
In this article I'm going to talk about all-natural quit smoking aids. The reason why herbal aids are so popular is because they'll help to drastically decrease the symptoms of withdrawal without the use of nicotine. Its like quitting cold turkey, without the harsh side effects associated with doing such. Below are some important herbs that will be important assets in making the quitting process as painless as possible.

Eleuthero Root Powder

A loss of energy is one of the most prominent withdrawal symptoms often associated with quitting. When people completely stop their intake of nicotine, they often times will feel sluggish and lethargic. Another common symptom of quitting is the nervousness, tenseness, and general stress to your system. Eleuthero Root Powder is such a powerful herb because it handles both these symptoms simultaneously. It increases the energy in your system and calms your nerves to help you deal with the stress during smoking cessation.

Echinacea Purpurea Powder

Cold symptoms are another common withdrawal symptoms you might encounter while you quit. These include developing a cough, dry throat, nasal drip, etc. When dealing with these problems, it makes quitting a bit harder to get through. Echinacea Purpurea is an important herb that many smokers take when trying to quit because it will stimulates your immune system which will help to increase your body's resistance to colds, and flu's.

What You Need To Know:

Lobelia Powder is the most important all-natural quit smoking aid that you should be taking while you are quitting. Its going to be the biggest aid because it will help to dramatically decrease your cravings. What it does is gives your nervous system similar effects to what a cigarette would. Cravings are one the hardest things to resist, especially during the first few days of quitting, so this is why Lobelia is so important.

There are many more herbs that you should be taking that will address many other withdrawal symptoms. Its gets to be a big hassle to take all the individual herbs separately in the right amounts. I suggest you look into using herbal stop-smoking pills because they include all the herbs you'll need in one capsule. The herbs are strategically placed in the right mix to give the most potent formula to best help you get through the quitting process. It's the best all-natural quit smoking aid that I would recommend.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
If you've just stopped smoking or are getting ready to stop, you're probably wondering how you're going to feel after stopping smoking. What physical changes can you expect? Will you be climbing the walls? When will you start to feel like you've really really stopped? You will go through some changes and it helps to know what to expect so you can deal with it when it happens.

Immediately after you quit, actually within 20 minutes, your body starts to heal itself. Your pulse will lower, your blood pressure will drop a little bit and your circulation will increase. Ever notice that you have really cold hands and feet in the winter? Its because smoking decreases your circulation.

Nicotine withdrawal typically begins 4 hours after your last cigarette and will peak in the first 24 to 48 hours. The severity will depend on if you're using nicotine replacement or a stop smoking pill or another stop smoking aid. Some of the effects you might feel are lightheadedness, dry mouth, insomnia, inability to concentrate, headache, cough.

These symptoms will be the worst in the first couple of days and then begin to taper off. Most people make it over this first hurdle because they have their commitment to quit smoking fresh in their mind.

The nicotine withdrawal symptoms should be gone within 3 weeks. You will still mentally crave a cigarette and unfortunately this is when many people relapse and light up to have "just one". Smoking that one cigarette will send you back to the beginning. One puff or one pack you'll have to go through the nicotine withdrawal all over again.

It will take 6 to 8 weeks before you start to feel like a nonsmoker. It takes time to establish new habits and that's what you're doing, starting a new habit of not smoking. Think of it as replacing one habit with the other.

As to feeling as if you've really really quit? It depends on the person. I quit once for over a year and then went back when I was in a very stressful situation. Now I've been smoke free for nearly 4 years. It probably took me about 6 months this time to really feel like a nonsmoker and know that I wasn't going back.

What you're going to experience after stopping smoking is going to vary from person to person depending on what smoking cessation therapy you're using, how you cope with stress, how your body reacts, etc. I can't give you a carved in stone example of how you're going to feel, but these are some general guidelines of what you can expect to feel after quitting cigarettes.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Smokers like the idea of smoking cessation pills. Studies in America have shown that 80% of smokers think they should quit. Many of them think that smoking cessation pills have the answers they are looking for as they offer that potential miracle cure that will take the pain, anguish and torment of smoking cessation away from smokers. But is this really the case?

There are a number of treatments available to aid smoking cessation in the form of smoking cessation pills. There are also varying degrees of success associated with each type. The two most common types of smoking cessation pill that actually do have an effect are explained here.

The first smoking cessation pill I would like to consider is probably the best known; zyban. It was developed in the 1970s as a treatment for depression when it was marketed as wellbutrin. When researchers were conducting trials of the drug, they found that the test patients were reporting quitting smoking at a significant rate. This lead to further studies where the sole focus of the study was to determine the impact of wellbutrin on smokers.

Many studies have been completed since and it is commonly agreed now that 16% of smokers, who try to quit smoking using wellbutrin as their smoking cessation pill, will succeed after one year. I.e. they will quit at some point be smoke free one year after the course of treatment has been completed.

It is not known how zyban works specifically, but it is clear that it interferes with the normal brain chemistry associated with nicotine addiction.

The side effects most commonly reported are similar to the side effects suffered by any person quitting smoking. These side effects may be from the drug zyban itself or they may be from nicotine withdrawal. Significantly, any alcohol, heart or blood pressure problems will need careful consideration by your doctor if you wish to use zyban.

The most significant side effect associated with zyban is the 1 in 1000 siezure rate. This can be life threatening so is a serious consideration for any would be quitter. You dont want to kill yourself trying to quit smoking after all!

The second smoking cessation pill I would like to consider is the new kid on the block. It is called varenicline and marketed as chantix in the US and as champix in the UK.

Pfizer, the manufacturer has claimed a 44% success rate in smoking cessation studies but there has been much criticism of their claims. Significantly, when Pfizer have sponsored studies into the effectiveness of chantix as a smoking cessation pill, they have been very stringent on which smokers are allowed into the group. It is thought that hardcore smokers or people who have serially been unable to quit smoking have been excluded in order to bump up success rates.

Independent reviews of all chantix studies have shown the truer success rate of chantix as a smoking cessation pill as being about 22%. This is not a huge success rate when compared to the claims initially made by Pfizer!

The most commonly cited side effects associated with chantix are those of nausea, sleep problems and weird dreams or nightmares. The other significant side effects are shared side effects found from nicotine withdrawal.

Due to the high rates of nausea, stomach cramps, feeling bloated, constipation or diarrhoea associated with chantix, up to 30% of patients have to abandon the treatment. Not mush fun if you have shelled out $300 for your smoking cessation pills only to find you cannot take the drug after all!

My advice is that smokers should try any non-pharmaceutical methods to quit smoking before they turn to smoking cessation pills such as chantix or zyban. Not only is there hypnosis that is very commonly known and probably as effective as chantix, there is also cognitive behavioural therapy that has very high success rates thought to be well over 50%.

As ever, every time you fail to quit smoking, you are one step closer to success. Never stop trying to quit.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


For you to be reading this article, you are either trying to quit smoking or planning to quit. In order to quit smoking, you must fight your addiction with everything you`ve got!

You need to choose from or use all of your physical might, social might and even psychological might!

In this article, I will show you six surefire quit smoking methods. You then have the choice to choose from any of them or use all of them.

A: The first one is the famous cold turkey method that has worked so much over time. To use this method, you must have made up your mind to quit and do it! The major qualities you must possess are discipline, commitment and willpower for this method to work. To be frank with you, this is the simplest way to stop smoking. There are no strings attached. You have no pills to swallow, no patches to attach and ultimately no needles. It is all left to you to discipline yourself over time and before you know it, you have quit!

B: The next quitting method is the use of relaxation audios. A major side effect of quit is the increase of stress. This method helps perfectly to ease the effect of stress and fight Nicotine cravings. Most people prefer this method because they are quite easy and pleasant to follow. Nevertheless, it has been revealed that the ambient ones only work on the stress factor, while the subliminal part of it has not been proven to work. This method works well when combined with other methods.

C: Another method is the use of hypnosis. Hypnosis is a therapy process that involves you putting you into a trance and putting suggestions into your sub-conscious mind. The logic here is to re-configure the way you feel about smoking. A good example is if you have been smoking for a very long time, your sub-conscious attributes the act with a pleasurable feeling. What hypnosis does here is to eradicate this attribute.

D: Hypnosis has been proven to work wonders but you need to know that it does not work for everybody. Nevertheless, there is no crime in trying!

E: The other method i will talk about is the ancient Chinese Acupuncture technique. The process involves the use of needles to stimulate some energy points on your body. Acupuncture, if done rightly, has the power to relax your body and reduce or eradicate cravings. This method is strongly advised but it might be hard locating a genuine practitioner. If you find one, then go for it!

F: The final quitting method is the use of herbal remedies to quit smoking. This method helps one relax during stressful periods of quitting. The truth is that Herbs are safe and easy to use. But you need to know that finding the right information regarding Herbs are not easy. Nevertheless, trying is no crime!

Whichever way you choose to quit, note that it will work well with some social support. All you have to do is choose a method or methods that you feel convenient with have a system in place for it and you will surely quit smoking!
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
There are a number of ways to quit smoking. What I puzzle about is the use of pills. Let me explain. Most people can quit using an adaptation of Emotional Freedom Techniques. Others may choose a different natural method like the Alan Carr method or hypnotherapy. In my mind, when all else fails, then taking a pill with awful side effects is a really good bet. It must certainly be better than smoking. However, in my mind it is a last resort rather than the first port of call.

