard and feel how good you felt. Where abouts in your body were those feelings, imagine turning them up and spreading them through your body to make them more intense.

Keep going through the memory, as soon as it finishes, go through it again and again, all the time squeezing your thumb and finger together. In your mind, make those images big and bright, sounds loud and harmonious and feelings strong and intensified. We are making an associational link between the squeeze of your fingers and that good feeling.

Okay, stop and relax. Now if you have done that correctly when you squeeze your thumb and finger together you should feel that good feeling again. Go ahead do that now, squeeze thumb and finger and remember that good feeling.

Now we're going to programme good feelings to happen automatically whenever you are in a situation where you used to smoke but now you stop smoking.

So, next I'd like you to squeeze your thumb and finger together, get that good feeling going and now imagine being in several situations where you would have smoked, but being there feeling great without a cigarette. See what you'll see hear and take that good feeling into those situations without a need for a cigarette.

Imagine being in a situation where someone offers you a cigarette and you confidently say 'No thanks, I don't smoke'. And feel fantastic about it!

Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 8

Get social support. Your commitment to stopping smoking for the rest of your life can be made much easier by talking about it to friends and family and letting them support you. They will congratulate you on doing so well too! You really did stop smoking.

Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 9

Be aware of making excuses for yourself. Some people talk themselves into smoking, especially if they encounter a stressful situation and in the past they used to deal with it by smoking. If those old thoughts pop into your head, shout the word "STOP" in your head, to stop the thoughts from progressing. Nicotine just stresses your body more and is like that itch that can never be properly scratched; the more you smoke, the more you have to. So say "STOP" and steer clear of old slippery slopes.

Powerful Stop Smoking Hint 10

Reward yourself. Congratulate yourself. Feel how good it feels to stop smoking and be a non-smoker. Treat yourself each time you get past a certain milestone; the first week or first month, the six month target. Let yourself know that you did something really special here.

Keep on using your brain, stretching it and helping your self, by running through these exercises time after time; you are sure to be able to make it easier and easier and successfully stop smoking for good.

Copyright 2005 Adam Eason All Rights Reserved.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
You know that smoking is bad for your health. You know that it will kill you. You are desperate to stop, but you can't! If you are wondering how you can stop smoking forever, read this article if you dare to try these methods! They have not been discussed before, but I have found them to be very effective!

1. The smoking method. This sounds crazy, but it works for me! Find a room and close all the windows and the door. Then lit a few cigarettes and leave them to burn. This will create a smoky atmosphere that will have you coughing and tearing. You will find yourself having difficulties in breathing! This is a good analogy of how your lungs are feeling deep inside you; they can't breathe properly! All the tearing will also leave you wondering why you are smoking away your life in the first place!

2. The chain smoking. All the name suggests, smoke a few cigarettes consecutively, without stopping. Once you are done with the first stick, go on to the second, then third, etc. You will feel so terrible after the third stick (or more) that you would want to quit smoking immediately! The idea behind this is to create a horrible taste in your mouth that you feel that that would be the last stick in your mouth!

3. The digging method. After you are done with step 2, its time for the killer move. This might sound gross, but it should also work for you. After you are done with the chain smoking, here is the next thing you should do: put your finger into your throat and start to wriggle around, as if you are looking for something that is trapped in your throat. This action is sure to make you puke! IMPORTANT POINT TO TAKE NOTE: DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU ARE UNSURE! This method is supposed to make you feel worse and create a psychological effect that smoking is horrible and that you should quit now!

The 3 steps that I have suggested works perfectly well for me, and I have not touched a cigarette ever since.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Have you tried to quit smoking without any success? Have you tried several methods only to end up smoking once again? Check out these quit smoking tips to help you stop smoking once and for all.

Tip #1: Replacing Your Habit

If you've been smoking for long enough, you not only become addicted to the nicotine in cigarettes, but you start forming a smoking habit. As the saying goes, old habits die hard, and smoking habits die even harder.

You've probably heard of nicotine replacement therapy, which involves getting lower nicotine doses from sources other than cigarettes. What people often neglect is that when you quit smoking you not only have to deal with the physical addiction to nicotine, but also your psychological addiction to the act of smoking.

When you quit smoking, it helps immensely to have a new habit or hobby in place to divert your attention away from smoking. Whether it be chewing on carrot sticks and gum or going for a jog, being able to focus and think about something other than smoking greatly improves your chances of staying away from smoking.

Tip #2: Finding Your Triggers

Smoking triggers are people, events, situations, or basically anything that 'triggers' you to smoke. Go through one day of smoking, writing down each and every time you smoked and why you did it.

Not only does this help you to understand why you really smoke, but it also allows you to formulate a plan of attack on all the things that cause you to smoke.

Once you know why you smoke, you can try to find ways to avoid your smoking triggers, or deal with them in some way other than lighting up.

Tip #3: Getting Exercise

Exercise is often cited as one of the main things you need to do to get back to health, and for smokers this is even more true. Regular exercise doesn't only help get your body and your lungs back into shape, but it also has the added benefit of helping you to flush out nicotine and other toxins from your body faster.

Having a regular exercise routine to replace your regular smoking habit also helps give you something to put your mind off smoking.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Smoking cessation is an unpleasant experience from whichever side you look at it. You will have to cope with the cravings and all the withdrawal symptoms, you will have to beat up the smoking habit and change your lifestyle completely.

To help you get out of the smoking-swamp we have compiled a short list with tips to help you give up smoking.

Tip #1. Set up a stop date a few weeks in advance. This will give you enough time to prepare yourself for the upcoming changes. Moreover, this will allow you to start some medical treatment.

Tip #2. A simple but an important one - throw away all your cigarettes on your stop smoking day. This will not only prevent easy access to cigarettes but also will have a huge psychological impact on you.

Tip #3. Avoid places and situations that would prompt you to lighting up a cigarette. For example if you light up your first cigarette with your morning coffee, replace the coffee with herbal tea; avoid going to pubs or night clubs during your first ex-smoker weeks.

Tip #4. Get stop smoking aids after consulting with your doctor. Nicotine patches or gums may help you a lot in the smoking cessation process and provide great relief from the withdrawal symptoms.

Tip #5. Start saving the money that you used to spend on cigarettes. You will soon discover that you have put aside enough to buy something nice for yourself.

Tip #6. Set up a sport activity plan. Start with long walks, buy a bike and cycle to your work or just for fun, rollerblade, or go swimming. Any physical activity is good and it is up to you to pick up the ones that most suit your personality. Sport will not only help improve your appearance but it will help your body detox and reduce both the cravings and the cessation symptoms.

