
Don' t light up just yet. I want to give you another 5 good reasons to quit smoking. I know, I know. We have all been warned about the lung damage and risk of heart disease. There just can't be any good reasons to quit smoking if those warnings have not scared us into submission. Right? Wrong!

Many long time smokers think it is too late to quit. They have smoked for 20, 30 even 50 years so why quit now? The damage is probably already done. While damage has, no doubt, been done, it is not too late to reverse it. At least some of it. No matter how long you have been a smoker here are 5 good reasons to quit smoking now.

1. Eight hours after you quit smoking, the nicotine levels in your blood will be reduced by up to 50%. Your oxygen levels will also begin to return to normal.

2. After just 48 hours of not smoking your body will be free of all nicotine. You will begin to regain your sense of smell and taste.

3. After a mere 72 hours of not smoking your bronchial tubes will relax and your breathing will become easier. You will notice a marked increase in energy.

4. Within two to six months you will notice you are no longer coughing and wheezing. Breathing will now be much easier.

5. Your blood circulation will improve throughout the process.

These are 5 good reasons to quit smoking. The next step is up to you. There are many aids and books on how to quit smoking. You can even use hypnosis for stop smoking help. Many ex smokers swear by that method. One thing is certain. Your health will improve if you make the decision that you are going to give up cigarettes. Which ever method you choose to eliminate the habit will work...if you are determined to quit. I wish you much success.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments


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