Many people report that some of the pills when taken in the morning makes them nauseous for one to three hours. This is even when taken with breakfast so it is not a matter of an empty stomach. The pill at night gives many people insomnia, weird and sometimes disturbing dreams, or a terrible thirst. Other symptoms reported include headaches and loss of libido. Other symptoms include nervousness and insomnia, as well as dry mouth. Quite honestly, if I was still a smoker, I would probably not tolerate the pills very well and wish for a gentler solution. It really must be hard for most people to go for something other than what their doctor recommends. I know it was for me.

As well as hitting the smoking at the root of the problem or at least giving the smoker stopping strategies for life, natural methods not only come without side effects but continue working even after the treatment has stopped. Any visit to a stop-smoking forum will reveal all the smokers who have stopped time and time again with the pills, patches and gum, only to start again. And most people who know smokers will notice them quit time and time again using measures that do not last.

In my stop-smoking practice, only natural methods are used. Having said that, I do encounter the odd client who needs much longer to quit than average and is not willing to attend sessions for longer than average. In this case, I recommend that they go to their doctor and get medication. There is a time and place for everything. And there is a right solution for everyone. If only every doctor were able to offer an excellent natural solution as the norm, with pills as a backup should the smoker have too many issues in the way and need longer than average to quit.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
In this article I'm going to explain the best stop smoking aids. If you are looking for the best stop smoking aids, I can understand how confusing it may be. There are a ton of different approaches and a ton of different products for each approach that all claim that there product is the best. It took me many times for me to finally quit for good. I've been through a lot of different products and tried a lot of different aids first hand. Below is a description of the best popular stop smoking and its effectiveness in helping its users quit smoking for the long run.

Nicotine Patches and Gums

Nicotine patches and gums are the most popular type of approach that most people will opt to use. The companies that makes these are huge so they spend a lot of money advertising its use and effectiveness. Although patches and gums are so popular, there is actually really high failure rates with these aids. This is because when you continue to give your body nicotine, it makes the cessation process long and strenuous. The cravings will also be very hard to quit, which makes quitting for the long term difficult using nicotine replacement therapy. For these reasons, this many not be the best option you can take.

Quitting Cold Turkey

When you quit cold turkey, you are abruptly stopping the intake of nicotine. This is one of the most difficult things to do, but it also will have the best payout. This is because when you stop smoking and giving yourself nicotine, the cessation process will be much faster and your cravings will go away much sooner. The reason why this approach has seen such low success rates is because most people find it extremely difficult to handle the intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms. When your body is demanding a cigarette, and you have to deal with withdrawal symptoms such as cold symptoms, insomnia, cold sweats, depression, anxiety, and stomach pains at the same time, it makes quitting almost impossible.

Herbal Stop Smoking Pills

I've seen the most success with this method. Herbal stop smoking pills are the best stop smoking aids for a few reasons. You won't be using any nicotine, so this makes the quitting process much faster and more effective. Also, they are certain herbs that effective in handling your cravings and withdrawal symptoms. For example, Lobelia inflata will give your nervous system similar effects of smoking which will handle your cravings. There are other herbs that will dramatically decrease each of your withdrawal symptoms to relax your body and promote calmness. The reason why herbal stop smoking pills are so effective is because they contain all of these important herbs in one capsule. Since its all-natural, there are little to no side effects you'll have to worry about. This will put your body in the most comfortable position to successfully quit.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Aids to Smoking Cessation

Is smoking a powerful addiction? Just ask anyone who has ever tried to quit. How can smoking cessation be easier? Well, smoking cessation can be a lot easier if you have these two basic fundamentals:- the necessary support and using a smoking cessation aid that is right for you.

Steps to Smoking Cessation

Decide to Quit
You may despise the cost, the smell and the hassle of smoking, not to mention the detrimental health risks, but in order for you to truly kick the smoking habit, you must make up your mind that it's time to stop. The first step in smoking cessation is for the smoker to decide to quit.

Seek Help and Expert Advice
You can ask your doctor to help motivate you, and also speak with your pharmacist. They will have pamphlets available on tons of stop smoking medication and tips, as well as a variety of stop smoking programs, self-help books, and even telephone hot lines. You can discuss which stop smoking aids would be most effective for you. Reach out to ex-smokers too and find out what worked for them.

Also, check with your insurance agent. The cost of your smoking cessation medication (e.g., a quit smoking pill), any counseling, as well as your stop smoking program may be covered by your insurance, alleviating any financial strain on your part.

Nicotine Gum and Patches
Try nicotine gum or nicotine patches as a smoking cessation aid. You chew nicotine gum when you have a craving for a cigarette. The gum contains nicotine. By chewing the gum, you gradually get your system used to living without nicotine. This eases your withdrawal symptoms and decreases your desire to smoke.

You wear a nicotine patch for 24 hours, and put a new one on every day. The patch puts nicotine into your system, and also allows your body to slowly adjust to life without nicotine. You use the most concentrated patches for the initial weeks and then gradually reduce the dosage over the following weeks. Both the nicotine gum and the nicotine patch are smoking cessation aids intended to be used for about three months.

There are other types of medical treatments for smoking cessation in the form of nicotine replacement therapy which comes in lozenges, inhalers and nasal sprays. Check with your doctor to see if nicotine replacement therapy should be in your stop smoking program.

Prescription Quit Smoking Pills
Prescription medication in a pill form can be prescribed by your physician to aid in your smoking cessation. Zyban, for example, is a popular smoking cessation prescription pill that does not contain nicotine. Studies have shown that Zyban has helped smokers quit more easily than without the drug.

Unlike other nicotine replacement therapies, Zyban does not inject more nicotine into your system. With nicotine patches or gum, you should cease smoking so that your body doesn't take in too much nicotine. But with the Zyban smoking cessation program, you can go on smoking at the start of taking medication. Set a 'final smoking date', and then continue with Zyban after this quitting date.

Treatment with Zyban has shown to reduce some of the nasty withdrawal side effects of quitting smoking such as irritability, frustration, anger, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, restlessness and depression. Zyban also reduced the craving for a cigarette and the desire to smoke.

Herbal Quit Smoking Alternatives
If you prefer to go the all natural way, then you can try a herbal-based stop smoking program. Herbal treatments, in the form of pills or patches, are a smoking cessation option without the use of nicotine or drugs. This all natural homeopathic formula removes your desire to smoke using natural herbs and extracts. If you do smoke while using the herbal treatment, it would leave a very unpleasant taste in your mouth. Taking the pleasure out of smoking makes it an easy habit to drop.

Find the Plan for You and Quit for Good
There are many smoking cessation options available today. The key is to find the ideal smoking cessation option that fits your personality and your lifestyle. Create a custom made stop smoking plan that is perfect for you, and you will be butting out for the last time and cashing in on a smoke free lifestyle.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
If you are considering quitting smoking, you know that you have a battle to fight. But what you might not know is that there are other weapons available for you to use other than nicotine gums, patches, and other pills. There are also natural stop-smoking herbs.

The trouble with using a product like a nicotine gum is that it still contains nicotine, which you are addicted to. Now, consider the herb Lobelia: lobelia contains a substance called lobeline, which is like nicotine, only it is not addictive. So, you can replace your nicotine craving with lobeline; then, whenever you feel healthier, you can simply stop taking lobeline. The lobelia plant has been used to make cigarettes, tea, gum, and other products, so you can choose what works best for you. A word of caution: lobelia is a strong herb, so be careful with how much you use. You may want to consult your doctor for help in determining how much you should use.

Another great alternative to regular cigarettes are ones made with Indian tobacco. This type of tobacco contains no nicotine, but still tastes like regular tobacco. Another bonus point with these cigarettes is that they don't contain any of the other poisonous by-products found in regular cigarettes. Indian tobacco cigarettes can be an easy way to get out of the smoking habit, as you will find that you won't crave them like your regular, nicotine-filled cigarettes.

Some herbs that are available don't specifically stop your craving for cigarettes, but they do help with side-effects and recovery from years of smoking. There are several herbs that help to clean your lungs of the build-up of tar and other substances that have accumulated there as a result of smoking. These herbs, which include coltsfoot, mullein and horehound, work by causing you to cough and clear your lungs. Mimosa, another herb, can be used in place of anti-depressants, as it helps with side-effects such as headaches and anxiety. You will find it a relief that you cannot develop an addiction to mimosa; other anti-depressants are often addictive.

Consider these natural alternatives if you are planning to give up your smoking habit. They will help you get healthier, faster.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
In this article I'm going to talk about the best quit smoking aids. If you are trying to quit, I can understand how hard it can be. It took me multiple attempts before I finally was able to quit for good. I've tried a lot of different stop smoking aids and know first hand which ones work and which ones you want to stay away from. Here is my experience with the best quit smoking aids.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Nicotine Replacement Therapy is when you use a nicotine delivery method to replace the nicotine you normally would get from smoking. You progressively decrease the amount of nicotine you take in until you are no longer dependent of it. Gums and patches are the most common form on Nicotine Replacement Therapy. They are also the most popular type of quit smoking aid. Although so many people use this aid, there are actually very low success rates for its users. This is because you are still feeding your body exactly what its trying to become independent of. Even when you give your body a small amount of nicotine, you're still teaching it to depend on it. This makes the cessation process a long and difficult process.

