
The United States is not at a loss for products that can help you break your smoking habit, and if you are a student of history, you will find that a lot of people around you have been using these products for smoking cessation for years. With newer and more ingenious inventions popping out of the woodwork all the time, perhaps it is time you started to consider getting a few to help with your plan to stop smoking. Below are a few:

Books - Ever since the Surgeon General's 1960s release of the harmful effects of smoking on the human body, the number of smokers in the United States has declined rapidly. The decline is still ongoing and several health professionals and practitioners are writing and publishing all kinds of literature that continue to reveal the awful truths of nicotine and its four thousand and some cohort chemicals that inhabit tobacco. You should get your hands on a few for incentive as you try to stop smoking.

Free Online & Internet Products - There are perhaps a thousand websites online that peddle various products that can help with your efforts to stop smoking. There is no way you can be at a loss for free software downloads that provide information about things to do and how to do them when you are trying to stop smoking.

There are mp3s with songs and lectures from renowned world figures that will come in more than handy when you find yourself on a rough patch in your route to quit the habit. Lastly, there are eBooks that you can download as well, to read in your convenience.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
There are numerous stop smoking prescription drugs and aids to help you overcome your smoking addiction. Some are available over-the-counter while some are prescription drugs. You require a doctor's prescription to purchase them. Follow professional advice before trying any smoking cessation drugs. If you are allergic to any food or medication, inform your physician before starting on stop smoking drugs.

Doctors analyze your health condition and suggest medications accordingly. Some medications continue to provide your body with nicotine, although in gradually reducing doses. Eventually you overcome your urge for nicotine and that is how you quit smoking.

The major downside of these medications is that you get back your urge to smoke after few months. The effect of these medications wane away and you are back smoking.

Prescription drugs are no magic pills and you do not overcome the addiction permanently. Hence, the effect of prescription drugs is only for limited period. Then why use these drugs and suffer all side effects? Instead, go for natural therapies and other similar ways to overcome your smoking habit.

Prescription drugs are more harmful for women specifically pregnant or lactating mothers. If you are on a quit smoking medication and become pregnant, check with your physician for possible complications.

Instead of trying these medications, choose natural treatments that can help avoid the costs and side effects associated with medications.

One of the best all natural stop smoking treatments is NLP. It stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming but do not let the fancy name scare you. It is a branch of therapy that has been around for years and has proven to be very successful at helping people quit smoking with a much higher success rate than any stop smoking medication with no side effects.

NLP works so well because it targets and eliminates the cravings to smoke. And it does it permanently compared to stop smoking prescription drugs which only remove cravings while you are on them.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Of all of the different methods to quit smoking, stop smoking hypnosis is probably one of the most effective with just one treatment. Gums, patches, programs, and even medications take time. However, clinical hypnotherapy is a treatment that only needs to be administered once and the patient will generally see lasting results over time. Of course, if the urges ever come back, more sessions can be attended. How does hypnosis therapy help you to stop smoking? It works in many different ways, but basically just trains your brain to not need the habit. Anyone who has ever been hypnotised can tell you that it can help with all kinds of situations, not just hypnosis for smoking.

So, how does hypnosis therapy help you to stop smoking? When you are hypnotised, you have to be willing to quit and willing to be hypnotised. If you do not want to quit or be hypnotised, the process will not work. Unlike the comedy shows that you see where people are made to cluck like chickens and bark like dogs, you can NOT make people do anything while in hypnosis. The more resistant a person is, the less likely it is to work. Here's a stop smoking tip: people that are under hypnosis can lie just as easily as if they weren't. In order to have an effective session with hypnosis to stop smoking, you have to be willing. This is also true if you use hypnosis mp3s or clinical hypnotherapy.

Once you are willing, you will be hypnotised and you will face the psychological addiction that you have to cigarettes. During that time, you will deal with emotional issues, psychological issues, and everything in your brain that is preventing you from quitting. Remember the old adage, "You can do it if you put your mind to it"? The same is true with hypnosis to quit smoking, and if your mind is ready, your body will be too.

The first few days after your stop smoking, you will probably still have the physical addiction to nicotine. You will probably even want to smoke from time to time. Wanting to and needing to, however, are two very different things. You will no longer need that cigarette in the morning. You will no longer have to smoke while driving. Even if you want to, after stop smoking hypnosis, your brain will let you know that it's okay and you don't have to smoke. For people who aren't ready, this isn't an effective solution. For those who are ready to quit, this can be an easy tool to get started on the right foot.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


The causal relationship between smoking and cardiopulmonary disease and cancer is well established. Smoking related illnesses cost Americans almost $200 billion each year. Included in this dollar figure, are diseases common to other organ systems that find themselves surrendering to the affects of smoking. One lesser publicized disease associated with smoking is osteoporosis. Researchers found this link more than 20 years ago. It was discovered that smokers had decreased bone density when compared to non-smokers. It does take on a little of the "chicken and the egg" argument, however. It's difficult for physicians and scientists to accurately say whether smoking itself leads to the lower bone density or if it's a result of the other common risk factors found in smokers. For example, smokers are typically more sedentary. This certainly places them in a higher risk profile for developing bone loss. They also tend to consume more alcohol and have less healthy dietary habits which again, places them at higher risk. But, regardless of the argument, the fact remains - smokers have lower bone densities and are therefore, at risk for developing osteoporosis.

