
The fact is: on average, people who at some point stop smoking have made three or four previous attempts.

If you listen I'm desperate with smoke, then there is a good chance that you've already tried other methods and they only worked there for you. Please don't discourage that. Most people who stop smoking have tried several times before, so don't give up.

It could just be that the best way for you to smoke still have not found, is all. Maybe you've tried the patch or nicotine gum. Maybe you've tried prescription drugs. I might as well stop cold Turkey shot given. Don't worry, this is not the end of the list, and there is a chance that the best way for you to quit smoking is a combination of methods to use.

It doesn't matter if you don't have to despair. Rather than seeing it as an error, you can use as feedback. Explore the reasons why not. There is also another way to consider. Maybe it was the wrong time to stop. Maybe there were others too much stress in your life right now. Maybe you don't have no plan in place. Maybe you have alternative strategies not ready for when he felt the urge to smoke.

The reasons why not everything can be resolved. Start by finding out what led to the mistake and use it as feedback. You will make more next time. I heard what did not work for me on my fifth attempt, because experience had learned from everyone else. I then put this make things right and necessary changes, so I do not not yet-and it worked! If it can, then anyone can.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Everybody understands that smoking is difficult. Smoking leads to nicotine addiction creates cravings and withdrawal symptoms when you decide to stop. There are a number of ways to deal with cravings from nicotine-pills, gum, patches, etc-but most of these products have a high success rate. Often we hear stories of people who "have tried everything", but may still fail to complete. Why?

Psychological dependence is the rent of half

Smoking is more than just a physical dependence. It is also a psychic is looking for. Bypass any attempt which needs to quit smoking with nicotine physical dependence or psychological dependence on smoking.

When it also requires the physician to stop, mind you something like this as an emotional experience with an old friend. Emotional, can occur, denial, anger and slight depression before finally accepting that tobacco has disappeared.

Another part of the problem with stop is that you had some strong emotional reasons for the start in the first place. Maybe he was trying to be "cool" or "Tyres". Maybe it was a reduction of stress or method. Or maybe it was connected to a social bond, with friends. These were powerful motivators, with which your subconscious mind resist to stop your efforts if you delete them as motivation to be able to. For example, have the nagging feeling that it is cooler, you can process do not stress or that your link has weakened with friends. Logically, one would say that they are stupid, but the emotional appeal of these is very real and can stop once attempts to sabotage.

Emotional solutions

There are three options for dealing with emotional problems, might be to keep your from completing successfully.

(1) hypnosis. This can be very successful to break, the emotional connection with tobacco. Hypnosis can replace to get a theme in a State of relaxation of mind, where proposals directly to the subconscious mind can be placed, smoking motives today.

(2) advice. Professional advice can be very useful for the identification and elimination of emotional problems that prevent.

(3) NLP. Neuro Linguistic Programming is a way to communicate with the spirit so that it more easily understands and accepts the message. NLP is used by some guides and can be combined with hypnosis to improve effectiveness. Use a program, the GNP has a success rate exceeding 97%.

It is possible to successfully quit smoking, if you have a physical and psychological demands of this search. Of course, I wish you good luck and good health!
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
There are a few pharmaceutical products used to treat smoking dependence. One relatively new medical trend is the use of anti-depressants to help people quit smoking. Anti-depressants are prescribed by physicians help people stop smoking because they help reduce some of the depression associated with nicotine withdrawal.

GlaxoSmithKline is one of the major producers of anti-depressants. Glaxo sells Zyban and Wellbutrin, both the same drug bupropion, Zyban being approved by the FDA under a different brand name for the indication of smoking cessation. These are part of the class of norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI). Anti-depressants, as a broad pharmacological class, increase chemical levels in the brain such as dopamine and serotonin, that are thought to increase mood, the same way nicotine works. But anti-depressants are unfortunately associated with many negative side effects like nausea, tremor, a decreased sex drive, and fatigue, all the while showing limited efficacy due to treating just one of the difficulties associated with nicotine withdrawal.

The herb St. Johns Wort is a component in Quit Tea because of its properties as an anti-depressant and in helping reduce some of negative effects of nicotine withdrawal. St. Johns Wort has many pharmacological properties of an anti-depressants. One compound found in St. Johns Wort is hyperforin, which is most likely responsible for the anti-depressant effects. The hyperforin acts as a serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) like many anti-depressants. It is levels of serotonin in the brain are low, due to being absorbed too readily, that medical professionals have determined to cause depression.

The Cochorane Collaboration conducted a major review of St. Johns Wort that included over five thousand patients being treated for depression. A results from the Cochrane Collaboration study states. "the available evidence suggests that the hypericum extracts tested in the included trials a) are superior to placebo in patients with major depression; b) are similarly effective as standard antidepressants; and c) have fewer side effects than standard antidepressants."

If you would like to use anti-depressants to help you quit smoking, St. Johns Wort is an option that might work just as well for you as pharmaceutical anti-depressants without the side-effects.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


There are so many different quit smoking aids to choose from that it's difficult to know where to start sometimes. In this article, an ex-smoker reviews the different types of aids available and sorts the good from the bad.

So the time has come to quit. You've made the right decision, especially compared to some smokers who don't even want to quit, so deluded are they. But where should you start? The quit smoking shot? The pill? The patch? Let's take a look at each in turn.


A drug is a very convenient way to take treatment but surprisingly, there are only really 2 quit smoking pills available on the market (there are many others in development). The first is known as Zyban and the second is Chantix. They work on the brain chemistry level and stop you getting cravings.

So because you don't have cravings anymore, you can quit cigarettes more easily. The bad thing about them is that you don't take them forever so eventually your cravings will come back although by then you should have quit already. Secondly, they can have bad side effects - for instance, nausea is quite common with Chantix which the manufacturers freely admit.

Injections or Shots

This is even more convenient that the pill. Imagine being able to take a shot that will stop you from getting any cravings. Sounds great in theory but the reality is a little different.

First of all, there is no shot available on the market yet. There are many that are being developed and in trials so unless you are a lucky volunteer, you won't be able to get access to them.

The second thing is that although they will make quitting much easier, like the pill they are not meant as a permanent solution. You will have to stop taking it and the cravings will return. You need to remember that although in an injectable form, these drugs are not vaccines - your body does not produce antibodies which last for the rest of your life. They are drugs that work on brain chemistry.


Magnets, lasers and acupuncture. They all work in the same way. The idea is that by stimulating pressure points on the ear, you will get less cravings and find it easier to quit. Unfortunately, the effect is only temporary.


Probably by now, you're seeing a common theme. All these quit smoking aids work by reducing your cravings. Guess what patches do? You guessed it, they kill the cravings. Actually, patches work in a different way - they are a substitution method.

This means that you stop smoking immediately and go onto patches so you still get your dose of nicotine. You cut down on the patch dosage over a few weeks before giving up patches.

So patches are actually quite different because you are basically cutting down - a bit like cutting down on cigarettes. Unlike the other methods, there is no attempt to temporarily get rid of the cravings.

The Verdict

There are many different methods out there to quit smoking. The unfortunate thing with them all is that they all address the symptoms of addiction, the cravings, and only temporarily. None of them actually address the causes of the addiction.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Times are getting tougher, the credit crunch is starting to bite and our money is becoming stretched by higher petrol, gas and food prices. It is time to cut back on our spending and for those people who smoke cigarettes it has therefore never been a better time to quit.

The cost of a packet of twenty cigarettes has risen to over five pounds here in the UK and for people who smoke an average of twenty a day that adds up to around one hundred and sixty pounds a month. This is a huge amount of money to be spending and wasting during this current credit crisis, surely now it must be time to pack in this most unhealthy habit.

Now I understand that it is not easy to stop smoking, nobody ever said it was. You owe it to yourselves and your family to give it your best shot. Your family do not want you to die prematurely and the money that you are spending could be being put to better use.

In this day and age there are numerous ways and forms of help to aid people who have decided that the time is right to quit smoking. Governments from around the world are actively encouraging people to stop smoking and have provided many free resources to help people.

Take what could be the best decision you have ever made, enquire about the best ways to stop smoking cigarettes today. It is never too late and if you do not want to do it for yourself, do it for your family. At the end of the day you want to live long enough to meet your grandchildren and great grandchildren, don't you?
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Smoking is considered by many to be one of the most difficult habits to quit. Everyone knows how nicotine replacement techniques help someone quit. Patches and nicotine gum are two of the most popular nicotine replacement treatments. It's also important to have group support when going through this. It's also important to consider other treatment options. Sometimes these other options won't necessarily treat the addiction to nicotine, but they will treat a person's overall well being, which in turn can help someone quite smoking. One such treatment option is Zyban.

Zyban (or bupropion) is an extended-release antidepressant that can help reduce the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. While most patches and gums contain nicotine, Zyban does not. Chemicals in your brain that are related to nicotine craving are affected by Zyban. It's recommended that you should start taking it around 1 or 2 weeks before you quit. This way you're insured that it will be in our system.

It should not be taken of you use alcohol heavily, have serious head injuries, have anorexia, are bipolar or are prone to seizures. It may also be recommended that you use Zyban in conjunction with other smoking treatments. Like with any drug, be sure you consult your doctor before you start taking it. He'll be able to advise you if Zyban is right for you.

