
If you are a smoker, you may have tried various methods to quit the habit. However, one of the most recent - and most effective - ways is a shot to stop smoking. The method is estimated to have a success rate of around 80 percent, although many people claim that the results only last a few months before the urge for nicotine takes hold again.

As any smoker knows, nicotine is extremely addictive and the shot works by using nicotine receptor blockers, which cause the brain to not recognize nicotine when you are smoking, therefore removing the addiction and dependence. For the shot to be really effective, it has to be administered as part of a that might include counseling and other measures. It is not as simple as just taking the shot and never wanting to smoke again.

If you are interested in the treatment, you will have to undergo a series of tests to make sure that you are healthy enough for the treatment. Once this has been determined, your doctor will actually administer three shots - one in the hip or arm and two behind the ear. You will also have to wear a patch behind your ear for a couple of weeks as well as take a pill; and one of the most important things is that you actually have to want to quit, for the shots to be completely effective.

There is a charge to have the stop smoking shots, generally somewhere between $300 and $600, although insurance may cover most of this.The shot also has various side effects, which do not usually last long and can include drowsiness, difficulty urinating and dry mouth. If you really do want to kick the habit and have tried just about everything else, it may be time to try taking a shot to stop smoking.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Today there are 5 million tobacco-related deaths per year, with 1.3 billion people who smoke, and tobacco is the leading cause of death that can be preventable according to the World Health Organization. A thing that used to considered "cool", such as the Marlboro billboards across the country, is now on the tip list of killers.

To combat this, the stop smoking injection, or the stop smoking vaccine, is one of the most successful and aggressive stop smoking aids with a 70-80% success rate of all the available smoking aids. A medical therapy, this type of aid takes place in a medical clinic under experienced physicians with supervision. Counseling and group therapy also work well to combine with the injection aid for smokers who are struggling to successfully quit.

Three injections of Scopolamine or Atropine behind the ears, on the hip, or on the arms, will block the nicotine receptors in the brain. As a part of the treatment, the patient is required to wear a scopolamine patch behind his ear and take atropine tablets for two weeks after getting the shot. The brain will not recognize that it needs nicotine so the nicotine addiction will eventually vanish - as an antismoking aid, these injection chemicals act on the nicotine "sensitive" areas of the brain and reduces the craving for a smoke. A single session may last from an hour to an hour and a half and costs approximately 350-500 dollars, but it usually is covered by health insurance policies.

The drugs involved with the stop smoking injections are medically classified as anti-cholinergics and are mainly used in helping to control neural activity in the brain. They have been extensively used previously in the medical field in the form of anesthetics during surgery or as a temporary means of curing Parkinson's disease. The most common side effects associated with these anti-smoking injections are dizziness, dry mouth, headaches, and problems in urinating which happens soon after the injection is given, if it happens at all.

Long-term effects include hallucination, strokes, and heart attacks. However, these are rare, and are usually observed only in those smokers who are subjected to high dosages. In extreme cases, the person can also end up in coma. A smoker needs to undergo a complete medical check up before treatment. However, this treatment should be avoided for pregnant women or those who suffer from cardiac disorders. People who are using other narcotics also should avoid the anti-smoking injections also. If nothing else is working for you, you should try the injections for quitting smoking before going back to smoking, as your health is very important.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
As I found that I was finally ready to take the stop and give up tobacco once and for all, I was immediately overwhelmed by all of the medical options for aiding me toward my goal. One item I came across is a new creation called the stop smoking shot or injection. This is one of the newest medical solutions and options for combating nicotine addiction and overcoming tobacco once and for all.

The stop smoking shot works by using medication that blocks the receptors in the brain that nicotine docks with. When nicotine docks with these receptors it causes a chemical response in the brain. Very quickly with nicotine, the cells in the brain begin to split and create more receptors for nicotine. This causes the body to require more and more nicotine in order to fulfill the cravings.

In addition to the stop smoking shot, there are also prescription pills available to help block nicotine. Working in much the same way, these are a daily pill that is taken for as much as 3 to 6 months. The advantage to the injection is that it usually only takes 1 to 2 injections for the average person to be able to quit. Pills require that we remember to take them every single day.

The key is to ask the questions "what option works best for me?" It may take a bit of time and research to find the best answer to that question, but it's essential to your success when moving toward becoming smoke free.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


There is a stop smoking shot available and like all the other aides on the market it can be a bit of a hit and miss affair. It is not my intention to criticize the efforts of these good people who strive from the medical platform to assist in this war on tobacco, but yet again I see no universal cure!

There are, according to the World Health Organisation, 1.3 billion smokers and of those 5 million die each year from smoking related diseases. Clearly that is too much and something has to be done. Only, I'm not sure that this is the way, not yet, anyway. Sure, it will work for a percentage of people and that is what I mean by hit or miss.

I don't want to go all technical on you here but this stop smoking shot will contain a combination of drugs, the application of which will be repeated at least twice more, or so. If you are thinking that it will be done and dusted on the day, wrong.

The patient will have another two weeks or so treatment of jabs or pills. The idea is that the vaccine will affect your nervous system via your bloodstream. Something to do with the receptors in your brain where nicotine has it's way with you. It will cost you money.

Naturally, as far as I'm aware, there is no money back guarantee. In this day and age especially, I am so, so skeptical of these wonderful products that offer you top quality results, and no guarantee. I can't help but think they are not prepared to put their money where their mouth is.

Okay, so the stop smoking shot available to us is pretty much like any other aid for stopping smoking, without a guarantee, that's all. You pays your money and takes your choice.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Many smokers know that smoking results in rotting their bodies. So they ultimately quit it after one or other time during their lives. There can be both positive and negative effects of quitting smoking. For the initial days when you have stopped smoking you will notice a conspicuous change in your system which appears as dipping level of blood sugar. Ostensible symptoms emerges just because of the fact that your blood sugar amount lessens which thereby dampens the feeling of dizziness, lack of concentration and other behavioral changes. Lowering levels of blood sugar in your body resembles lack of oxygen in the system of every living being. Thus, you will also feel sudden hankering of sweet items.

When you stop smoking, your system tends to adjust itself with the changed situation. Chances of heart attack tend to decline drastically with the passage of time. Nerve endings start to regrow which leads to enhanced ability to smell and taste. Bronchial tubes of the system relax and you breathe much easily which makes better lung function and blood circulation. Moreover, your personality improves, you become more socially acceptable. Also, most importantly you can also save a lot of money. If you will spend that money on your loved ones they will become closer to you.

But effects of quitting smoking can be negative too like after you stop stomachache, vomiting starts which is accompanied with developing the probability of hypothermia. You will tend to have more food due to declining blood sugar levels which will lead to weight gain. This happens because of lack of sugar level which develops a yen for sweet foods and items. This emerges as an irritating symptom. People after quitting smoking eat a lot thereby tends to gain weight during time. To avoid such symptoms, it is considered best to have intakes of several juices during day times which not only fulfills the need of body for the time being but also proves great for your health. Thus, quitting smoking habit can prove to be tough through whatever method you choose but ultimately the effects of quitting smoking can be immense and signals a beginning of much healthier life.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
There are so many products and programs that are aimed towards helping people break their smoking habits in the United States today that you certainly will not be able to try them all. But then again, why would you need to try them all when you have one of the perfect ones that experts insist can stop you from smoking once and for all.

Talk to your doctor anytime, and they will tell you that your best shot at quitting smoking and staying that way is to take the SMART shot. If you haven't heard of it by now, you need to do some self-examination, especially if you have been trying time and again to quit smoking and you have not quite made it.

The reason why a lot of people find it hard to break the smoking habit is because they are addicted to the nicotine in tobacco. Nicotine enters your bloodstream through your lungs, and from there it travels to your heart. From your heart, it is pumped along with the rest of your red blood cells into your brain where it damages the cells that help you generate chemicals for satisfaction. As a result, you want more, and more, and more, until you really cannot get enough.

Nicotine prompts the reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin, resulting in mood changes and a feeling of relaxation that is not quite real, and that is never enough. What the SMART shot does is that it inhibits the reuptake of this and other neurotransmitters in your system so that your craving for the substance lessens appreciably.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


There is now a new quit smoking drug available in the market. This latest breakthrough is known as Varenicline. It is able to help smokers snub out their addiction by working on the brain.

More specifically, it is working on the pleasure centres of the brain. It prevents nicotine from attaching to the brain. By blocking nicotine, the brain is not stimulated. This reduces the body dependence on nicotine.

Instead of having nicotine attaching to the receptors to the brain, Varenicline is attached. This helps to release the dopamine hormone which makes you feel good without smoking.

Without nicotine stimulating the brain, the number of nicotine receptors is reduced and the urge to smoke reduces.

Drugs used for smoking cessation treatments used to be merely substitutes that helped get an addict off the habit or made him feel sick if he insists on smoking. However, nowadays, doctors have become interested in managing the chemical reactions that happen in the body.

Another quit smoking drug available to the masses is Bupropion. This was originally developed o treat depression. Later, it was found to reduce the desire of smokers to smoke.

Currently, it is believed that this drug helps to stop the decrease the dopamine levels when smoking stops. By reducing the withdrawal symptoms that comes with lower dopamine levels, smokers will find it easier to stop smoking.