Cold Turkey

Cold Turkey is when you give up smoking all at once, without the use of any aids. This is arguably the most effective way to quit. This is because your completely stopping your nicotine intake. It's a bit harder at first, but you're craving will go away faster, and you'll be able to quit for the long run more effective. The big catch with this method is that its the most difficult to get through the first few weeks. Cravings will be extremely intense and the withdrawal symptoms get very difficult to deal with as well. These include cold sweats, goose bumps, cold symptoms, anxiety, nervousness, and depression just to name a few. Most people can't get through the first week since most of these symptoms occur simultaneously.

Stop Smoking Pills

Stop smoking pills are the best quit smoking aid that you can take. This is because its encompasses the best aspects of Nicotine Replacement Therapy and quitting cold turkey, without taking any of their negative aspects. It will help to address your withdrawal symptoms and cravings just as effective as patches and gums, without using Nicotine. Since you aren't taking anymore nicotine, its sort of like quitting cold turkey, except without dealing with the nasty side effects. I would suggest that you look into herbal quit smoking pills because since they are all-natural, they won't add any of their own side effects. This is important because there are some stop smoking pills that use certain drugs that give you its own set of harsh side effects such as extreme insomnia and nausea. This is why herbal stop smoking pills are the best quit smoking aid, they'll put you in the best position to quit smoking for good.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Smoking is dangerous to our health. It can bring about lots of serious diseases to the body. However, many people still choose to continue smoking even though they are fully aware of the negative consequences of this habit. A prime reason is the fact that some smokers are afraid of gaining weight as soon as they get rid of their smoking habit.

Some smokers who quit don't gain weight

Contrary to popular misconceptions, you can stop smoking without weight gain. In fact, not everyone who decides to stop smoking will gain some weight. Based on studies, some people are prone to gain more weight than others. These include people who have smoked for as much as ten or twenty years and smokers who consume at least a pack of cigarette on a day to day basis.

Among the pertinent reasons why quitting your smoking habit can probably contribute to weight gain are as follows:

a. Nicotine keeps your body weight very low. If you stop smoking, your body will eventually return to its normal weight. The normal weight will refer to your original weight if you have not smoked at all.

b. Nicotine helps you rid your body's water a lot faster than people who don't smoke. If you stop smoking, you might gain some weight because of water retention. However, water retention because of smoking will only last for as much as two weeks after you quit.

c. The act of smoking burns some calories in your body. If you stop smoking, your body will use fewer calories than what it needed before.

Despite these conditions, many people can stop smoking without weight gain. You will just have to eat healthy foods and engage in more physical activities. Believe it or not, your determination to quit smoking and prevent weight gain can lead you to a healthier lifestyle.

What to do when you gain weight

You can stop smoking without weight gain if you do it earlier, preferably before smoking becomes an addiction or an inevitable part of your day-to-day living. Remember that the earlier you quit smoking and the lesser the amount of cigarettes that you consume everyday, the lesser will be your weight gain.

On the average, people who gain weight after they quit smoking can get as much as ten pounds of extra fat added to their bodies. In cases where weight gain has occurred, here are some tips that you should remember.

a. Never panic. Gaining eight to ten pounds after smoking is normal. Unfortunately, you are not one of those lucky few who can stop smoking without weight gain. However, keep in mind that you are bound to lose that weight as soon as your body's metabolism adjusts to the absence of nicotine in your body.

b. Eat right. Never let yourself go hungry. If you are not among the lucky quitters who can stop smoking without weight gain, you have to eat frequently, but in small amounts. This method of eating will help you maintain a high energy level. Also, avoid eating foods that are rich in calories. Try to eat those that are rich in fiber and nutrients. These include fruit, vegetables, and whole grains.

c. Avoid drinking beverages with alcoholic content. People can stop smoking without weight gain if they avoid indulging in activities that can bring high doses of calories to their body. Drinking alcohol is one of these activities.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM 1 comment READ FULL POST
In this day and age, we all want a cure-all pill that will solve all of our woes. We want a stop smoking pill, a diet pill, a little blue sex pill, a heartburn pill an anti-stress pill and an anti-depression pill. Heck if you could make one pill that did all that, you would make Bill Gates look like a pauper! But what stop smoking medications are there available to us?

For the purposes of this article, I am only going to look at the stop smoking medications that have some merit about them and have actually been tested. The herbal, shaman, snake oil remedies and secret formulas are not getting a mention!

The first of the stop smoking medications I want to mention is the nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) approach to quitting smoking. This comes in main forms of 24-hour patch, 16-hour patch, chewing gum, lozenge, microtab, inhalator (a plastic nicotine only 'cigarette'), or nasal spray. The idea is to use this source of nicotine as a replacement to keep your cravings for tobacco under control. The process does not wean smokers from nicotine (which in my opinion, is the only reason why people smoke).

Of the stop smoking medications I am reviewing, this has the least side effects and normally only leaves an unpleasant taste or sensation with the smoker. The nicotine is absorbed through the mucosal linings of the mouth and nose and can cause irritation because these parts of the body are not used to nicotine.

NRT is said to double the rate of success in quitting smoking when compared to people quitting using will power or going cold turkey. That success rate is between 3% and 5% so NRT has a long term success rate of around 6-10%. Not great odds! Of the stop smoking medications I am looking at here, this is by far the weakest medication.

The second of the stop smoking medications I want to mention is zyban, which is often known as wellbutrin or bupropion hydrochloride. Zyban was initially developed as an anti-depressant (which it is still used as) but during clinical trials, researchers found that smokers stopped without any intervention at a statistically improbable rate. In other words, one of the side effects of taking zyban was an increased likelihood of quitting smoking.

Zyban is an incredibly popular drug with over 21 million prescriptions in the US in 2006. The beneficial side effect of zyban helping people quit smoking is countered by the many negative side effects. In larger doses, zyban can cause seizures and there is little tolerance for alcohol too.

Because zyban interacts with a subjects brain chemistry, there is a need for doctors to assess a patients mental health very carefully before prescribing. There are also implications when prescribed with high blood pressure (prevalent in smokers!) and people with heart problems (again, prevalent in smokers!). Zyban was initially seen as the potential 'cure-all' pill but in truth, this is not the case.

Studies have shown zyban is about 15% effect when used in combination with NRT and stop smoking support groups.

Of the three stop smoking medications I am looking at, Chantix is the final and most promising of the three. Chantix is the trade name for varenicline which is also traded as Champix in the UK. But just because is is a promising stop smoking medication, it does not mean it is 'the cure-all'.

Again, like zyban, chantix interferes with the brain chemistry of a smoker, although the exact mechanism as to how this happens is not known. It is thought the chantix blocks off the receptors in the brain where nicotine normally attaches. As a result, the normal smoke and reward cycle associated with smoking doesn't work because the nicotine doesn't get a chance to do what it normally does. As a result, the smoker finds that smoking does not have the benefits it once did so they are inclined to stop.

Pfizer, the manufacturer claims a 44% success rate but other studies have shown a much lower success rate in the order of 20%.

Of all the stop smoking medications out there, chantix is probably the most effective but all of these approaches lack one common requirement. When you quit smoking, no matter which of the stop smoking medications you use, if any, you need to get your mental attitude to smoking and tobacco sorted out. It is possible to stop smoking without any of the stop smoking medications available, as many millions of people do every year - why not try and be one of them.

As ever, if you want to stop smoking, never stop trying. Failing to achieve something only really happens when you stop trying to achieve it.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM 1 comment READ FULL POST
It's not easy if you are a smoker trying to find the best quit smoking product to help you break your habit. That was the problem I had, then I came across Zero Nicotine.

I tried the Zero Nicotine Patch in preference to the Zero Nicotine Pills, I'm just to forgetful to remember to take pills every day when the patch lasts for 3 days. Anyway what I liked about the Zero Nicotine patch is as you wear it the nicotine content in your body declines day by day. The contents of the patch are all herbal extracts and ingredients, including Gotu Kala, Hops, Skullcap, Oat, Peppermint, Ginger root, Gentian, Myrrh, Safflower, Eucalyptus, Slippery Elm, Liquorice root, Alfalfa, Passion Flower, Sarsaparilla, Bayberry, and Echinacea Powder. Those ingredients don't mean much to me but I do know that the Chinese have been using natural herbal medicine for thousands of years. I can't deny the fact that Zero Nicotine reduced my smoking withdrawal symptoms quit a bit and made it a lot easier for me to resist the temptation to light up.

It's also true that Zero Nicotine patches do not contain any nicotine but the ingredients do mimic the nicotine that drives your cravings, consequently the nicotine in your body goes down and so your need for a smoke becomes less and less. The other thing that I noticed was that I felt a lot calmer, when in the past I had tried to quit smoking I was impossible to live with, I drove my family nuts, they virtually told me to start smoking again just for some peace. My other previous attempts to quit also had me gaining weight but with Zero Nicotine this did not seem to be a problem, not quite sure why, maybe one of the herbs is an appetite suppressant.