No matter which method you decide to use, make sure you try to quit as soon as possible. Who knows? Maybe Zyban can help you quit smoking for good. Your health is worth it.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


"Ouch" what was that? It seems that it can be a popular course to follow. The appeal I suspect is similar to the 'quick fix quit cure' that the pill offers. Main difference of course is you attend a clinic and after the payment you are subjected to, well, an injection.

This quit smoking injection will contain a combination of drugs, the application of which will be repeated at least twice more, or so. If you are thinking that it will be done and dusted on the day, wrong.

After your initial jabs/shots you will have to go back for much of the same treatment or take the drugs by mouth over the next fortnight roughly. Like the pills, the quit smoking injection is designed to have an effect on your nervous via your bloodstream.

This in turn is supposed to block your brain receptors where the nicotine does its work on you. The master plan behind all this is to not have you suffer withdrawal symptoms.

The burning question of course, is the quit smoking injection effective? Reports suggest 20% to 80%. That suggests quite a gap for speculation I would say. Also there doesn't seem to be a set parameter as such stating when the 'patient' should be cured. Or putting it another way, has the patient 'quit' by a month or 3, or 6?

It has been suggested by independent sources that the quit rate is probably at the lower end of 20% to 80%

If I was considering something like this I should probably go and seek advice from my doctor, especially if I'm on medication. It's a free world and you can take your own choices and if it works for you then great.

If you have tried it already without success, don't despair. You may find life is short changing you right now but never give up. If you do, you have lost!

"If it is difficult, it is worth doing." (I don't know who said that but I love it)
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
So you have tried just about every trick in the book; you have given it your best shot but you are still unable to stop smoking. Does this sound familiar? Do not fear there is no real shame, in fact you should feel proud that you can admit to the failure and also the fact that you are attempting to quit smoking in the first place. In this article I will be providing an insight into how I successfully managed to stop smoking those nasty but addictive "cancer sticks".

I had tried and failed on numerous occasions to "give up the fags" but ultimately always went back to smoking them. Around fourteen months ago I took a different stance; used a different strategy if you like, this was a strategy that worked and I am pleased to report that I have not smoked a cigarette since. So what was this strategy? Well I started by asking myself a number of questions.

Q. When I fail at quitting smoking what is the trigger that makes me go back to smoking?
A. It has been when I have been intoxicated, stressed, worried, depressed, tired or angry.

Q. What can you replace the cigarettes with in the future that will help you to "cope" with not smoking in the above situations?
A. This is a tough question to answer and is basically the reason why I kept failing. To start with a realised that to stop smoking I really needed to stop drinking alcohol. Was I willing to do this? Yes, I was willing to do anything to successfully stop smoking.

I also had to find a way of de-stressing; a way to cope with my anger and worries. I decided to become a dog owner and nowadays instead of smoking when tired, stressed, worried or depressed, I take my lovely dog Cassie for a walk. It might sound strange but is helps to clear my head and enables me to think in a much more rounded way. What's more it has helped me to stay off the fags.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
"Stop smoking" help centers, anti smoking pills, and other antidotes are all over the place today; and smokers wanting to quit the deadly habit are literally spoilt for choice. However, it has been seen that many smokers have not been able to stop smoking even after going through the entire range of products available. So what can you do to help stop smoking? Here are some bits of information that will help you come out a healthy human being, both physically and emotionally.

Smoking is a dangerous addiction, as lethal as drugs. If you want to quit the habit, you're going to need more than just treatment. It needs immense will power to stop this habit, and if you don't manage to put in all you have, it's impossible to quit. Therefore, determination is the keyword if you want to quit smoking, because no matter how many treatments you try, it will get you nowhere without the determination to go the whole way to quit.

A treatment regime designed to help stop smoking will cover the medical aspects of your addiction. The emotional side of the treatment has to be handled by you. In the last point, I discussed how important it is to have a determined approach towards the entire process, tell yourself that this is the last chance you have to renew your life.

The emotional treatment has various approaches. Like alcoholism, smoking is also termed a "family disease", which means it affects not only you, but your entire family. The next time you want to smoke, think of your wife, your children, your parents or your girlfriend, who take in your smoke through passive smoking. Life will certainly change for the better if you can quit the habit forever, and you have to do it if you want to lead a better life, and care for your loved ones.

You can try one of the several remedies offered to quit smoking. Some of these are anti smoking gums, laser treatments, patch treatments or even shots. Of all these treatments, the shot is the most expensive, and also the most effective. A shot numbs the nicotine receptors in your brain, thereby preventing your brain from recognizing nicotine. As a result, your brain does not crave for cigarettes, for it ceases to know what it is.

Along with the medical treatments you receive, also try to think about what led you to develop the habit of smoking. Most people take to smoking in order to get away from stress. Maybe the stress wore off, but your habit stayed on. It's important to contemplate on the initial reasons, because this will help you to stay away from any other addictions in the future, no matter how much stress you encounter. This introspection will increase your inner capacity to deal with stress, and not just succumb to smoking once again.

It's important to stop smoking, especially when you yourself are the victim of this addiction. Before you begin treatment, do consult a professional doctor who will be able to guide you through the entire process.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Smoking is a strong habit that is difficult to break. Many people need some sort of medication to help them kick the smoking habit. There are many medications available from pharmaceutical companies in the US and all over the world. Whatever medication you take should be administered under the care of a doctor who is familiar with your medical history.

Before beginning to take any anti-smoking medication, you will need to undergo a medical examination to ensure that you don't have any conditions that could be aggravated by the drugs, such as epilepsy and some other hereditary diseases.

Some of the anti-smoking drugs are available in the form of a short. Smart and Welplex are two of them. They each require just one shot. Another one, called 1-2-3, requires a series of three shots. The shot treatment is simple and helps you get over nicotine withdrawal quickly.

Drugs in tablet form are usually less expensive than the shots, but have to be taken for a longer period of time. Chantix is one of these drugs.

Some of the side effects reported by people taking medication to help them stop smoking include nausea, dry mouth, sleeplessness and unusual dreams. Smokers who combined stop smoking drugs with nicotine-based anti-smoking products often experienced an increase in blood pressure.

Drugs are useful tools to be considered as part of a plan to stop smoking, but they are generally not very successful unless they are administered in combination with behavioral counseling. So be very careful before using this method to stop smoking.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Can you remember why you started smoking? Was it to be cool? Was it to fit in with your friends who smoked? Did you believe it was part of your "coming of age"? Did you think it was sexy? Did you signify your independence? How did you get hooked and addicted? Why has it become so difficult to quit?

Let's begin with looking at the advertising industry's past and present roles in glamorizing smoking. Let's look at their many tactics, both obvious and subtle, that successfully lure millions of people into nicotine addiction.

Stop and consider where your image of smoking came from. When did inhaling thousands of toxic, cancer-causing fumes become the image of cool? For most people, the answer to that question is simple. It came from advertising. Your image of cigarettes, one you may not even be aware of, has been carefully crafted by highly paid, skilled marketing executives who are employed by multi-billion dollar tobacco corporations. These marketing moguls definitely know what they are doing.

Their ads don't paint the honest picture of cigarettes- what cigarettes contain and the harm that they cause. Have you ever seen an ad from a tobacco company which mentions that when you inhale cigarette smoke, you are taking in some of the same chemicals that are used to systematically kill rodents?

During the 50s and 60s, cigarette ads, whether in the form of television commercials, print ads in newspapers and magazines, or larger than life advertisements on outdoor billboards were always alluring, always appealing, and usually targeting a specific audience. There was the macho "Marlboro Man," a rugged cowboy with a cigarette dangling from his mouth- an image that personified manliness. In the 1960s, the introduction of Virginia Slims brand cigarettes and its "You've Come a Long Way, Baby" campaign targeted the growing population of women smokers by appealing to their sense of independence.

Advertisers had a field day with catchy cigarette slogans and popular phrases like "Winston Tastes Good like a Cigarette Should," "L&M. Just What the Doctor Ordered," and "Us Tareyton Smokers Would Rather Fight Than Switch."

Think about "Joe Camel," a cigarette-smoking cartoon camel. Supposedly, this image was created to attract young smokers, mostly between 18 and 25, to choose the Camel Brand. The seemingly amicable cartoon character also begun to attract and appeal to young children.

A 1991 article published in the Journal of American Medical Association showed that children who were just sex years old were able to recognize Joe Camel more than 90% of the time- about as often as they were able to identify the Micky Mouse logo used on the Disney Channel.

It was also concluded that it was the intention of the campaign to directly market to children. In 1997, under increasing criticism and pressure from anti-smoking groups, the Federal Trade Commission, and US Congress, the maker of Camel cigarettes voluntarily ended the use of Joe Camel in its ads.

The bottom line is this: Tobacco companies invest significant capital to make you think of positive images, be it sexy, beauty, independence, intelligence, wealth or popularity every time you see a cigarette. And it works.

So think about how you started smoking, and understand that you were systematically duped. The question now is, how can you stop?

One of the most effective and in recent years the most popular method you can choose in order to quit smoking for good is the stop smoking shot.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
An entire industry has grown up around helping you kick your smoking habit. From patches to pills, gums to lozenges, oral medications and even a shot in the back side, the health industry has responded to the intense call for help.

