
If you are looking for quit smoking help so you can really quit smoking this time, then this article is for you. First we'll look at the number one reason people have for wanting to stop smoking and why it is not good enough, then we will look at your bodies rebellion when you start the process of quitting smoking, and finally we'll look at some ideas that will help you get through it all and achieve your goal.

Reasons to Quit Smoking
There are many good reasons to quit smoking and the big one is that smoking will lead to various illnesses and your premature death. Since these things are off in the future these reasons don't work for most people. I've seen smoking victims hooked up to oxygen, saying they want to quit but having accepted their condition, believing it to be irreversible, and still sneaking smokes. The thing is you have to find the reasons that are right for you. You have to take those potential illnesses and while you are healthy see them in place now chaining you to your bed, see yourself choking for air and not being able to get out and do the things you love doing. Is it really worth giving up all of the things you love doing for a smoke? Failure to bring this reason into the now, failure to make it up close and personal is the biggest reason people fail when using health reasons as motivation for quitting smoking.

The Cigarette Addition
Your body will fight you with its cravings when you begin to give up smoking. This is because you are plain and simply addicted. It is interesting how people will resist a prescription from their doctor when the doctor tells them they will probably have to keep taking the medicine the rest of their lives to control their health condition; those same people don't give a second thought to their cigarette addiction. Whereas the doctor seeks to help with medicine, the cigarette pushers only seek to hook you so that you pay them forever for the privilege of ruining your health.

Your Best Hope for Quitting Smoking
What can you do about all of this? Since you are addicted already your body sends signals to the brain that causes your cravings, your brain is conditioned to answer those cravings by grabbing a smoke. Have you ever tried putting your cigarettes someplace a little difficult to get to in order to cut down? Did you notice what most people notice that soon you have adapted and you go and get the cigarette from the new place with hardly any thought or effort? This is because you have let smoking become an unconscious act. You have abdicated your responsibility for doing it.

To counter this unconscious act, you have to have a way to keep the reaching for a cigarette in your conscious mind. One of the methods that will help you master quitting smoking is by consciously conditioning of your mind and body with awareness of what you are doing, and with an empowering self-talk response to it. Your mind is powerful and it can deliver you from cigarettes and the terrible end that most smokers face. Learn to speak to the cigarette urge.

We've looked at the big reason most people want to quit, we've looked at you're bodies addiction to cigarettes and it's rebellion against stopping smoking, and finally we have briefly discussed conditioning your mind to be able to counter the resistance with awareness and self talk. These tips will help you really stop smoking this time.
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