
If you are wondering if there were any quick fixes to help you quit smoking then we only have one answer for you- commitment.

Unless you take your "I Quit Smoking!" motto, you will never be able to really stop this habit because actually, it is one of the few things that people cannot easily turn away from.

Despite of the fact that there are so many advertisements and educational materials on the effects of smoking- it is even printed on the back of the cigarette that it kills- many people are still hooked into this smoking. And despite of the number of people who have once in attempted to quit smoking, many are still unable to turn away from their old ways. But why?

As we have said, it lies in the commitment. It takes more than willingness to convince yourself that there's no point in not quitting. Smoking does not benefit anyone, not even the smoker. In fact, as we all know, smoking aggravates the worst conditions of the body and it is almost always the focal point of most diseases. It has been correlated to so many diseases that doctors would often tell you to quit smoking, if you are a smoker.

Commitment takes more than the effort to restrain yourself from getting another stick while saying- "this is my last one..." It takes more than the verbal conviction. Everything must be done with utmost consciousness.

If you begin with "I will quit smoking today", you really have to mean it. If not, you might find yourself still smoking after 20 years, after when quitting is already too late. If you really want to atop smoking, you have to begin with asking yourself the reasons why you want to quit. Then evaluate them with the reason why you don't want to quit.

It is surprising that majority of smokers truly want to quit but too few really succeed. People who are extremely addicted to smoking just accept the fact that they can't quit, thus contributing to the many excuses they think just so they would nt have to make the painful and tedious process of stopping.

Control of oneself is imperative with quitting the habit. Without this it would be impossible to even begin the process. Even if you are truly convinced that you have to stop right now, you would still find it too difficult to resist the urge of one last stick. Typical smokers have the deficiency in controlling the urge.

Smoking is partially an emotional thing. It begins with the want to be like the tough guys. For teenagers, smoking is something that adds to their alpha male perception since it is often connected with superior men. Thus, many young people are encouraged to start the habit themselves. Also, smoking help hide some insecurities that are common with teenagers. As we all know, teenage years are the lost years, this is the stage when someone doesn't know where he or she truly belongs. So to find somewhere that he can strongly associated him/herself with, some teens resort to smoking. And because it is a hard habit to break, these teenagers find themselves hooked with the habit until they finally decided to really quit...for good.

Another thing you would need when wanting to quit smoking aside from your commitment is the realization that it brings you nothing good. We can easily dispense things that lack no value for us but smoking is different. It is not like an old memory that you can dismiss once you get tired of pondering on it. Smoking is something that transforms into a part of you. So extracting something that was foreign from your system yet became integrated into yourself is not really easy. But once you realize the effects it will cause you or worse, the people around you, it would be much easier to quit smoking.

Take the "I leave it behind" attitude. To effectively help yourself in quitting your habit, you have to take the attitude that you are already at the end of the quitting process. This way, you will be bale to visualize how crippled you are during when you are still in the habit of smoking. Also, you would be able to give more focus on the slow and silent manner of your suicide.

There are lots of tings that will contribute greatly to your aim of quitting smoking but remember that it all boils down in the mind.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments


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