Quitting is hard. So hard, that sometimes even the pharmaceutical methods don't work. Are there other options? Yes, and hypnosis is one of the most common non-pharmaceutical ways to stop smoking. It's also extremely effective, involves no chemicals, and is entirely safe. In most cases, all it takes is one session to stop smoking, though some people find value in the ongoing support of hypnosis simply because it's a remarkable tool for relaxation and eliminating stress. Hypnosis addresses more than just your physical addiction, getting to the core of your mental and emotional dependence and reprogramming your entire experience of the act of smoking, leaving you a confident non-smoker, without all of the nervous habits and longings associated with most stop smoking methods.

But where to start? There are three options when it comes to quitting smoking with hypnosis:

Work with a local hypnotist, one-on-one, in their office.

This is a great method for people who prefer a hands-on relationship in a "doctor's office" setting. If you feel comfortable working and confiding in a personal therapist, and have no problem with letting yourself relax in front of another person while hypnotized, this may be the method for you. The biggest drawback is the hit to your wallet. One-on-one sessions do not come cheap, and if you do choose to pursue multiple sessions it can get pricey very quickly. If you don't mind the price, prefer an in-office setting and have no problems working with a scheduled time slot, a one-on-one session may be the way to go.

Find a local group session.

Usually advertised in local papers, group sessions are typically run by a visiting hypnotist. A banquet or conference facility is usually rented and for a fee - not small, but less expensive than a one-on-one session - the hypnotist will work with you, along with dozens and sometimes hundreds of others, all at the same time. This method requires you to be highly suggestible, extremely comfortable with letting yourself relax in front of a crowd, and because the entire group is present, they tend not to be very personal. In most cases there's no chance for a follow-up session, because the hypnotist typically moves on to the next event in the next town. Don't let that discourage you though - if you are the kind of person who is comfortable with a crowd and you happen to be very suggestible, this method does produce results.

Use an at-home audio hypnosis program.

Some of the best results come from hypnosis programs that you listen to privately, at home. A quality program consists of an audio CD (or CDs) that contains a full hypnotherapy session, as delivered by an experienced hypnotherapist. It's private and, because you should be alone while listening to it, eliminates the anxiety of being in front of others - either one-on-one or in a group. That anxiety is the number one stumbling block on the road to success with hypnosis, and at-home programs eliminate it by design. Best of all, you can listen to an at-home program as many times as you want, without any extra fees, which means that if you want to have multiple sessions, or you simply enjoy hypnosis for the relaxation and stress reduction, you stand to save a lot of money while seeing more results.

If you are truly committed to kicking your smoking habit, hypnosis can help! Even if you've failed with other methods, because it works at a fundamental level, hypnosis can be the answer you're looking for. The key is in finding the method that is best for you, your personality, and your wallet.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


If you have tried to stop smoking many times, yet have failed because you could not withstand the physical withdrawal symptoms of nicotine, then you may wish to consider the stop smoking shot.

This shot was created to help people who suffer intense physical withdrawal of nicotine when they quit this addiction. By alleviating the physical withdrawal symptoms, doctors believe the this shot can help you quit smoking permanently.

Three types of stop smoking shots on the market today include:


This shot is given in three doses. Its ingredients originate from Belladona also known as Deadly Nightshade, which is a toxic perennial and modern herbal. A physician administers the shot. The Welplex stop smoking shot helps with the physical nicotine withdrawal symptoms people experience when they quit smoking.

Smart Shot:

This shot is made from Atarax and an antihistamine. It is FDA approved. The stop smoking shot is given in one dose by a physician. It also helps curb physical withdrawal symptoms smokers experience when they are quitting smoking.

Quit 1-2-3:

This shot helps with the physical withdrawal of nicotine and the psychological effects. The shot is given in three doses by a physician.

Stop smoking shots are medication, and may have side effects which include: vision problems, change in appetite, dizziness, dry mouth, problems urinating, and confusion.

If these shots are given too many times, or overdosed, they may cause a stroke, a heart attack, or coma. These shots should not be given to pregnant women, people who have heart rhythm problems, people with prostate problems, or anyone using a mood enhancer medication.

Normally, the cost of stop smoking shots is around $400, yet health insurance may cover them. Many doctors do feel that there should be more testing and evaluation on these shots, before they are considered a truly successful method of smoking cessation.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Smoking cessation represents the single most important step that smokers can take to enhance the length and quality of their lives. But quitting smoking is easier said than done. When you suddenly quit smoking, it sets off a series of uncomfortable physical and psychological effects. Since these effects are hard to resist, the smoker often recommences his smoking habit. To have the best chance of quitting successfully, it is important that you realize the true dangers of nicotine on the body, how to deal with undesirable after effects of quitting smoking and - most importantly - how to overcome the withdrawal symptoms and stay away from smoking.

Nicotine, a drug found in cigarettes, is highly addictive - in fact as addictive as heroin or cocaine. Hence, in no time a person becomes physically and emotionally addicted to and sometimes dependent on nicotine. Nicotine produces pleasant feelings that make the smoker want to smoke more. As the nervous system adapts to nicotine, smokers tend to increase the number of cigarettes they smoke, and therefore the amount of nicotine in their blood. Over time, the smoker reaches a certain nicotine level and then smokes to maintain this level of nicotine. When such a smoker suddenly tries to quit, the nicotine levels in the body drops and creates an irresistible urge to surge back. These effects can lead the smoker to start smoking cigarettes again to boost blood levels of nicotine back to a level where there are no symptoms.

When smokers try to cut back or quit, the lack of nicotine leads to certain characteristic withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms are especially obvious in the case of chain smokers who suddenly stop using tobacco or greatly reduce the amount smoked. These effects of quitting smoking that generally start within a few hours of the last cigarette and peak about 2 to 3 days later, may include depression, sleep disturbances, irritability, headache, fatigue and increased appetite. Some people may also experience conditions like restlessness, dizziness and feelings of frustration and anger. In most people, these symptoms can last for a few days to up to several weeks.

The withdrawal symptoms can be both physiological and emotional. While physically the body reacts to the absence of nicotine, the smoker is mentally faced with giving up a habit that may seem like a major behaviour makeover. Studies have shown that smokers must deal with both the physical and psychological dependence to be successful at quitting and staying quit. Both these effects must be adequately addressed for a successful quitting process to work.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
While most smokers want to quit, nobody wants to lose the friends that they've made through smoking. What few social smokers realize, however, is that their smoking buddies are largely the same way: they want to quit smoking but not lose their friends either!

This is compounded by the fact that many people regard quitting as a difficult venture, to the point where very few members of the group actually give it a shot. When done properly, however, it is neither difficult nor destructive to your friendships.

Quitting can be made a lot easier by not relying on NRT and all of that other silliness, and instead learning how smoking really doesn't work the way that smokers thing it does. The key difference here is that the only time you want a cigarette is when you don't have one: after you light up, the furthest thing from your mind is that actual cigarette.

If cigarettes were really that great, wouldn't you want to smoke them constantly, instead of trying to space yourself out or 'only smoke socially'? Instead, your addiction to the drug nicotine is what causes you to need your fix: as its levels drop in your body, you crave the chemical more, until you get some in the form of tobacco. The actual act of smoking isn't enjoyable, just the fact that you're relieving your craving. Your mind has become a slave to a plant.

Even better to notice, though, is that once you've quit (and shown your friends how easy it can be) they'll be all too happy to be able to quit and keep their friendship with you and the rest of your buddies.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


To Quit or Not to Quit

Stop smoking! Treatment is available to smokers wanting to quit the habit. Majority of smokers can't kick the habit on their own. They need moral, as well as medical, support. Smokers who can't quit cold turkey anticipate agonizing cravings for nicotine, and smoking a cigarette less each day still exposes smokers to lung cancer, among other things.

Indeed, it is not easy to quit. Smoking cigarettes is an addiction, even a disease in itself. Most smokers just shrug off the problem and promise to quit the next day, so they continue smoking and get the hits that give them the nicotine high.

Nicotine is just one of the 4,000 chemicals found in tobacco smoke, but its primary effect on the brain makes it a deadly component. With each puff of the cigarette, nicotine enters the brain through the bloodstream. Once it hits the brain, it gives a sense of well-being, which makes the addiction hard to beat.

Laser for Stop Smoking Treatment Applications?

Fortunately, there are a number of stop smoking treatment options and programs available for those who need professional help to stop the deadly habit. There are nicotine patches, customized treatment plans, residential treatment programs, worksite programs, outpatient counseling, and intensive outpatient programs. The addition of laser application as a stop smoking treatment is becoming a popular alternative. Used in Europe and Canada, this stop smoking treatment has since gained a huge following because of its success. The process is painless and takes only about an hour per treatment.

Through the treatment, a laser pen device hovers over the chin, forehead, nostrils, and in the ears. The treatment stimulates the endorphins, which makes the patient relaxed. The craving for a stick of cigarette instantly disappears. In some people, one session is enough. Still, others require three to four sessions. The cost for a treatment package may range from $300 to $5,000.