These new quit smoking drugs do not absolve the responsibility of smokers. In fact, smokers will need to develop skills to resist drug use and replace such drug-using activities with other productive activities that will keep their minds away from their favourite kick.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Many smokers who find it difficult to quit have been asking what is the best and easiest way to quit smoking. Well, being a former smoker myself, I have the same dilemma before and I think there is no such thing as the "best and easiest" way to quit smoking because one individual varies from the other. Although I won't deny the fact that the best way or method to quit smoking for good is by quitting cold turkey but reality will tell you that this method is not for everyone. Why? Because each smoker is different from one another and their response to the treatment you will give them like "quit cold turkey" will vary based on the individual's experience, thinking, reasoning and other factors that would determine their success or failure.

Stop Smoking Aids

The foremost stop smoking aids being used today are Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) particularly the gum and patches, take note that electronic cigarettes are not approved medicinal NRT. Although many ex-smokers have claimed that these products have helped them quit smoking for good, many smokers are skeptic in using them. Well we can't blame them, injecting nicotine directly into the smokers' body of course will cause fear and doubts. And how could you stop nicotine addiction by using another product that delivers nicotine? Well these circumstances should be directly addressed to help the smoker quit especially if the smoker has failed to quit so many times on his own.

How Does Nicotine Patches Work

When you use nicotine patches, you will undergo a therapy which they call steps. Each step, which usually is from 1 - 6 weeks, allows you to use a patch daily with a certain dose of nicotine. As you move from step one to the following step, the content of nicotine in the patch gradually lessens. This will go on until the smoker reaches the last step and will be able to control the addiction and withdrawal symptoms brought by nicotine and will help him quit smoking for good. But keep in mind that your success in quitting smoking will depend largely based on your determination and commitment. Nicotine patches will only help you and will not in any way help determine the outcome of your success and failure in quitting. And please consult your physician first before using them.

How It Helped Me Quit Smoking for Good

When I finally decided to quit, after smoking for 22 years, I failed so many times but I never gave up and kept on quitting. Each time I failed to quit cold turkey, my determination grew stronger which lead me eventually to use quit smoking aids particularly the patches. Although I was also skeptic in using them I have no other choice but to try them. I used the patch for several days, but did not finish the program. In less than 7 days, I discarded the remaining patches and continued quitting on my own. I finally got the break that I needed and I was able to stop smoking for good.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
What are the cigarette smoking pros and cons? First of all, there really aren't any "pros", once you realize all the "cons" of smoking. You may have started as a teenager to be a part of the "in crowd" at the time. We did it to be accepted, to look cool or because our significant other smoked. And some did it because you knew you shouldn't. All the reasons seemed like a good idea at the time. And we all knew we could stop whenever we wanted to.

Now, years later we kick ourselves for not considering the cigarette smoking pros and cons before we lit up that first cigarette. As a result, our food doesn't taste as well, we are told we always smell of cigarette smoke. Our breathing is difficult, what we cough up is not pretty, and we can feel our health is declining. But the addiction keeps us smoking yet another day, and night.

So, what are some of the other cons, or the other benefits of giving up smoking? Just the health risks I mentioned when smoking, should be enough of a reason for anyone to want to quit smoking today.

Did you know that smokers who die as a direct result of smoking, lost on average 16 years of their life. This is serious! Do you really want to be a part of those statistics?

So, remember you'll be losing 16 years on average, now how about the time you are wasting smoking? If you smoke 20 cigarettes a day, you waste almost 2 hours of your day smoking! That adds up to 14 hours a week! (equivalent to a whole waking day) You just lost another day out of every week.

After you do the math, and subtract this all from your life, you will realize that the cigarette smoking pros and cons are really no "pros" at all. You need to get help today to find a way to quit smoking once and for all.

But wanting to quit smoking quickly, and being able to find the will power to quit are two different things. There are so many ways to quit smoking. But when you tried the pills, sprays, and patches, but failed, where do you turn to next? Is there a stop smoking shot available? (You don't need it.)

You believe that quitting smoking is difficult because you haven't been able to stop. But the truth is, you just have not learned the skills needed to stop smoking successfully. And anyone can do it without the cravings, the weight gain, the anxiety, short-temper, hunger and discomfort usually associated with stopping smoking.

There is such information available out there with an incredible success rate that will help anyone in overcoming the desire to smoke ever again. If you can read, you can succeed at giving up cigarettes. And you will no longer have to worry about the cigarette smoking pros and cons again.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


First, the Prognosis:

Cigarette smoking is the main cause of lung cancer. Smoking cigarettes also predisposes you to cancer of the esophagus and the bladder, is one of the main contributors to heart attacks, and is implicated in some stomach diseases, such as ulcers.

Chewing Tobacco is a common cause of cancer in the mouth, while pipe smoking is responsible for the development of cancer on the lips.

Smoking and chewing tobacco weakens and debilitates the digestive organs. The loss of saliva that is caused by chewing tobacco is one of the ways by which the system sustains loss and injury through the use of tobacco.

The poisons in tobacco very readily find their way into the bloodstream, and anything that affects the blood affects every organ and tissue of the body. It greatly harms the blood corpuscles, has a very damaging effect on the nervous system, causing poor circulation. Smoking is not only the main cause of cancer of the lungs, it also causes other serious lung diseases such as emphysema and bronchitis.

Persons suffering from tuberculosis, palpitation of the heart, irregular pulse, cancer, inactivity of the skin, or paralysis of the nervous system who use tobacco in any form, will find that these ills may in many cases be traced directly to the use a tobacco.

Too much emphasis cannot be placed upon the fact that people who use tobacco in any form will finally find their bodies in a weakened and diseased condition. Medical workers see the truth of the above statements lived out before their eyes every day.

The Following Medicines Are Used to Cure the Addiction


The medical properties of magnolia will cure nicotine addiction when taken with other hygienic measures.

"Side Effects"

It's good for fever and acid reflux. It can be taken for a long time without any ill effects.


"Side- Effects"

It is the most powerful relaxant known among the herbs that have no harmful effects. It makes the blood pulse fuller and slower in cases of inflammation and fever. Lobelia reduces palpitation of the heart (trembling or irregular, rapid heart beat). Pages and pages could be written on all the benefits of lobelia


"Side Effects"

An excellent blood cleanser. Used for blood poisoning, fevers, carbuncles, acne, eczema, boil, peritonitis, syphilis conditions, bites and stings of poisonous insects or snakes.


Licorice is primarily used for lung and throat. It is useful in coughs, bronchitis, congestion, ect. It was used as a treatment for coughs as long ago as the third century B.C. It is frequently added to other herbal.

Passion Flower:

"Side Effects"

Passion Flower reduces spasms and depresses the central nervous system. It is prized for its relaxing and anti-anxiety effects and is particularly effective in treating the symptoms of sleeplessness brought on by nicotine withdrawal.


Excellent for chills, colic, fevers, dizziness, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, heart trouble, palpitation of the heart, influenza, la grippe, and hysteria.

"Side Effects"

It is a general stimulant. It quickly diffuses itself through the system and brings back to the body its natural warmth and glow.

Replaces aspirin and coffee much better.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Smoking is an addictive habit that can cause serious problems in your life. Not only will your health begin to suffer over time, but you may also become unfit, your appearance will change, your breath will start to smell, you will struggle to sleep, and your stress levels can rise. There are, therefore, many different problems associated with smoking, and as such it is a good idea to quit smoking as soon as you can. In order to quit this habit, there are a number of products that you can use to help steer your way. Being an addictive habit, smoking can be very difficult to quit, and as such the quit smoking industry has grown over the last few decades. One of the most popular methods and products that people use in order to help them quit is the smoking patch.

Using this patch is very simple. All you need to do is to apply it onto your body at the required area and it will gradually release nicotine into your bloodstream over the course of a certain period of time. This nicotine being released into the blood will help to cut down your cravings for nicotine and therefore your desire to smoke will be diminished.

Once the patch has done its work, you can simply reapply another one so that your body can gradually be weaned off its nicotine dependence. Over time, using one of these patches is something that can lead to good results and your desire to smoke will slowly be cut down.

This is something that occurs whenever people, but in many others these sort of smoking patches fail to work. As such, we should consider a few pros and cons of using such a patch in order to quit smoking.

First of all, let's consider some of the pros. Well, one of these pros is simply the fact that they have worked for millions of people in helping them to quit smoking. In addition to this, they are excellent at slowly releasing the nicotine, and therefore you can gradually be weaned off your requirement for this substance.

In addition to this, when they are used as a complimentary addition to other methods and treatments that you might employ, as well as having a strong well, they will often be able to do the job well. They are also non-invasive, and are very simple to purchase and apply.

So what of the cons of using one of these nicotine patches? Well first of all, without the proper level of determination to combine with using the patch, they have a very low success rate and you are not likely to actually stop smoking. Secondly, they can cost a lot of money if you have to buy them on a regular basis. Many people have quit smoking without having to spend a cent, and as such using these patches is one of the more expensive ways of quitting. Last of all, sometimes they can simply become a substitute for cigarettes, and will not help in actually getting rid of the addiction to nicotine.

As such, therefore, using this smoking patch certainly has its pros and cons and it will be down to you to find out whether or not this will work.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
There are countless quit smoking methods available in the market to help you kick your nasty habit of smoking. Unfortunately, not all of these methods will work for you. If that is the case, do not give up just yet. You still have another option which is the quit smoking clinic.