Top #7. Change your eating habits, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, drink a lot of liquids. A healthy diet will not only prevent you from gaining weight but also reduce the withdrawal symptoms.

Tip #8. Get support from your family and friends. The first week after you put away the cigarettes you will be nervous and irritable so it is vital that they understand your behavior and help you.

Top #9. Trick your mind - think of reward scheme. For example "if I do not smoke for a couple of weeks I will buy ..." You can promise yourself a big prize if you manage not to smoke for three months - something like a vacation or a trip to an exotic place.

Tip #10. Be very patient and believe that you can do it. Your dedication will help you stop smoking more than any other therapy or medications. Smoking is 70% connected with your mind and only 30% with your body.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Smoking is regarded as one of the leading causes of Cancer and death in the world today. Unfortunately, for those who smoke, it can also be one of the most difficult habits to quit. Nicotine effects your body by producing pleasure in the brain of smokers. this pleasure created by Nicotine can suppress anger, relieve minor depression and enhance concentration. As smoking continues, your body begins to demand more Nicotine, which pollutes the blood and causes damage to the users lungs and liver. Other effects of smoking include:

* Impotence in men
* Infertility in men
* Smokers are more likely to go bald
* Premature graying of hair
* Faster aging and deeper wrinkles
* Heart Disease
* Lung Cancer
* Strokes

Despite these effects, Many smokers find it incredibly difficult to quit smoking, and many die from its effects. Due to this difficulty with quitting smoking, there are many stop smoking aids on the market today, however many of them involve trying to slowly reduce the amount of nicotine you put in the body. This can work however you are still relying on the chemical of nicotine, which is the drug you become addicted in the first place. Other stop smoking aids have even caused depression, thoughts of suicide and death to those using them. These reasons have made the effort to quit smoking naturally very appealing to many people.

Smokers looking to quit smoking naturally first have to really want to quit. If you do not truly want to quit smoking then no amount of stop smoking aids or alternatives will help. This is a decision you have to make on your own and must truly want it.

One method to quit smoking naturally is to quit "Cold Turkey". This method is by far one of the most difficult methods because you are cutting you body completely off of nicotine, which you body craves every time the smoker wants a cigarette. This isn't to say it can't be done. Several smokers do succeed in quitting smoking by this method.

With this method, and most methods, cravings for a cigarette may occur due to the strong effects of Nicotine on the brain. To avoid this, the smoker should keep themselves busy doing something they enjoy, such as a hobby you love in order to reduce the depression that sometimes effects smokers as they quit smoking. Exercise also helps to improve mood and regain health. Exercise releases endorphins and dopamine in the brain that activate pleasure receptors intern making you feel happy.

There are also many herbal supplements that can help reduce the side effects of quitting smoking naturally, including mild depression and weight gain, and also help heal the damage caused to the body by smoking. One of the most popular natural stop smoking aids is called "Zero Nicotine" and has several natural ingredients that have been proven to help many people quit smoking naturally.

Zero Nicotine contains ingredients such as: St. John's Wort, Ginseng Root, Sarsaparilla Root, Passion Flower, Kelp Plant, Echinacea Root and other natural herbs. These ingredients combine to create a potent formula that has assisted many in there goal to quit smoking naturally.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Smoking is considered both a habit and an addiction. The good news is that if you can go for three days without a cigarette you have beaten the addiction to nicotine. The nicotine takes approximately seventy two hours to leave your body no matter how long you have been smoking or how many cigarettes per day you usually smoke.

The bad news is that after those three days you are no longer an addict, you have a habit and a habit typically takes more work and more time to clear your mind than nicotine does to leave your system. What that means is that for the vast majority of smokers some other work will have to be done. 24% of the general population can stop after one hypnosis session and are likely to be the ones who would have been able to stop smoking cold turkey anyway.

For the rest of you, the smoking habit and all the emotional components that go along with a habit must be explored and worked through. Hypnosis is still considered the single best way to stop smoking with the highest rates of success in comparison to other methods such as the patch, prescription medication, nicotine gums, and inhalers. Up to 85% of the smoking population can successfully stop smoking after4- 5 hypnotherapy sessions using a combination of techniques that include NLP, Parts Therapy, positive suggestions, aversion therapy and regression work.

Here are some suggestions to help you on your journey towards becoming a permanent non-smoker:

1. Stop using the word "quit"! No one wants to be a quitter and subconsciously we have resistance to quitting anything. Change to stop smoking, cease, end etc. These words have more positive connotations for us subconsciously.

2. Every time you buy a pack of cigarettes, change brands completely, for example go from Du Maurier to Craven "A" etc.

3. As soon as you open the pack of cigarettes, cut them all in half. Some people prefer to limit the number of puffs they take to three or four then throw the rest of the cigarette away, however this can be a more difficult choice for some.

4. Replace cigarettes with fruit, preferably oranges, but any fruit will do. Great for vitamins and fibre, helping you detoxify the tar and nicotine from your body while keeping your hands and mouth busy with something other than a cigarette.

5. Change all your associations such as if you always have coffee with a cigarette, try switching to tea etc.

6. Change the times you usually smoke by waiting an extra 15 minutes to see if you can distract yourself.

7. Use a deep breathing technique to overcome cravings. Belly breathing is a good one: inhale through the nose to the count of five, hold it for a second then exhale through the mouth to the count of five, repeat at least five times, more if necessary.

8. Write a list of all the benefits you will gain by stopping smoking, such as fresh breath, better sense of taste and smell, more money to spend on clothes, vacations, new car etc. Look at this list at least once a day and add to it when you feel inspired to.

9. Take the money you would normally spend on cigarettes and put it into a separate account or jar at home. Reward yourself with your savings!

10. Consider taking some stress and/or anger management training, meditation classes, yoga etc. to help you deal with nervous tension, any mood swings or other issues that may arise as you transition into your new healthier lifestyle!

Good luck with your journey, you can do it!
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
If you are seeking methods or treatments regarding quit smoking, there are loads of stop smoking tips available for you. You just do a favor to decide to quit smoking, but bear in mind you need to find the appropriate stop smoking tips for success.

Risk of Going Back to Old Habits

Lots of smokers have kept their mind on certain tips. After following those tips, some of them successfully have managed to break the habit.

