
Quitting smoking is a big step in that it can be quite difficult to hurdle, but once you're over the most difficult part, then you would have made the most important decision in your life. The struggle it involves is what keeps many smokers from even trying, but it's important that you pay attention to some stop smoking signs.

These stop smoking signs are what we may consider your "final warnings." These symptoms are most likely present because your organs have already been critically affected. Once these signs are manifested, then you should be able to tell that it's about time you stop smoking.

Breathing difficulties

This stop smoking sign is usually shrugged off as simply a result of being physically unfit. However, if this stop smoking sign continue to be ignored, it may develop into persistent cough. Smoker's cough can be dry or otherwise but is generally characterized as uncontrollable and persistent.

It can originate from colds experienced in and out of winter. This stop smoking sign could be a symptom of chronic bronchitis and must be brought to your physician's attention immediately, as it could also be a precursor to lung cancer.

Those suffering from asthma who are also smokers may develop the unmistakable stop smoking sign of more frequent asthma attacks.

Another possible cause of shortness of breath may be emphysema. This is a disease that involves a reduction in the amount of oxygen that the lungs can deliver to the rest of your body.

Any odd pattern in breathing must be taken as a sign to stop smoking, especially if you are more than just a social smoker.

Irritation of the tissues

The frequent occurrence of sore throats is another stop smoking sign for habitual smokers. This is caused by cigarette smoke irritating your throat's lining, making it sore.

Cigarette smoke also damages the tiny hairs (cilia) lining the air passages leading towards the lungs. The cilia keep foreign particles from entering your lungs and if these are damaged, then lung disease is imminent.

Another stop smoking sign is frequent stomachaches. Although the smoker may already have an existing gastrointestinal condition such as ulcer, smoking aggravates the situation because it increases the production of acid in the stomach.

Other conditions such as acid reflux or heartburn are made worse by smoking. When the pain becomes more frequent and unbearable, then you should take it as a stop smoking sign [http://www.stopsmokingaidsguide.com/Stop_Smoking_Programs/]. This can be manifested before and after eating and can possibly lead to stomach cancer.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should not dismiss these warning signs and instead solicit the support of your doctor, your family, and your friends.

Assess just how many times you light up in a day and how little exercise you've been getting lately. These bad practices contribute to a poor health condition and unless these stop smoking signs are heeded, any minor condition may worsen to a major one if not checked in time.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments


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