Stop Smoking Treatment Alternatives and New Cures

There are other treatments for nicotine addiction. One is the onslaught of herbal formulation and herbal tablets. These are taken four weeks before the quitting day. The medication preps the body to manage with nicotine withdrawal. Users of this herbal treatment swear that they do not experience depression and mood swings when they finally stop smoking.

Another approach is the use of anticholinergic drugs. This drug curbs nicotine craving. A treatment may take one injection in the arm or in the hip. An hour to 90 minutes later, two more shots behind the ear will then be administered. The injections will be followed up with atropine tablets and the application of a scopolamine patch behind the ear worn for a period of two weeks. Unlike laser application, this treatment is covered by insurance is relatively non-invasive.

Another revolutionary stop smoking treatment is the real time functional magnetic resonance imaging or FMRI. Large brain scanners measure the blood flow to the different areas of the brain. The scans will reveal the brain's actions during smoking. The technology invented by Omneuron is exciting drug abuse experts. The tool is expected to control the cravings for nicotine. Since the new tool can help patients control pain, it can do wonders for those trying to control their urgent and frequent need for nicotine.

Smokers can choose their stop smoking treatments. They can quit cold turkey, lessen their cigarette smoking, have a laser session, take herbal tablets, or get those shots. These treatments offer hope to all smokers who want to quit but cannot do it on their own. After all, everybody needs a little help sometimes.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
There's a lot of hype about quitting smoking these days and there are hundreds of products on the market that claim to help smokers quit. But what most smokers really want to know is whether or not those programs those work. Quitting smoking is hard, and when someone that wants to quit smoking tried and fails they are likely to start smoking more than they did before. So trying and failing can have serious consequences for a smoker, which is why most of them want to know if stop smoking programs really work before they try one.

The short answer to that question is yes, smoking programs really do work. Numerous scientific studies over the years have found that smokers who don't use a program to quit smoking but try to quit on their own have a 95% failure rate after one year. That means that...

95% of the people that try to quit on their own without using a stop smoking program are smoking again with a year.

That's a scary statistic for most smokers. Think of all the people that you know who have tried to quit smoking over the years, and think that only 5% of them actually made it and quit smoking. Are you one of those 95% that didn't make it? If so, you need to try a stop smoking program to help you quit this time.

A recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that a combination of prescription drug treatment and therapy for treating nicotine addiction was 30% effective after one year. So 30% of the people that used prescription drugs and therapy in combination managed to quit for good. That's a lot better than the 5% success rate of people trying to quit alone.

People that used over the counter stop smoking programs like nicotine inhalers, gums and patches had a success rate of 15% after one year. So even though over the counter stop programs are only half as effective as taking a prescription and going to therapy to fight smoking addiction the odds are still better than quitting alone. The plain fact is that trying to quit on your own is more than likely going to fail.

In order to really quit smoking for good it helps a lot to use a stop smoking program. The statistics don't lie, and the statistics plainly show that you have a much better shot at kicking your nicotine addiction if you use a stop smoking program. So don't go it alone. Get on a stop smoking program and get the support that you need to quit smoking today.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Fact: On average, people who eventually stop smoking have made three or four previous attempts.

If you are desperate to stop smoking, then there's a good chance that you've tried other methods already and they just haven't worked for you. Please don't be put off by this. Most people who successfully stop smoking have tried a number of times before, so don't give up.

It might just be that you haven't found the best way for you to stop smoking yet, that's all. Maybe you have tried the patch or nicotine gum. Maybe you've tried prescription drugs. Maybe you've even given quitting cold turkey a shot. Don't worry, that isn't the end of the list and there's a chance that the best way for you to quit smoking is to use a combination of methods.

The important thing is not to despair if you fail. Instead of seeing it as failure, use it as feedback. Examine the reasons why you failed. There is also another possibility to consider. Maybe it was the wrong time to stop. Maybe there was too much other stress in your life at the time. Maybe you didn't have a plan in place. Maybe you didn't have alternative strategies ready for when you felt the urge to smoke.

The reasons why you failed can all be remedied. Start by figuring out what led to the failure and use it as feedback. It will make you stronger next time. I quit on my fifth attempt because I had learnt from all the other attempts, what didn't work for me. I then set about putting things in place and making the necessary changes so that I didn't fail again - and it worked! If I can do it - then anyone can.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


I tell you, it never ceases to amaze me how inept the anti-smoking lobby is when it comes to its smoking cessation tactics. There is virtually no emphasis on the psychological effects of smoking, which is actually the main culprit. Instead, these "experts" zero in on emphysema, heart disease, lung cancer, and any other bodily nasty they can think of.

I'm a former smoker, and I can tell you that the scare tactics don't work. Heck, if they did work then wouldn't the entire world be rid of smoking by now? Bizarrely, the failure of these campaigns isn't attributed to their general defectiveness, but rather the "stupidity" of smokers. It is amazing pig-headedness.

The fact is that smoking withdrawal produces very little in the way of real physical symptoms. You'd be hard-pressed to find many ex-smokers who vomited, suffered from severe cramps or had fainting spells after packing in the cigarettes. What does drive people back to smoking is the psychological effects of smoking, and as long as these are ingrained on the psyche, then the battle with smoking will be an unpleasant and lifelong one.

The great news is that all these psychological "reasons" are myths. They can be easily debunked. And like anything in life, once you have no reason to do an act, then you simply won't do it. There are millions of smokers who can testify to stopping smoking easily, and it is almost certain that they did precisely because they conquered the psychological effects of smoking with ease.

What precisely do I mean when I say the "psychological effects" of smoking? Well, any smoker will believe that the cigarette is an all-purpose fix. If they need to concentrate, they light up. If they need to relax, they light up. If they need to relieve boredom, they light up. If they need to talk on the phone, they light up. If they are going to drink, they light up. If they need to cope with stress, they light up.

So the notion of throwing away this miraculous all-purpose fix is simply unbearable. It is no wonder that ex-smokers are most likely to light up again in a classic "cigarette moment", such as a funeral (high stress). Once smokers realise that the psychological effects of smoking are all illusions, then it simply won't be a problem to quit. Do not underestimate or unappreciate the depth of the smoker's brainwashing; the tobacco industry has spent billions for over a century in order to promote its product and its myths.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Stop Smoking Aids - Natural Ways to Quit Smoking with the Help of an Herbal Smoking Cessation Product

Quitting smoking is often one of the top New Years resolutions for people far and wide, and yet many more thousands seem to pick up the habit every year despite increasing health warnings, skyrocketing tobacco prices and increased awareness, and more advanced stop smoking aids being offered to the public.

Nicotine is one of the most highly addictive controlled substances on the market today. And the price of cigarettes has multiplied exponentially over the past decade, making smoking an even less attractive habit than it already is to many people.

Unfortunately, cigarette smoking hasn't yet fallen out of favor with the youger crowd (15-22 year olds usually) as an acceptable, and even "cool" social habit. Little do these youngsters know, they are greatly jeopardizing their overall mental and physical health just to look cool, fit in, or participate in an accepted socialization tool.

You see, smoking not only gives you bad breath, accelerates the aging process and damages skin, and is bad for your heart and lungs, but it has been proven habitual smokers are more likely to succumb to depression and be subjected to higher levels of anxiety.

After quitting smoking, most people report a renewed sense of vitality, an ability to think more clearly, better health, easier breathing, dramatically reduced incidence of cold and flu and a much more positive outlook on life, including a greater sense of inner peace and tranquility.

Funny thing, most smokers don't want to quit primarily because they view the act of smoking a cigarette as soothing and a great stress reducer when in fact, the act of smoking has been proven to actually increase and perpetuate overall stress levels and anxiety. While that cigarette may seem to be a "quick fix" for anxiety, it is actually the very thing that is causing more severe anxiety to begin with.

What if I Gain Weight From Stopping my Smoking Habit?

Gaining weight from stopping smoking is another common fear of smokers. Many stop smoking aids that are good will help to prevent this from happening by helping to replace the component of nicotine which suppresses the appetite with natural, unharmful and non-addictive natural botanicals. In other words, natural stop smoking aids actually have a natural ingredient which helps stave off hunger so you don't even have to notice your body is without nicotine.

What Can I Expect if I Quit Smoking?

1.) A fatter wallet. At five bucks or more for a pack of cigarettes, expect to have much more expendable cash in your pocket.

2.) A huge increase in mental clarity and focus. This happens right away if you use a natural stop smoking aid, since it relieves the common symptoms of nicotine withdrawal immediately, so you enjoy the benefits of being a non smoker immediately.

3.) Decreased depression and anxiety - especially once your body had adjusted and gotten rid of all the built up toxins caused by the cigarette smoking. Natural smoking aids will also help clear the toxins out super fast by giving your body an extra shot of antioxidant power, and cleaning you whole system from the inside out.

4.) Healthy lungs. The lungs repair themselves pretty quickly. Expect to breathe easier, and cough less.

5.) Get sick less often. Reason enough to quit.

6.) Look younger and have better, brighter skin almost immediately.

7.) Whiter teeth and a fresher mouth.

8.) Sleep better, longer and more deeply.

9.) Have more energy and lung capacity to be able to walk up
those steps that used to make you huff and puff.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
There is a huge industry built around helping people to quit smoking. The result is a wide variety of different techniques that you can try. Oddly one of the least used is one of the most effective. Hypnosis to stop smoking is widely regarded to be the most effective way to quit smoking and there are several research studies to back that up. It is well worth giving it a shot.