Such quit smoking clinics can be found pretty much everywhere. These clinics have taken the idea of getting you to stop smoking to an entirely new level.

Instead of doing it by yourself with the help of friends or relatives, the people at the clinic would guide you step by step through the entire process. This interaction between smoker and the people who are trying to help prove to be quite an excellent combination.

These quit smoking clinic staff usually include the advisers, therapists and counsellors, who are well acquainted with people struggling to quit smoking. Most of the therapists or counsellors in these clinics are actually ex-smokers as well. Thus, there is an instant understanding there and definitely no pre-judgments would be made whatsoever.

The familiarity that these people have towards the emotional and physical state of every smoker can be one of the key factors as to why it works effectively. When one understands the problem, he is in a better position to help. After all, who better to support each other than the ones who have gone through and who are going through the same thing.

These quit smoking clinics help the person through the use of regular therapy sessions, counselling as well as interaction with fellow smokers and their therapists. This openness basically helps them to point out what might be causing this addiction and thus eventually lead them to a solution for it. Some of these sessions may seem daunting at first but once you get over that initial shyness and really get into it, you would realize that it can help you with feeling better about yourself.

The first phases of quitting smoking are considerably the easiest as this is the time when the smoker is the most motivated about the process. He or she would most likely be very excited and happy to have begun the process that they would probably making vows to themselves never to touch a cancer stick ever again.

However, after this phase, many would feel the need to start smoking again. This is usually due to the stress of the withdrawal symptoms. During this time, counselling and proper motivation is most needed. The smokers would have most likely developed a good trusting relationship with the counsellor by this time and it is also possible that he or she has become quite dependent on them.

Thus, during times when they have the urge to light up, the therapist needs to be there to talk them out of it and remind them of why they are in that clinic for in the first place. So, if you have tried all possible means except the quit smoking clinic, you may want to give this option a try. A quit smoking clinic might just do the trick for you.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


If you really want to quit the dangerous smoking habit, this is the right time. Thanks to the advancement of science and technology there are now lots of solutions that have been invented to help people quit smoking. Among them is the use of laser. Yes, you read that right. Apart from the many stop smoking products out there, laser also comes handy in helping you quit the habit.

Laser treatment as a smoking cessation treatment is a wild success because of the way it works. The technique applies the principle of concentrated light on nerve endings so that you feel the pleasure you would have felt had you smoked a cigarette. Your hands and face, and ears, and really almost every part of your head will need to receive that soft 'caress' of light so that your body is stimulated to release endorphins.

So, when you have to go through the withdrawal phase of your quit smoking exercise, the pleasure from your endorphins can sail you through. This way, you have a better chance of successfully completing the program without relapsing.

Before you decide that this method for breaking your smoking habit does not work for you, at least do what you can to give it a shot first. What have you got to lose besides a habit that is killing you already? The laser treatment does cost a bit in various areas of the United States, ranging from about $250 to something closer to $500 in some states. However, compared to how much you already spend a week on cigarettes, you have got to admit that you are getting off rather cheap here. The Freedom Laser Treatment Center will be happy to oblige.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Numerous people recommend that stop smoking hypnosis therapy be used in conjunction with other stop smoking methods such as nicotine replacement stop smoking products like the patch or nicotine gum. This type of therapy will dramatically reduce the side effects of nicotine withdrawal, such as the cravings, depression and anxiety. By treating these depressive symptoms while also reducing nicotine cravings, medication smoking stop treatment has proven to be highly productive in helping individuals to quit cigarettes.

Both of these stop smoking cigarettes aids work to boost your endorphin levels, giving you a high of sorts that blocks some of the nicotine cravings that make people begin smoking again. The patch is just a patch that you apply everyday that delivers a stable amount of nicotine into your system. If you are interested in nicotine interchange methods to help quit cigarettes, you might consider purchasing the patch or nicotine gum.

Another thing that will increase the success possibilities, is that you supplement your plan with some substitution system as chewing gums, nicotine patches or antidepressants (if the doctor prescribes them). The nicotine is an addictive drug, and as every drug it generates dependence and it enslaves the smoker for the rest of his life. Women with PMS should try not to quit before their menses as it can increase nicotine withdrawal.

This is due to the nicotine or more precisely, the dose of nicotine as well as other factors. Even after you get over the nicotine habit, then there is the psychological issues such as what to do with your hands all the time. This keeps the person in a balanced state and minimizes the craving for cigarette as the dosage of nicotine is reduced gradually.


There have been many studies that have shown that cigarette smoking is as hard to break as a cocaine addiction. Many people say that after the shot their cigarette desire simply disappears. However, once you put a cigarette in your mouth, you will have to start again from the beginning.

You love the first cigarette of the day, with your tea or coffee at these times gargle with mouthwash and clean your teeth. It won't be you standing outside your own office block having a quick puff and it won't be you about whom your colleagues complain when you take a cigarette break, although no one else gets to leave their desk at that time. When you go to work, it will no longer be you who needs to be escorted outside for a cigarette when visiting another company's premises.

People at this stage think that they can control it now and that the odd cigarette once in a while won't do any harm and that they will not become addicted again. Smokers should be aware that every cigarette takes an average of 11 minutes off your life, and smokers having excess of 20 a day are 20 times more likely to die from some form of cancer and twice as likely to die of heart disease. The cigarette companies have been using psychology and hypnotic induction techniques to get you addicted to their products for many years without you even knowing it.

Despite the decades of scientific and medical research proving beyond doubt the deadly effects of cigarette smoking, the number of existing smokers, and people taking up smoking, is still at incredulous levels.


However, my weight battered my confidence and self-esteem levels, rendering that kind of social interaction almost impossible. And if anyone else in the world wishes to lose weight and keep it off, they will eventually learn that they have to do it the natural way. Join a fitness program if you fear weight gain.

Those who have solely trained in stopping smoking (sometimes they will have trained in weight control and stress management too). Over the years, the weight gain and stop smoking connection has been greatly exaggerated. Even though you gain weight after stop smoking, if you ask yourself a question like "What would you rather deal with, a few extra pounds of weight or cancer?" which one you choose?
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Smokers undoubtedly feel the unfavourable facets of their vice, and if you're a cigarette smoker, you know what those aspects are. First and foremost, there are fewer nicotine junkies; many folks have already decided to give up smoking cigarettes for different reasons. Second, you are not allowed to smoke cigarettes indoors, which means you need to head outdoors if you really want to smoke. Additionally, countless studies have detailed the multitude of health risks that come with tobacco use. If you're keen on getting rid of your terrible habit, you'll have a variety of smoking cessation products to choose from. These can help you in your quest to have a much healthier life.

One thing that you should not pay attention to is the retail prices of quit smoking products. People who do not want to utilise smoking cessation products on account of their retail prices are ridiculous. The selling prices of tobacco products are continuing to rise, and if you think about the amount of money you spend on cigarettes each and every year, you'll see that cigarette smoking is, in reality, more expensive than smoking cessation products! The rewards that you'll get from the use of quit smoking products will significantly outweigh those of smoking (if it even has any advantages).

The monetary cost isn't that crucial when you realise that smoking also places a greater cost on your state of health. Nicotine junkies will have a greater chance of having lung cancer, throat and mouth cancer as well as heart disease, among other illnesses. Also, cigarette smoking could cause impotence in males.

A typical consequence of this detrimental vice is that it makes smokers look older than they really are. This occurs because smoking turns your skin grey and dull. It might not be obvious, but you'll see it upon closer inspection. Should you quit using tobacco now, your skin would clear up and you'll look more youthful in no time at all! You will have a more healthy glow and look much better as well.

Plenty of people smoke cigarettes because they're afraid of gaining extra weight. This reason is a lot more common in women more than men. It is a fact that most individuals would put on a few pounds after they stop using tobacco. Then again, those excess pounds could be easily shed afterward. Additionally, there are better and more healthier ways for you to refrain from packing on unwanted weight, such as a proper diet and doing routine workouts. For instance, rather than sitting around and munching on processed food the entire day, you can go for carrots and other healthy greens and fruits as snacks, and then head to the fitness center or take longer walks.

Obviously, you will have much more rewards by quitting tobacco use once and for all. But it can be an extremely difficult endeavour. If you've attempted to quit using tobacco in the past and regressed, do not surrender completely; you should take another shot at it! Nowadays, there are numerous stop smoking products that can help you achieve your objective. You can purchase as well as utilise nicotine patches and nicotine gum in order to repel your strong hankerings and withdrawal symptoms. These products hold varying amounts of nicotine, and the point would be for you to progressively minimise the amount of nicotine entering your system until you get used to not having it anymore. Another option is to use pseudo-cigarettes; this certain smoking cessation product gives the illusion of cigarette smoking, but minus the unhealthy consequences.

If you're having a difficult time giving up tobacco use, you can obtain either over-the-counter or prescription medications. It is advisable that you check with your physician in advance of utilizing medications in order to quit smoking; the doctor would be able to ascertain which specific quit smoking product you need and also how long you need to utilise it. You can also get advice from former smokers and ask them what stop smoking products and methods they employed. Afterward, you can work on a stop smoking plan that you could stay with for the long term.