There is no cure for osteoporosis at this time, but much like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), it can be prevented with proper nutrition and a healthy and active lifestyle. Osteoporosis has been described as a silent disease in which the damage is done when the individual is still relatively young, but the results are not seen until they are much older. Simply put, the effects occur without fanfare until it's too late. Older men and women who smoke are often diagnosed with significant bone loss. This results in smokers having a higher incidence of fractures over non-smokers. And the longer a person smokes, the greater that risk is. In addition, smokers may take longer to heal from their fractures and potentially have greater complications associated with their fractures.

Women who smoke are at risk of developing menopause earlier which may lead to a more rapid loss of bone density. This occurs because female smokers produce less estrogen and hence, begin menopause at an earlier age. Other factors for developing osteoporosis include family history of osteoporosis, low calcium intake, lack of physical activity, thin or small body type, and excessive alcohol intake. In our ever changing world, it seems easy to see why osteoporosis is regarded as a real health concern among the population. Currently it is estimated that 44 million Americans are at risk for, or currently have already been diagnosed with, this disease - 68% of whom are women. Unfortunately, smoking has been on the rise in women over the last decade. So this does not bode well for them since they are already considered at higher greater risk for developing osteoporosis, then men.

The most important action any smoker can take is to just quit smoking. Not only will they reap the usual lung and heart health benefits typically spoken about in the press, but they will also uncover other health benefits as well. Stronger bone health can lead to greater activity and improved lifestyle during the "golden years". The hidden financial benefits are reaped when individuals don't have to pay for those frequent office visits to the doctor or trips to the surgeon because of a fractured hip or leg.

The benefits for quitting smoking seem to go on and on. The complexity of health concerns associated with smoking is indeed, difficult to grasp at times. Allied health care professionals each have their own stories about their smoking patients. Each patient had their life negatively impacted because of something they thought was going to make them look cool as a teenager. It's hard to look cool though, when you're wearing a hospital gown and you have 17 metal screws in your leg.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
You must have wondered, at some point, how to help someone quit smoking. It is very difficult and painful to see someone you love puffing away on a dozen cigarettes a day. You cannot force them to quit, but there are ways to help them.

Remember that you cannot make their decisions for them. Smokers understand the risks. They have to decide that they want to quit. Once they do make that decision, you have to know how to help someone quit smoking. There are some things you can do.

1. The first thing you have to keep in mind is that they cannot quit all at once, so you have to be patient and encouraging. Cutting two or three cigarettes a day will be quite difficult. Agree that what they are doing is not easy, and that you admire them for it. Encouragement without impossible expectations is very important when you think about how to help someone quit smoking.

2. No matter what you think, you do not know exactly how to encourage them. Unless you are a smoker who has quit, do not tell them that you know how it feels. Instead, ask them how you can support them first. Asking them what they need from you is very important in answering the question how to help someone quit smoking.

3. There will be times when the person is very low on confidence and feels that it is just too difficult. Make it very clear that you have faith in them. Your confidence in them can let them find the strength they need.

4. When you think of how to help someone quit smoking, there are some simple things you may not even consider, but they can contribute to the process. Sit in non-smoking sections. Spend more time with the person. They need a good exercise regime when they are trying to quit, so go for walks. And stop nagging about how horrible the habit is!

5. Rewards are important. Even small achievements are difficult when you are trying to quit. Reward them for each small step. Waiting till you think there is something big enough that deserves a reward does not work.

Remember that only a quitter knows how hard it is to deal with the pangs. You can think about how to help someone quit smoking and do everything you can, but ultimately, it is their decision and their triumph when they succeed.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
I choked down at least a pack of cigarettes for a little over 15 years and walked away, without much of a problem at all. Through me successfully stopping smoking, I learned a couple of things that I think might help you in your quest to quit smoking. I'm assuming that you're interested in quitting smoking, because you're reading this article. I heard an interesting quote once that most certainly pertains to this topic, "Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change.".

The biggest single thing I did before I actually quit smoking was to change the way I thought about smoking. For example, rather than engaging in all the conversations and talk about how difficult stopping smoking was going to be, I simply refused to accept this as a truth. I said things like, "quitting smoking is going to be simple and easy and no problem at all." This may sound absurd, but it's what I did. I literally changed the way I looked at smoking, and soon the act of smoking changed.

This went on for six or eight months, and something amazing happened in the process. Cigarettes started to become truly disgusting to me. I began noticing how terrible I smelled after smoking and how I would become "winded" after the slightest physical excursion. The negative aspects of smoking became much more prevalent to me. The way I thought and was thinking about smoking was changing. Then something interesting happened.

I went into my pocket to grab a smoke and there was only one left. Rather than buying a new pack, I took that cigarette out, looked at it, and said to myself, "this is it". I smoked that cigarette and haven't smoked since. I changed the way I thought about smoking and the act of smoking changed. No pills, patches, drugs, or gum. It was over; I was no longer a smoker. The best way to stop smoking is to change your thinking about smoking; it's as simple as that.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Discovering a cigarette smoker who doesn't desire to give it up is rare. How often have you stated that you wanted to stop smoking cigarettes? Nearly all tobacco users have a go at it and lose frequently because they are still struggling with their itch for the effects of nicotine. It's absolutely difficult to quit smoking cigarettes whenever you use nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) due to the fact that nicotine is still being delivered to your system, even though those substitutes utilise a dissimilar means.

