Did you know that smoking is the most avoidable reason for early death in the U.S.? In fact, it reportedly causes the deaths of over 35,000 people every year. Those who smoke can also expect to have approximately 20 years cut from their expected life span. Then why do so many people smoke anyway? Unfortunately, most get started simply because of social influences around them. Then, even if they decide to quit later, it is very hard because of psychological and health issues that relate to the addiction.
One of the hardest things about quitting smoking is the fact that using nicotine has been shown to elevate the body's natural serotonin levels. This causes an increase in anxiety when a person smokes. It tends to be a vicious cycle, because the more cigarettes a person smokes a day, the higher serotonin levels are elevated, which leads to increased anxiety. So, when a person decides to quit smoking and stops cigarette use suddenly, serotonin levels drop dramatically, and the opposite emotional state is often experienced, which is depression.
When the nicotine supply is cut off to the body and brain, not only can depression develop, but high anxiety levels can increase as a result of withdrawals. No wonder those who really try to quit are sometimes absolutely miserable! This is at the heart of why so many people fail to quit smoking, no matter how many programs they join or how many prescription medications they try. There just is no totally pain-free way to quite smoking, if honesty prevails. For those who try to attempt to quit gradually, sometimes the symptoms of withdrawal are more prolonged and emotionally painful, than for those who just quit all at once.
Fortunately, there are some natural ways that can really help a person who is committed to stop smoking, without risking anymore side effects from drugs or other medications for that purpose. Dealing with depression is one of the worst parts of stopping this habit, so here are some proven tips to help you kick the habit less painfully, while giving your body a health boost in the right direction.
You can enhance your state of mind by naturally raising your serotonin levels. Eat lots of serotonin-producing veggies such as soy beans, almonds, beans, pumpkin seeds, and other soy products. Going vegan during this difficult time can really help you mentally. Get sun exposure everyday that lasts for at least 30 minutes, either during late morning or early afternoon. Add an exercise regimen to your week for at least 6 days. You need walk or take part in some brisk activity for about an hour a day. Also, take 3 tablespoons of flaxseed every day.
Eat English walnuts every day, a half cup at breakfast and a half cup at lunch. Add a B complex supplement to your diet everyday. The B vitamins are known to fight depression and are good, natural mood enhancers. By simply making these small, safe, natural changes to your day and diet, you will be surprised at how much better you will feel when you stop smoking, for a better life today and in the future.
One of the hardest things about quitting smoking is the fact that using nicotine has been shown to elevate the body's natural serotonin levels. This causes an increase in anxiety when a person smokes. It tends to be a vicious cycle, because the more cigarettes a person smokes a day, the higher serotonin levels are elevated, which leads to increased anxiety. So, when a person decides to quit smoking and stops cigarette use suddenly, serotonin levels drop dramatically, and the opposite emotional state is often experienced, which is depression.
When the nicotine supply is cut off to the body and brain, not only can depression develop, but high anxiety levels can increase as a result of withdrawals. No wonder those who really try to quit are sometimes absolutely miserable! This is at the heart of why so many people fail to quit smoking, no matter how many programs they join or how many prescription medications they try. There just is no totally pain-free way to quite smoking, if honesty prevails. For those who try to attempt to quit gradually, sometimes the symptoms of withdrawal are more prolonged and emotionally painful, than for those who just quit all at once.
Fortunately, there are some natural ways that can really help a person who is committed to stop smoking, without risking anymore side effects from drugs or other medications for that purpose. Dealing with depression is one of the worst parts of stopping this habit, so here are some proven tips to help you kick the habit less painfully, while giving your body a health boost in the right direction.
You can enhance your state of mind by naturally raising your serotonin levels. Eat lots of serotonin-producing veggies such as soy beans, almonds, beans, pumpkin seeds, and other soy products. Going vegan during this difficult time can really help you mentally. Get sun exposure everyday that lasts for at least 30 minutes, either during late morning or early afternoon. Add an exercise regimen to your week for at least 6 days. You need walk or take part in some brisk activity for about an hour a day. Also, take 3 tablespoons of flaxseed every day.
Eat English walnuts every day, a half cup at breakfast and a half cup at lunch. Add a B complex supplement to your diet everyday. The B vitamins are known to fight depression and are good, natural mood enhancers. By simply making these small, safe, natural changes to your day and diet, you will be surprised at how much better you will feel when you stop smoking, for a better life today and in the future.
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