There are also all-natural quit smoking products and remedies available if you do not want to use medical products. Organic products will give you fewer adverse effects, and hypnotherapy, acupuncture as well as laser therapy are only a few of the validated natural smoking cessation strategies that will help you triumph over your horrible habit once and for all! There is no better time to quit using tobacco than now, and with the products that you can get hold of, you'll have a superb success rate as well as much more confidence. It is quite critical that you have faith in yourself and be given the help you require!
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


You don't have to give up on your efforts to quit smoking simply because you have relapsed twice. You wouldn't be the first, you know; people relapse all the time, and then they totally turn around and live a tobacco free life. All it takes from you is a combination of willpower, a great quit smoking program, and a stop smoking aid that will help keep you on track even at times when you feel like packing it in.

About the most popular stop smoking effort that most smokers employ in the United States today is the use of the nicotine gum. As a matter of fact, one could argue that there are about as many people chewing the nicotine gum today, as there are people who smoke. The fact that the gum causes dehydration really does not matter much; it is enough that it supplies the trace amounts of the substance that will fool your body's system into believing that it has gotten its daily 'fix' of cigarette... just enough to make you NOT need the cigarette so much.

The nicotine patch is another stop smoking aid that is getting increasingly popular. Working in pretty much the same way as the nicotine gum, all you need to do with this assist is to place it on your skin somewhere and just leave it there for as long as the doctor recommends.

Most people prefer to have the patch on their stomachs and others would rather have on the skin at the back of their neck. Either way, all that counts is that your addicted system gets its shot of nicotine so that you don't have to inhale an excess of 4000 poisonous chemicals into your lungs and bloodstream.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Many people say that quitting smoking is as hard as it can be. As a matter of fact, the difficulty of giving up cigarettes depends on your definition of success. Quitting for one day is easy. But quitting forever is hard. Temporary success is not what we are talking about here because you will find that you are smoking more cigarettes a day when you resume the habit.

However, the long term success is started with a short term one anyway. One minute is constituted with 60 seconds. This minute will only come to an end when each of the 60 seconds is passed. As we talked above, quitting for a relatively short period of time is comparatively easy. If you have any success with your first try for a day or even for an hour. All you have to do next is to learn from your success and extend it for another day or hour.

It can not be denied that that is easier said than done. But we can achieve this with some internal and external help. The internal help comes from our determination to quit and change our habits forever. The external help comes from many sources such as your family. My noisy but loving wife played an very important role in my stopping smoking shot. Her words might or might not have been brought into full play without my internal cooperation, though. It is love that counts during this process.

As you can see, nothing will help without your internal agreement. So ask yourself a question before taking actions - do you really want to stop smoking in the rest of your life?
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
In the world there are millions of people who smoke right now. However, there are probably just as many who are trying to quit smoking, as they have begun to recognize that may adversely affect it has on it. But as extremely addictive, they find it very difficult the nicotine in cigarettes that she is it, what is considered smoking wants to give up a habit very unpleasant.

If you are looking for smoking, there are certain steps that follow, you need to reach your goals. Below let's look at what are these steps.

Step 1-the first thing you should do before you try to quit smoking is a list of reasons why you want to do it. Keep this list with you at all times and also the place where you normally would keep cigarettes. In this way, when you go to get a cigarette if under the list and give you that incentives will remain focused on the goal that you set.

Step 2-the second step is to choose the time you want to smoke. If you do not set any specific date, so will end much harder actually goal is for you to be get to smoke.

Step 3-the next thing you need to do is start, comes with things that will help, begins to distract yourself if you feel like it, go back to smoking. It is not unusual for people who try to smoke, that have nothing to do their minds automatically transforms the idea of a cigarette. In this case, be sure that you do something that helps these thoughts at Bay, to keep it as a book.

Step 4-when you try to smoke it is important to remove everything from your environment that will remind you of smoking. You must be walking every room in your home. You will be surprised that many elements can be might encourage you to smoke again. For example, you'll find cigarettes of all ashtrays, lighters and packages that you want to get rid of legends around the House.

Step 5-clear what you're trying to make your friends and family and those who request not to do so, if you sort of smoke. Is also a good idea of places to stay, where you can also find the urge to smoke again. For example, if you usually counseling bar at noon or in the evening after work goes, then it ends for the moment. Only if you have your cigarette demand under control, you should look at those places to visit again.

Combating addictions like smoking is difficult but not impossible. The above procedure has proven to be very useful for people who want to be independent of nicotine. With commitment, determination and discipline you can also successfully quit smoking.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Spend a fortune, the smoking habit with your gums, patches, and shots for a street football. But what is hypnosis? Costs a lot? Depends on what method you're collecting released.

A single session with a local hypnotist

For anyone in an Office to see which will be a hypnotist, you should expect to spend a healthy amount. The extreme low-end prices typically start at $ 85 per session and go from there often reach $ 500 or more for well-known hypnotists in big cities. Prices also vary depending on experience and education. Find while you very effectively the hypnotists, worked with for under $ 100, note that this is only for the individual session, might require more than one. Prices can add slightly above.

Stop smoking seminar

Go to a seminar helps share the costs for many people. Prices for rich from $ 50 to $ 125 in your local newspaper. Since usually performed by traveling there typically hypnotists, seminars, be an option for a follow-up session so that you are not concerned about the extra cost. If a follow-up session is necessary, however, you need more options and other costs to consider.

Hypnosis recorded programs for domestic use

The best programs may cost you from $ 50 up to several hundred, with the clustering more in the range of $ 60 to $ 100. The biggest cost-benefit results from the fact that you can hear it again and again without extra, effectively give meeting after meeting without paying additional fees.

There are no established industry pricing standards for hypnotism, but generally what is listed above, is what you can expect to find. Because they often get thinking, what you pay for. That is not an argument for the more expensive option, but it is an argument for the use of the head. A hypnotist seems to have too little loaded questions like, why.

While low prices often may seem attractive, it is not always the best choice when it comes to a solution of hypnosis! You should definitely look at vista, experience and above all get the "feeling" of ' hypnotist or hypnosis program. They instill a sense of confidence? Feel at ease with them, or to use the program that you feel? The cost is only one of many variables in your quest to stop smoking hypnosis.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Always when on the Internet under "stop smoking Guide", you get the usual suspects. Find a Government website that has overwhelmed with information; Also get sites try to sell electronic cigarettes (even though they are not marketed as smoking AIDS); Discover other websites selling, hypnosis, acupuncture or some kind of stroke or some liquid fantasia, who knows what in it. There are websites are only, is to understand the truth in a way that meant? I think there are a few, but come later.

Scientifically tested ways to quit smoking, what are these possibilities I'm sure impartial research published their statements? It's one thing to say: "take our product and we guarantee success," but if there is no science backing up these claims, then they set in question. Who can claim success, but see how many can they record? So can begin.

Chantix 1)
Chantix is a relatively new product that offers a good success rate. It is around 20%. The manufacturer is described as a program, rather than a simple "pill" for smoking.

2) Zyban (bupropion)
Zyban is an antidepressant that has some properties of smoking. It also works with some of the depression found in smokers.

(3) nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)
Things like chewing gum/pastilles, patch, nasal sprays and inhalers are found in this category. They have about the same success rate as Zyban.

4) Cold Turkey
Here, the person decides everything on their own, without help. The success rate is the lowest of any of the above. Cold Turkey, the most difficult for people is really because it requires nothing more than willpower. This is why people who quit cold Turkey, you have maximum impact.

(5) The Hypnosis/acupuncture
Even if these two methods do not work as frontline or traditional methods, for some people. However, the success rate is what you expect. Most experts agree that the success rates to stop cold Turkey are similar.

Here they are essentially five proven ways to stop smoking as found in the medical literature. However, there is another method, which can greatly improve success rates. In fact, this method has a success rate of 20 +% when used alone, published in the scientific literature. Before these words as someone tries to sell you something off, it is recognised that it is not stored on shelves and is not provided to UPS Brown trucks. This should tell you right away that has described is not a type of product into my opening.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
It would be nice if you could vaccinate is only you or your children so that they would never even want to smoke? And if you were already a smoker, what happens if you could vaccinate themselves so that all require lost to smoking? Quit smoking vaccinations are nearly reality. Are just around the corner. Actually, there are several companies with vaccines in clinical trials. Take a look at these vaccines as a job and what it can really do for you.

Virtually everyone in developed nations have to against a variety of diseases, smallpox, measles and mumps, to name just a few have been vaccinated. Vaccines protect us through the introduction of a small number of diseases cells in our body. This means making antibodies that attack the body and cells, destroy the disease to create, we would once again with their contact to come.

Smoking vaccines a little work in the same way. These vaccines to create our organism antibodies that attack the nicotine of cells. These antibodies do not; destroy the cells of nicotine, but they stick just a cellphone clumps of create that is too large to enter the brain.

As a result, the nicotine from cigarettes will be "high" to prevent the smoker. The idea is if the euphoric feeling, he or she has received, there is no need to smokeless smokers, light.

If these vaccines for the market are really ready, offering a new option for people who smoke to stop. At the time, clinical trials run a number of companies and their findings are promising, as any method currently in use at least as effective.