Lobelia inflata, also referred to as lobelia and 'Indian tobacco', has been utilized by Native Americans for hundreds of years to overcome health-related problems, for instance, respiratory system and also muscular concerns. Lobelia is known as a plant that's grown predominantly in the eastern US for the express intent of being employed in medications that enable treating pneumonia and asthma attacks.

One of the most current breakthroughs is that folks have been able to give up smoking cigarettes with the use of lobelia. This specific herb features an active element that functions in a similar way to nicotine, and the medical field has instantly utilised this discovery. Certain occasions where the medical field has made use of lobelia effectively include things like the management of long-term asthma and food poisoning.

Smoking is one of the hardest addictions to get rid of, largely due to the withdrawal symptoms which a cigarette smoker endures whenever he / she quits utilising nicotine. Even though all these withdrawal discomforts aren't as acute as those resulting from other detrimental drugs, for a tobacco user, they are still really acute. Lobelia helps to ease the hankering for nicotine and might scale down even intense withdrawal problems.

The principal element in lobelia is comparable in nature to that of nicotine, and this acts as a stimulant that stabilizes the mind and system whilst these adapt to the deficiency of nicotine. The main difference is the fact that this specific dominant element is not addictive like nicotine. When the nicotine craving is conquered, it is very painless to stop utilising lobelia.

You can also get many different chemicals as well as prescription medication that are being advertised as advantageous in the quest to quit smoking, but people shouldn't be looking at taking chemicals to wean themselves off chemicals. It is a great deal more advantageous to use a completely natural compound if possible, although any method of quitting tobacco use is great!

The chief ingredients within this medicinal plant which assist cigarette smokers are isolobelanine and lobeline. Lobeline cleans your lungs and in this particular phase, the actual smoking of a cigarette is no longer pleasant for the smoker. Due to lobeline, smoking basically helps make the flavour of nicotine nasty and also intolerable (comparable to what a non-smoker will taste when attemping smoking for the first time), which makes it a discouraging factor.

Also, isolobelanine decreases the stress and tension caused by quitting cigarette smoking, along with helping with most of withdrawal signs and symptoms. It can also raise the amount of dopamine introduced into the body, which is just like what smoking does, but in this case, it is possibly deadly and must be utilized as directed.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Maybe the biggest factor a mom-to-be should take into consideration is the possibility that her child is at risk of acquiring diseases when exposed to the harmful substances contained in each puff of the cigarette.

It is not really new to anyone that smoking has its own grave dangers that could harm even the most unsuspecting victims and yes, that includes the unborn child in her womb. And the danger is not exclusive to the unborn children; it also affects the newborn babies.

But even with all our knowledge on the health risks of smoking and the ways by which it could be stopped, there is still a lot of trouble women face when wanting to quit.

Pregnant moms have more need of quitting the habit since unlike men and women who bear no one in their wombs; pregnant women would not only put their lives in the line but also make the young soul too vulnerable to all sorts of unimaginable consequences.

But quitting is never easy and with pregnant women who bear the stresses of childbearing, finds that smoking cessation extremely challenging in comparison to the experiences of other people. However, there are so much at risk when a mom-to-be never stops smoking and there great rewards when the habit is kicked off.

Here are but some of the risks of smoking during pregnancy that mothers should be pondering over:

When the smoke reaches the placenta, its content would contaminate this sac which could in turn deprive the baby of appropriate nutrients and oxygen. These are vital in the normal and healthy development of the baby within.

There are increased rates in abnormalities seen in babies whose mothers are smokers. There is marked increase in these rates as the degree of addiction increases in the smoker.

Low birth weight is likely to occur to babies of smoking mothers. Because of this, such babies are likely to become extremely ill, more prone to diseases and disorders, and are more prone to death during the first year.

A baby of a smoker mom would possibly die due to SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Now you know some of the threats to the health of the child, you now have more reasons to help a pregnant woman to quit the smoking habit. So that leads us to the first step into helping this mother and that is "encouragement".

It must start with something that will motivate her to break off the habit easily and informing her of what could be the effects t the child would appeal to her emotions and her instincts a mother. A mother should protect her child and that is one thing you must impress on her. She must never cause harm against her own child, and that's the second thing you should make her remember.

Smoking pregnant women are exceptional since most mothers, regardless if she wants it or not, have the common perception that she must do all possible things just to make her child healthier. But possibly, just possibly, pregnant women who smoke may not know so much about the risks against smoking. But informing a pregnant woman you know might open her into the realities that she is acting upon on her and on her child.

But this doesn't step on the encouragement phase, you must be able to drive her into really quitting and staying quit even after she gave birth. Continuous support must be observed since this is one thing she would need once her prime reason for stopping has gone- that is bearing the child.

Some women cannot do it alone, especially when strong urges to relapse call on them. But you, as the guide, should never falter on your support. Give her substantial guidance which could help ensure that she and her child are kept from the hazardous effects of cigarette or tobacco smoking.

The next step into helping a pregnant woman quit smoking is to provide her with all the resources she might need or at least provide her with information on the resources. For example, help her find the physician or stop smoking program that would help a lot with her smoking cessation or accompany her in shops which sell effective stop smoking devices and products.

These three steps, if followed, would contribute a great deal when wanting to help a pregnant woman quit her smoking habit.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Many smokers do not want to continue smoking, but feel like slaves to their addiction. If you are one of those smokers, then laser treatment could be the answer to your problem, and help you safeguard your health and beat your addiction.