One of stop smoking tips that is very obvious is that average person doesn't light up a cigarette for about six to eight hours per day and the reason is that these hours are spent in sleeping at night. Moreover, among the many useful tips you will come upon, keep your mind on things like using hypnosis or making use of nicotine aids if you really want to kick the habit. As a final resort, you could even mull over doing cold turkey or even using certain medications that help a person to quit smoking.

However, whatsoever stop smoking tips you try out, they will work in a different way for each smoker.

Hypnosis can help you relax and make you forget of smoking thus it has been claimed to be a very effective quit smoking tip. In truth, while you are hypnotized, the hypnotist will frequently repeat a certain message which principally says that smoking is no longer a required thing for you to do. As you will be in a relaxed state of mind, in your intuitive state, your mind will become receptive to this message and then help you act on it and lead you to quitting smoking.

Answer all questions of yours in regard to stop smoking tips.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
One of the reasons why smokers reject the idea of quitting is their fear of withdrawal effects. Just like every other addiction, there will be a temporary period of adjustment but that's just what it is: a period.

Liberate yourself from this dangerous habit by learning how to quit smoking naturally. Not only do you save money, but the risks of acquiring diseases such as lung cancer and heart attack are also minimized.

Here are several ways that have worked with ex-smokers that you can try or inspire you to develop your own way of quitting smoking forever.

Start off by conditioning your body. Exercise, avoid too much fatigue, and eat healthy foods. Avoid the situations that usually make you crave for smoke afterwards.

Most smokers feel an urge to smoke usually after their meals. One way to lessen that urge is to drink coffee or beverages that contain caffeine. Another option is to use stop smoking aids such as nicotine gum instead.

Then plan how you want to quit smoking either through stopping entirely or just gradually decreasing the number of smoke you consume everyday. Say you consume ten sticks of cigarette everyday, you can decrease it one by one every two days and smoke only half of the stick.

Break the pattern that you previously had and make it uncomfortable for you to smoke. You can place the cigar packs in a hard to reach location, smoke at awkward hours of the day and puff at a different place.

Get rid of your favorite brand and choose one that you don't like. You can also reach out for a nicotine gum instead.

The most important part of any method you choose is to have a proper mindset - do not think that stopping from this habit is impossible. This is perhaps the most difficult to observe but remember that once you have it envisioned, the rest is a piece of cake.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Giving up smoking is very difficult. Once you become chemically and mentally addicted to this process it becomes hard to stop. However, quitting smoking for good is not impossible. In this article I intend to offer some help and guidance by giving you six helpful tips for overcoming the cigarettes and stopping smoking.

1) Think about the dangers to your Health:- When thinking about giving up smoking your health should be one of your primary concerns. Each cigarette contains over 4,000 chemicals and 43 of these are known to be cancer causing agents. Apart from causing damage to your lungs smoking can also lead to the development of mouth cancer, throat cancer, kidney cancer and skin cancer. Think to yourself, do you really want to invest your time and money in an activity which is damaging your body?

2) Don't Overthink It:- When people try to quit smoking one of the key reasons behind their failure is overthinking the issue. By thinking about how badly you want to stop smoking you are inadvertently making yourself think about cigarettes even more and not giving the cravings a chance to go away. If you make the decision to quit try to do other things to take your mind off the fact that you are actually giving up the cigarettes for good.

3) Try Stop Smoking Products:- As you are probably aware there are multiple gums, pills and patches which can help you give up cigarettes. If the cravings are getting too much then these products may be worth your consideration. However, remember that no single product can make you quit alone. Strong willpower is required too but they are a useful tool which can make stop smoking that little bit easier.

4) Think about the extra Money:- If you give up smoking you will have more money available to you. Depending on how much you smoke you could actually save a significant amount just by stopping smoking. Not spending this money on cigarettes will allow you to do other things such as go out to movies, clubs and restaurants, go on extra holidays, buy a new car, buy new things for your house or anything else you can think of. Surely this improved financial situation is a much better option than investing in potentially lethal cigarettes?

5) Consider a Quit Smoking Program:- A good quit smoking program should help you get through the difficult time you will experience when you stop smoking. If you have friends who have given up smoking ask them if there are any quit smoking programs which really helped them. In particular a good program should help you cope with the cravings, reduce the withdrawal symptoms and address the weight gain that often occurs when you stop smoking. Most importantly the program should be right for you as an individual. Like with quit smoking products a good program will help but strong desire and willpower are still required.

6) Try Herbal Products:- Herbal supplements can help remove the harmful toxins from your body that cigarette smoke creates. They can also reduce weight gain, restlessness and cravings, all of which are associated with stopping smoking. Herbal supplements are available in health food shops, pharmacy chains and on the Internet. Like with many other suggestions in this article herbal supplements will help but they will not make you quit smoking alone.

I hope that these six tips help if you are struggling to stop smoking. If you want to quit badly enough you will make it through. Good luck with ditching the cigarettes and if you are having difficulty at any time refer back to this article.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Cigarette smoking has been part of our social scene for close on 100 years. Long before that tobacco was used in pipes, snuff, for chewing and in cigarillos.

For decades people have been told that smoking is not good for you, but it is probably only the last fifty years that actual research statistics began to emerge. Even after that, the huge amounts of money involved in the sales of cigarettes and tobacco meant that the tobacco bosses held power in the argument. Advertisements depicting virile men and sexy women enjoying relaxing smokes after daredevil action, bombarded the impressionable public.

Finally, however, the message got across to the public and this eventually brought about legislation in most countries. Today it is regulation to display cancer warnings on packages of tobacco products, especially cigarette boxes.

You would think that with all the negative publicity and cancer statistics, no-one would smoke any longer. Unfortunately it doesn't always work that way.

As it always happens, it is the young and vulnerable people who slip through the cracks. Among young people fear of damaging their health is not nearly as threatening to them as being rejected or left out. In most cases, if the group smokes, so do they. If it isn't peer pressure that gets them, then it might be a form of rebellion against what they perceive to be authoritarian demands and misunderstanding by the older generation.

Most people today who smoke, either began in their teens or during a time of crisis in their lives when they clutched desperately at anything to try and relieve the pain or the stress. Cigarettes were there and before they knew it, they were hooked.

Something that has lately come under scrutiny is a brain chemical called Dopamine. This should maintain a delicate balance. If you have too much you could get Schizophrenia and if you have too little you could develop Parkinson's Disease.

You don't want to try and mess around with those! However another brain chemical called Seratonin helps to balance this. This is the so-called 'feel good' chemical. When you have enough you do feel good. When you have too little, you not only feel anxious, but your impulse control suffers. Is it any wonder that 75% to 90% of Schizophrenics smoke?

