
Quit smoking shot is considered to be an effective and popular method of putting an end to one's smoking habit for good. It is an injection given by the doctor to defeat nicotine withdrawal and help the individual quit smoking.

Cigarettes have an addictive component that entices an individual to smoke over and over again. It will not be surprising that people who want to give up cigarettes go to the doctor and have a shot to ensure that they are not going to backslide. Now, is it really possible for a smoker to quit cigarette after the shot is administered?

The downside of the stop smoking shot is that it only targets a certain aspect of your addiction. It targets no other than the physical addiction. However, addiction in itself does not only end with its physical aspect. The important aspect that should also be taken into consideration is the psychological aspect. In fact, psychological addiction is harder to overcome than physical addiction. It will have to require a lot of patience to finally say NO to cigarette smoking.

Discipline is also the key factor in beating psychological addiction. If you feel like smoking, you can wait for five minutes until the cravings pass. Do this every time you have the desire to smoke. This action allows you to be in total control over your cravings.

When self-control is present you can increase the five minute waiting period. You do not have to quit smoking immediately. Try to kick the habit gradually. You will not only gain more control but also obtain more patience and discipline doing so. If you used to smoke 1 pack of cigarettes a day, try to reduce your cigarette intake by not smoking in the morning. It should progress day after day. You can lessen your cigarette intake to at least one stick a day. This is an effective method that can eliminate psychological addiction for good.

The most effective way to quit smoking is to get rid of both the physical and psychological addiction. Quit smoking shot is effective but it should also be coupled with other practices that can also conquer your psychological addiction. Avoid situations that will only trigger you to fall back into smoking. You should be the one to conquer addiction and not the other way around. Remember that smoking is not your number one enemy in this battle but yourself.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments


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