If you have decided that you want to give up, you should investigate laser treatment as a drug free way of helping you beat your craving. Stopping smoking is one of the best decisions anyone can make, and anything that can help you succeed is a great thing.

Laser Treatment For Stopping Smoking

Laser treatment works by stimulating the production of endorphins, which swamp the nicotine receptors in the brain. Endorphins are produced by the human body, so you are not using strange chemicals or drugs to help you beat the addiction.

Specifically, when someone starts smoking, the nicotine receptors in the brain are increased dramatically. The only way that they can decrease and become normal again, is when the person quits smoking.

Laser treatment helps eliminate the cravings during the early stage of quitting, making it much easier for you to give up in the long term. Cravings for nicotine can be very strong, and laser treatment helps you get through the worst stages of giving up.

How Many Treatments Are Required?

Most people find that one session, shortly after quitting, is sufficient to help them through that initial 'hump' in giving up. Laser treatment can cost around $300 for one session, but the success rate is very high, and compared to the cost of dozens of packets of nicotine gum, or the cost of smoking, the price is very reasonable.

Whatever stop smoking method you choose, you can be sure that it will be worth it in the long term. Laser treatment is just one option, but it is safe, painless, and drug free, making it an appealing option for many people. Whatever you decide, I hope you succeed in your quest to beat your addiction, so that you can enjoy the many health benefits that being smoke free offers. Your body will thank you for giving up smoking, and you will be financially better off too. Good luck!
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Are you aware that a survey by Centers for Disease Prevention and Control has revealed that the maximum number of deaths every year is caused due to smoking as compared to deaths due to road accidents, murders, AIDS, drugs and alcohol? Yes smoking has emerged as the gravest reason leading people to rest in graveyards. Smoking acts like poison slowly taking you towards death bed. Most people realize the ill effects of smoking but yet find it extremely difficult to put an end to the habit of smoking. Thus to prevent smoking people have to resort to stop smoking aids easily available in markets today.

Realizing the severe effects of smoking, various organizations exhibit campaigns against smoking, preach on various natural ways like picking up a sport, keeping the mind busy in work, avoiding passive smoking and leading a healthy lifestyle. However, any persuasion or motivation is ineffective until and unless the individual decides to put an end to this habit. Along with self motivation, following are few of the stop smoking aids available in the markets:

Nicotine Replacement Therapies

Commonly known as NRTs, these are available in various forms. For e.g. Nicotine patches which can be applied on the body once in a day and the dosage can be reduced as and when the urge for nicotine slows down. Also there is the nicotine gum which can be purchased without a prescription from a pharmacy and is available in different flavors. Nicorette is a well known type of nicotine gum. There is also the Nicotine Inhaler and nicotine nasal spray which can be sprayed in the nostril when one feels the need to smoke. It may have some side effects and hence doctor's consultation is necessary before using it. One more stop smoking aid of NRT is the nicotine lozenge which is a tablet available in fruit flavors. The tablet can be used for 20-30 min and helps satisfy the desire for nicotine. All these aids definitely have a few side effects like feeling of nausea and congestion, vomiting, sore throat, ulcers, dizziness etc. These stop smoking aids definitely help in the attempt to stop smoking.


Commonly known as Chantix or Champix, this is also a prescribed drug in a tablet form which works in a special way by blocking the receptors of nicotine in the brain and thus the person does anger, aggressiveness. One of the other severe side effects is an attempt to suicide. Many people have felt like attempting a suicide while using this drug. Also patients with kidney and cardiovascular diseases and pregnant and breast feeding ladies should not resort to using Varenicline.

Besides these there are herbal medicines and various motivation and hypnosis videos which also act as stop smoking aids. Quit For Sure is a well known name among few hypnosis videos available in the markets. There are also Herbal teas, smoker's herbal aromas etc that add as stop smoking aids. There is also non-tobacco cigarettes which can help as a replacement for the cigarette that you want to hold in your hand. All these aids may definitely act as a help to the wish to quit smoking. However, constant love and support of family and friends and of course the individual's own will power and self motivation is the key to the termination of this habit.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Quitting smoking is a big step in that it can be quite difficult to hurdle, but once you're over the most difficult part, then you would have made the most important decision in your life. The struggle it involves is what keeps many smokers from even trying, but it's important that you pay attention to some stop smoking signs.

These stop smoking signs are what we may consider your "final warnings." These symptoms are most likely present because your organs have already been critically affected. Once these signs are manifested, then you should be able to tell that it's about time you stop smoking.

Breathing difficulties

This stop smoking sign is usually shrugged off as simply a result of being physically unfit. However, if this stop smoking sign continue to be ignored, it may develop into persistent cough. Smoker's cough can be dry or otherwise but is generally characterized as uncontrollable and persistent.

It can originate from colds experienced in and out of winter. This stop smoking sign could be a symptom of chronic bronchitis and must be brought to your physician's attention immediately, as it could also be a precursor to lung cancer.

Those suffering from asthma who are also smokers may develop the unmistakable stop smoking sign of more frequent asthma attacks.

Another possible cause of shortness of breath may be emphysema. This is a disease that involves a reduction in the amount of oxygen that the lungs can deliver to the rest of your body.

Any odd pattern in breathing must be taken as a sign to stop smoking, especially if you are more than just a social smoker.