Although impulse control protects you from forming bad habits, you have to remember that smoking is not a habit for very long before it becomes an addiction. This is not something you can depend on will power to get out of. You need help.

Once you have made the decision to quit you will find many things that can help you over the worst:

* If you don't have a significant other, a family member or a friend to support you, join a support group. Going through a difficult time with uncritical support is your biggest asset.

* Get into a program of healthy eating and exercise. Everything that makes you feel better is going to help you to beat the nicotine.

* Detoxify your body. Water is the main thing, but there are many fibre foods and cleansers you can get at your health food store that will help get rid of the nicotine in your body that screams for more.

* Ask about For supplements that can really help you relax such as 5-HTP (hydroxytryptophan). This is a precursor of Seratonin to help you with impulse control.

* Then you come to an amazing resource. There are many herbs that soothe the cravings, relieve stress and tensions, boost your immune system, help your mood, and give you energy.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Smoking is a habit which affects your health, your finances, your appearance and the people around you. Despite this quitting smoking is one of the hardest things a person can do. This article offers six pieces of advice which can hopefully help you stop smoking for good.

1) Think about the reasons behind your Smoking:- If you sit down and think about what specifically triggers your smoking you may be surprised that it comes down to one single thing. This could be stress (you smoke to temporarily relieve stress), social acceptance (you smoke to because you socialise in a group that also smokes) or a number of other things. If you can identify this trigger you can then try to avoid it. For example, if you smoke because you socialise with other smokers maybe try to not see your smoker friends as much, at least whilst you are in the process of giving up. By identifying and avoiding your smoking trigger you can seriously increase your chances of stopping smoking for good.

2) Think about how much you rely on Cigarettes:- Smoking cigarettes can become both a chemical and mental addiction. As the chemicals such as nicotine start to enter your body on a regular basis you become more and more dependent on them, hence the withdrawal symptoms and cravings when you try to quit. However, you may not be as aware that it is not just the chemicals in cigarettes you become addicted to. Smoking a cigarette is an activity that you perform more regularly than almost anything else in your life and it is easy for a mental addiction to develop. To overcome this mental addiction try to come up with something that fills the times you would usually smoke a cigarette. For example, maybe drink a glass of water or have a snack every time you would normally smoke a cigarette.

3) Consider going Cold Turkey:- Going cold turkey is one of the most difficult ways to stop smoking but it is one that often creates permanent results. Cold turkey is not a suitable method for everyone but if you are a very determined person it may be an option you wish to consider. By going cold turkey you can instantly remove the financial and health restrictions that smoking creates.

4) Think about other People:- Smoking is very harmful to those around you. If you value the health of your family this may be something you wish to consider. Instead of quitting smoking for personal reasons why not quit for the benefit of your children or your partner?

5) Try a Holistic Approach:- A holistic approach requires to you focus on being a healthier person overall and can be a good way to stop smoking. Apart from diet and exercise, a holistic approach often incorporates meditation and stress control techniques which can be very helpful in reducing your cravings for cigarettes. Plus, by living a healthier lifestyle you may develop additional motivation to stay away from the cigarettes simply because they do not fit in with your new way of life.

6) Never lose Hope:- Most smokers fail 3 or 4 times before they manage to quit for good. Do not dwell on failure. Instead look at failure as a learning process and use it to improve next time you try quitting smoking. It may take you multiple attempts but as long as you have the desire to keep trying you will get there.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article giving up smoking is one of the most challenging things some people will ever do. Sometimes a little guidance and support is required. If you are struggling to stop smoking I hope this article gives that to you.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


If you have tried in the past to quit smoking, but nothing has worked, you shouldn't give up. If you keep trying, then that means you have the desire to stop and actually admit it to yourself. This is crucial if you hope to quit this disgusting habit for good. Everyone knows that cigarettes are horrible for you, even smokers, and when smokers continue to smoke it merely means they're not ready to give up their habit. Quitting takes not only learning how but it also takes someone being supportive emotionally. The following are some tips to help you quit for good.

One of the most important things you can do is believe that you have what it takes to quit. You can have the desire to quit smoking, which is very important, but if you are lacking in the belief that you can then it will be very hard. It is possible that if you strongly believe that you cannot quit, then chances are good that you will fulfill that prophesy. Belief in yourself starts in your mind and so you need to work at it if you hope to succeed. Perhaps you could focus on something you have done in the past that was exemplary. Think positively and try to get all the negative thoughts out of your brain. Quitting smoking isn't easy, but it can be done, and plenty of people have actually succeeded in doing it.

Another very difficult part of stopping smoking is that you can't find anything to do with your hands. For many people, driving makes you want to do something with your hands when you quit. So make sure you have a plan to deal with the smoking triggers when you are driving. That means you should try to find something to occupy your hands with when you are driving. This may sound like funny advice, but it is very effective at getting rid of this habitual feeling. Plus, it will keep you from craving cigarettes.

It's important to note that some smoking products work better for some than others. That only makes sense because we are all different. What works for some people won't work for you in some cases. Often it is very difficult to make predictions regarding these matters. So if you do make an appointment with your doctor, you might want to ask about the various pharmaceuticals that are on the market for smoking cessation. Not only will cravings cease with these prescription drugs, but your mood will improve and so will your sense of well-being. There are more than a few tips and techniques that have helped many people stop smoking. So make sure you study smoking cessation methods so that you can become familiar with all of them. You can do many things on your own, and you can also receive support from your doctor and other sources too. Just try to study the smoking cessation methods thoroughly. If you can stop your cravings for nicotine, the battle is almost won. After that, just form new habits, get rid of smoking triggers, and you'll finally quit smoking for good.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Indeed, smoking can be a hard habit to break but with proper planning and good research, you can eventually learn to overcome it and enjoy a healthier and longer life. If you are one who wants to quit this habit or you want to start to turn your life into a healthier, smoke-free one, here are some tips on how to stop smoking and be healthier.

- Understand the health risks of smoking. It helps to realize what are the negative effects of smoking in our body to motivate you to quit. You have to set your mind firmly as well that you want to stop smoking and stop harming your body by putting it at risk of many diseases.

- Have the confidence that you can beat your habit. Sometimes we do find excuses and if you won't believe you can do it, then you can't. Motivation should start from your mind and that believing you can do it is one powerful thing that can indeed help you overcome this habit. Indeed, one of the important tips on how to stop smoking is to find your motivation.

