
We all tend to have honest intentions when we choose to assist someone in a time of need or when we feel they are in danger. If you want to help someone stop smoking you should tread carefully before making any suggestions to quit whether your comments or suggestions are of a negative or positive nature towards smoking cigarettes, as you could deter your friend or family member from actually quitting.

If the person you want to help, voluntarily wants to quit smoking, you could offer your services by researching the different remedies, methods and symptoms of quitting smoking so that he or she will find encouragement and motivation as well as support to continue on the path of kicking the habit for good. You can also find local or online support groups or forum communities for additional motivation. Many libraries and bookshops will have additional reading material about the dangers of smoking accompanied with the health benefits of quitting sooner rather than later.

Tread carefully if you want to help someone stop smoking who doesn't really want to. One method you can use, is to avoid the actual topic of quitting smoking and approach the task from a different angle such as an overall body change in diet, focusing more on a change in body or health image. You may find that your friend or family member voluntarily suggests the idea or notion of quitting smoking, once they even begin to acknowledge the idea, only then should you offer your thoughts encouragement. One of the best things you can do is to try and put yourself in the shoes of someone who has an addiction and show them empathy.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments


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