Irritation of the tissues

The frequent occurrence of sore throats is another stop smoking sign for habitual smokers. This is caused by cigarette smoke irritating your throat's lining, making it sore.

Cigarette smoke also damages the tiny hairs (cilia) lining the air passages leading towards the lungs. The cilia keep foreign particles from entering your lungs and if these are damaged, then lung disease is imminent.

Another stop smoking sign is frequent stomachaches. Although the smoker may already have an existing gastrointestinal condition such as ulcer, smoking aggravates the situation because it increases the production of acid in the stomach.

Other conditions such as acid reflux or heartburn are made worse by smoking. When the pain becomes more frequent and unbearable, then you should take it as a stop smoking sign [http://www.stopsmokingaidsguide.com/Stop_Smoking_Programs/]. This can be manifested before and after eating and can possibly lead to stomach cancer.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should not dismiss these warning signs and instead solicit the support of your doctor, your family, and your friends.

Assess just how many times you light up in a day and how little exercise you've been getting lately. These bad practices contribute to a poor health condition and unless these stop smoking signs are heeded, any minor condition may worsen to a major one if not checked in time.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Another option used as a stop smoking aid, the stop smoking inhaler is an important component of the nicotine replacement therapy that is another choice for smokers to use. It is more effective than other aids because it produces the illusion of a smoke, a psychological thing that smokers respond to mentally. The smoker cannot only hold the inhaler like a cigarette but can also puff on it, which is a physical connection to the cigarette and the "smoking action" itself.

The inhaler usually consists of two parts -- a nicotine canister that stores about 10 mg of nicotine and a plastic mouthpiece that is used to release the puff into the mouth. Each puff releases a small amount of nicotine that is quickly absorbed into the blood stream, producing the feeling of well being similar to a smoke. A smoker who is interested in quitting smoking can use these inhalers as an aid, while takings eight to ten puffs to replace the one puff of a cigarette. A lot of smokers enjoy this particular aid because of holding and smoking action that accompanies it. But the method of using the inhaler varies from person to person. Some puff heavily on the nicotine inhaler, some space it out - a lot depends on the nicotine addiction and how much they really want to quit smoking. Normally, six to 12 puffs are enough during a day. However, much depends on the state of the smoker and the advice given by the physician. Generally, several inhalers are needed during the course of therapy spanning a period of six months. The intake is highest in the first few months; after which it is slowly reduced to wean the smoker from the nicotine need.

Safety measures state that the inhaler should not be used by pregnant or lactating mothers. People suffering from asthma or cardiovascular diseases should opt for this treatment only under medical supervision. The inhalers and the units should be properly disposed after the prescribed course is over as they can be poisonous for small children. Throat irritation and mild coughing may be experienced when the inhaler is used for the first time with side effects usually disappearing with prolonged use.

Smoking inhalers are to replace cigarettes, not to smoke while you are using them - this is very important when you are using an inhaler as an aid. Otherwise, the nicotine levels in your body would rise to alarming levels, reducing any chances of the inhaler producing a healthy effect. Double loads of nicotine become almost like a poison in the system, even though nicotine is only one of 3,800 chemical substances found in cigarette smoke. A fatal dose of nicotine is approximately 40-60 mg, with up to 90% of nicotine is mainstream smoke being absorbed by the smoker. More than 95% of cigarette toxicity is 70% asymptomatic or 25% mild with the mouth, pharynx, esophagus and stomach may show evidence of the caustic effect following an ingestion of nicotine. Respiratory stimulation and gastrointestinal hyperactivity are the two main symptoms of nicotine poisoning.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Is it true that meditation could really help a smoker in any way possible? Possibly, yes.

We cannot disprove something that is yet to be proven, in this case the alternative medical approach called meditation.

Meditation has long been considered as one of the very few ways by which man could access himself without really having to accommodate the intervention of the logical mind. Meditation helps relieve the stress of everyday life and it helps the person rejuvenate his mind to function more effectively. Apart from these, meditation is also considered as a cure to some diseases and disorders, especially those that are infiltrated mostly by stresses.

Stress though doesn't have to be physical; oftentimes it is what affects the mind of the smoker that causes more aggravated troubles. It makes the mind weak resulting to the deterioration of the body and the will to continue what was first a goal. Thus, people who want to quit smoking ought to consider methods that may not be supported by medical science but nonetheless effective enough as to warrant results that are directly or indirectly connected with the target object.

Millions of Americans each day attempt to break the habit that have cost them money, lost of social acceptance and of course the worth of each second of their lives. Normally, they would start out strong, having the full conviction to call power for mind to take over matter. In this way, they could easily repress the urges without really having to to battle their own want to smoke. They simply have the stamina to continue what they have set their minds for. But by the time they come upon the serious emotional barrier they will, in just a matter of seconds, consider relapsing. This is when some people find themselves heading back to the smoking area which they consider as their comfort zone. However, too few people would really be able to make the difference and continue to pursue his smoking cessation program.

Thos who ran at the slightest provocative emotion to smoke will find initial relief. But this is followed by the fear, guilt and consciousness- sometimes over consciousness- on the hopelessness of his case. Thus the breakdown. But this must not be so. Thus, meditation comes in rescue.