The main reason that you would want to use hypnosis to stop smoking is that it is a really good way to get past the cravings. Any smoker knows that the reason that it is so hard to quit is the intense cravings that they have. Used properly hypnosis can help you convince your brain that you don't have cravings for cigarettes. The power of suggestion is actually quite remarkable. Surgeons have performed operations without the use of anesthetic simply by having the patient hypnotized. If hypnosis can get a person through that it can certainly get them through nicotine cravings.

A lot of people never consider using hypnosis to stop smoking because they aren't really familiar with it. Obviously most people are familiar with the concept of hypnosis but usually that is based on what they have seen on television. You can rest assured that the real thing is very different. First of all you won't fall into some deep trance in which you have no control over what you are doing. Secondly you can't be made to do things you don't want to do. What hypnosis does is put you into an intensely focused state that makes your mind very open to suggestion.

If you are going to use hypnosis to stop smoking you are probably going to want to learn how to hypnotize yourself. This is actually quite easy to do; you really don't need somebody else to hypnotize you. The reason that you would want to do this is that when you start to have a craving you are going to want to use hypnosis to make sure that you don't give into it. Obviously it would be impractical if you had to have somebody with you to hypnotize you every time that you had a craving for a cigarette.

There are a number of ways that you can learn to hypnotize yourself. The most basic way is to find a book that teaches you how to do it. You can also learn this information on the internet. However if you are really serious about using hypnosis to stop smoking you will probably want to get a professional to help you. This will not only ensure that you learn to do it correctly but it will also allow you to schedule sessions to help you get to the root cause of why you smoke. It goes without saying that you are going to want to make sure that the person that you hire for this is a properly trained and experienced professional.

Find more tips about: Hypnosis to Stop Smoking
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


A purpose is the eternal condition for success.

Every former smoker can tell you just how hard it is to stop smoking cigarettes. However, there are a range of stop smoking commodities that can assist you on your transition to a smoke-free lifestyle. Though there is no cure for smoking, there are a variety of smoking free videos, quit smoking aid groups and prescription and natural stop smoking aids that will make your endeavour to quit smoking cigarettes much easier for you.

Quit Smoking Tips

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Lao-tzu, Tao-te Ching

You may feel like you will never possess enough commitment power to quit smoking cigarettes. However, trying to stop smoking is just like all things else in the world. It takes practice. Very few individuals stop for good on the principal try. Each time you try to stop, it will get a little easier, especially if you are knowledgeable of some of the best ways to quit smoking.

These days, there are a variety of goods on the market that can assist you to stop smoking cigarettes. There are laser smoking restraint treatments, acupuncture cessation smoking methods, and even a smoking cessation shot. You can also see your physician to obtain a stop smoking antidepressant. These medicines help to relieve stress and to also cut down on your cravings, serving you to stop smoking faster and more permanently.

A person with some doubt but taking action is better than one with no doubt taking no action. Michael E. Angier

If you are interested in nicotine interchange methods to help stop smoking cigarettes, you might consider purchasing the patch or nicotine gum. The patch is just a patch that you apply everyday that delivers a stable amount of nicotine into your system. Rather than dealing with nicotine withdrawal symptoms such as irritation or hunger, the patch allows you to gradually wean yourself off of the drug by gradually reducing the amount of nicotine every week or so. The patch has proven to be one of the best ways to quit smoking.

Nicotine gum is another method that can help you to stop smoking cigarettes. Nicotine gum works greatly like the patch, except that you can control the amount of nicotine you are receiving. Every time you have a cigarette hunger, you can reach out for a new chunk of gum rather than a cigarette. If you strictly follow the directions that go along with these nicotine gum stop smoking products, you will discover that your cravings are drastically reduced. Rather than spending your entire day fighting your cigarette cravings, you can feel a bit more normal while you are trying to stop smoking.

A real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken a new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided. Anthony Robbins

No matter what stop smoking methods you use to stop smoking cigarettes, you can rest assured that it is worth it. You will have much more energy once you boot the routine, and you will also save a lot of cash. All of these benefits pale in comparison, however, to the fitness benefits you will giving yourself and the people around you.

I hope you have gotten some good quit smoking advice from this article and that you are able to use them.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
I knew this friend once a few years back who had decided on this 'new' treatment of acupuncture to stop smoking. As I recall, he had a small acupuncture needle inserted into his ear lobe which was covered up by a small band aid.

He was advised that this should do the trick and should he have any strong desire to have a smoke, he was to 'twiddle' that same ear lobe (carefully) and that would assist in killing the desire. I don't think he was overjoyed with it but he committed himself to the cause and ran with it.

As I recall, he had stopped for a while but maybe that was down to the fact that he would have looked a little ridiculous smoking whilst explaining to people why he had this needle stuck in his ear. In the long run it did not succeed for him.

Now, we have the all new, all singing and dancing laser treatment.

This is one of the various ways we see advertised to assist in the quest to stop smoking. Stop smoking laser treatment has been around for a while now and takes the form of acupuncture medicine without the needles. This may seem attractive to those of us who have a natural aversion to needles.

It may also appeal to those of us, (like my friend) who like the idea of just having it done 'automatically' for them. No fuss, no pain, no hassle. Just wake in the morning and you are cured!

Well, I don't know about this one at all. I mean, I have read up on a few scientific reports as a result of controlled tests and in a nutshell they came up with a blank. The long term result showed no effect to sham acupuncture. Overall, just no evidence to suggest that it works.

I for one will never try to shoot down a treatment if it is a good, effective one. But it seems that stop smoking laser treatment has a long way to go before it proves itself worthwhile. I know what it is like to be searching for the answer and what I found was this.

All you have to do is work it out in your own mind without allowing yourself to be assaulted by all these wonderful 'cures' on the market. This is where it begins, and stays.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
One of the most popular - and judging with the results, extremely effective - method you are able to choose so as to stop smoking permanently may be the stop smoking shot. This Food and drug administration authorized technique is essentially an injection given by a physician. The stop smoking shot reportedly has helped over 80% of the users beat nicotine dependency, by enabling its recipients to avoid the horrible withdrawal symptoms and stop smoking once and for all.

When news of this method initially hit the scene, it was clearly excellent news to millions of smokers worldwide who have attempted to quit smoking repeatedly only to fail again and again.

For any long-term cigarette smoker that knows what nicotine withdrawal is like, the stop smoking injection is a miracle. To have the ability to make one visit to your doctor, get yourself a instant shot, not ever crave a cigarette for a second time is a medical miracle and a dream come true for people who smoke all over.

The procedure, certainly, will involve a bit more than that. Keep in mind that it is just one single resource, however an important one, and when utilized in combination with additional methods in addition to a positive outlook towards giving up cigarettes, the final results can be near a 100% success rate. No one can make you quit. But for somebody that really wants to quit and is in need of a good way to do so without having the pain of withdrawal and a long term program that requires cutting down slowly, the quit smoking injection is all anybody can demand.

It's essential to understand that the quit smoking injection primarily handles the physical addiction, but that the physical dependency to cigarettes is only one part of the problem. One must know that both sides of the addiction must be overcome so that you can totally give up smoking for good. The other side of the coin is that there is a huge internal component to smoking cigarettes, a mental addiction.

Sometimes, the actual mental addiction is harder to surmount than the physical addiction is. Nonetheless in many cases, the physical dependency which looms invisible in the mind is actually just what reinforces the subconscious addiction, which makes it the most difficult hindrance in quitting tobacco. Luckily for us, this is exactly the impediment the quit smoking injection is most effective at eliminating.

It will require both willpower as well as patience in order to successfully control the psychological addiction, the mental craving for a smoke. Whenever you see a pal smoke one you want to join them. The social aspect of using tobacco can be a formidable element of dependency to cigarettes, but it is purely psychological. For anyone who is ready to make the psychological commitment to give up smoking once and for all, the quit smoking shot can take care of the other half of the problem, allowing you to realize your goal far more smoothly and without nearly as much withdrawal suffering.

A lot of ex-smokers and doctors suggest simply taking a five minute mental break before each and every cigarette each time you have a desire to smoke cigarettes. This is often enough time for you to assume control of your emotions, and not letting the strong desires having control over you. You have to be tough; addiction to cigarettes is really a very difficult devil but you can certainly put it away permanently.

Step by step, as you regain increasingly more control over your urges, you may raise the waiting period to greater than five minutes. Besides restraining your cigarette smoking to certain times during the day, and possibly merely on certain days, this mental strategy will slowly let you prevail over the psychological addiction to cigarettes. You'll find it a lot easier and easier to perform each day, and you'll restore mental strength each and every time, regardless of if you slip. Trust oneself, you are going to make it in the end. Utilize these tactics in conjunction with procedures used to overcome the physical addiction and your nicotine addiction will be long gone rapidly.

Trust me.

Recall the the most efficient technique to quitting smoking once and for all must rely on ridding your self of both the psychological and physical addictions that are involved in using cigarettes. What this implies is while the quit smoking shot could be the tool you need to end nicotine addiction, you still must be committed to stop mentally.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


When you quit smoking you are going to experience a number of changes. This is only natural because as a smoker, your body has been bathed in a steady supply of nicotine and poison. When you stop smoking, this status quo changes and you will suffer from a number of quit smoking symptoms brought on by nicotine withdrawal.

