
What is the best stop smoking aid? Now that really is a tough question to answer as I've found that there is no best way to quit smoking. Like I've heard it said before, the best way to stop smoking is any way you can. Some people say "cold-turkey" is the best way to stop smoking, other people say medication is the way to go and yet still others will say the best stop smoking aids are natural stop smoking aids. Who is right? Well my answer to that question is, "Why does anybody have to be right?" After all, we are all different people with different make ups and different personalities and what might work for me may not work for you at all and vice-versa. I can tell you, cold turkey did not work for me but neither did medications from the doctor. I cannot sit here and tell you that there is one magic solution to quit smoking. The best thing I can do is provide some stop smoking aids and tips and trust that you will find what works best for you.

In that vein, let's take a look at just some of the view tips and aids I've come across through the years.

First of all, let me state that I am a very mind over matter, power of persuasion person. Yes, I was addicted to cigarettes but I also liked smoking them. I actually enjoyed smoking and I saw it as a very positive thing. For me, it was important for me to see not smoking as a positive thing too. One of the most important things that helped me was to retrain my brain and take my focus off of one behavior and put it on another. I had to change my habits and change my routines. Instead of taking my smoke breaks (which I genuinely looked forward to) at the same exact time, in the same exact place I started calling it my walk break and while I couldn't change the time of my break, I did change the place. I walked out a completely different door and went for a walk an exercise that has proven to be very helpful, not to mention, healthy. So, think about changing your habits and routines as an aid in your journey to quit smoking.

Secondly, set up a layer of support. When you've made up your mind to quit smoking this is vital because inevitably, under no control of your own, you are going to be tempted to smoke again and you are going to be weak. It is in these weak times that calling on a friend or attending a 12-step program could be just the safety net you need to not go back to those old smoking habits.

These are just two of the best stop smoking aids but there are many others. I hope you find what works for you.
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