
While most smokers want to quit, nobody wants to lose the friends that they've made through smoking. What few social smokers realize, however, is that their smoking buddies are largely the same way: they want to quit smoking but not lose their friends either!

This is compounded by the fact that many people regard quitting as a difficult venture, to the point where very few members of the group actually give it a shot. When done properly, however, it is neither difficult nor destructive to your friendships.

Quitting can be made a lot easier by not relying on NRT and all of that other silliness, and instead learning how smoking really doesn't work the way that smokers thing it does. The key difference here is that the only time you want a cigarette is when you don't have one: after you light up, the furthest thing from your mind is that actual cigarette.

If cigarettes were really that great, wouldn't you want to smoke them constantly, instead of trying to space yourself out or 'only smoke socially'? Instead, your addiction to the drug nicotine is what causes you to need your fix: as its levels drop in your body, you crave the chemical more, until you get some in the form of tobacco. The actual act of smoking isn't enjoyable, just the fact that you're relieving your craving. Your mind has become a slave to a plant.

Even better to notice, though, is that once you've quit (and shown your friends how easy it can be) they'll be all too happy to be able to quit and keep their friendship with you and the rest of your buddies.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments


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