The symptoms you are likely to suffer vary considerably from person to person but it is important that you prepare yourself for the forthcoming onslaught. The quit smoking symptoms you suffer from will give you an excuse to try and justify starting smoking. You must fight against this negative thought process and keep up your fight to stop smoking.

It is important to remember that I am listing many of the known quit smoking symptoms that have been documented. You should not expect to suffer from all of these when you quit smoking. Of all the quit smoking symptoms I list, it is very uncommon for smokers to suffer more than a small fraction of these.

One of the main symptoms of nicotine withdrawal will be the craving for cigarettes. This is only natural as your body is pining for nicotine that it has become tolerant of, dependent upon and addicted to. The cravings subside quite readily and only require a little concentrated effort to overcome in a committed quitter.

Another common symptom experienced by quitters is the emergence of regular coughs, colds, sore throats and chest infections. These are perfectly normal and will subside, usually within three months or so of quitting. It can be quite soul destroying nevertheless to suffer from infection after infection but you must persevere!

Quit smoking symptoms can be unpleasant and the changes you might experience in your digestion may be the most embarrassing and unpleasant for both you and those around you! Smokers often find that their bowel movements become irregular and they may also suffer from increased flatulence and constipation.

When you quit, you will also find your appetite may increase and as you eat more food, often at times when you would not normally eat, this can upset your normal digestive function. You should try to eat foods with plenty of roughage and drink plenty of water and citrus drinks, particularly during the first week or so of your quit attempt to help overcome these symptoms.

It is not uncommon for your digestive symptoms to last for several weeks and they may change your 'normal smoking routine' into a new 'normal non-smoking routine'. It is not uncommon for your daily movements to change time of day completely and permanently.

A more invasive quit smoking symptom that you may suffer will come in the form of a headache. These can be stubborn and will make it difficult for you to concentrate and focus. You may also become irritable as a result.

Headaches are thought to be caused by changes in blood oxygen level along with blood sugar levels and the lack of nicotine change your brain's operating environment. It will take time for it to get used to this change so be prepared with a range of painkillers and drink plenty of water to help overcome the symptoms.

Nicotine is a stimulant and it affects the way your brain works. When you quit, there may well be a number of changes in the way you are as a person and your behaviour. You may also experience insomnia as a result of nicotine withdrawal that will also make you tired during the day.

Irritability, depression, lack of concentration, restlessness, feeling cooped up, boredom, anger, aggression and generally feeling and being rather unpleasant are all potential quit smoking symptoms you should be aware of. The good news is that you will only suffer them for a short period of time, maybe one or two months at most.

If your quit smoking symptoms are getting you down, you should try to remember that quitting smoking is the biggest single step forward towards better health that you can make. You are not losing a friend when you quit smoking; you are dispatching an enemy!
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Stop Smoking Easily and for Keeps! This article is written for smokers who have had moments of doubt, for those who have not only wanted to quit but have tried to. The article is written for those who were full of hope, who soared on the wings happiness when they felt they were about to succeed in kicking a habit they knew was hurting them. It is an article, in short, for smokers who have tried and failed to quit.

Failure is something people would rather forget. Let's look at it for a moment instead. To pretend bitter moments of failure never existed prevents one realizing that what bobs in the wake of failed attempts to quit smoking is the conviction that quitting smoking is impossible to do. There is no logic in it. Nevertheless, who hopes to quit smoking but instead of doing it experiences the let-down of failure must view the dream of living a smokeless life as a disappointment. Who is disappointed loses trust. If you cannot trust yourself to quit smoking, who can you trust? The reason you think you cannot quit smoking relates to the fact that you have tried a number of times and have failed.

Is nicotine addiction stronger than you are? If you rely on your past experience of wanting to quit and not doing it, the answer is yes! The statistics concerning nicotine addiction are downright depressing. Experts, matching the number of attempts to quit smoking against the number of successes, have concluded that addiction to nicotine is worse than heroin addiction is! This is grist for the fear that you cannot stop smoking. Why make a fool of yourself all over again? Your self-esteem is on the line, now isn't it?

No! Since you are a burned child, in every sense of the word, burned by the smoke that stings you and by your failed attempts to quit, efforts to distance yourself from a commitment to quitting smoking is a natural reaction. Rather than tell yourself, "I'm quitting today," you entertain thoughts of what the best ways to quit smoking are. After all, you can go on living with a wrinkled face, now can't you? There are stop smoking shots to consider. There are stop smoking cigarettes, ones you can puff on without really smoking. There is nicotine gum, stop smoking patches, hypnotherapy to stop smoking -- you name it, it is out there.

Psst! Want a hot smoking tip? Why not stop smoking naturally? What does this mean? To stop smoking naturally means to be a nonsmoker like you were before you started! Today you smoke; you have smoked now for quite some time. Things have changed in your life during that time. For example, there are many things, many interests you have let fall since you started smoking. Many of them are sporty things, active things, interests you developed in the days before you smoked -- things you did. The acceleration of your smoking habit modified your needs; things you loved doing before you smoked gradually gave way to sitting around smoking, drinking coffee and chatting with your friends. It is easier for someone who has difficulty breathing freely through both nostrils to smoke cigarettes while trading jokes and gossip with your pals. It is less demanding than it is to shower and dress for a tennis match.

None of this alters the fact that you are the same person you were before you smoked. Smoking has replaced some of the things you did before your nicotine addiction took hold of you; but what this means is that the changes smoking has introduced into your life are not traceable to you but to your smoking. The difference, in short, between the you who smokes and the you who did not smoke is your continually smoking cigarettes! What this means is the minute you kick the smoking habit, the you who lived and breathed before you smoked will begin to return to you. The interests you let drop in favor of having another cigarette will, like little lambs, all start flocking home the moment you stop smoking.

Let me note here that anyone who inhales tobacco smoke, whether from a pipe, cigars or cigarettes, suffers pretty much the same effects. Thus, the phrase 'smoking cigarettes' is meant to include anyone who inhales tobacco smoke.

What force moved the past efforts you made to stop smoking onto the failure list? Probably the most popular excuse people give for failing to quit is that their willpower broke down in the decisive moment. Did you will yourself to smoke? The answer is no. Willpower has nothing to do with your smoking. Therefore it has nothing to do with stopping smoking. What keeps you smoking is the fact that the body very quicly rids itself of the nicotine you take in. When the pleasure centers in your brain stem, "the brain's brain" notice a decline in the level of nicotine in your blood, it sends a neural message out, to which you intellectually respond with an incredible outpouring of excuses to redress the discovered imbalance in the levels of nicotine your pleasure centers crave since the replenishment of nicotine is what they have become used to.

In practice, this means when you have not inhaled any smoke for a while, a galaxy of sensations communicate the fact that should re-supply the nicotine that has gone missing. When people intentionally stop themselves from reaching out for their habitual next cigarette, the feeling steals over them, a shrill, insistent, "Time for another one!" feeling. To defy this call for action centers new nonsmokers' attention on the current sensations they are perceiving. "Hm-mm, my throat is dry. Oops, Isn't that a wee headache I'm feeling? What's that sensation in my lungs?" All the minutiae smoking has created in a smoker's body suddenly spring to attention like soldiers on parade, commanding every inch of a new nonsmoker's idle attention. Smokers attribute the creaks, the wheezing, the aches and pains, the cravings they feel when they stop to not having smoked for a while, when in fact what is happening is that they are coming to notice, with a new-timer's intense accuracy, the sensations smoking causes them to feel now that they are turning down new calls for a cigarette. Continual inhalation of fresh smoke masks the sensations your smoking through the years has caused. New nonsmokers notice the damage smoking has done them; but instead of calling their sensations of pain by their right names call them "withdrawal symptoms" instead.

The psychology of tobacco addiction is a tracery of evasions: smokers will do almost anything to stop themselves from realizing the extent to which their addiction has done them in; their rationalizations are the direct result of physical changes their bodies have sustained. The addicts, meanwhile, fastidiously deny every scrap of evidence of this, avoiding every thought of why smoking is bad. Why not quit smoking forever? Without anyone mentioning her breathing at all, Eleanor will tell you she is wheezing today because of the high humidity index!

She saw it on the news!

Smokers are fully capable of dealing with the myths that keep them going; what one has invented one may just as easily recognize and rid oneself of. Being conscious means knowing one's own mind; Eleanor is capable of seeing through her rationalizations because every one of them is hers. She knows the reasons to stop smoking, too...

Smokers turn on themselves the minute they stop smoking. They turn on themselves instead of noticing all the positive signs resulting from the refusal to pull nicotine, tar, chemical additives, free radicals and all the other elements contained in smoke deep down into their lungs. The reason smokers do so is it is the mainstay of keeping their smoking habit alive. Without the incredible inventory of lies smokers invent to reach out for their next cigarette, the smoking habit would die from sheer lack of attention!