But as you might see later, meditation to help quit the smoking habit acts in two very dissimilar ways. For one, it will relive the person from the pressure of temptations but on the other hand, the person will be rescued from the pressure of not being able to meet the goal. The former conceives the smoking cessation on a much brighter side since meditation could help drive the person with complete motivation to stay quit even when the mind calls for a last smoke. But the latter will somehow help prepare the person to commit himself to the quit smoking plan...again.

The question of whether mediation helps does not inquire on HOW exactly this method helps but on the possibilities of supporting helpful measures. Again, our answer to that is yes even if this means that meditation contributes too little in the greater scheme of things when smoking cessation is concerned. Let us show you the reasons...

Quitting a habit needs mental conditioning that would prepare the mind to the battles that it would encounter sooner or later, depending on the threshold of the smoker. Let us stress that smoking and nicotine are very addictive and once a person begins a program that would eliminate these components in his system, his body would react with either the dramatic or gradual change. But once the body or the mind reacts to the changes, the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal would arise. These are the very last thing you would really want to face but you have no choice but to face them.

There are a lot of methods and techniques that would you get through a day of nicotine withdrawal symptoms. If you want, you could self administer nicotine replacement devices. BUT there are other options aside form those that you would spray, attach or inhale nicotine substance with. You could devise a way by which you can repress the urges without really having to use anything but the power of your mind which by the way, has been proven to be so powerful that it could do anything you would ask from it.

So if you want to try something that is definitely not a health hazard and something that could contribute to your general well-being, why not summon the powers of meditation and create changes in your life for good.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Smokers who have tried to quit quickly find out that it can be very difficult to stop the addiction. People get addicted, not just to the habit of tobacco itself but to the nicotine stimulant found in tobacco products. Yet if they try to quit, then they find themselves craving the nicotine, which then can cause undesirable effects, such as depression and irritability.

Nicotine gives the smokers a pleasurable rush each time they inhale the cigarette smoke and to get that good feeling every time, smokers smoke more cigarettes to repeat the same sensation. There are many different products that can help someone to stop smoking; one is the stop smoking patch that replaces the nicotine.

Even if you are using a patch to help you quit, deciding to stop it still takes an enormous amount of willpower and determination. A smoker has to want to quit smoking. One way to become motivated is to create a stop tobacco plan. There are different ways to stop smoking. Smokers can try to quit cold turkey, or they can get therapeutic nicotine and group counseling, or prescription medicines.

A helpful method of quitting tobacco is the nicotine replacement therapy, which can include the stop smoking patch. It costs the same as a pack of cigarettes but helps curb the addiction. This kind of therapy is aided by using nicotine gum or a nicotine inhaler.

Nicotine patches are placed anywhere on the body between the neck and the waistline. Fresh patches must be used everyday on different parts of the body to avoid the development of skin rashes. Nicotine gums are chewed differently from a regular gum. Chew slowly until a peppery taste is apparent, and then move it around in the mouth, from the cheeks to the gums. Do this for about 30 minutes. A doctor's prescription is not needed for these methods.

Understanding the benefits of quitting smoking can serve as motivation to keep a smoker from going back to tobacco after deciding to quit. Health status goes back to normal and all health risks are diminished significantly. There is natural state of feeling better and normal health means being able to do everything with confidence and certainty.

Products such as the stop smoking patch can be an extreme help when trying to kick this habit. Remember that these stop smoking aids may be needed to curb this bad addiction once and for all, yet consult with your doctor before beginning use of any of these products.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Supporting the Addicted Brain from Nicotine Dependency

The writing is on the wall. In fact, it's on walls everywhere. No smoking. The signs and policies are found in restaurants, businesses, government buildings, and seemingly every public location you can imagine. Time is running out on nicotine.

Of course you know the health risks associated with nicotine. Everyone knows them. They've been around since the 1600's. Nicotine is a leading cause of cancer, emphysema, heart disease, stroke, and death. It is often said these health risks with nicotine "can be avoided." But if you smoke or chew tobacco, you know all too well it's pretty hard to avoid nicotine once you started, right? And there's a good reasons for it.

Nicotine hooks you hard. Nicotine hooks you fast. Its strength and speed team up for the biggest part of the problem. Tolerance is also a key factor. You get tolerant to nicotine's effects and require more and more to reach the same level of stimulation. This explains how you quickly go from a cigarette or two hanging out in a bar to a one or two pack a day smoker.

Whether you smoke or use smokeless tobacco, it's like you get caught in a deadly nicotine addiction faster than you can spell the word - cigarette.

Nicotine gets in through the lungs, skin, and mucous membranes. It enters the bloodstream within seconds, goes right to your brain and then the rest of your body. It doesn't last very long. The body gets rid of it very quickly. That's why you smoke or chew so often. You're trying to maintain a level of nicotine that feels good in your body. But then there's the brain.

The brain is the source of the pleasure get from nicotine. It's also the source of the discomfort and irritability you feel when it wants more nicotine. Your brain gets addicted to nicotine and falls out of balance. It causes the cravings that can be so unbearable, they are irresistible.

Millions of smokers and smokeless tobacco users try to break free from nicotine addiction every year. Only about 10% actually succeed. Most quit trying to quit within a week. Blame the addicted brain.

All of these people who tried to quit smoking or chewing didn't fail to succeed because they didn't really want to quit. It wasn't because they were weak or had a lack of character. It's that they didn't have the necessary strategy or tools to address the addicted brain. Addiction is a disease with a real biochemical aspect to it. The common addiction treatments methods failed, not the addicted. No one was focused on the biochemical solution, until recently.