- Find a partner who also wants to quit. If you have someone who shares the same goal as you are, you will have one another to motivate towards reaching your goals.

- Practice deep breathing. If you are in a stressful situation that makes you want to smoke, try to make three deep breaths as if drawing air from your belly. This allows you to put oxygen into your bloodstream and change the way you feel.

- Find a good exercise program for you. If one of your triggers in smoking is boredom, then find a good exercise not only to make you busy but to freshen up you mind and body. The more energized you are, the more you would not want to stay put and puff that cigarette. Exercise is also one of the best ways to stay healthy and put you in good shape.

- Program your mind to think about the negatives of smoking as well as the risks. Nicotine in cigarettes is addictive and one way to help you overcome this addiction is to condition your mind always that smoking can kill. Think about the future of your kids if you get disabled by some illnesses, think about getting into the pain and agony of getting cancer and many other things that can cause you to regret later.

- Get help from your subconscious. Aside from consciously programming your mind to think negatively about cigarette smoking, it is also a big help to seek the power of the subconscious and get over this addiction. One of the tips on how to stop smoking and en this addiction is to learn self-hypnosis or go for a hypnotherapy session. This has been used by many to conquer fears, phobias, overcoming traumas as well as overcoming addiction like smoking.

- Try every alternative you can to stop smoking. One of the good tips on how to stop smoking is to find the best alternative that works best for you. Some may tell you to chew gum to keep your mouth busy, or bite onto a pen, or try some nicotine patch, or get some acupuncture session - whatever it is, you can try them to help you find what suits you. Of course, for as long as it is safe.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
A lot of people who want to stop smoking forever, have probably tried before but failed. If you are one of those people, then you know how hard quitting can be. When you announce to your friends and family that you are going to stop smoking, they don't believe you. They know in the back of their minds that although you want to change, you can't. It is time to prove them wrong.

You have tried the patch, the gum, the lozenges but nothing works for you. The reason is because you are still getting the nicotine into your system. When an addict uses something for a long time and they try to quit, they still have that desire for the drug. When you are trying to quit and you use the patch, you are still filling your body up with nicotine. These companies that sell these products are making it impossible for you to quit so it is time to seek help from another source. You need to throw away the patch and the gum because they just waste your money away.

Some stop smoking tips that will help you kick the habit forever include keeping your hands and mouth busy with something other than a cigarette. If you feel a craving coming on, start typing on the computer to keep your hands distracted or chew on a piece of flavored gum which will keep your mouth busy. When you can keep your hands and mouth busy, you will be less likely to think about smoking and more likely able to concentrate on quitting.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Smoking is one of the things that come along with many dangers. It is one of the most addictive tendencies that are going on all over the world. When one starts smoking, it is usually very hard for them to stop and this is very risky because of the fact that there are many illnesses that come with it starting from cancer to other heart related problems. It needs a lot of effort for a chronic smoker to quit smoking because it is usually not an easy thing. There are a few things that can enable one to be successful in stopping this dangerous habit.

The first thing that you will need to do is to set the date and time that you are planning to start the process that will help you stop smoking. This will help you prepare yourself psychologically and physically. In the preparation, you should ensure that you tell yourself that it is not an easy task but you are willing to try and achieve what will come out of it. This is a good way to ensure that you overcome the temptations when they become too much.

The next thing that you need to do is to ensure that avoid places that people are smoking so that you do get the urge to try again, which may lead you to back slide in your quest that you need to quit smoking. This can be done by avoiding the friends that you used to smoke with who may encourage you to go back to it. It can also be done by removing all the things that remind you of smoking from your house, the ashtrays to the lighters and everything else.

It is important that during this trying time, you keep close to those who will encourage you and those who will stand by you all through. There are times that you will have some mood swings due to the side effects that are witnessed when one stop smoking; these are the times that you should be around someone who understands you and what you are going through so that they can tolerate everything. It is important to let your family understand you at these times so that they do not feel as though they are getting fed up.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Quitting smoking is always difficult and the quitting smoking side effects are always going to be with you no matter which method you undertake. Everybody knows that smoking is dangerous to your health and still people eagerly try to destroy their life and health by becoming addicted smokers.

There is loads of quitting smoking side effects that terrify many people from getting rid of the nasty habit once and for all and the main reason is that when you quit your body is so hungry for nicotine that it naturally reacts by trying to "detox" itself from the harmful chemicals that you have put in there by smoking. The main reason it is so difficult to stop is that the quitting smoking side effects involved in withdraw of the nicotine will make you more anxious and in many cases very depressed.

You can make a supreme effort in overcoming two prominent form of quitting smoking side effects by controlling the physical and emotional cravings. The psychological side effects can be more distressing than the physical ones but if you use a few tools to surmount the psychological factors then you will have a much better chance of overcoming the physical factors you are feeling.

The psychological effects are any feelings of meaninglessness in ones life that can only be filled by smoking a cigarette as if cigarettes were their escape from the hassles of daily living and nicotine used to make them stop thinking about their worries and problems. Most people break down and start smoking again when they get bored, lonely and feel like they have nothing to do.

A physical example of a quitting smoking side effect is that it makes the smokers gain weight when they try to quit because they begin to feel hungry and get an urge for eating when their mouth is not busy smoking. Certain people will also feel nauseous, get the shakes, sweat continuously, have headaches, become irritable and of course have severe cravings for a cigarette.

Try to recognize why you are quitting smoking. Sketch a detailed list of all the health benefits that you will gain and the benefits your love ones around you will receive. You owe it to yourself and those around you to quit and add years to your life
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
When you are getting ready to stop smoking, it is difficult to know where to turn. Most smokers have been lying to their doctors for years about their smoking, so they can't turn to them. Many smokers are also ashamed that they are addicted to nicotine and they don't want other people to see their shame. So, if you are looking for stop smoking tips, sometimes it feels like there is nowhere to turn to.

The good news is that millions of us have been in the same boat as you are now. We were hiding our smoking from friends and family, because we knew it was bad and we were embarrassed that we were so completely weak that we had succumbed to such an addiction. So, when it came time to quit, we couldn't even enroll our family and friends into helping us because in some cases they didn't know we smoked at all.

Going to someone who has never smoked is not the place to go for a stop smoking tip. The only people who really know how to quit are the ones who have done it. They understand your overwhelming love for the cigarette and they also know all the pain and suffering you are about to go through. But, they also understand the whole world of rewards that are waiting for you, once you put out that final cigarette.