Vaccines are one year into the future, and this is no time frame, you can be sure to count. The problem is: If you're a smoker, you don't have to wait for the perfect solution – although, in truth, very tempting, it would do so. There are other ways to stop, though. Many of them, that can work for you, right now, today!
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


So you like cigarettes? You can enjoy an imported cigar? Yes, some people literally live for smokers. You know it's bad for your health, and you want to quit smoking. But it's hard to find enough incentives to end when the buds are strong. Here are 50 reasons to stop to motivate, to stop:

1. the food tastes better-returns the sense of taste.
2. you are not a slave who is seeking.
3. smell better.
4. nobody wants to kissing an ashtray.
5. will save you a lot of money.
6. you have more time-pause cigarette is no longer constant-buy no more trips to the store.
7. you are master of yourself.
8 auto and health insurance Costs.
9. No more holes in clothes or car upholstery burned.
10. no longer ashtrays to clean.
(11) no longer of paria in social gatherings.
12. reduce the risk of lung cancer.
13 you increase the power of your brain because it can get more oxygen to the brain.
14 More endurance-better sex!
15, set a good example.
16. Save the people who are affected by second hand smoke.
17 Stop trash cigarette butts.
18 No need, cigars and cigarettes carry around all the time.
19. don't worry, if you forgot your lighter.
20 do you cut your risk of getting lupus.
21 Will continue with your children.
22 have less heartburn.
23 make happy family.
24 Secure your baby from birth defects.
25 to hear themselves better.
26. no longer trips outside under the rain freezing cold.
27 ability to travel faster without smoking permanent sweaters.
28. Cure your snoring. 29 Have healthier sperm.
30 Less coughing. 31 on a better chance of not developing.
32. no longer plagued to finish.
33. no longer hack gross stuff all the time.
34. further survive the swine flu or other epidemic.
35. to prevent your baby with colic.
36. Please your spouse.
37. get fewer colds and flus.
38. Rasch to increase life expectancy.
39. long enough, you live to see your granddaughter.
40. no longer feel like a leper in public.
41. reduce the risk of impotence.
42. whiter teeth and fresh breath.
43. have fewer wrinkles.
44. Give less money to the Treasury.
45. You have stronger bones.
46. the odds go down in blind from smoke.
47. you will sleep better.
48. it is better for the environment.
49. Because you want it!
50. Why are you ready!

There are some other reasons? Please check out my author bio below and Share it on my fan page to quit smoking.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
If you smoke you want to learn a number of changes. This is just naturally, because as a smoker, your body in a steady supply of nicotine and poison was has appeared. If you stop smoking, this status quo will change and a series of stop smoking symptoms caused by nicotine withdrawal.

The symptoms fit, suffering greatly from person to person vary, but it is important that you prepare for the imminent assault. Stop smoking symptoms are those that you suffer, you try an excuse and start smoking to justify. It is necessary to combat these negative thoughts and keep to cease the battle with smoking.

It is important to remember that I am listing many famous smoking symptoms that have been documented. You should not expect to suffer from all these when you smoke. All stop smoking symptoms list, it is very unusual that smokers suffer more than a fraction of this.

One of the most important symptoms of nicotine withdrawal is the desire for cigarettes. This is natural, since your body is addicted and dependent pining for the nicotine, which became against tolerant, later. The request subside easily and requires little focused effort exceeded Slacker in a foul.

Another common symptom of quitters experienced the emergence of normal coughs, colds, sore throat and chest infections. These are perfectly normal and subside within three months or so to leave. Can be quite soul destroying still suffer from infection after infection, but you insist must!

Symptoms of quitting smoking can be very uncomfortable and the changes that can occur in your digestion can be embarrassing and inconvenient for you and around you! Smokers often find that bowel movements are irregular and she could also suffer increased bloating and constipation.

If you stop, you can increase your appetite and you'd eat more often sometimes when I normally do not eat that can disturb the normal digestion. Should the food with much fiber food and drink plenty of water and citrus drinks, particularly during the first week or so of your attempt to help overcome these symptoms stop.

It is not uncommon for digestive symptoms last for a couple of weeks and may be your normal routine ' smoking ' a new ' smoking routine changes. It is not uncommon for your daily time of day change movements completely and permanently.

Stop smoking symptoms that may undergo invasive come in the form of headaches. These can be stubborn and make it difficult for you to focus and concentrate. You can also following irritable.

Headaches you caused the oxygen level of the blood together with the blood sugar levels are, and the lack of nicotine to change your brain operating environment. It takes time to adapt to this change, so be prepared with a variety of pain relievers and drink plenty of water to help overcome the symptoms.

Nicotine is a stimulant and affects how does your brain. If you stop, there may be a number of changes in the way, like, which are as a person and your behavior, fine. Also experience insomnia due to nicotine withdrawal make you too tired during the day.

Irritability, depression, lack of concentration, anxiety, feeling cooped, boredom, anger, aggressiveness, and the overall feeling is rather unpleasant and is all potential stop smoking symptoms that you should be aware that. The good news is that you will suffer only for a short period of time, maybe a month or two at most.

If your symptoms of quitting smoking is hard always should keep in mind that smoking is the largest single step forward in better health, which can make towards. You're not losing a friend if you stop smoking; You're an enemy ships!
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Reduce smoking, is an easy way, harm the trust last completely finished and can be achieved by anyone.

Can show how it can facilitate long-term reduction and some simple tips to make it work.

1. Cut down is easier psychologically

You know, a cigarette in the near future you can and not that to make it easier, without smoke for periods of time.

If you could reduce this then gives also you trust completely or finally give up, you know that you can do without cigarettes.

2. how to reduce

Put periods in the day, where no smoking and for a progressive reduction, say your smoke 20 a day go to size 10-20% per week.

This should not be too difficult for most people to achieve, since it is a change of pace.

3. keep a record

Reserves a specific amount that you can smoke every day they stay there and try to come every week. If the percentage is too much for you simply reduce the percentage

The habit is smoking heavily, and so it is possible to gradually reduce is building for the time that finally stops.

4. If you get cravings

Try a product NRT for parts of the day when your not smoking:

Patches, gum and inhalers and puffer fish will all sharpness of craving.

There is also a new product the market nicotine water, that is simply in a bottle of water with pure nicotine organic you can drink whenever you need it.

This new type is convenient and receive at the same time hydrated and this method is becoming very popular with smokers, if they cannot or do not smoke.

Keep in mind that nicotine alone has badly does at all when removed from cigarettes. If you find cravings too, then by all means a nicotine alternative.

In fact is nicotine in organic form as its proven to improve memory, attention and good humor for you.
Many people think, nicotine do causes of death and illness among others poisoned many of their 4,000 chemicals contained in cigarette smoke. so don't feel bad about intake of nicotine from cigarettes.

5. reduce really give you?

Of course, reduce mental and physical addiction at the same time, and this gives you a gradual reduction and greater confidence.

Knowing that you can do without smoking for a period of time, you will receive the spur finally completely give up.

So, rather than going all out and to stop completely, try the progressive reduction of the method.

Shall be killed (which is good) and also can inspire and fully trust to abandon.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Gum-peppermint aroma that is the trick. There is something about the currency, which will help you resist the desire. Also, if you can (it's better than ice, but in the same direction) fruits like bananas. You can do something with your hands like smoke, as well as the mind to take his fruit like this. And again something of fruits like bananas help a desire to fight you I have many suggestions and I am willing to help if I can. Just whenever you feel that you want to try, try a cigarette and still something you really like that, as you say ice just love how are your smoking addictive, if fell like an ice cream, one of the most effective ways for people to smoke a cigarette.

You can't stop. I quit. Just think that can sick as a dog now for a few weeks and your health to find, or you can enjoy sick for decades later, never in a position, a normal life, make children sick and always a burden to your love.

Quit smoking after almost 14 years has a lot to me earlier should have been able to do that I knew two years ago all but smokers are ignorant about, as I was. As soon as you put your mind to Quiting, you'll be amazed, think how much easier it is then.

So this is what it takes to completely.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
First of all I would like to congratulate you on the way. As you read this, you have taken your smoke first and decisive step. And this decision is very important and has a lot of courage. But to stop the habit is just the beginning. There are really only four steps that you must take that to get rid with every sub procedure. Only 4 steps that might say it sounds simple. Now it's not, but with some hard work and dedication will succeed.

What are these steps? Now you have to decide to stop. The decision is not the same and believe me; This is the most important point of the whole project. When you need to get ready, kick the tobacco. Then comes the actual output of the process. Finally, there are things you need to do if you have left.

How do you make this decision? First thing to do is sit and think to think of reasons why smoking and write as you want. Then they read aloud to me a few times. And take care to keep this list so that you can access later. This helps you visualize your goal. Tell your family, friends and colleagues about your decision. With their support will be of great help, and will remove your decision.

So get ready to quit. Put the list of reasons why you want to stop somewhere, where I can see constantly, like the refrigerator door. Could a copy of it, take it with you. A hobby, take a good that way your mind is out to take the weed, if you stop actually. And be sure that wakes up in his own mind, that this will be a difficult task, which must be taken seriously. And now you've made the decision and are ready, don't hesitate. Now stop start.