Some friends have asked me why I chose Zero Nicotine and didn't go to my doctor and get one of the stop smoking drug based medications. Well I am very nervous about drugs after I had a sever allergic reaction to a prescribed medication a couple of years back, I have never been so sick, now I will only take drugs when I'm convinced there is no alternative. I realise there are other natural quit smoking alternatives to Zero Nicotine and I'm not saying they don't work, I haven't tried them. I just started searching the web for quit smoking products and Zero Nicotine was the first one I came across, it sounded ok, so I tried it, is it the best natural herb based product, I really don't know.

One thing I will stress is Zero Nicotine or any other quit smoking remedy will have trouble helping you quit if you are not really committed to becoming a non smoker. The likes of Zero Nicotine are only there to help you achieve the end result, it's an aid to support your own commitment, not a stand-alone guarantee to quit smoking. If you basically don't want to quit smoking and are only using the patches to appease your other half or your doctor, you will surely fail.

I personally had a health scare that I know was the direct result of smoking, for me it was an easy decision to make, quit smoking or end up very sick or maybe even dead. I would have been a lot smarter if I had made the decision myself years ago. Even with the help of Zero Nicotine I'm not completely there yet, I still have the occasional smoke (very occasional) which frustrates me. I recently found another herbal quit smoking product called Smoke Deter, the reviews I read seem to claim it's better than Zero Nicotine, so I am going to give it a try to see if I can get rid of the last annoying cravings for that occasional cigarette.

Don't get me wrong I'm not saying Zero Nicotine doesn't work, it helped me a lot, I just want to see if another product can complete the job.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


In this article I'm going to talk about a few non-nicotine pills. The physical withdrawal symptoms of quitting are extremely tough to get through, non-nicotine pills are a great option because they'll help your body to combat these symptoms, without giving it nicotine (the very thing your trying to break free of).


Chantix is a non-nicotine cessation pill that has received a lot of attention as of late. It activates the same receptors to release dopamine (dopamine gives you the feeling of pleasure) in your body as nicotine would. It does this without actually using nicotine which helps you to get through smoking more effectively.

The thing that sort of freaked me out with Chantix was the nasty side effects of using the drug. The effects include nausea (30% of experience this), stomach pain, a loss of energy, increased appetite, and insomnia. The big reason why I was freaked out was its recent linkage to suicide. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration stated in February of 2008 that "Health care professionals, patients, patient's families, and caregivers should be alert and monitor for changes in mood and behavior in patients treated with Chantix. Symptoms may include anxiety, nervousness, tensions, depressed mood, unusual behavior and thinking about or attempting suicide."


Zyban works very similarly to the Chantix non-nicotine pill, except its made up of different components. It also boosts the body's levels of dopamine. Yet like Chantix, its brings with it negative side effects. The side effects include a change in appetite, agitation, nervousness, and insomnia. A friend of mine took Zyban and was unable to sleep for 5 days straight.

The Problem

The medicine listed above can help your body to feel the same sorts of effects of smoking to help you quit, but they bring with it their own negative side effects which ironically makes it hard to go through.

I highly recommend using all-natural non-nicotine pills because they'll accomplish the same sort of effects your looking for (calming your body, lessening the cravings, dealing with body's stress) without nicotine. The reason I recommend using herbal non-nicotine pills is because since they are made up of natural ingredients, you won't experience the horrible side effects that Chantix or Zyban will give you. You'll be able to combat the withdrawal symptoms of quitting, without adding new side effects during the challenging first few weeks.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Many stop smoking aids can easily be acquired over the counter, such as nicotine gums and nicotine patches. There are a few stop smoking aids, however, that need a doctor's prescription before you can purchase them at your local drugstore.

If you're not too sure about which type of aid you would like to use, it's best to consult a physician and ask for professional advice. He or she can best determine which stop smoking aid is most appropriate for your lifestyle and your smoking habits.

As your physician explains to you the intricacies of the various kinds of stop smoking aids, you will also begin to understand why many quitters fall into relapse a few months after quitting.

This is mainly because most nicotine-based products such as the patch, the gum, and the lozenges still give you a dose of nicotine, albeit in smaller amounts. They are designed to gradually wean you off tobacco until that time when you no longer feel the urge to reach for them.

The downside to these medications is that most nicotine-based products only work for a short period. There is a big possibility that the person would revert to his or her normal ways, and because of this, researchers found a need to develop nicotine replacement medications.

Perhaps the most common of stop smoking prescriptions that are premised on nicotine replacement is the pill Zyban (buproprion). It works by tricking the nicotine receptors into thinking that you're still on tobacco.

When using the nicotine-based gum, patch, and other similar products, you are discouraged from smoking at the same time because the nicotine levels in your bloodstream may become too critical.

With Zyban, however, you are allowed to smoke while taking the medication - that is, until a so-called "quit date," after which you continue taking only the stop smoking prescription for Zyban.

Support systems are important especially when you're taking stop smoking prescriptions for medication such as Zyban. Drugs aren't magic pills which you pop to make the smoking addiction go away in an instant. To help ensure that you stay on track even after the therapy is over, the people around you must be available for the needed support and motivation.

In addition, if you feel that you need more than just a stop smoking prescription [http://www.stopsmokingaidsguide.com/Stop_Smoking_Patch/], consult a counselor for some post-treatment therapy. Remember that there is a psychological aspect involved in addictions and smoking isn't an exception.

In this aspect, a complete stop smoking prescription for smoking cessation should involve not just the physical facet of quitting but the psychological and emotional angles as well.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
In this article I'm going to explain how to stop smoking with natural herbs. If you're reading this, you probably understand that Nicotine Replacement Therapy isn't the best option you could be using. It's shown low success rates, as users are still giving themselves the very thing they're trying to become free of which makes the quitting process longer and harder. Stop smoking with natural herbs are one of the best ways to aid you in the process because they'll lessen the cravings you normally would get and also treat the physical withdrawal symptoms that make most people quit within the first few weeks. Listed below are the more popular herbs many take to help break free of their addiction.

Lemon Grass Powder

When quitting, many usually experience drastic changes in how they feel. They'll deal with nervous tension, restlessness, insomnia, and general increased stress. Lemon Grass Powder is a popular herb to help combat these withdrawal effects. It is widely used as a sedative to help calm your system and promote relaxation to your system. This will help to make the quitting process a whole lot easier when you don't have to deal with these effects.

Bayberry Root Powder

Bayberry Root powder is another thing you should taking to stop smoking with natural herbs. One of the main withdrawal effects many face when trying to quit is cold symptoms. This includes sore throats, coughing, and others indicator of respiratory problems. Its a huge pain when you have to deal with these symptoms alongside the intense cravings and psychological challenges you would normally go through. One of the most popular herbs that people use when quitting is Bayberry Root Powder. This is a taken from a the bark of a bayberry root, where it mainly grows in the Eastern and Southern US. This is herb is especially useful for you because it will drastically prevent colds and flu because it helps to strengthen your immune system.

What You Need To Understand

Lobelia Powder is probably the most important herb you should be taking. This is because it gives your nervous system similar effects of what a cigarette would. It will relax your system and drastically reduce the intense cravings which is one of the main reasons why people can't quit.

Although I've only described three herbs, there are many others that you should be taking to stop smoking with natural herbs. Its a bit unrealistic to individually take each herb in the right amount since there are so many you should be taking. I suggest you consider looking into herbal stop-smoking pills. These are so popular because they're made up of so many of the various herbs you should be taking. They're given in the most effective quantities to give you the herbs in the most potent amount. Because of this, the success rates with these sorts of pills are much higher compared to the traditional nicotine patches and gums.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


It is amazing to think that we live in an age where so many of our sicknesses and physical problems can be fixed with a simple pill. Want to lose weight? Take a pill. Have a cold? Take a pill. Don't want to get pregnant? Take a pill.

With so many pills available to solve so many of life's problems, it is easy to wonder why there has not been one to help you quit smoking. That has changed in the past couple of years as several stop smoking pills have entered the marketplace.

Stop Smoking Pill is Not Just a Placebo

Thankfully for many of you who want to stop smoking, there are many products in the marketplace today that can help you and the stop smoking pill is one of them. These are used to reduce the craving for cigarettes or to reduce the effect of withdrawal symptoms. Two popular stop smoking pills are Zyban and Wellbutrin. Zyban is actually an anti-depressant pill and it releases endorphins by stimulating the pituitary gland. The endorphins boost energy levels and make a person feel good. Most of these pills use Bupropion hydrochloride to combat withdrawal symptoms.

The normal course runs for over 8 to 12 weeks. Individuals who stop too soon or who take the pill intermittently will not get the benefit from the treatment since its effect is accumulative. Stop smoking pills typically come with strict instructions on their use, and these instructions should be followed to the letter.

The pill should be taken for at least a week during which you should continue to smoke. You should plan to stop smoking during the second week. If you have not stopped smoking by the seventh week of Zyban therapy, it is unlikely that you will quit during that attempt and Zyban therapy should be discontinued.

This form of stop smoking pill is only available with a prescription, and does have some side effects which your doctor will outline for you.