The actual sensations quitting smoking brings result from your body's freeing itself of nicotine within a day. Eight hours after your last cigarette, levels of oxygen and carbon monoxide normalize. In 24 hours, your risk of heart attack decreases. After 2 days, damaged nerve endings start growing back. By the third day, lung capacity starts increasing. In 2 to 12 weeks, this increase will reach 30%. Circulation improves. Over the next few months, cilia start growing back in the lungs, bringing fewer infections, less coughing and shortness of breath with them as they develop. The greatest long-term benefit is a steady decline in your chances of getting cancer. Ten years after quitting, your chances of developing lung cancer are the same as though you had never smoked.

Smokers, in a word, lie to themselves the whole day through in order to keep smoking. Imagine what telling yourself the truth will do in place of the crazy dialog of lies smokers practice in the privacy of their rather confused minds. When a smoker coughs a pathetic, wracking smoker's cough in a public place, often sympathetic friends, or even total strangers, turn one's way and say, "Hey, you really might think of getting rid of your smoking habit. It breaks my heart to hear a cough like yours. Please think about looking after yourself a bit better..." This is as open and honest as a smoker's musings are private and twisted. "Look, she's a wonderful, rich, popular movie star and she's smoking my brand in the love scene, too WOW."

Nonsmoking is something you can do. It is not only wonderfully easy once you get the knack of it, you will start feeling better in a thousand ways from the very first day! Stopping is the antithesis of the self-torture smokers put themselves through by smoking, by working overtime pretending they do not notice the things they notice very well indeed. The trick is not admitting it, how clever!

Why not quit fooling yourself?

To smoke is to pretend you have mastery in a basic master-slave relationship. Nicotine addiction is the master over every smoker who is the habit's slave. Smokers are the habit, the means by which the habit stays alive and the victims of the habit all in one! Smokers devote their waking lives coddling their habit with a new excuse for every single cigarette they smoke.

To lie is to keep the truth to yourself. To lie is to tell the victim whatever you think he or she will believe. Lying, in other words, is a theft! Liars keeps what they know is good and offer their victims stuff they know is worthless. What is the situation, then, when you lie to yourself? You are liar and victim all in one. Stand tall. Do what you know you should have done the moment you started smoking. Quit smoking publicly and privately all in one! Quit pretending to quit when you know you can't and won't. Be who you know yourself to be and please remember, you are also a person who never smoked at all! You can happily be that way again.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
What is the difference between tobacco and cigarette? There is a connotation that tobacco is smoked by the elderly. Cigarettes are for all ages. Is this a misconception? Indeed it is. Statistics reveal that even younger people go for tobacco. But whatever the distinction, you still have to stop smoking tobacco for good.

Since both entail addiction to nicotine, the ways and means to quit either of the two are the same. Cigarette is a prepared tobacco. Other tobacco forms are cigars, pipe tobacco, snuff and chewing tobacco. These other tobacco forms are the ones associated with the elderly. People may smoke tobacco or they may chew it. Hence there is what we call smokeless tobacco. However it is consumed, the effect of tobacco in the body system is identical.

Tobacco is the number one source of lung cancer. Other diseases may also come from tobacco such as heart ailment, high blood pressure and emphysema. Are you not more particular with the health risks incurred from nicotine? Although there are other bad effects, still the number one concern is its life threatening effect. To counter the adverse outcome of nicotine dependence, one must stop smoking tobacco.

The first requirement in order for you to stop smoking tobacco is to establish intense determination. Have your goal imprinted in your mind. Let it stand out in everything you do. With this, there will be no instance for temptation to re-smoke.

After setting your goal and being determined to accomplish it, you can go to the stop smoking remedies.

The remedies

1. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is a commercial method of replacing the nicotine present in the system during withdrawal symptom. Some examples of NRT are nicotine patch, gums, lozenges, sublingual tablets and inhalers.

2. Water therapy is the simplest method of remedy. You just need to drink liters of water. The nicotine gets eliminated when you discard your body wastes.

3. Psychological therapy is needed because withdrawal syndrome can result to emotional imbalance and the emotional impact may be destructive if not guarded.

4. Herbal therapy is using herbs instead of chemicals to aid in the process of withdrawal. They are necessary supplements for cessation of nicotine dependence.

5. Programs designed to counsel a quitter; where problems and concerns about withdrawal effects are discussed.

6. Acupuncture or using a needle to relax the body system.

7. Hypnosis to put the mind and body to rest.

Any individual who wants to stop smoking tobacco or cigarette can use one or a combination of the remedies. If you do not succeed, it is your fault. You have no determination to change and make your life more worthwhile. If you attain your goal, it is a new milestone.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


It is amazing to think that we live in an age where so many of our sicknesses and physical problems can be fixed with a simple pill. Want to lose weight? Take a pill. Have a cold? Take a pill. Don't want to get pregnant? Take a pill.

With so many pills available to solve so many of life's problems, it is easy to wonder why there has not been one to help you quit smoking. That has changed in the past couple of years as several stop smoking pills have entered the marketplace.

Stop Smoking Pill is Not Just a Placebo

Thankfully for many of you who want to stop smoking, there are many products in the marketplace today that can help you and the stop smoking pill is one of them. These are used to reduce the craving for cigarettes or to reduce the effect of withdrawal symptoms. Two popular stop smoking pills are Zyban and Wellbutrin. Zyban is actually an anti-depressant pill and it releases endorphins by stimulating the pituitary gland. The endorphins boost energy levels and make a person feel good. Most of these pills use Bupropion hydrochloride to combat withdrawal symptoms.

The normal course runs for over 8 to 12 weeks. Individuals who stop too soon or who take the pill intermittently will not get the benefit from the treatment since its effect is accumulative. Stop smoking pills typically come with strict instructions on their use, and these instructions should be followed to the letter.

The pill should be taken for at least a week during which you should continue to smoke. You should plan to stop smoking during the second week. If you have not stopped smoking by the seventh week of Zyban therapy, it is unlikely that you will quit during that attempt and Zyban therapy should be discontinued.

This form of stop smoking pill is only available with a prescription, and does have some side effects which your doctor will outline for you.

Other Smoking Cessation Aids Available

For those who are concerned with the cost or side effects of the stop smoking pills, there are many other aids available on the market today to help them. This may include nicotine patches or gum, or even hypnotherapy. Many former smokers have reported good experiences with these products and courses of treatment, so it is good to know that anyone looking to stop smoking does have options when it comes to the help that's available. Maybe one day there will be a cheap, foolproof, side effect-free stop smoking pill out there, but for now, you can of course speak with your doctor about these other choices if you're ready to give up the habit of smoking.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
You may already know that there are many advantages when you stop smoking and that's why smokers around the world are seeking help. You will feel far better both physically and mentally if you quit the habit of smoking. Apart from physical wellness, stopping smoking will bring you a lot of financial savings. You'll be amazed to see the kind of money you wasted on this bad habit once you realize the savings after you quit.

Today, there are many quit smoking aids available to smokers. If you are a smoker, that's great news because what works for some may not work for all.


One of the oldest methods is medication. When thinking about using medications to help you stop smoking, it's best to consult your doctor and do some research on medical quit smoking aids. There are many drugs like Wellbutrin and Bupropion which can help in reducing the severity of withdrawal symptoms.

Actually, it's the withdrawal symptoms which make it tougher to quit smoking. Excessive coughing, headaches, and stomachaches are some of the effects of quitting smoking. In order to save yourself from the pains of such symptoms you get back to smoking and it becomes even tougher for you to quit smoking again. If you can somehow reduce the degree of these symptoms then it will be easier for you to cope up with them. These medical stop smoking aids may help with that.

Nicotine Replacement

There are many aspects which are related to smoking and can hamper your chances of quitting it, if not controlled well. One such thing is the nicotine addiction. After you smoke for a few weeks, your body gets habitual of a certain level of nicotine in your blood. Once you quit this level drops and your body finds it hard to adjust the change.

Your mind suddenly generates signals to develop the urge for smoking. It's really hard to resist the influence of such urges and many people start to smoke again. But if you keep your mind positive and do not give in then you will see that the body and mind both adjust well to the lack of nicotine and within days you will stop feeling the urge again.

Some smokers consider the best stop smoking aids are those that focus on nicotine replacement therapy. There are some ways to subside the urge to smoke when they appear by using alternative methods to provide the nicotine to the body. You need to make sure that the methods you use are not harmful to you. Nicotine chewing gums and dermal patches may be two options. While using them you should make sure that you reduce the number of chewing gum or patches gradually, otherwise your body may get addicted to them.

Natural Methods

There are many other natural stop smoking aids which are used by smokers to help them stop this harmful habit. Acupressure, hypnotism, Equal Treatments, Reiki, Musing/Visualization and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) are some of them.

Each smoker will respond differently to any of these quit smoking aids. That's why it is difficult to come up with one method which is suitable for all. Ultimately, you and your physician can decide what suits you well before and during treatment.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
When you stop smoking there is a good chance you will experience a stop smoking symptom or two. These are caused by the withdrawal effects of nicotine and by the side effects of changes in your body from not inhaling the toxins in tobacco smoke.

An unpleasant stop smoking symptom may give you an excuse to start smoking again. Don't let it!

Stop Smoking Symptom #1: Chesty Cough

When you stop smoking, your lungs are presented with an opportunity to clean themselves. As this will be the first time in probably many years for them to clean themselves up, they will go for it! It is perfectly natural for them to do this too.