After ten years of clinical research, a breakthrough in addiction treatment was discovered. It addresses the biochemical problem of addiction and delivers a solution. It's known as ModeraXL.

ModeraXL inhibits cravings from nicotine addiction and smoking cessation. It is able to regulate discomfort by using All-Natural vital nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to balance the brain chemistry. Another benefit is the calmative formula that promotes mental clarity and good decisions. Now you can think clearly again without being focused on smoking your next cigarette or chewing your next chunk of tobacco.

You can even start ModeraXL while you are still smoking or chewing tobacco. The vital nutrients will help to inhibit your cravings from nicotine addiction and you can wean yourself off of using nicotine naturally.

All you do with ModeraXL is mix a stick pack in water. It's a pretty good tasting lemon-lime flavor that you drink it two or more times a day. Many subjects using ModeraXL have reported they lost much of their desire to smoke within a week or two. Maybe you get into the 10% of people who succeed in quitting smoking or chewing tobacco.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Several medicines combine to make a stop smoking shot. The Stop smoking shot restricts the movement of the nicotine receptors within your brain. Thus, being a smoker you no longer enjoy the effects of nicotine. You feel terrible at the thought of having cigarettes and withdrawal symptoms seem manageable to you. The day after having the shot, you feel like a non-smoker without any crave for nicotine. You don't even feel frustrated and tensed for having to quit cigarette all of a sudden. However, the shot therapy does not involve the intake of nicotine and similar other products like nicotine gums, nicotine patches or inhalers.

After the stop smoking shot therapy is over, some clinics offer behavior treatment programs in order to ensure that you are never to return to your bad habit again. Such a treatment takes more than a month, though the time sessions largely vary from clinic to clinic.

Stop smoking shot is entirely an effective medical procedure. First you have to pass a physical exam, which helps the physician decide whether a shot therapy is suitable for you or not. However, in case you are suffering from specific medical problems, a stop smoking shot treatment won't be suitable for you.

Good news is that the stop smoking shot treatment is covered by health insurance policies or plans. Even if the treatment is not covered, its cost is quite negligible and so you don't have to think several times before going for the treatment. Moreover, it is a one-time treatment. The new and innovative improved shots have fewer side effects than the older ones. However, in case you are interested to go for a stop smoking shot treatment it is better that you consult you physician for a good clinic.

Some smokers have doubt about the effectualness and safety of stop smoking shot treatment. They do not understand that how a shot injection can reduce cravings for cigarettes. They wonder whether a shot treatment can cure both mental and physical addiction. The best part of the story is that stop smoking shot injections do not share interdependence with nicotine replacement products like nicotine patch and gum.

So, when everything fails and you are still wondering how to save yourself from the detrimental habit of smoking, it is stop smoking shot treatment you can opt for to witness that long desired change in your monotonous and addicted life.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
We all tend to have honest intentions when we choose to assist someone in a time of need or when we feel they are in danger. If you want to help someone stop smoking you should tread carefully before making any suggestions to quit whether your comments or suggestions are of a negative or positive nature towards smoking cigarettes, as you could deter your friend or family member from actually quitting.

If the person you want to help, voluntarily wants to quit smoking, you could offer your services by researching the different remedies, methods and symptoms of quitting smoking so that he or she will find encouragement and motivation as well as support to continue on the path of kicking the habit for good. You can also find local or online support groups or forum communities for additional motivation. Many libraries and bookshops will have additional reading material about the dangers of smoking accompanied with the health benefits of quitting sooner rather than later.

Tread carefully if you want to help someone stop smoking who doesn't really want to. One method you can use, is to avoid the actual topic of quitting smoking and approach the task from a different angle such as an overall body change in diet, focusing more on a change in body or health image. You may find that your friend or family member voluntarily suggests the idea or notion of quitting smoking, once they even begin to acknowledge the idea, only then should you offer your thoughts encouragement. One of the best things you can do is to try and put yourself in the shoes of someone who has an addiction and show them empathy.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
If you're a cigarette smoker and have made the decision to quit smoking, there are fortunately a number of medications that will help you to quit.

This is a short guide that will offer a few tips on a few stop smoking medications that are available and attempt to highlight the pros and the problems with each.

Some of the medications that are available to help you quit smoking include nicotine replacement products such as nicotine patches, nicotine gum, nicotine inhaler, nicotine nasal spray, and nicotine lozenges.

Even though all of these products except for the nicotine inhaler and nasal spray can be purchased over-the-counter without a prescription, they are still considered to be medications.

These nicotine products work by providing you with a controlled release of nicotine into your bloodstream. Once this nicotine enters your bloodstream it is carried away to your brain's receptors thereby helping you to control your cravings and urges for a cigarette.

What this helps you to do is to gradually weaning yourself from your nicotine dependence and to eventually eliminate your addiction to nicotine completely.

Some of the other medications that help you quit smoking include prescription drugs that are only available through your health care provider or doctor. These include quit smoking drugs such as Zyban and the newer Chantix.

Although Zyban and Chantix do not contain nicotine, they work to interfere with your body's craving for nicotine.

Let's take a look at prescription medications first and then we'll take a look at the nicotine-based medications that help stop smoking.