Other Smoking Cessation Aids Available

For those who are concerned with the cost or side effects of the stop smoking pills, there are many other aids available on the market today to help them. This may include nicotine patches or gum, or even hypnotherapy. Many former smokers have reported good experiences with these products and courses of treatment, so it is good to know that anyone looking to stop smoking does have options when it comes to the help that's available. Maybe one day there will be a cheap, foolproof, side effect-free stop smoking pill out there, but for now, you can of course speak with your doctor about these other choices if you're ready to give up the habit of smoking.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Because of the physical and psychological addiction to cigarettes, smokers find it difficult to quit smoking. The physical addiction is the addiction of the smoker to nicotine and the psychological addiction is the emotional attachment the smoker has to cigarette. These two factor put together makes it hard for a smoker to easily quit smoking. Most people quit and find themselves relapsing back into the habit, because of withdrawal symptoms created from the abstinence from cigarette. A therapy seems to be a way out, because it provides treatment to the different sides of this addiction. The herbal treatment to quit smoking is a good example of such quitting therapies.

Herbal pills have been formulated using special ingredients to deal with the addiction to smoking. It works by creating an excitement in the patient which helps him/her forget the emotional attachment to smoking, the physical addiction to nicotine is also handled since the withdrawals symptoms felt are also handled by the herbal ingredients in the herbal pills. This method is the safest way to quit since there are no side effects to this treatment; this is because all the ingredients used are purely natural having no negative effect on the patient no matter the past medical history.

Records have shown that this is a potent method since it is highly active in the body, producing a feeling of gratification and thrills that replaces the feeling initially derived from smoking. Whenever the urge comes one can take the pill and before long the urge to smoke will be completely eradicated. Patients that use this method have quit smoking within six weeks of treatment, showing the effectiveness of the use of herbal pills to quit smoking. You can browse the web for different herbal pills to use, check the track records to really know how potent the pills is before using it.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
There are many anti smoking products available in the market that promises to help you quit smoking forever. But most of them are not viable and are found to be scam. Choosing the best way to quit smoking has always been different.

There are many drugs and chemicals flooding the market, it has become difficult for a smoker to choose proper anti smoking agent to stop his smoking habit. Artificial and natural, both terms are having equal importance.

Artificial anti smoking agents are like stop smoking pills, laser therapies etc.

Natural smoking therapies are like hypnosis. Most smokers often think natural stop smoking treatment do not work as well as pills and drugs. However, most stop smoking patches and pills contains nicotine and it still makes it hard for you to give up smoking entirely.

While natural methods are entirely different from drugs, they involve fewer side effects. Some of the popular natural agents which cure and put a stop to smoking are as follows

- Herbal methods

- Hypnotherapy

- Cold Turkey

Herbal Methods - St Johns wort is an herbal method which is anti depressant. This herb acts as a boon for smokers; it helps in lessening the cravings. It works on brain by increasing the levels of dopamine.

When people put a stop to smoking, the nicotine drug acts on the human brain causing depression to it, but when natural therapy is applied, it acts and removes this nicotine influence on the brain.

Hypnotherapy is also a psychological treatment which has the ability to give permanent solution to a smoker. This treatment is not like an ordinary magic trick, it is used only by famous and good hypnotherapists, they hypnotize a person and remove habit of the smoking from his brain.

They clear the sub conscious mind which is responsible for smoking habits. Hypnotherapy can help a person to achieve permanent stop to his smoking habit.

Cold turkey is a natural way used for reducing smoking habit of most of the people. Cold turkey asks a person to have a strong will power.

Though it is the most natural way to give up smoking and the most effective, it is not always easy to resist the urge to smoke. Picking up a sport or replacing cigarettes with sweets can help though.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Out of curiousity, I had to know what the most successful ex-smokers have done. There are 10 ways to quit smoking and they really quite easy to do. Keep an open mind and spend the next 10 minutes of your time picking a few methods down on paper.

Here are the top 10 ways to quit smoking for good.

1. Chew Gum

Items like carrots, bread-sticks, hard candy, chewing gums and even straws can give you something to "stay busy" when you really crave a cigarette.

2. Pick Up An Active Sport

Try to go for some exercise like running or a certain sport whenever you really want a cigarette and avoid spots where you normally smoke.

Not only does it keeps your mind off smoking and more energy but also helps you control your weight. A nice 3-in-1 benefit for you.

3. Floss Everyday

This may sound amusing to you, but just think about it. You'll save money, smell better (by keeping mouth plaque at bay), you will be healthier. What else could be better?

4. Brush Your Teeth Often.

Among the top 10 ways to quit smoking, this definitely goes hand in hand with method 3. Imagine white flashy teeth and the sexy gums to show when you smile.

5. Get Stuck On Eating Chocolate

Besides being sweet, it is more fun I tell you!

You definitely will not get toothache since you're already brushing and flossing your teeth regularly. Milk chocolate is one of your snack foods that is least likely to contribute to tooth decay, since it contains phosphate and other minerals. Don't drool.

6. Keep A Pen

Or a pencil handy. So, every time you get a real craving grab a hold of the pen or pencil like it was a cigarette. If you could get yourself a stick of gum like mentioned in method 1, chew on it.

7. Drink Lots Of Water

Just drink water regularly. You will agree that this method would be the most common among the 10 ways to quit smoking. In fact, water will help flush nicotine from your system and reduce the intensity of withdrawal symptoms.

8. Avoid Caffeine After 6pm.

Okay, I love coffee too. However, this is an actual contribution from a fellow ex-smoker. Studies show that, people who have high blood pressure are likely affected by the combined effects of smoking and drinking coffee. Why after 6pm? Start here.

9. Cold Turkey?

Here's a little something you can do as an alternative, instead of smoking when you get up and after breakfast, smoke after one or the other. Cold turkey is not something I want to push to you as one of the top 10 ways to quit smoking. That's why you have an alternative here.

10. Don't Put It In Your Mouth

Don't light it. You know what I mean.

These are the most popular and recommended 10 ways to quit smoking genuinely expressed from the heart. Start living that smoke free life you always wanted starting today.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Quit smoking cold turkey success rates are reported to be as low as 5%. I have been wondering why this is so and whether or not it is true. And I think I have an answer for why people think quit smoking cold turkey is such an ineffective way of giving up the smokes.

In my definition, quitting smoking cold turkey means not using anything other than your own ability to overcome the need to smoke. This means no use of varenicline, (chantix and champix), zyban (wellbutrin and bupropion), nicotine patches, gum, lozenges, tabs, nasal sprays or inhalers. You should not be using acupuncture, laser therapy, silver acetate sprays, aversion therapies, chain smoking, hypnosis, clonidine, opoid antagonists, anxiolytics, anti-depressants, nicocure, nicobrevin, lobeline or mecamylamine - to mention a 'phew' of the options!

When you think of someone quitting smoking cold turkey, it is the sudden cut off from cigarettes without any support other than ones own mental prowess over the problem of nicotine addiction.

Quitting smoking cold turkey does not rule out the use of educational materials to understand your relationship both with cigarettes and your number one enemy, nicotine.

In the many years that I tried to quit smoking before realising the secret of quitting smoking, I found that I was unable to overcome the evil weed because I had not learned how to quit smoking before trying to do it. I had read all the common materials and the pamphlets that came with my nicotine patches and pills and inhalers! Nothing, nada, zip in there taught me how to quit smoking.

We often read that certain products offer highly successful quit rates when compared to cold turkey quitters but what we are not being told is that the cold turkey quitters aren't even getting any help to quit smoking in these studies.

If you take 20 smokers and leave them alone for a year, chances are that one will quit smoking, even though over 14-18 of them wants to quit smoking.

In most studies comparing the latest quit smoking drug, the 'control group' (the cold turkey group) are just told to quit smoking. They may be given some sugar pills or some sticky patches (without nicotine) but they are normally just left to their own devices. No surprise then that they all fail miserably with only about 5% successfully quitting.

There is a difference between being told to quit because it is bad for you and being advised to quit and 'this is how you do it'. Let me use an analogy.

Imagine, without any computer knowledge at all, you were given the task of setting up a company human resources database. You were placed in front of an internet enabled computer and given a week to complete the task or you would be assured an early death. How many people could do it?

I reckon about only a tiny fraction would be able to apply themselves to the task and complete it. Most would fail miserably, just as smokers do when they try to quit smoking without any support or education or advice.

You see, there is always a small percentage of the population could succeed in any task set them. Not always the same 5% of course, depending upon the task, but there are always some that will just knuckle down, apply themselves and figure out how to do it. For the rest of us, we need help in the form of guidance and instruction.

Quitting smoking requires motive, means and opportunity.

Your motive to quit smoking should be the never ending torrent of medical and general opinion pointing out what a futile and self destructive act smoking tobacco is. The health risks are just preposterous!

You means to quit smoking is the need to learn how you should do it. It is not best achieved with some of the pills or potions or any of the other interventions I mentioned earlier in this article. Studies have proven that over 85% of long term quitters, quit using nothing more than education and attitude as their main means of achieving a smoke free life.