Exit now for the actual process. More difficult is the simplest, stop smoking only. That's right, now to listen. Don't try to reduce or switch to low-tar and nicotine smokes it, work period. Now I know how it sounds and you're right, it really is that easy, but it is not. The real action isn't difficult, it's fear and withdrawal symptoms that are difficult. But there are ways to alleviate this. Healthy snacks like raw vegetables and fruits to eat, if you feel the urge to smoke. Take a walk or music to listen to. Another good way off the desire to read your mind. Read the list, who wrote during the time of the decision.

If you need help with the feeling, is doctor aids as the patch as excellent as hypnosis, as well as some you can read books, to give you more ammo against the smoking habit. Not bad, feel any help if you need help, need sometimes.

Now that you have finished, you must keep pace. Cigarettes are a strong habit, and you must keep this habit in the control. I mention a hobby of recording in the decision-making phase. This really helps to keep you away from weed. Keep in shape. I think that is the first thing that the perfect time for fast train in the morning. Always really wanted to smoke first in the morning and do a little exercise instead of smoke directly from my mind. And see how much better now as he feels much better food tastes, stunning all perfumes could not smell.

Would love to finally like to congratulate you, smoke and wish health and good luck.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
It is known that smoking causes many serious illnesses, including cancer and heart disease. It also affects people through passive smoking. Yet smokers find difficult to get rid, even if they have the desire to do this and are always in demand, as smoking cigarettes to stop and stop quickly.

Quitting smoking is hard to stop because of nicotine addiction and withdrawal symptoms. Nicotine is an addictive drug found in tobacco and a pleasure of smoking smoking smoke drift seduced him even more. To stop a smoker can withdrawal symptoms such as mood swings, frustration, anger, dizziness, insomnia, headache, tiredness, depression, etc. occur.

You may include three steps, like smoking cigarettes in a simple way to stop.

Accept that smoking is harmful to you and your family and must stop immediately

If you notice the harmful effects that smoking is decide and also how that will affect your family, stop quickly. The same decision is the first step of cigarettes to stop. So you have to think deeply.

The reason why you want to quit smoking cigarettes, be clear

More than a simple implementation and decision-making, it is important to be confident because you want the cigarette smoke to stop. Can some passages that convince you, it helps to visualize, for example, the improvement of health, the interaction with people who have successfully quit smoking or visit and help patients with cancer who are interested because of their smoking habit. You have to understand that the reason for quitting.

Smoke one for once

If you're convinced car jumps. The cold Turkey method can include total abruptly shut down. Experts believe that this the best way to do this. Or otherwise can gradually reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day seems like an easy way to combat withdrawal symptoms. Move the first cigarette of the day by 10 minutes and increasing the time every day. Reduce the number of cigarettes for a period of 1 week six months up to NULL. This helps you to smoke quickly.

Much more than just the decision in the end how to stop includes the cigarette smoke. The key lies in the effective implementation of it, and they all start with you.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Combine different medicines, one stop smoking shot. The stop smoking shot restricts the movement of the nicotine receptors in the brain. So enjoy a smoker is no longer the effects of nicotine. She feels terrible to think that cigarettes and withdrawal symptoms seem manageable for you. The next day he shot, he feels nostalgia as a non-smokers without any after nicotine. You still do not feel frustrated and have suddenly stopped repair clamps for cigarette. However, the therapy wide shot goes not to the intake of nicotine and similar other products such as nicotine gum, nicotine patches or inhalers.

After the stroke therapy stop smoking, some treatment programs provide clinical lead, to ensure that never again will be shown on your bad habit. This treatment lasts for more than a month, when the time of sessions vary widely from clinic to clinic.

Stop smoking shot is quite an effective medical procedures. First, you need a physical examination, which helps your doctor decide whether a shot is suitable or not is therapy for you. However, if you suffer from certain medical problems, treatment for you is suitable for blow don't smoke.

Good news is that quitting shot treatment of health insurance plans is covered. Although the treatment is not covered, the cost is very low and you need to think before you do it more than once for treatment. In addition, there is a one-time treatment. The new innovative and improved images have fewer side effects than the older one. But if you go to smoke shot treatment is better than you care about are physician for a good clinic.

Some smokers have turned doubts Effectualness and safety of smoke. I do not understand how cigarettes question a shot at injection can be reduced. Do you have a question, if a stroke treatment can heal physical and mental dependence. The best part of the story is that quit smoking shot wide interdependence injections with nicotine replacement products such as nicotine patches or gum do not share.

So, if everything fails, and there are still questions how to use the harmful habit of smoking to save himself, turned smoking treatment that you can choose the witnesses, that for a long time wanted to change in your life drab and engaging.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
The two drugs involved a new stop smoking shot using shot-already for about ten years, atarax and scopolamine and resource is now FDA approved for smoking cessation. Smart stands for scopolamine anticholinergic drugs treatment with scopolamine as a medicine that sore patch contains an ingredient which is an antihistamine like Benadryl during atarax. Together, they block for pain relief of nicotine nicotine receptors to the brain and physical delivery, one a hip or buttocks, rather than the older shots from three hits-two behind the ear and one on the buttocks of another traditional methods of large shot existed. In the next patch of scopolamine and other drugs two weeks will be jointly used a success rate of 20%, which is considered a normal success rate, with a success rate of 70-80% during the patch. The thing to remember is that it can cause side effects, so doctors recommend medical examination, so that patients with the treatment go ahead especially if medical concerns or medications.

People who recommend treatment say the shots to prevent withdrawal symptoms by blocking nicotine receptors. Others say that this happens only when they are injected very high doses of atropine. According to a study about the 40% of people who took this treatment, stopped smoking, although some clinics claim a success rate of 80%. There are some that are quite critical of smoking shots. Do you think more needs to be done to work, before the establishment of the effectiveness of these drugs. Side effects are often blurred vision, difficulty in urination, nausea, dry mouth, confusion, etc. in connection with shots of smoke. Hallucinations, coma, heart attack and stroke can be caused by excessive doses of anticholinergics.

This new shot was developed by Dr. peoples, the last ten years spent studying and combating smoking, COPD, emphysema and lung cancer. He also experimented with screening of lung cancer and the treatment, then taught these methods all over the country to other physicians. Hospital Medical Director pulmonary and critical care Division at Sarasota Memorial Hospital, he is at the same time in chi medicine in internal medicine, pulmonary medicine and critical care-certified. Treatment or shot injection is certainly not recommended for women who are pregnant or have heart rhythm problems, prostate problems or for people who change medicines take mood. It is better to treat as a last resort to decide, if they needed one of these words, to find out the rate of success, fame and the support of clinics that have stopped offering smoke blows over.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Stop Smoking Aids - Natural Ways to Quit Smoking with the Help of an Herbal Smoking Cessation Product

Quitting smoking is often one of the top New Years resolutions for people far and wide, and yet many more thousands seem to pick up the habit every year despite increasing health warnings, skyrocketing tobacco prices and increased awareness, and more advanced stop smoking aids being offered to the public.

Nicotine is one of the most highly addictive controlled substances on the market today. And the price of cigarettes has multiplied exponentially over the past decade, making smoking an even less attractive habit than it already is to many people.

Unfortunately, cigarette smoking hasn't yet fallen out of favor with the youger crowd (15-22 year olds usually) as an acceptable, and even "cool" social habit. Little do these youngsters know, they are greatly jeopardizing their overall mental and physical health just to look cool, fit in, or participate in an accepted socialization tool.

You see, smoking not only gives you bad breath, accelerates the aging process and damages skin, and is bad for your heart and lungs, but it has been proven habitual smokers are more likely to succumb to depression and be subjected to higher levels of anxiety.

After quitting smoking, most people report a renewed sense of vitality, an ability to think more clearly, better health, easier breathing, dramatically reduced incidence of cold and flu and a much more positive outlook on life, including a greater sense of inner peace and tranquility.

Funny thing, most smokers don't want to quit primarily because they view the act of smoking a cigarette as soothing and a great stress reducer when in fact, the act of smoking has been proven to actually increase and perpetuate overall stress levels and anxiety. While that cigarette may seem to be a "quick fix" for anxiety, it is actually the very thing that is causing more severe anxiety to begin with.

What if I Gain Weight From Stopping my Smoking Habit?

Gaining weight from stopping smoking is another common fear of smokers. Many stop smoking aids that are good will help to prevent this from happening by helping to replace the component of nicotine which suppresses the appetite with natural, unharmful and non-addictive natural botanicals. In other words, natural stop smoking aids actually have a natural ingredient which helps stave off hunger so you don't even have to notice your body is without nicotine.

What Can I Expect if I Quit Smoking?

1.) A fatter wallet. At five bucks or more for a pack of cigarettes, expect to have much more expendable cash in your pocket.

2.) A huge increase in mental clarity and focus. This happens right away if you use a natural stop smoking aid, since it relieves the common symptoms of nicotine withdrawal immediately, so you enjoy the benefits of being a non smoker immediately.

3.) Decreased depression and anxiety - especially once your body had adjusted and gotten rid of all the built up toxins caused by the cigarette smoking. Natural smoking aids will also help clear the toxins out super fast by giving your body an extra shot of antioxidant power, and cleaning you whole system from the inside out.

4.) Healthy lungs. The lungs repair themselves pretty quickly. Expect to breathe easier, and cough less.

5.) Get sick less often. Reason enough to quit.

6.) Look younger and have better, brighter skin almost immediately.

7.) Whiter teeth and a fresher mouth.