So, when you are looking for a stop smoking tip, go to someone who understands you and what you are going through. They will be able to talk you through the steps of quitting, and fill you in on what to expect the day you quit, the day after, and the rest of your life.

Quitting smoking is not something that you do one time only. You will do it every day for the rest of your life. In fact, those first few years after you quit smoking will be a battle every day, as you struggle with your emotional desire for a cigarette and your logical knowledge that you can't and shouldn't smoke. By being prepared for what will follow when you do quit smoking, you will be more likely to be one of the one in five people who succeed on their first attempt to quit. Perhaps the best stop smoking tip you will ever get is that what you are about to undertake is the hardest thing you will ever do.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


When someone wants to stop smoking for good, one must choose a "quit day". This can be the start of a new life but you must make all your friends and family aware about your quit day so they will be able to help you. Your support team is very important for this venture; they must be there to support you whenever you feel like going back to your vices. It is also important to talk with people who have experience with the same thing as you and ask them for tips on what helped them stop smoking.

Keep yourself busy and stay away from things that tempt you. The first few weeks are very crucial to your success. You must find new things that interest you and new things that you can do to make you not think of smoking. Remember that you are doing this for your health and for yourself. Think of the long-term rewards that you can have when you stop smoking and start a vice-free life. This is an important tip when stopping smoking.

Tips given to stop smoking should not be taken as a one day project; not even a six month or a one year project. This is a lifetime commitment that you need to take on seriously if you want to succeed. Do not fret if on some days you feel like smoking or even if you feel like crying. This is normal for quitters to feel. Some even get sick or lose their appetite. Or for some they tend to increase their appetite and some gain weight. But this is just the adjustment period, you'll soon get over that and your body can adjust to the new nicotine-free you.

When you do slip, and sometimes it does happen; do not just loose guts and go back to smoking. You need to focus and remember what your goal is. Some people tend to ask for professional help. Some use nicotine patches to help them see through this new obstacle. It is also advisable to attend groups that want to quit smoking as well. Not only will you get more tips to stop smoking, you'll have a support group that knows exactly how you feel. This is important in this stage in your life; when you think nobody understands you, at least you'll know that there are people who are going through the same things that you are going through.

The most important thing about quitting smoking is the willingness to stop and start a smoke-free life. Ask around for tips on quitting and listen. The decision and willingness start is within you and everything else will follow.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Quitting smoking is really not an easy feat to achieve, but if you are willing to leave off the habit you can do it with ease. However, when you decide to stop there is a need to stay away from all appearances of cigarette.

For instance, hanging around people who smoke is a sure way to get back into the habit. How about you change your friends, especially if they are not as interested in quitting as you are? Spend more time around people with healthier habits, and reorient your mind. Trust me, you will be glad you did.

One thing that most smokers will have to always contend with is the withdrawal symptoms that accompany quitting. However, when that monster rears its ugly head again, kick it in with a bout of something else that you love to do; something that will take your mind away to something else. The urge to smoke will surely come back another time, but just go on ahead and do the same thing all over again. That is the best way to deal with the urge.

You got yourself into smoking, you can get yourself out; but don't go thinking that it is a piece of cake, because it isn't. You will have to change a whole lot of your daily living habits if you are looking to make it stick, otherwise the feelings will come rushing back, and this time you might not be able to resist it.

If you feel like smoking, you could say some encouraging words to yourself, and then simply refuse to pick up the stick. This takes a bit of conscious effort, but it works.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Are you looking for the best way to stop smoking? If your answer is yes, then you will probably want to hear my story out. I was once a smoker - a heavy one- for as long as I could remember. I started smoking back when I was still a kid, when I was in sixth-grade, and it got worse when I hit my puberty in seventh-grade. Most of my friends smoked then, and it was just plain cool and rewarding to hear your friends complimented you on your bravado, when they told you that you had "finally" become a man by putting those cancer sticks between your lips and started smoking.

At one point in time, I decided that I had to stop. It was hard, and it was a tough time for me. There were times when I relapsed and went back straight to my smoking habit, which soon became an on and off thing for me. After some time, I finally managed to stop and I haven't been smoking again now for five long years (I'm thirty years of age, by the way). I have finally become a smoke-free man, and I want to share with you five exceptional tips to help you stop smoking - for good.

One thing that you need to know is, if you decide to quit smoking, don't think that it's going to be easy. Stop smoking is a difficult (and more often than not - challenging) journey to be made, and it involves dealing with both physical and mental addiction of the long-ingrained habit.

This will be a constant battle for you, and you will need all the help you can get to triumph over your addiction, and that's why this article is written - to help you through that difficult times ahead. Here we go, the best way to stop smoking is by implementing these five tips in your daily life:

1) Set up a smoke-free condition
Obviously, you don't want to expose yourself to the temptation of smoking by hanging out with your smoking buddies. Do not even inhale the smoke, if you can, just avoid it at all cost. Remember, you're just starting to quit and you're very vulnerable at this point, so don't think that you can manage to handle yourself shall the urge arises.

2) All your smoking stuffs must go
You name it - ashtray, leftover cigarettes, lighter, matches, everything that will remind you of smoking belongs in the dump. You're starting a new life. Throw out the old one away - you're turning over a new leaf.

3) When cravings hit, occupy yourself with something else to do
Work out at the gym, have a hot and steamy sex, knit, watch that new episode of "The Walking Dead" - whatever suits you. Just do something else and take your mind off your cravings. You need to get physical and get that blood flow going to help you cope with the cravings.

4) Nibble at nutritious snacks to cope with your oral fixation
Sometimes you'll feel a craving to put something between your lips or into your mouth. This is perfectly natural, and you should be prepared beforehand. Try keeping nutritious snack with you at all times - try pistachio nuts, sunflower seeds, sugar-free candies or gum, carrot or celery sticks. Some people use electronic cigarettes, but I don't actually recommend using them. They will just bring the old memories back. You're trying to start a new life, not reminiscing the old one. When it comes to dealing with oral fixation, in my opinion, eating healthy food is the best way to stop smoking.

5) Save all the money you usually spent on cigarettes, and put the container in a highly visible location.
Keep track of the money you've saved, and put the money container somewhere you can see clearly. When it's full, reward yourself by spending the money on whatever you prefer, because you deserve it. Go on a holiday. Buy yourself that stuff you always wanted but you could never afford - because you usually spent all your money on cigarettes. Yeah, don't you feel so good now?

There you go, all five tips to help you quit smoking. I have personally done these five tips and they have worked wonders for me, and I hope they will help you as well.