Finally, your opportunity is now. Most smokers will carp on about quitting this week or this month or this year, as not being the right time to quit. That, I am afraid is a load of rubbish. The usual birthday, wedding, stress excuses are merely excuses to keep on smoking, they are not reasons to not quit - there is a difference! The best opportunity to quit smoking by any means including cold turkey is right now!

Never stop trying to quit.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
I know that you may be thinking that trying to quit cigarette smoking seems impossible because I know that I did. You see, those evil cigarette company executives sit around their shiny, expensive table thinking of ways to make more addictive cigarettes and more people to smoke them and suffer.

But there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and it doesn't involve wasting lots of time and money on the patches, pills, and nicotine supplements. I was extremely skeptical about smoking addiction cures as I was a smoker for 25 years - more than half my life - and I had tried all of those ways above and more to try to kill this deadly habit.

Before I tell you what this is which I know will change your life so much as it did mine, read about this tip that I found out helped me a lot on my journey to quit cigarette smoking.

1) Dig deep and find a reason other than your own, personal health's sake to quit for.

Now I know that you know that smoking is very bad for your health and I know that you're tired of hearing about that all of the time, because, it's not that we smokers smoke because it's bad for us.

But just do some soul searching and find someone who you love or care about to quit for...whether it's your parents, wife, husband, kids, boyfriend, girlfriend, friends, or just so you can enjoy your retirement more and live longer. Find a reason to quit cigarette smoking other than yourself. You'll be surprised how much that will work for you as it did for me.

My reason to quit was for my wife and kids. I found out how much money I was wasting on killing myself with those cigs every week and now use that money to put into my kids' college funds. Quit for someone you love.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


There is a whole raft of quit smoking pills available on the market these days. Most of them are advertised as being a 'cure-all' for your woes as a smoker and will alleviate all of your concerns about quitting smoking. They come in two main forms - pharmaceutical types made by the big drug companies or 'snake oil' types made from 'magic' ingredients. However, I have my doubts about the need for pills at all.

Unfortunately, smokers are a pretty desperate bunch when it comes to trying to quit and anyone offering quit smoking pills has got a fair chance of making a sale. Having said that, one of my own edicts for people trying to quit smoking is to just keep trying and try as many methods as you can until you succeed.

Why do I advocate such a stance you may ask? Well, whether it be through sheer willpower, quit smoking pills, hypnosis, acupuncture, laser treatment or my own cognitive behavioural therapy approach, the benefits of quitting smoking are just so extensive, I implore all smokers to keep trying to quit.

I know most smokers are reluctant to spend money on products to help them quit, but from a logical point of view, it makes a lot of sense. Spending money on products may seem tedious but even if it costs $1000 to find 'the cure' that works for you, it is still less than half of a years smoking costs. And you get all the benefits of quitting smoking which are worth years of extra life!

However, whilst I think smokers should persist in finding 'a cure' that works, I am somewhat reluctant to recommend using medication and 'herbal' remedies. Why is this?

Well, smoking is an addiction to nicotine and smokers only smoke cigarettes to get at the nicotine. Despite cigarette smoke being so toxic, smokers are 'conditioned' to enjoy smoking because of the nicotine buzz that comes with it. The cigarette is not pleasurable at all, but the nicotine is because of the way it has established itself as a part of a smoker's brain chemistry.

Quit smoking pills are generally thought to interfere with the brain chemistry in smokers heads. Brain chemistry in smokers is different from that in non-smokers and that is why smokers smoke. Their brain chemistry is different, and it was made different by smoking! It is a chicken and egg, egg and chicken kind of thing!

The pharmaceutical quit smoking pills most commonly known to aid in quitting smoking are Zyban and Chantix. Zyban is also traded as wellbutrin or bupropion and Chantix is also marketed as Champix and varenicline.

Whilst the exact processes that go on to discourage smoking with these products are not known, there is obviously some activity because both Zyban and Chantix are known to improve a smoker's ability to quit smoking. The downside is that they also have side effects, as is common with many pharmaceutical drugs. Zyban and Chantix should only be considered after consultation with your doctor.

The effectiveness of both of these drugs has been studied extensively although as drug companies fund drug studies, there is a pre-disposition to find in favour of the effectiveness. Despite the pharmacological effects these drugs have, they are always prescribed alongside some form of counselling or advice. If they were capable of achieving great results without the support, I would believe in them - but they do not work without counselling help.

Alternative quit smoking pills are marketed on the internet and elsewhere. These generally make lurid claims about their effectiveness at quitting smoking. They are often described as herbal remedies and may contain 'proprietary' substances. This in my opinion, is all snake oil!

Again, like the pharmaceutical quit smoking pills available, snake oil solutions are sold with quit smoking guides to change the way you think about your relationship with cigarettes. This is the crux of quitting smoking though. People think they need a pill or a magic potion to achieve their goal but they don't. I believe people just need to focus their minds on the problem at hand and they can overcome it.

If you start out trying to quit smoking thinking that you need the support of a drug, you already think that quitting smoking requires 'outside help'. It doesn't. If you stop thinking it is going to be difficult to quit smoking, do you realise it just might be a bit easier to quit?

Finally, whichever method you use to quit smoking, my most important piece of advice is that if a 'solution' fails, try something else. There are over 50 ways of quitting smoking and quit smoking pills is just one of them. Never stop trying to quit.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Here are the facts about the new stop smoking drug developed by Pfizer and approved by the FDA in May 2006. You may have seen advertisements for the new stop smoking pill, sold under the brand name "Chantix". The ads suggest that you should "ask your doctor" if Chantix is right for you. We thought you might like to know a little about the drug before you "ask" for a prescription.

Varenicline would be the generic name for the new stop smoking drug. But, until Pfizer's patent expires, it will not be available in generic form, meaning you will have to pay the higher price. Varenicline is derived from a toxic compound known as cytisine.

Cytisine is found in many plants, including the mescal bean, and there was some preliminary research suggesting that it might be effective for smoking cessation. Before they introduced their new stop smoking pill, Pfizer looked at many compounds similar to cytisine.

Drug companies cannot patent naturally occurring compounds like cytisine, so they have to come up with "derivatives", something they can produce synthetically in the lab. So, the new stop smoking pill does not contain cytisine, the naturally occurring compound. It contains varenicline, the synthetic compound patented by Pfizer.

It is interesting to note that the only common use for plants containing cytisine is to induce a recreational "high". Along with mild intoxication and heightened awareness of color, users have experienced nausea, vomiting, convulsions, heart pain and headache. Large doses have caused death due to respiratory failure

On a cellular level, compounds like cytisine partially block the body's response to nicotine. The active compound in Zyban, the new stop smoking drug in 1997, does the same thing. Both Zyban and Chantix are supposed to reduce the pleasurable sensations that nicotine causes in the body and thus reduce a person's desire to smoke.

Neither of the drugs are "magic pills". They work best when combined with counseling, a "quit plan" and a support program.

Of course Pfizer thinks their new stop smoking pill is better than Zyban. They advertise that two separate studies showed that Chantix helped more people quit than Zyban. They neglect to mention that there were three other studies that concluded that the drugs were about the same.

A study published in June of 2007 indicates that counseling and support programs are just as effective as the new stop smoking drug or any other therapy. The researchers went on to say that counseling is the "sole approach without any adverse effects". Smoking has enough "adverse" effects on our health and the health of those close to us.

Most people want to quit. They try one of the drugs or nicotine replacement. They get nauseas and throw up. They have headaches, trouble sleeping and bad dreams. They get constipated. They get frustrated and they start smoking again.

They may think that all of those side effects were from nicotine withdrawal, when in fact, those are the side effects of the new stop smoking pill and nicotine replacement therapies, like the patch. Zyban can make your mouth dry. It can cause you to shake and sweat and make your ears to ring. The most controversial side effect of Zyban is an increased risk of seizures. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms are relatively mild, in comparison, and usually only last a few days.

Whether you choose to try the new stop smoking drug or one of the other plans that are available, the most important thing is that you make a plan to quit and stick to it. To learn more about your options, please visit the Stop Smoking Blog, a resource for those who want to quit, written by those who have.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
There are so many ways to quit smoking but how do they all work and where should you start?

Patches, pills or injections? How about all three at the same time, will that work? Let's educate ourselves about these programs and see how they differ.


Patches are a type of nicotine replacement therapy. The idea is that you switch immediately from smoking cigarettes to using patches. Then, over a 12 week period, you reduce the dose of the patch until eventually you stop taking the low dose and, in theory, you don't need to start smoking again.

So how do they work? Well, a patch is like a small band-aid and you slap it onto a fatty part of your body. Usually people will stick one on the upper arm but you can even put them on your backside!

You should only use one patch a day and don't sleep with it on overnight. Each day, you should put the patch on a different part of the body so switching arms each day could work.


Surprisingly, pills to quit smoking have not been around for very long. But recently there are two pills that have been used to treat smoking.

The first one is Zyban and the second is Chantix. What is the difference between the two? Chantix is said to have a higher success rate at quitting than Zyban but the drawbacks are an alleged higher incidence of side effects. For instance nausea but also more serious side effects.

They both work on the brain chemistry to reduce the pleasure of cigarettes and the cravings for cigarettes so they make quitting much easier. You are not supposed to quit as soon as you start taking them but after about a week.


