
Nearly every smoker expresses the desire to stop smoking. For many, this is easier said than done. It isn't "just" addiction a person has to deal with when quitting. People spend years developing the habit and then find that breaking a habit can be nearly as difficult as overcoming an addiction.

We've all heard the adage, "Don't quit quitting" and while that is a great thought, at some point, the "quit" needs to be permanent. Whether a person's preference is cigarettes, cigars or a pipe, the roots of the problem are the same: nicotine and ingrained habit.

Here are some important guidelines for a successful stop smoking program:

1. Tailor your program to your needs. Some people are successful at quitting cold turkey, but most smokers find themselves running back to cigarettes within days. This is likely due to the lack of a replacement for the cigarettes combined with the sudden cessation of nicotine. A good program can help ex-smokers deal with the cravings and teach them how to choose healthy habits over a bad one. Whether you choose hypnosis, gum, patches or pills, the program should be one that is comfortable for you.

2. Replacing tobacco can be very challenging. Many find themselves replacing it with food. The key to breaking a habit is in choosing a new and healthier habit. Exercise is not only a healthy habit; it can keep those extra "ex-smoker" pounds from showing up in two different ways. You'll burn off calories and avoid a binging episode.

3. Recognize that a stop smoking program is not going to be a walk in the park. Programs can help ease withdrawal symptoms and take the edge off the cravings, but while there are ways to make quitting easier, you are responsible for doing most of the work. Stay determined and don't let yourself use excuses for starting again. It is true that stress triggers a smoking response, but when you recognize a stressor and feel the urge to smoke, utilize techniques from your chosen program or use self-talk to keep from giving in.

4. Find a friend or buddy that will help. This might even be your spouse where they can provide the encouragement you need to avoid falling off the wagon. Keeping yourself accountable to this friend or buddy can provide the extra incentive you need to really quit.

With the right mindset, you can stop smoking and go forward with a healthy lifestyle. Your determination coupled with the help of a good program can make all the difference in succeeding at quitting.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments


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