
If you have decided to quit smoking you have no doubt been told how difficult it can be (or maybe you have tried a few times and failed to kick the habit completely). The main reasons why people fail to quit successfully is because there are a number of factors that exert influence on the person. There are physical withdrawal symptoms, psychological issues to address and finding an adequate replacement for an activity that you used to enjoy doing. This is why many people relapse and why stop smoking aids can help in the process. This article will list 4 stop smoking aids that can help you and describe how they work. 

One such stop smoking aid is the medication known as Zyban. Zyban is the brand name for a drug that contains the chemical compound bupropion hydrochloride. This compound is thought to act on the brain chemicals noradrenaline and dopamine. These chemicals have a number of roles on the body but in terms of smoking addiction they affect the physical and emotional responses that an individual has to smoking. Zyban is generally prescribed by a doctor after interviewing the individual to ascertain if they are serious about quitting and if they have any other conditions that might rule out taking the medication. Zyban is taken orally in tablet form.

Smoking patches are a well known and used product to help you stop smoking. A patch is placed on the skin which delivers small doses of nicotine into the system. Nicotine is the main addictive component of smoking. It can create both physical and emotional dependence symptoms. The aim of the patch is to replace the nicotine hit that a person would get from a cigarette. As the smoker progresses, he/she will use fewer patches so that the nicotine gets less and there is less reliance.

A similar idea is nicotine gum. This works on the same principle but also has a psychological aspect to it's method. Many smokers need to do something to replace their smoking habit. Having nothing to do can often drive them back to the smokes or do other things like eating to compensate for it. Chewing nicotine gum gives them something to do.

A fourth smoking aid is to use a spray to relieve withdrawal symptoms. Some of these sprays may have had nicotine in them before as an active ingredient. However newer products work without using nicotine. This is thought to be a better solution than weaning a person off the addiction in a trickle process. Sprays are generally taken orally. 
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