The idea of having a stop smoking program that just involved a couple of shots every now and again sounds enticing. What if we could cure smoking in the same way that we could cure diseases?

Currently, there are no approved stop smoking shots available on the market but there are many under development and in trials that will probably be available within 5 years.

They will work in a very similar way to the pills - they will cut the cravings and the perceived enjoyment from cigarettes. They are not a true vaccine because there is no production of antibodies in your body so the effects are not permanent.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Some people who struggle to quit smoking cigarettes will wonder about a quit smoking pill to help them stop. This is a great alternative to other quitting methods, such as the patch or the gum, and if you are interested about it then you should certainly talk with your doctor about it. There are a number of objections to taking a medication to help you quit smoking, but pretty much all of them are unfounded.

For example, some people object to the side effects of a stop smoking medication. This is pretty much ridiculous because the side effects from smoking cigarettes are generally about ten times worse than the side effects from any medication you would take. Keep in mind that nicotine is a drug and there are also a couple of thousand other harsh chemicals in cigarettes too. You have probably been experiencing the side effects of smoking for so long that you no longer notice them unless you quit.

Another objection people have to smoking medication is the cost. This is ridiculous as well, because anyone who sits down and totals up what they have spent on cigarettes over the last ten years can tell you that they have spent a fortune on it. Even just tallying up the cost for one year will show you just how quickly you would make your money back if you managed to quit smoking successfully.

Really most objections come down to being rationalizations from people who are not yet willing to quit yet. They are scared to quit smoking and face life without the crutch of nicotine so they make excuses.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Even as you are reading this, advances are being made in the field of medications designed to help you quit smoking. As it happens, a new application as a stop smoking aid has been found for a medication that has been around for some time. While it won't eliminate all of your cravings by itself, it can help. There is no panacea for smoking cessation, but a little help can go a long way.

What is this drug, you ask? For its application as a smoking cessation aid, it is being sold under the name Zyban (the active ingredient is bupropion hydrochloride). The same drug has been sold as an antidepressant under the name Wellbutrin for quite some time now. Zyban is being promoted as the first non-nicotine drug on the market to treat addiction to nicotine.

Zyban works by boosting the levels in the brain of dopamine and norepinephrine, which is the same effect that nicotine has upon the brain. It mimics the action of nicotine, which reduces cravings for cigarettes themselves.

Using this drug may give smokers the same sense of well being as does nicotine, while being able to wean themselves off of cigarettes. Many ex-smokers have had success with this method of reducing the cravings. However, these pills are far more effective when taken in conjunction with a stop smoking program and changing ones behavior.

Research has suggested that this non-nicotine pill is more effective in helping smokers to quit than the nicotine patch. The pill and patch used together is a very effective method for quitting cigarettes, but may increase blood pressure.

It is recommended that Zyban be taken twice daily, in the morning and evening. However, it takes about a week for levels of the drug to build up to sufficient strength in the body; for this reason, Zyban has to be started at least a week before actually quitting. Most who take the pill for smoking cessation set a date to quit within one and two weeks of beginning the medication, and stay on it for two to three months.

This non-nicotine pill is not an over the counter medication, and is available by prescription only. A doctor should be consulted first in any case, as Zyban is not for everyone. You should not take Zyban if you are:

* Pregnant or currently nursing.

* Someone who has a history of eating disorders (e.g. bulimia or anorexia nervosa.)

* Currently taking or have recently taken a MAO medication for depression.

* Already taking Wellbutrin, or other medicines containing bupropion hydrochloride.

* Epileptic, or suffering from any other seizure disorder.

Caution: Seizures disorders are a special concern. Bupropion is known to cause seizures in about 1 out of every 1,000 people taking the drug. More commonly reported side effects include dry mouth and insomnia.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Smoking is a horrible addiction that affects millions of people. Many times people spend years trying to quit. Popular solutions include nicotine patches and gum. While many times they do work, they also contain nicotine. It's the smoke and tar that causes cancer, not the nicotine. However the nicotine is the part of cigarettes that are addictive. These methods work by providing the body with nicotine, while keeping it away from the harmful chemicals. However, many people want to quite the addiction all together. What's the use of quitting when you'll just end up being addicted to the gum? But now there's hope. Recently a stop smoking pill has been introduced that will help you control your desire to smoke and contains no nicotine whatsoever. Now it's possible to be free of the addiction all together.

Zyban was the first pill on the market and is the most popular. Many people will remember this as a way to treat depression. Zyban gives people the same type of feeling as smoking by increasing levels of norepinephrine and dopamine. Don't worry there are other alternatives. Varenicline (or Chantix) is a newer drug on the market. It works the same way as Zyban does. In both cases it's recommended that you start taking the drugs a week or 2 before you try to quit.

Both of these drugs can have some pretty harsh side effects. This is why it's important to consult your physician before taking any medication. He'll be able to advise you on the proper dosages and if they'll react with any other medications you may be taking.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


In this article I'm going to get into non-nicotine pills. If you are thinking about quitting, non-nicotine pills are one of the best ways that can help assist you in the difficult stages of quitting.

Before I get into the details of non-nicotine pills, I want to make one thing clear. Above all, the hardest aspect of quitting is not so much of physical component, yet the psychological test your going to be under, especially the first 3 weeks. All the stop-smoking products out there won't do any good if you aren't 100% focused and committed to quit. If you are mentally ready, then they are your best option.

Why Non-Nicotine Pills Are Important

Quitting cold turkey is by far the best way to quit smoking for the long run. This is because you have to completely separate yourself with the very thing that's keeping you addicted to cigarettes - nicotine. The reason why nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) has shown low success rates to its users is you're still giving your body a chance to continue its cravings and keep the addiction. Trying to quit with patches, gums, and the like is usually a long, hard, and slow process because your cravings ever so slowly goes away.

Stopping your nicotine intake all together is a bit harder for the first few days, but your cravings will dramatically disappear faster compared to nicotine replacement therapy. What non-nicotine pills are great for is that it will take the physical withdrawal symptoms away while you quit, which is extremely important during the first week of quitting. Its like quitting cold turkey, except with a lot less of the pain associated with doing such.

All Natural Pills Is The Best Option

Manufactured non-nicotine pills have shown handle your cravings and to release dopamine into your body (which is what nicotine does) for you to handle the stress involved in quitting. Zyban and Chantix such products. The reason I don't recommend using these is because although they'll take away some of the physical withdrawal symptoms, they bring with them pretty nasty side effects such as nausea and insomnia. So your basically replacing one set of bad side effects with another.

I recommend using all-natural pills because they'll accomplish exactly what manufactured pills such as Zyban and Chantix does, but without the harsh side effects. This is because these pills are composed of all natural ingredients. They'll combat the withdrawal symptoms of quitting without using nicotine, and you won't see any side effects from the drug itself. Its the best way to put your body in a position to best get through your addiction.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
To some, it is hard to stop smoking without medication. The thought of trying to quit without using nicotine replacement therapy is frightening. But there are a few things you need to know before you purchase these products.

For starters, you should consult your doctor before you make any sudden changes in diet or exercise. You should definitely let her know that you plan to stop smoking and she will inform you of any problems you may face. She will know the pro's and con's of nicotine replacement products and will be able to help you decide what is best for you. 

To combat your addiction to nicotine you have to understand that there is two forms of the addiction that you will have to fight. The physical addiction and the mental addiction. Each has its own problems and weaknesses. You just need to know how to fight them.

The physical addiction is easy to fight. Simply replacing cigarettes with a nicotine replacement product will usually make the physical addiction happy on its own. Some people will carry a pencil or pen in their hands since it has the same general shape. Others will chew on a straw to curb the need for something in your mouth. There are many more ways to fight the physical addiction, you will likely end up finding your own method to beat it. 

In order to stop smoking without medication you will have to face the mental addiction head on. This is where you will need an abundance of willpower to overcome your cravings. The mental addiction is responsible for the desires of the physical addiction as well, so ultimately your final battle will be here.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
In this article I'm going to cover pills to quit smoking. If you are trying to quit, I understand how difficult it can be. For most people that have managed to quit for good, they've said it was one of the hardest things they've ever had to do. This is because for smokers that have had their habit for years, their body is completely dependent of nicotine. They need it to feel normal. One of the best aids that you can take to help you break free of your nicotine addiction is stop smoking pills. This is because of a few key reasons. They don't contain nicotine, which means the pills will help to minimize cravings and withdrawal symptoms without using nicotine. This will make quitting ultimately faster, and more effective in the long run. Here are a few of the most popular pills to quit smoking.

Chantix and Zyban

These pills are manufactured drugs made from big corporations (Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline). They work by giving your body many of the same effects nicotine would. Nicotine reaches your brain through your blood stream and attaches to certain receptors. Once nicotine is attached to these receptors, your brain releases dopamine into your body. Dopamine is responsible for the pleasurable, happy feeling you experience when you smoke. These drugs work by blocking your receptors so they cannot attach to the nicotine, while still releasing dopamine into your body. This will ultimately lessen the cravings you get which makes it a huge aid to quit smoking. The reason I am not a big fan of these drugs is because of the nasty side effects that most people experience when they take it. Since these are manufactured drugs, the side effects can get pretty bad. For example, 30% of all users will experience intense nausea and many other users will experience insomnia. Although these drugs will help to decrease your cravings and take away some withdrawal side effects, they'll add a set of their own which will also make it hard to quit.