8.) Sleep better, longer and more deeply.

9.) Have more energy and lung capacity to be able to walk up
those steps that used to make you huff and puff.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Smoking can hook you because cigarettes contain nicotine which is highly addictive. But being hooked is not an excuse why you cannot quit smoking. Smoking has been proven by several researches to be great threat to one's health, that is why there is no reason why one who is already hooked to it should not quit smoking.

It is tough to quit smoking. People try at least 2 to 3 times before they can finally quit smoking. It takes hard work and lots of effort but if you're really determined then you can quit smoking for good.

Why quit smoking?

There are at least five reasons why you should quit smoking.

* First, if you quit smoking, you will definitely live longer and better.

* Second, each time you smoke, you take about 5 to 20 minutes off your life. Your chance of getting lung cancer, stroke or heart attack increases if you don't quit smoking.

* Third, the people you live with, especially the children, will be healthier only if you stop smoking. In fact, second hand smoke is more dangerous than the actual smoke users get from smoking.

* Fourth, if you quit smoking, you will have extra money to spend on other things than cigarettes.

* And lastly, if you're pregnant, chances of having a healthier baby is more likely if you quit smoking.

So the next and most crucial question is "how do I quit smoking?"

Here are five ways that can help you quit smoking:

1. Get ready and prepare yourself to undetake your quit somking program? Set a quit smoking date. Change your environment by getting rid of all cigarettes in places you frequent and not allowing people to smoke near you or at your home.

2. Get support and encouragement. Studies have shown that you'll have better chances in quitting smoking if you can get support from families, friends, and co-workers.

3. Learn new skills and behavior. Always remember that your goal is to quit smoking, so distract yourself from urges of smoking. Change your routine in your first try of quit smoking program. Do something to reduce your stress such as taking a hot bath, exercise, or reading. Plan something to do enjoyable every day.

4. Get medication and use it correctly. Medications can help you lessen the urge to smoke. Five approved medications that can help you to quit smoking are: Bupropion SR, nicotine gum, nicotine inhaler, nicotine nasal spray, and nicotine patch.

5. Be prepared for a relapse. If you quit smoking, chances of a relapse is high. Most relapses occur after 3 months of quitting, so watch out for situations that may trigger you get back to smoking such as alcohol, other smokers, weight gain and depression.

Everyone can quit smoking so don't hesitate to at least try to quit smoking also.

Quit smoking now and I guarantee you a healthier, better and longer life.

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Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
"How can I quit smoking?" is one of the most important questions for any smoker. In the back of every smokers mind, most days is a question about how they can go without their lovely, tasty smokes! Anyone who actually knows the answer to this question and can add, without any effort to it, will be rich beyond belief.

In our modern lifestyles, we all want a magic pill that will stop us smoking, improve our bedroom performance and keep us a slim as a racing snake for our entire lives. We want this and we don't want to have to do anything about it either.

But there is the rub.

There is always a little bit or a lot of effort involved in achieving anything of significance. So in answer to the question "how can I quit smoking?" the first response I would give is you will have to use some effort.

Making an effort to quit smoking is different from it being hard to stop smoking. Personally, I do not believe it is hard to stop smoking. The reason I have this outlandish opinion is because I also don't think brain surgery is difficult - for brain surgeons!

Let me expand a little. I think that quitting smoking is easy because a) I learned how to do it and b) I did it and c) so now I know how easy it was.

Brain surgery is a skill that must be learned. Unless you are actually a brain surgeon, brain surgery may seem like a very difficult thing to do. It isn't so long as a) you have studied and learned how to do it b) you have understood and practiced it and c) you successfully complete brain surgery.

OK, that may seem a bit brash so lets put it another way. Rather than saying "How can I quit smoking?", lets say "How can I do brick laying?"

To become a brick layer, you must learn about the relevant materials - your bricks, blocks and stone and then learn about the relevant mortar that you need to use depending on the building blocks. You then need to learn how to put the mortar in the right place and lay the bricks etc. etc.

The point is, you may not be able to do brick laying but given a little time, studying and effort, you could probably learn how to build a straight and vertical wall. The point is you must learn.

My view on how to quit smoking is that it is all about education. There is a desire in our hectic lifestyle to just take some magic pill to cure all of our problems, but to be honest, one doesn't exist. Sure Zyban boasts some effectiveness as does Chantix but they are far from 100% effective.

Smokers still want to smoke, irrespective of the pills you give them. Only by changing ones mindset to smoking is it possible to stop smoking with ease.

So in answer to the question, "How can I quit smoking?" My answer is to take some time and effort to learn how to quit smoking. You already know why you need to quit smoking, now it is time to actually learn how to quit smoking.

As ever, however many times you have tried and however many methods you have used, never stop trying to quit smoking.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
For years we've known that cigarette smoking is linked to emphysema, lung cancer and other illnesses. Each year, many people decide they want to quit smoking once and for all. While deciding to quit is a good move, unfortunately, the addiction to the nicotine contained in each cigarette makes it really hard for the average smoker to quit.

There are many aids like gums, patches and pills on the market that will help people to stop smoking. A lot of people are helped by these products, but they do not work for everyone. If you're a smoker who has tried to quit time and time again, but have not been helped by other methods, hypnosis therapy may be a welcome alternative.

Many people, who have almost given up on being able to quit smoking, are finding success with hypnotherapy. This kind of hypnotism is not the same kind you will see when watching a hypnotist act for entertainment. Hypnotherapy is not about making you say and do funny things. Hypnotherapy works because it uses positive suggestion to influence your behavior.

Hypnosis works on the subconscious part of your brain. Subconscious thought is very powerful and we often bemoan the fact that we have a lot of negative subconscious thoughts about ourselves. However, your subconscious mind can be trained to think positive thoughts as well. Hypnosis successfully plants suggestions deep into your brain. When you awake and go about your everyday business, you'll begin to act on these positive suggestions.

When hypnosis is used to stop smoking, the hypnotherapist will make gentle suggestions to the smoker, who is in a completely relaxed state of mind. This hypnosis style does not control the person's mind or body movements. While the smoker is relaxed, they will be very accepting to the suggestions that the hypnotherapist repeats.

The smoker is told over and over again that they no longer wish to smoke. The voice will reinforce a very strong message that cigarettes are no longer needed or desirable. After going through the hypnosis, the smoker will still experience cravings for cigarettes every once in a while, but will be able to resist due to the deep belief that they no longer need to light up.

Studies show that when hypnosis is used to help people to quit smoking, there is an 80% success rate. Most smokers who are successful with this method are people who are highly motivated to quit smoking and respond well to hypnosis.

You can choose to either visit a qualified hypnotherapist who is trained to treat smokers, or you can buy a hypnosis CD or Mp3 download and do-it-yourself at home. If you choose to do it yourself, you can save money and listen to the hypnosis session anywhere you wish.

No matter how you choose to get the hypnosis therapy, the important thing is to stick with it until you've completely kicked the habit. Giving up smoking is not easy because it is a serious addiction, however, you must do it because of the long-term health problems you may experience due to smoking. Plus, I'm sure you're tired of stained teeth, yellow hands, coughing and smoker's breath.

You can stop smoking with hypnosis therapy right now if you really want to finally be done with this awful habit. The choice is yours. If you make this commitment to yourself now, you will ensure that you'll be able to live a much happier and healthier lifestyle.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


So many people regret they ever started smoking and desperately want to quit, but with only marginal or no success. Others are able to quit for a few months, or even several years, and then BOOM they suddenly start smoking again, for no apparent reason. Why do so many people fail when they try to stop smoking? What can you do to stop smoking?

There are a vast number of stop smoking products and methods: sprays, pills, gum, patches, and herbal, aromatherapy, acupuncture and hypnosis methods, all of which have had some measure of success...but nearly as many, if not more, cases of failure. You may have tried any or all of these methods to stop smoking, only to find the constant craving for nicotine like a little devil on your shoulder constantly whispering in your ear that you really need a cigarette. That little voice is so very hard to resist, especially when combined with the ache in your chest that never lets you forget that just one cigarette would give you a time of reprieve from all stop smoking symptoms that plague your every waking moment.

It was the ache of loss and feeling of emptiness in my chest, as if my very lungs were mourning, that I couldn't take. I tried nearly every stop smoking alternative method there is, and never managed to quit for more than 3 months at a time. Not smoking through my entire body and mind out of whack. I was haunted 24/7 by the fact that I had stopped smoking and couldn't have a cigarette. That made me angry! Why did something that gave me so much pleasure have to be so harmful to not only my body, but those of everyone around me? Why did I have to pay so dearly for making a mistake when I was too young and stupid to realize what I was really getting into? It really wasn't fair.

I started smoking when I was 13 years old. I'm 51 now, and managed to stop smoking just two years ago. For most of the 36 years I smoked, I really tried to stop smoking, and I was totally miserable every moment that I didn't smoke. I gained so much weight that over the years and in the intervals in which I did stop smoking I gained 93 pounds, which I didn't take off until after I quit smoking for good.