Before you go though, there's one thing I'd like to tell you.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


The agonies of trying to quit smoking and losing the fight can be emotionally draining and very unhealthy. Yet, many people experience the anguish encountered when making a decision to quit or trying to kick the habit. If you fall into this category or you have been trying to support someone in their efforts here are some stop smoking tips that may be helpful.

Many non-smokers find smoking irritating. It is a bothersome nuisance to them. Additionally, many laws have banned smoking in many buildings and facilities to keep the air smoke free. Now, laws are being passed to increase the cost and add excessive taxes to cigarettes in an effort to make money and in a sense penalize smokers.

People don't realize why it is hard to quit. Making the choice to smoke is easy, you have control of that. This is like any other drug or alcohol and becomes addicting. The element that gets you hooked is the nicotine. Once your body gets accustomed to nicotine, it reacts in different ways when it does not get it.

The sad thing about this is how it affects your health. Smoking puts you at greater risks of heart attacks, high blood pressures, and even worse, lung cancer. To prevent further damage to your body, if you have been thinking of quitting, let's look at some of the steps that may help.

When you try to quit your body will crave nicotine. Try self hypnotherapy, study up on the ways you can relax yourself and dig into your subconscious mind to control your smoking habits. This may be highly effective. You can also try real hypnosis by an expert.

When you get nicotine attacks, one of the best stop smoking tips is to concentrate on the task at hand. If you are working, work harder, stay focused on your work, and you'll be surprised at how the craving will die down. Some people find it helpful to just replace smoking with a snack. This helps, but you have to be careful that what you are eating is healthy and low calorie so you won't gain weight. Munching on carrot sticks, celery, or even fruit is good.

Others chew gum and suck on peppermints. This may not be healthy if you consume too much. There are products on the market that may work for you. Some are nicotine gums, patches, and pills. Some doctors and cessation clinics recommend wellbutrin.

Change habits that lead you to smoke. Other stop smoking tips are if you wake up with a cup of coffee and a cigarette, eliminate the coffee. Find something else to start your morning. If you like to smoke after eating, replace that with an activity, a carrot stick or a piece of fruit. Exercise can help diminish the cravings too.

Be brave and stick with it. Hopefully a few of these stop smoking tips can help. The longer you can go without smoking, the more your body will be accustomed to functioning without the need for nicotine and quitting will become much easier.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
There are so many methods out there designed to help you stop smoking that you may be overwhelmed in trying to decide which one would really work for you. One quit smoking tip you to think about is to ensure you are mentally prepared to stop smoking. If you feel you can quit cold turkey and have the willpower to do so then go for it but most people struggle. Many people that stop smoking by going cold turkey, start back smoking again. You will want to program your brain into despising everything there is that has to do with smoking and cigarettes.

When you smoke, you may not realize that your brain has certain chemicals in it that are being controlled by nicotine through addiction. In turn, you also become addicted to nicotine. Dopamine, beta-endorphins, acetylcholine, and norepinephrine are some of these chemicals that become affected by nicotine addiction.

When you stop smoking, these chemicals go through their own kind of withdrawal and that is why you get so irritable and edgy. An innocent puff here and there can lead to a full blown addiction that will take nearly an act of congress to stop. People who have never smoked could never understand the power of nicotine addiction.

The best quit smoking tip I can give you is to make yourself realize that while you are experiencing the withdrawal symptoms, you are going to have to stay mentally strong to keep yourself from giving in to temptation. Until you have been a few days without a cigarette, you are going to have all these horrible withdrawal symptoms.

Some people have tried hypnosis as a method to get their brains retrained into not thinking like a smoker. This may be an effective method, but at the same time a lot of it is still up to you and your conscious mind. You aren't going to be able to handle the withdrawal symptoms without putting yourself into a frame of mind that is going to be ready for when those symptoms come along. You can quit smoking without the help of medicines and patches or gum, if you are strong enough and have the willpower to persevere.

There are nasal inhalers and sprays to help you stop smoking. You can also have low level laser treatment or acupuncture to help you in stopping smoking. Some people will go any lengths when they are trying to stop smoking. But, none of these are going to work until you get that mindset that you are going to stop smoking no matter what.

If you go and spend a lot of money on treatments then have a stressful day and smoke when you get home, it doesn't matter how much you've spent, you will still have given in. What I am trying to say is that no matter what you spend or which method you use to quit unless you set your mind to it that you are going to quit and keep telling your brain that you are quitting, over and over you are likely to fail. Eventually, your brain will get the message and those chemicals will get a handle on being smoke free.

The aids and methods mentioned are simply there to help you quit, you still have to take the tough choices but with perseverance you can reach your end goal and start on the road to a new healthier lifestyle.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Smoking is not good for your health so the need to quit it is of utmost importance. For habitual smokers, quitting smoking is not very easy to do. Nicotine in cigarettes is addictive so it will take a great amount of will power and determination to quit smoking.

The following are some stop smoking tips that will help you quit smoking:

Health Bank
Everyday, you can put aside some money whatever amount you spend on cigarettes into a piggy bank (or a jar). This money would otherwise have gone for the purchase of your cigarette. At the end of 100 days, you can use the amount saved to reward your family or yourself. You can go out for dinner or shopping, or whichever you choose.

Another variation is that it can also involve a group participation of quitting where a few people can quit simultaneously. A group of six colleagues or friends can each contribute certain amount each to be kept by a non-smoking person. At the end of four month, the money will be divided among those who are able to remain as non-smokers.

Keep Your Hands Busy
Always keep your hands busy doing various things except smoking. Many people smoke when they are bored and have nothing to do. Idle hands of smokers are dangerous as they will always be reaching out for cigarettes. Let the hands be always busy working with the computer, writing a report or latter, sewing, knitting, polishing the silverware and cutting the grass. If you have a hobby, this is a great time to indulge in it.

Whenever you feel like smoking, go and wash your hands. Spend some time with the task. Make sure the hand is really wet and don't bother to towel dry after washing.

It is virtually impossible to smoke a cigarette with wet hands. So, whenever you have the urge for a puff, get your hands busy doing something else.

Visit the Cancer Ward
This is a method that can scare smokers. If you know someone who works at the hospital, get them to bring you to visit the cancer ward. Try to find patients who suffer with cancer as a result of smoking. Talk to them. Chances are, you might quit smoking immediately.

Stop Smoking Herbs
Another possible quit smoking tip is stop smoking herbs. This can be a way to stop smoking without any kind of chemical aids. Alternatively, herbs can be used as a supplement to some other aids that you are using.

