
When a smoker stops smoking, there may be a slight weight gain of five to ten pounds, or even more depending on the individual. While this is not predictable, it is common.

There are numerous causes of weight gain while on a stop smoking program.

This is a normal response to the cravings of nicotine withdrawal, for many people. Food is often a substitution for smoking a cigarette. Eventually you will gain weight, if you increase the amount of calories you consume, since these snacks do add up.

Individuals coming off a long-term habit of cigarette smoking most often do not immediately begin a daily exercise program, since the effects of smoking linger on for some time. These signs of shortness of breath, fatigue and other conditions common to smoking do not just disappear within a short time. It is tough for anyone to begin a serious healthy exercise program; however, for those who smoke it is more considerable.

Keep in mind that there are physiological effects involved, since smoking at low doses will elevate the heart rate. This is a stimulating effect, which plays its role by keeping off weight. Eventually however, long-term use of cigarettes influence the building up of fatty deposits within the arteries as well as other factors.

What does put on the pounds is a combination of little to no exercise while increasing the calories of food consumption.

To solve this problem, as you begin a stop smoking program, you should begin other changes in your lifestyle, such as outlining an age-appropriate exercise program and planning a healthy diet.

Like any other thing in life, willpower is a requirement for a stop smoking program. To decrease your cravings for nicotine, grab a piece of fresh fruit rather than something laden rich in calories. You can always balance your calories out by cutting down in other areas, to make up the difference. Do your very best to resist the urge to consume foods that are high in calories or large portions while attempting to compensate the strong desire for nicotine.

This may be a difficult task during the first two weeks as the compounds associated with smoking are flushing from your body. This is an excellent time to plan your diet and exercise program. Only a small weight gain is likely at this time.

Remember to drink plenty of water during this time, but keep in mind that it will show up as extra weight. However, this will easily flush away as you begin to taper off; it is not a permanent effect. Water is beneficial, since it aids the body to remove the contaminants from smoking, quickly. Water provides a zero calorie intake, which is a great way to respond to your cravings, since water is not fattening.

Maintaining your long-term goal commitment can be a struggle for anyone concerned with his or her health and diet. You can use visualization and positive affirmations to help reach your goal. Increase your willpower by visualizing yourself feeling and looking better.

You will be healthier. To encourage you keep in mind that soon you will enjoy not being short of breath from either smoking or obesity. Think positively about accomplishing all your goals and increasing your level of energy.

You can successfully stop smoking, without gaining extra weight, when you stay on track with your stop smoking, diet and exercise programs.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments


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