
We all know that smoking is dangerous. But, sometimes I question if we truly understand just how dangerous it really is. Each year there are hundreds of thousands of smoking related deaths in the United States alone. These statistics are scary, however we need to personalize this issue. These deaths aren't just anonymous entities written about in text. These are grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, children, teachers, firefighters, policemen, postal workers. These are important people in others lives and in our society. What a waste to see them die at their own hands. How sad for children to have to grow up without parents because of a legal drug.

For this reason, it is an amazing discovery of a shot that helps in smoking cessation. There have been tremendous advancements in the fight against smoking. There are patches, gum, inhalers, and other types of aids to quit smoking. Some of these techniques work for some people, however others find it difficult to stay on the programs. Now there is a shot that is given only once and has had tremendous success. It is the quit smoking shot called the S.M.A.R.T. shot.

This shot is a combination of two long time drugs that help to aid people in quitting smoking. Previous shots contained medications that would make your heart race and also antipsychotic medications. The quit smoking shot doesn't contain any of these medications. It is a combination of an anti-seasickness medication and an antihistamine that helps to block the nicotine receptors in the brain for two weeks after the injection is given. This is accomplished by a combination of a patch and oral medication. This technique has a proven 70%-80% success rate compared to a 20% rate of the previous methods.

The current cost for the quit smoking shot and the rest of the process is approximately $450.00. This may seem steep compared to the price of a pack of nicotine gum. However, if you take into account the success rate of the gum versus the success rate of the shot, this seems to be money well spent in comparison. Hospital bills for emergency room visits and admittance costs for smoking related illnesses are well in excess of $450.00. Also, you receive much more than the shot for this cost. You will get an initial evaluation and treatment, a spirometry and emphysema evaluation, group counseling numbers, 24-hour internet discussion access for back-up, and a 1-year guarantee.

In comparison, I truly believe that the quit smoking shot would be a smokers best bet. The time that people spend fighting smoking related illness is astronomical. The hurt and pain that it causes the smoker and everyone around them is definitely frightening. The money spent on tobacco related products each year could easily pay for a year's worth of electricity for your family. Isn't it worth the shot at a more productive, financially secure, healthy life?
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments


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