As time passes, your chestyness should subside as your lungs overcome that first cleaning frenzy. If your cough persists, you should go and see your doctor as a persistent cough could be an indication on lung cancer.

Stop Smoking Symptom #2: Sore Throat

When you stop smoking, the environment in your mouth and nose changes from what has been normal whilst you were smoking. When you smoke, there is a need for your mouth, nose and throat to be well lubricated to cope with the tobacco smoke. When you stop, the lubrication levels are excessive to your needs.

The result of this mucus production in an excessive post-nasal drip, which means mucus is falling into the back of your mouth and throat from your nose. This causes a sore throat much like the sore throats you experience when you have a cold.

Stop Smoking Symptom #3: Coughs and Colds

The change in your mouth, nose, throat and lung environment from stopping smoking is considerable. There is an excessive amount of fluid sloshing around and this provides an ideal environment for bugs to make themselves at home. The net result is an increased likelihood of suffering coughs, colds and sore-throats.

It may seem to you that you were better off smoking because you never used to suffer so much as a smoker but these infections are transient and should only be short lived. Put up with them as they are a price worth paying for the long term health benefits of not smoking.

Stop Smoking Symptom #4: Bad Breath

When you smoke, your mouth waters. As a new non-smoker, instead of getting this rush of mouth watering 20 times a day, your mouth can become parched by comparison to how you would normally be. This dryer environment often causes a build up of unpleasant anaerobic bacteria at the back of the mouth. These bacteria give off 'volatile sulphurous compounds' that don't smell good.

To help overcome the imminent bad breath, drink water regularly and have low calorie mints or sugar free gum to hand at all times to save yourself from embarrassment.

Stop Smoking Symptom #5: Headaches and Light-Headedness

When you stop smoking your blood's ability to operate improves rapidly. When you smoked, your blood became handicapped from carbon monoxide but this handicapping passes very quickly once you stop.

Your blood sugar levels will change too when you quit because the action of nicotine on insulin in your blood is no longer present. The net effect of these two factors is that you will have more oxygen and less sugar in your blood, bathing your brain in an unfamiliar environment. A common result of this change is headaches or light-headedness.

Take some non-prescription painkillers, drink plenty of water and wait for it to subside. If it persists for more than a week, go and see your doctor but don't start smoking again!

Stop Smoking Symptom #6: Constipation

When you smoke, the nicotine in tobacco affects your intestines, relaxing the muscles. This helps your digestion and keeps you regular. When you quit smoking, this therapeutic effect of nicotine is no longer there and you may suffer from constipation.

Drink plenty of water and try to up the fibre in your diet to help the situation. Fruit and vegetables of any sort should help along with wholegrain cereals or bread.

Stop Smoking Symptom #7: Mood Swings

You are in a state of nicotine withdrawal and as mentioned above, your brain is bathed in high oxygen, low sugar level blood that it is not used to. Much as alcohol can change your behaviour, a lack of nicotine, more oxygen and less sugar can easily have you change your behaviour. Luckily, it is short lived and should pass within a couple of weeks but to help, try to avoid alcohol and caffeine where possible to minimize the situation.

Stop Smoking Symptom #8: Insomnia

For much the same reason as the mood swings, you may also suffer from insomnia as a result of nicotine withdrawal. To help overcome this, use any methods you can think of to help yourself relax including avoiding any stimulants such as tea or coffee after around 6pm.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Most people who smoke want to get rid of this nasty habit, but that is very hard to achieve. The urge to smoke is much stronger than the willpower of people. People who do not smoke can not really understand how hard it really is and how much effort it takes. It has nothing to do with desire or willpower and finding an easy program that can help people quit smoking is what smokers really need.

The best stop smoking program

The human brain is just like a computer and it can be programmed and re-programmed. When the desire to smoke is deeply engraved in the subconscious, then changing it is not possible with willpower only. The key is to re-program the mind so the desire not to smoke is deeply engraved in the subconscious. That can be done very effectively with the latest NLP (Neuro-Linguistic-Programming).

A lot of times people are trying to force themselves to quit smoking but this just does not work. Expensive pills and patches and all kind of aids, that appear from everywhere are also not effective. Smokers are looking for something that is very effective, works quickly and is very simple.

Quitting smoking is only hard if you are using the wrong methods, but if you use the right methods then it is very easy. For some reason most folks try to do things the hard way, never even considering that there might be a much better and much more effective way. You could stop smoking today if you get the best stop smoking program, with a success rate of 99.7%. It does not get better that this.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
There are two main reason that you may want to use quit smoking medication in your battle to give up. That little monster inside you is coming at your will power with a double edged sword.

1. The fist problem is the addiction which to be honest is only a tiny little hungry feeling in your belly.

2. But the second problem is much worse and it's the brainwashing that all smokers have deep inside. The feeling that your life won't be the same without cigarettes.

If you want to know why it is so hard to quit it's right there. Your are being assaulted from two angles and without knowing what's going on you have not chance.

So with these problems in mind there is a gold rush for companies all over the world to create quit smoking medication that can truly make it easy to give up.

I can see the logic there...

If you asked any smoker on the planet if they would pay for a pill that would remove the need to smoke, it would be clear to anyone that the medication was worth at least a months cigarette money. It's an easy sale for them.


As you can probably tell from my spelling, I'm not a doctor so you should probably not listen to anything I say;-)


Make sure that you see a doctor before taking any new medication and let him know your full medical history.


If you suffer from other diseases then there is a good chance that this kind of medicine may conflict with something that you are already taking. Always get a full medical check.


Here are a few products you may look into:

* Smart
* Welplex
* 1-2-3

The great thing about this kind of medication is that you don't have to go through long months of weening yourself off it. Just a single shot and you can be free from the addition.


At this point I want to let you know about some of the problem you may encounter when taking quit smoking medication.

* You may find it hard to sleep
* Feeling sick
* Constantly thirsty
* Weird nightmares
* High blood pressure
* Depression

Final thoughts.

What you need to remember is that no drug can instantly make you give up so you still need willpower and a massive desire to be smoke free.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
You most likely can ask this question to hundreds of ex smokers and in turn get hundreds of different answers. An easy way to quit smoking for one individual may be the most difficult method for another. We all are different and naturally not one method is right for everybody.

With all the different programs and products that are now available to help you quit the smoking habit, it is becoming easier to accomplish the goal of having a smoke free life.

According to many experts in the health community some of the easier methods to help you quit include the use of nicotine patches, gums, and inhalers. Each one of these methods has shown to be successful to some degree. Other methods might be hypnotherapy, laser therapy or a simple shot.

As you do your research into each program, make sure that you have all your questions answered to your liking before you commit to it. Look for the overall reported success rate of each. This is crucial to how well your outcome is likely to be. Once you make a decision with any type of program, stick with and don't give up.

Although many will tell you there really is no easy way to quit smoking, each day more and more programs are coming to market that allow you to make the transition from smoker to non smoker smoother and less stressful. Research into the ways your body reacts when you finally do decide to quit smoking is bringing new light to old methods.

Who would have thought years ago that by the use of a simple shot, or through the use of a laser beam, you would be able to ease the withdrawal symptoms when you make the choice to be smoke free?

We all know the dangers of what smoking will do to each of us if we continue the pattern of lighting up. For most of us we hear it daily. Cancer, heart disease, lung disease and premature death. If that doesn't give you the motivation to quit then you are probably falling prey to all the horror stories of people who have tried and failed. Don't let yourself buy into it.

If you want an easy way to quit smoking, start by choosing a program that you can accomplish. Always keep focused on the long term health benefits that you will receive when your body finally recovers from years of smoking. Live longer, be healthier, save money and most of all, be smoke free.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


When choosing the best way for you to quit smoking, stop smoking home remedies are the healthiest and safest way to help you. No need to take any pills, nicotine gums or patches, or go with the hard way of cold turkey.

Using these simple home remedies, you can go smoke-free in a very short time... from the comfort of your home.

Also you can save a lot of money because these remedies are very affordable and easy for everyone to use - unlike expensive stop smoking shots, pills, laser treatment, and similar methods.

So here are some helpful natural tips and home remedies to help you quit smoking easily...

How to Stop Smoking Using Your Diet

Did you know that your daily diet has a big effect on how easy or difficult it will be for you to stop smoking?

Yes, it's a secret that many people don't know. For example did you know acidic foods make you feel more need to nicotine and so smoking?

Or did you know that foods such as raisins, beets, lima beans, etc. are fantastic for people who are giving up smoking?

So by making small yet smart changes in your diet, you can make it much easier for you to quit smoking.

Here are more natural ways to quit smoking easily...

Home Remedies to Stop Smoking

Whenever you are very tempted to try smoking again, simply eat a little bit of salt or something that is salty. Actually salt helps make your cravings to disappear.

This is an easy secret technique that helps you solve your urge of smoking anytime that it rushes to you.

Just remember why you are doing this. Think of your most important and motivating reasons and keep them in sight. You know you can g through this short time and live a happy, healthy life forever.

Another helpful tip is breathing deeply and you get the urge again. Simply close your eyes and take some deep breaths. Think of something else other than the image of smoking. Maybe your funny memory from yesterday, or your loved one.

Distracting your mind for a few minutes is usually good to control the cravings.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
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