Not all stop smoking tips will help quit smoking. The resolve to quit smoking really is very hard work. There are a lot of available alternatives on how to quit smoking for free. It will take a lot of self help, determination, and great resolve. But once you have set your mind to it, it is doable!
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Smoking is a deadly habit because when prolonged, it is greatly detrimental to health. The effects of smoking may vary from person to person because people react differently to the toxicity of chemicals in cigarettes. Studies have shown that there is correlation between wellbeing and the number of cigarettes smoked per day. To stop smoking, a person can opt for various methods. This requires effort from the smoker but it is a worthwhile cause. Listed below are some tips to stop smoking, meant to help smokers quit smoking.

If you are determined to stop smoking, congratulations- you are already on the path to regain better health. For a start, you might want to list down why you want to stop and tell everyone that you are determined to do so. This list comes in handy when you are tempted to give in and give up. It is good to share your goals with friends and family for accountability and help. They are the people who will want to see that you succeed and live a better life, smoke-free.

Set a date to stop completely, and abide by it. The date should be realistic and achievable. Gradual stop may not work well for some because you might unknowingly take deeper inhalations per smoke in compensation for cutting down the number of cigarettes. Overall, your nicotine intake remains the same. After having a concise date written down, you will now need to rid of all smoke-related products such as lighters, cigarettes and ashtrays.

You should anticipate unpleasant withdrawal symptoms and be prepared to overcome those symptoms. They include nausea, headaches, irritability and anxiety. During this period of time, learn to divert your attention and focus your energy on other healthy habits. Exercise helps to reduce the effects of withdrawal symptoms. You need to remain positive, and do not despair if at first you don't succeed.

These are just some of the tips to stop smoking offered. There are many clinics offering treatment and help to smokers, so just drop by your nearest clinic to seek help if needed. Last but not least, remember that you should love your health and body- quit smoking today!
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Smoking is just one of many dangerous things that anyone can do to their body. It can cause heart disease and chronic lung disease. Every year there are millions of people who die from smoking worldwide. But the fact is that it is also one of the most preventable deaths.

Smoking causes lung cancer, but again, is one of the most preventable risk factors for cancer. Is the number one factor for kidney cancer, bladder, cervix, and throat and other illnesses. Smoking has even been linked to some forms of leukemia as well. Nearly half of cancer related mortality in the world today occurs due to smoking. Apart from these diseases, smoking also leads to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD.

So how can smoking cause cancer and other life threatening diseases? Well to start with the smoke from smoking literally contains 400 different compounds. Some of these compounds are toxic and can cause damage to cells within our body. Some of these substances have been linked to causing cancer. There are three main ingredients that are contained in cigarette smoke which are nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar. Some minor ingredients found in tobacco smoke include acetone, ammonia, arsenic and benzene, among others. As you can see they are all deadly toxins and can cause severe damage with continued use.

There is absolutely no safe level when it comes to smoking cigarettes. Surprisingly, one in two smokers will die from smoking and half of these deaths will occur even before they reach middle age. The risks of contracting lung cancer from smoking are based on a number of different factors including:

1) It is directly related to the amount of cigarettes smoked daily.
2) It depends on how many years you have been smoking.

You can also drastically reduce your chances of developing lung cancer if you decide to stop smoking now. If you manage to stop smoking for 10 years, it will drastically reduce your chances of developing lung cancer even.

Did you know that smoking has very unpleasant aesthetic effects on a smoker? It gives you bad breath, yellow teeth and dull or ashy color skin. Smokers are three times more likely to lose their teeth than nonsmokers. Smokers also tend to age early and get wrinkles faster than their counterparts. The biggest problem is that even your loved ones are at risk of contracting diseases, through secondary smoking.

As you can see there are a variety of different reasons why smoking is bad for you and the number one reason is lung cancer. Seriously consider quitting smoking now will dramatically reduce your chances of developing this disease.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
More and more people seem to be on the bandwagon for trying to quit smoking, whether if it's for their health, social matters, or due to the ongoing rise in the cost of cigarettes and taxes. However, many still find that, despite all of the aids out there, that quitting isn't as easy as they would hope for. In the end, there are some stop smoking tips that you can use that may help in making the transition run more smoothly.

Often enough, the key to stop smoking comes down to knowing what your triggers are and how to work around them. Nicotine is addictive, but humans are also creates and victims of habit. These habits are generally developed while you smoke over time, whether it's physical, psychological and so forth. For example, some may be addicted to the sensation of inhaling smoke, holding a cigarette in their hand or in their mouth.

Some people may also be in a pattern that boils down to their daily routine, like smoking after meals, during stressful or emotional times, in the morning when they wake up, or while they're out socializing. Generally, it's about rewarding themselves, motivation, or to calm themselves down or to make themselves happy. These are psychological, physical and patterned behaviors.

Regardless if your approach is by weaning yourself off slowly, quitting cold turkey, or through other methods, breaking your pattern is important. This is something that can be achieved by recognizing your triggers and what you're doing when you grab your pack and smoke. If you are into the physical feeling of actually holding a cigarette or inhaling the smoke, you can try methods that work around this. For example, you can try eating carrot sticks that have been soaked in sugar water, taking deep breaths to simulate inhaling, having candy or licorice nearby, or trying electronic cigarettes.

If you have a specific reason for quitting, whether you're trying to save money, lose weight, or opting to go healthy, make sure to use these goals to your best advantage. For instance, many people fear to quit smoking because they want to lose weight or feel they'll gain weight if they quit, when the truth of the matter is that nicotine actually slows your metabolism down. Instead of grabbing that cigarette, try to put that urge to productive use. Exercising is a great way to curb the urge and releases endorphins, which act similar to the sensation that nicotine provides, calming you down or making you happier.

If you happen to be quitting in order to save money or because you can't afford it, try to reward yourself with small treats as you can. You can set personal goals after you quit or cut back, saving up for an item that you normally couldn't afford or wouldn't normally splurge on. Even setting up a bank account for this purpose helps. You may also feel further motivated by knowing how much you're truly saving by quitting, especially due to the hike in taxes and prices.

There are numerous stop smoking tips and aids out there, but what is important is making sure that these coincide with your triggers. This goes along with virtually anything that represents a life change, whether it involves quitting, dieting, saving money and so forth. Try to find a means to distract and reward yourself so that you can break those habits and trigger your brain into action during urges. You can even try simple techniques, like keeping a rubber band around your wrist to snap when you feel a craving, triggering your brain into action.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
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