Herbal pills are the best option I would go with to quit smoking. This is because these pills are all-natural and won't have any side effects. One big concern may think when they hear about herbal pills is how effective they are dealing with cravings and withdrawal symptoms compared to most conventional aids. They are just as effective as patches, gums, and non-herbal pills. For example, one of the main ingredients for these pills is Lobelia inflata (aka indian tobacco), this will give your body similar effects of smoking, which dramatically lessens your cravings. They'll also include many other herbal components that deal with each individual withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, cold symptoms, tenseness, etc. The best I would go with is Nicocure, I've only heard positive reviews from this product from review sites, forums, and customer feedback.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


In this article I'm going to talk about herbal pills to quit smoking. If you are thinking about quitting, herbal pills are one of the best options you should consider. There are a ton of benefits in natural medicine that you can't find in any other stop-smoking aid, below is a description of such benefits.

Quitting Without Nicotine

As you know, nicotine is the single reason why you're addicted to cigarettes. Nicotine is responsible for the pleasurable relaxed feeling when you smoke. It releases dopamine into your body which causes these feelings. Your body has gotten so accustomed to Nicotine that it depends on it to feel normal. The best way to break free of nicotine is to completely stop taking it. Although nicotine patches and gums are popular, they actually have a high failure rate because you are still giving our body what you shouldn't. Herbal pills to quit smoking are so effective because they'll give your body similar effects of smoking, without nicotine. This makes it a lot more effective to quit smoking, and lot less painful during the first week or two.

No Side Effects

Most non-natural stop-smoking drugs have pretty bad side effects which will only complicate this process. For example, there are common side effects with a drug from the Pfizer brand called Chantix. Intense insomnia and nausea is the most common side effects that a large portion of users experience.

Since all-natural pills are taken from its source, you won't experience any harmful side effects you would with many stop smoking drugs. When you are trying to quit, the first few weeks are extremely taxing on your body. You want to be in a position where your body is in the most comfortable state to handle the rigors of breaking free of its addiction. Herbal pills will effectively take away your nicotine cravings and negative withdrawal symptoms, without adding any of its own side effects.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM 1 comment READ FULL POST
Chantex is a an anti-smoking program that has an effect that is very different from any other programs of its type. Its main ingredient is Varenicline, which is a special kind of salt that has the capacity to directly work in the brain area. Unlike other cessation medications, Chantex is not a nicotine replacement therapy. It targets and blocks the specific synapse that tells the brain that it wants a smoke.

Chantex promotes a more honest and scientific view of smoking as a serious, difficult-to-treat addiction-and spreading the word not only to smokers but also to physicians. Some studies have shown that Chantex is more effective than Zyban. Others state that the drugs are approximately alike.

From Day 1 to Day 3, the usual dosage of Chantex is 1 white tablet (0.5 milligrams.) From Day 4 to Day 7, the dosage increases to 2 white tablets, one in the morning and one at night. The research to date for Chantex is provocative. Studies show that 44% of smokers successfully quit by the end of the full 12 week course of treatment.

The most commonly reported side effect from Chantex is lucid dreams. Many testimonials even report that this is something of a pleasure. Chantex is the best option for people who are seeking a quit smoking drug which helps them with annoying withdrawal symptoms. Not all people are well-equipped with patience and endurance to face withdrawal symptoms.

Chantex is a tablet meant for oral administration which is supplied in 0.5 mg and 1 mg capsular biconvex. The 0.5 mg tablet has CHX 0.5 written on one side and the company name on the other. It is white to off white in color, while the 1 mg tablet has CHX 1.0 on one side and Pfizer on the other and has a light blue color.

Chantex helps adults stop smoking. It is taken about one week before an individual wants to quit smoking, allowing the drug to build up in the body. It is usually continued for a total of 12 weeks. You should consult your doctor to determine if this drug is suitable for you.

At the start of the treatment, lower dosage of Chantex is prescribed and the dose is increased over time. You may have to face certain Chantex side effects. Just because is popular doesn't mean it is for you. Also, since there are many fake pills available, one must be careful in selecting where to purchase the medicines.

Chantex may be the best help you can get today to help you quit smoking. One of the problems that users have noticed is actually the ultimate reason Chantex is so effective. It basically takes away any enjoyment derived from the smoking experience.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Americans are a pill popping people. If you have a headache - take a pill. If you have a back ache take another pill. When it comes to Zyban quit smoking you can probably guess that it comes in a pill form also. Taking pills are easier than many other routes of administering drugs. There are some people that have conditions whereby they cannot swallow. Sure they swallow a nice juicy piece of steak any day of the week. But when it comes to pills, they cannot swallow them.

For several years now the FDA has approved Zyban for use as a stop smoking pill. This really has taken the industry by storm and laid the foundation for other more advanced stop smoking aids. Both the American Medical Association and the Osteopathic Medical Association doctors have used Zyban successfully for years.

Just because you take this pill does not mean you'll simply stop smoking. Quitting smoking takes tons of effort and various interventions are essential if you want to be successful with it.

The chemical name for Zyban is Bupropion. It is used and marketed under a few names in the United States. Wellbutrin which is an antidepressant. And Zyban - the stop smoking pill.

If you smoke and want to quit and your doctor prescribes Zyban this does not mean that you have other mental problems that he or she is trying to address. Depression, Attention Deficit Disorder, sexual dysfunction, insomnia are all proper uses for this class of drug.

When you look at Zyban for a quit smoking program aid it is highly effective. However, you need to be aware that some side effects are possible. They are:



Dry Mouth


And Tremors

None of them are all that distressing but you at least need to be aware of them should any of them occur with you. Should that be the case notify your health care provider as soon as possible. Stopping smoking is great but you could possibly avoid some adverse experiences by switching to another treatment like Chantix for example.

By quitting smoking you are making a huge step towards improving your life and your health. Congratulations and good success to you!
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


The world today has become so easy and everybody is looking for the easiest and fastest way to get things done, the need for stress free methods of achieving a desired goal is ever on the increase with the constant advancement in technology. This has also affected the treatment of the addiction to cigarette, smokers are out there looking for the easiest and fastest way to quit smoking, so, I believe that is the reason behind the production of pills to quit smoking.

It is no longer the effective or reliable way out; rather, it is the fastest and easiest way out. It should be noted though that the fastest and easiest way might not be effective and reliable; also the effective and reliable might be slow and difficult. Do not look for the easy and fast way, but for the effective and reliable, preparing your mind to face whatever challenges that might come.

The fact is that nothing good comes so easy without a little bit of a challenge. Be prepared to face the challenges of quitting and choose an effective method, considering its record of success and reliability than its fastness. If you expect to quit smoking without putting in any pressure or without facing any challenge, then you will never quit, because all quitters faced a challenge in their journey of giving up smoking. You too will have to be prepared to face whatever challenges involved and be determined to stop either by using pills or any other method to quit.

The different pills available to help quit smoking are good and some of them have a record of success. But, none of them have recorded more that 50 percent success, so they are all 50/50 chance. It may work or may not work. From this, we will discover that the real success stories are those who were determined to quit, with this determination any method of treatment will work, since there is willpower to quit. So, do not depend on the pill, depend on your strength of mind, develop your will power coupled with the pills you will definitely succeed.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Hypnosis seems an attractive way to stop smoking. After all, it's painless, seemingly effortless and you avoid the suffering of withdrawal symptoms without needing pills or gum or needles like the other options. Thousands of ex-smokers swear by it. But is it really as good as it sounds?

First let's take a look at how hypnosis works against nicotine addiction.

Hypnosis claims to to help people quit smoking by working on both the physical and mental levels. The physical nature of cigarette smoking is well-known; the mental factor is less so but is of equal if not greater importance.

Nicotine addiction is a complex condition which involves the mind as well as the body. So much so that the main reason many smokers relapse is due to the mind playing tricks on the body, long after the body has expelled all nicotine and the physical addiction is over.

As you become a smoker you take on certain beliefs regarding cigarette smoking. They take the form of associating pleasure with lighting up, especially at key times. These include after meals and with coffee. Even after your body has eliminated nicotine, these beliefs linger on and trip up the unwary.

Another mental obstacle, especially if you've tried and failed to quit before, is the matter of self-confidence. Or perhaps you've read that quitting smoking is a hard and painful experience. If your subconscious mind really doesn't believe you can quit, then your chances are slim.

Hypnosis can help here because it's a way of communicating directly with the subconscious mind and essentially reprogramming certain modes of thinking.

The actual method of hypnosis varies from practitioner to practitioner. For example, the therapist could plant the seeds in your mind that smoking is a vile and unpleasant condition while at the same time convincing you that you have the power within you to quit. As your mind begins to accept this as reality, your chances of successfully quitting get a boost.

On the physical front, the hypnotherapist can induce relaxation which can help withstand much of the stress that accompanies weaning oneself off nicotine. You can also learn relaxation techniques to use yourself during the initial stressful period.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
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