You can use any of the methods I've mentioned to stop smoking, but I can promise that the odds of any of them being a permanent stop smoking solution are very small, and that the chance of not suffering all those horrible symptoms and effects is nearly nonexistent. What you can do to stop smoking, forever, without the discomfort, the weight gain, the constant craving for a cigarette, and to never have a little demon on your shoulder telling you how miserable you are, is read the book I read.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
With the advancement of science and technology, several methods have been developed to stop smoking. Of course, the most popular of these methods still remain the oral medicines, as these are quite easy to consume and most of them show good effects in curbing the habit. But not all of them can be branded as safe. Before taking any stop smoking medication, it is important that you know their pros and cons fully well.

Among the popular stop smoking medications being used today are included NicVAX, Varenicline, Bupropion in addition to the herbal remedies. Let us learn more about these medications.

NicVAX - NicVAX is a conjugated vaccine of nicotine itself. This vaccine is injected into the bloodstream of the smoker. When the person smokes, NicVAX molecules merge with the nicotine molecules making them heavier. These heavy molecules are then unable to enter into the brain. As a result the addictive effect of the nicotine is not felt, since the nicotine molecules are stopped from entering the central nervous system. Many experts are feeling that NicVAX is perhaps the best stop smoking medication ever developed, because if the the addictive nature of the smoking is stopped, then there is a very less chance that a person will continue smoking.

However, some people feel NicVAX would not be very successful in people who are very heavy smokers. If such people even take NicVAX, there is a potential danger that they might go on smoking more cigarettes just because they do not feel the punch as before. So, instead of reducing the smoking habit, there is a very great chance that NicVAX might actually aggravate the problem. Yet, there are tests being conducted and so far they have only shown positive results for NicVAX.

Varenicline - Varenicline is the very popular prescription drug known as Chantix in the US and Champix in Europe. This drug, manufactured by Pfizer, is actually the first nicotinic receptor agonist, which works in two ways. First, it curbs the smoker's craving to take another smoke. And second, it helps in curing the harm that nicotine has already caused in the body. Varenicline can reduce the effects that a person feels for smoking, and that is the reason why it is effective as a stop smoking medication.

But Varenicline can cause some unpleasant side effects in the body. Nausea and vomiting may occur, and there could be headaches. Some people would find their sensation to taste changed while they are using this medication.

Buproprion - Buproprion is marketed under the brand name Welbutrin. Its main capacity at acting as a stop smoking medication stems from the fact that it has antidepressant properties. Due to this, it can be a very useful ally for a person who is planning to give up smoking. If depression is kept out of the way, the person has a better chance to give up smoking entirely.

An overuse of Buproprion can cause eating disorders like anorexia nervosa and bulimia. There is also evidence that its overintake can cause epilepsy in the long run. People with cirrhosis, kidney ailments and high blood pressure are not prescribed the drug.

Herbal Remedies - Herbal remedies for smoking cessation have been singularly used since centuries, but it is only lately that they are being sold as formulations. SmokeRX is a good example of the herbal remedy brands available today. As their name suggests, herbal remedies contain only of herbs. They are also quite fast-acting. SmokeRX begins showing effects in as less as a week.

Hence, every stop smoking medication available in the market today has its merits and demerits. That is the reason why smokers are shying away from these medications and are looking out for alternative medicines to help them to kick their smoking habit.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
If you are like I was, thinking and feeling that there was no way to learn how to stop smoking cigarettes after it had been such a huge part of my life for 25 years, then I have some great news for you...I have quit smoking without spending a fortune on worthless pills, patches, or gum...in 1 week. And I am dead serious that you can do the exact same. I'm so excited to be sharing this information with you that will change your life and get you off those cigarettes. Here are 6, simple tips that you can use to learn how to stop smoking now:

1) Stop smoking for your family or loved ones...not your own health.

2) Begin exercising everyday - just a mile or 2, along with some push-ups/sit-ups is plenty. I know that this may seem cliche and ineffective...but, as this tip was referred to me by a 47-year old, ex smoker, it has worked for me and you won't lose anything by trying it.

3) Start recording all the money you spend on cigarettes each week and think about how much money that you could save by stopping.

4) Set goals for yourself. Write down your goals and look at them everyday. The power of goal setting is very underestimated in today's society.

5) Start drinking a lot more water, not flavored water or gatorade, just good ol'fashioned H20.

6) When you crave a cigarette...drink a cup of pure, herbal tea...you'd be surprised how effective this tip can be. I found this out by accident when I was trying to learn how to stop smoking cigarettes when I just drank a cup of hot, herbal, green tea for the heck of it and actually felt better and didn't crave cigarettes as much.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


The New Generation of Stop Smoking Drugs

There are a number of drugs specifically designed to help you quit smoking. These differ from nicotine replacement therapy as they don't use nicotine to wean you of the deadly smoking habit. Varenicline tartrate is one of these new drugs, or as it more commonly known, Champix. As all smokers know, the problem with quitting is that very soon after the last cigarette nicotine cravings start to kick in. As the statistics show, most people who stop smoking can't resist and resume their habit, once again.

Champix and Nicotine Cravings

Champix, and similar drugs, help to reduce nicotine cravings. They act by blocking receptors in the brain that would normally bind to nicotine. When you smoke, nicotine interacts with these receptors which then release dopamine. And it is dopamine that gives the smoker the pleasurable feeling associated with their habit. But the pleasure is short lived and the smoker is doomed to repeat the smoking cycle in order to renew their nicotine levels. Champix is administered in pill form and is usually taken over a 12 week period, although the duration of the treatment can be extended, if necessary. During the initial period of the treatment you can smoke, although nicotine doesn't exercise its usual pleasurable influence. Therefore, the drug has a dual therapeutic affect as it reduces nicotine cravings and smoking pleasure at the same time. After clinical trials, Champix became available in the United States as a smoking cessation aid in September 2006, soon after it was approved for use in the European Union.

How Effective is Champix

Does it work? Well yes, in double blind trials it has been found that smokers using Champix have a four fold chance of staying long term smoke free compared with smokers taking a placebo. This sounds impressive until you realise that this translates to about a 20% quit rate. It is certainly an improvement over quitting cold turkey as only 5% of individuals quitting by this means ultimately succeed. Quitting smoking is extremely hard and the poor success rates emphasise the enormity of nicotine addiction. Because tobacco is legal, people often under estimate nicotine's addictive properties. Addiction experts however, are under no illusions about nicotine's addictive powers and rank it as the top addictive drug, ranking higher even than heroin and morphine.

Possible Side Effects

Champix is only available by prescription and smokers will need to be assessed by a medical professional. It is not recommended for smokers under 18 years of age or for pregnant women. As with any drug, you need to be aware of possible effects and your doctor will explain these in detail when you are assessed to see whether the drug is a suitable quit smoking treatment for you. One common side effect encountered by users is nausea. Less common effects include headaches and difficulty sleeping.The drug has been associated with suicidal behaviour, although admittedly this side effect is considered rare. However, there are some doubts whether this is a genuine side effect of the drug or whether it reflects the action of nicotine withdrawal itself. In addition, there is a small, but demonstratible risk of cardiovascular problems.

Champix is no wonder drug, but it has been proven as an effective quit smoking treatment. As with all smoking cessation aids or products, Champix works best as part of a structured stop smoking program. It is not a replacement for will power and determination is still required for ultimate success.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
If you are actually considering stopping smoking then you should take into account the possible side effects, both positive and negative that you are likely to suffer.

The Positive Effects of Quitting Smoking:

Within just a few days of stopping smoking, you will notice marked improvements to your health. The biggest factor behind this is due to the oxygen levels in your bloodstream increasing together with improved lung function and a general growth in your generalised fitness levels. You will almost certainly notice that your breathing is much improved and your lungs are functioning much freely than while you were still smoking. Your sense of smell and taste improve within hours of your last cigarette and take just a few days to return to their proper levels. The risk of a heart attack gets lower as each cigarette free day passes. Ceasing to smoke will also lower the risks of many problems with your circulation. If you have quit smoking your will also notice an increase in your stamina and within few weeks your stamina level will be normal. You will notice that you sleep much better than before and awaken fresh and revitalised.

The Negative Effects of Quitting Smoking:

The negative side effects seem to come about as blood sugar levels start to fall. As you go through the procedure of quitting smoking your physical structure is forced adapt to the altered state of affairs. You can easily reduce the levels of this side effect by increasing your fluid intake, drinking a chilled glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice several times a day will help maintain your blood sugar levels. Smoking may likewise impair many of your body's vital organs therefore it will take time to recover once you quit. Some studies have suggested that by quitting smoking there is a chance that you are a slightly greater risk of being diagnosed with Mesothelioma, the treatment for this disease may be expensive and can not be completed without funding. Another down side to quitting is that you may experience feelings of snappishness, tenseness, sickness, and giddiness. The good news though is that all of these symptoms are short lived. When you first quit you may find you have trouble getting to sleep, or you may wake up during the night more often. It is possible you may have problems concentrating and suffer from minor constipation as well as a tickly "smokers cough". You may more susceptible to, common colds and ulcers. Obviously you will face the dreaded withdrawal symptoms, repeated urges to light a cigarette, inflated appetite, fidgetiness and depression.

The best way to combat the majority of these effects is to take part in regular exercise; however it is always recommended that you consult with your own doctor before dramatically changing your lifestyle to achieve the best results.


Quitting the smoking habit is always going to be tough whatever method or system you choose. But the net results can be immense. You regain your health, you stop damaging your home, your family feel better, and you save a ton of money too!
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
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