
Hypnosis to stop smoking has been proven to be the most effective way to stop smoking. The problem that most smokers have is getting to the point where they feel they are ready to stop smoking. In this article we decided to help you get to the point where you are ready to stop for good.

The Surgeon General of the United States has said that stopping smoking is the biggest step a person can take for improving the quality and length of their lives. As a little joke Mark Twain said "Quitting smoking is easy. I've done it a thousand times." Seriously, to help in the quitting process it helps to know what you will be going up against.

Tobacco produces a drug that is called nicotine. Nicotine is now considered one of the most addictive substances, rating right up there with cocaine and heroin. You do not only become addicted to the nicotine, but develop a psychological addiction to the smoking habit. This is why it can be so difficult to quit smoking, you have both the psychological and physical addictions to overcome.

So what does nicotine do when it enters your body? As you take a hit off the cigarette the nicotine enters your lungs and is absorbed into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream it circulates to virtually every part of your body. Nicotine will have an adverse affect on hormones, blood vessels, heart, metabolism and your brain. In pregnancy nicotine will cross the placenta and can effect the development of the unborn child. Nicotine has even been found in the blood of children born to smokers. The good news is once you stop smoking nicotine and tobacco by products should be out of your system in about four days.

So why do so many people get addicted to nicotine? When nicotine enters the bloodstream it creates a pleasant feeling that makes the smoker want more. On top of this it interferes with information flow between nerve cells. Because of this, the longer you smoke, the more you tend to smoke. Did you know that the nicotine entering through smoke will reach the brain faster then drugs introduced to the body through an IV. Over time you will build up a tolerance to nicotine. This is bad because you will have to smoke more and more to get the same good feeling from cigarettes.

When a smoker attempts to cut down or even quit smoking the with-draw symptoms begin. These withdraw symptoms manifest themselves in both a physical and mental withdraw. If you want to give up smoking for good, both these types of withdraw symptoms have to be addressed. Withdraw from cigarette smoking can be a couple days long or last for several weeks. The good news is after the second or third day the with-draw symptoms will become less and less each day.

As a person withdraws from cigarette smoking they may experience a host of symptoms. These include dizziness, depression, anger, impatience, frustration, anxiety, irritability, sleep problems, boredom, concentration problems, headache, increased appetite, weight gain, constipation, dry mouth, tight chest, gas, and a sore throat. When a smoker starts to have one or more of these symptoms they want to start smoking again to get rid of them.

This is why the use of hypnosis is so effective. Hypnosis to stop smoking will address all the with-draw symptoms mentioned above. Now the use of hypnosis to stop smoking will not completely eliminate the symptoms, but it will make it tolerable. All you need to do now is decide you want to quit and give a hypnosis to stop smoking program a try.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments


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