
To stop smoking is an action that will benefit your life almost instantly!

You will feel much better within yourself; you can save lots of money and if you're trying for a baby, your little bundle of joy will be much healthier than if you smoked! These are just three of many things that will happen if you stop smoking today. So the question is how? How do these things affect me?

Smoking affects your body in many ways but did you know that nicotine raises your blood pressure and that when you smoke your skin gets less oxygen?

Smoking puts you at more risk of developing mouth ulcers, cancer, gum disease and heart disease. It also clogs up your arteries and as a smoker; you are at more risk of dying from heart disease. And according to the NHS, 83 percent of deaths from lung cancer, bronchitis and emphysema are related to smoking.

And as well as your health, have you ever thought about the money you could save? Smoking around 20 a day means that cigarettes cost you around ฃ1,500 every year. That's the money you could be saving if you were to stop.

This big save each year could go towards a holiday or your baby (if you're trying for one). Stopping smoking can reduce the risk of stillbirth, cot death and miscarriage. And smoking whilst pregnant means that your unborn baby is inhaling what you inhale too so if you stop, you'll be helping your baby in the long term!

Stopping smoking benefits you, your child and your pocket. Although we know how, another question is when. Did you know that once you've stopped, your body benefits almost instantly! Within 20 minutes, changes begin to happen.

When you stop smoking, within the first 20 minutes, your blood pressure and pulse rate will return to normal.

It only takes eight hours for oxygen levels to return to normal. Within this timescale, nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in your blood reduce by around half.

And after 24 hours, the carbon monoxide will be completely eliminated from your body and the chance of a heart attack decreases.

So when you stop smoking, significant changes are already happening in a day!

After 48 days, the nicotine has completely left your body. And your taste and smell is enhanced.

Within 72 hours, you will notice a change in your breathing. It'll be easier for you breath as your bronchial tubes begin to relax and you'll feel like you have all the energy in the world as your energy levels increase.

On top of this, after 12 weeks of not smoking, your circulation would have improved and lung function is beginning to improve.

Within three to nine months, any issues you had with coughing, wheezing and breathing should be decreasing as lung function increases by up to ten percent. Your energy levels are also continuing to increase.

After five years of you not smoking though, your risk of suffering a heart attack is halved.

And after ten years, your risk of lung cancer falls to half that of a smoker. And the risk of heart attack falls to the same as somebody who has never smoked in their life.

To beat your addiction is a feat within itself and the benefits to your health are amazing. Evident from after just one day to ten years, your health is likely to be like somebody's who has never smoked before.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments


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