Prescription Based Medications That Help Stop Smoking

As you may already know, smoking cigarettes provides your body with nicotine. The reason that smoking is so difficult to quit is that your body becomes dependent on nicotine. Nicotine reacts with the receptors in your brain and causes a release of a chemical called dopamine. This is what results in the positive feelings you experience when you smoke a cigarette.

When you quit smoking cigarettes, your brain receptors are not releasing dopamine as before. This slow down in the release of dopamine results in withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and even anger.

Even though stop smoking prescription drugs like Zyban and Chantix do not provide you with nicotine, they also result in your brain receptors releasing dopamine. This mechanism works to decrease your nicotine craving and lessen your nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Chantix goes one step further by actually blocking the nicotine receptors in your brain. This is thought to cause your desire for a cigarette to diminish as well.

Whereas Zyban has the same active ingredient, bupropion, as does the antidepressant Wellbutrin and was originally prescribed for depression, Chantix was specifically developed to help smokers quit smoking cigarettes.

Some of the side effects of Chantix are nausea, changes in dreaming, constipation, gas and/or vomiting. In fact it is estimated that up to 30% of the people experience nausea when first beginning Chantix.

Some of the side effects of Zyban are headache, nausea, vomiting, constipation, appetite changes, dizziness, andconfusion. And since this is an antidepressant drug, people under the age of 24 may experience suicide thoughts when first beginning.

Nicotine Based Medications that Help Stop Smoking

These products are designed to provide you with a controlled release of nicotine into your system. This nicotine enters your bloodstream and finds its way to the receptors in your brain that are responsible for dopamine production.

This nicotine replacement therapy provides the nicotine that would be otherwise provided by a cigarette. This enables you to slowly wean yourself from dependence on cigarettes that contain many harmful and dangerous toxins for both you and those around you.

These nicotine-based medications include gum, patches, nasal spray, lozenges, and inhaler. All but the inhaler and nasal spray are available over-the-counter without a prescription and can be purchased at your pharmacy or more conveniently online.

There are pros and cons to both types of anti-smoking medications that help stop smoking so be sure to consult with your doctor or health care provider when you have made your decision to quit smoking and start beginning treatment.

Also keep in mind that a support group can greatly increase your chances of stopping smoking and can be an important factor in helping you to remain a non-smoker.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


What can be used to help you stop smoking? There are many factors but first there is you. Out of all the factors that enable you to be successful in giving up smoking, then your commitment, motivation and resolve are the most important. Without these, you are doomed to failure and no amount of therapy will help. It is hard to stop smoking but it is not hard to start to stop.

Then there is Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). This lets you relieve the withdrawal symptoms experienced when stopping smoking. NRT is really intended for short-term use - some people find that they wish to use it permanently. The physical symptoms of withdrawal are reduced when using it. It is not the only method used to aid smoking cessation and may work best when combined with other treatments and approaches.

Other approaches to stopping smoking do not involve Nicotine Replacement Therapy. These include hypnosis and acupuncture. The former is designed to put the smoker in a relaxation mood where he / she is open to suggestions that involve a desire and commitment to quit smoking. It might also increase negative feelings towards smoking in general. Acupuncture works by stimulating energy flows in the body. Endorphins released make the body relax more and allows the mind to deal with withdrawal symptoms. In both, a focus is on the physiological aspect of stopping smoking as well as the physical.

Willingness and determination to quit smoking is paramount. By getting these sorted then you can begin the road to recovery with or without other interventions to help.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Millions of people smoke, and to many, particularly those that
have been smoking for some time, the prospect of stopting seems
daunting. An addiction to nicotine is a serious one, and is
multifaceted: there is a physical component, in that your body
craves the nicotine the cigarettes contain, and a psychological
one, in that many habits and situations become associated with
cigarettes for the smoker. For these reasons it is important
that you come up with a plan of attack in order to stop smoking:
although the cold-turkey technique works for some people, the
vast majority of smokers will have success only with a more
comprehensive plan.

When you first consider the prospect of stop smoking, it's
probably going to seem far fetched, but keep in mind that
thousands of people - people that are no different from you -
stop smoking every year. If they can do it, there's no reason
that you can't. Many smokers also feel that after a certain age
it is "too-late" to stop smoking. Simply put, this isn't true,
and should not be used as an excuse to avoid an attempt to stop
smoking: the health benefits of stop smoking begin the very day
you stop.

Before you actually have your last cigarette, begin to build up
your willpower. Your willpower is going to be your most
important tool in stopting, and it's very unlikely that you will
be successful without it. Spend some time thinking of the
reasons you want to stop smoking. Learn about the health
benefits of stopting, for both yourself and the people around
you. Do some math and come up with some figures for the amount
of money you'll save by not buying cigarettes, and think of
something you'll use that money for.

Once you've built up your willpower, it's time to have your last
cigarette. To keep your spirits up, understand that the human
body is incredibly resilient, and your health will improve as
soon as you stop smoking - literally. 8 hours after your last
cigarette, carbon monoxide levels and oxygen levels in your
blood stream will return to normal. At 24 hours after your last
cigarette, you statistically reduce your chance of a heart
attack. Only 48 hours after your last cigarette, your sense of
taste and smell will improve as your nerve endings start growing.

As you continue to stay smoke free, think of the longer-term
benefits to stopting in order to keep your willpower up: even
after 2 weeks your lung power will begin to increase, and
continue to do so over time. Other aspects of your health will
continue to improve in different ways. The ultimate motivator
should be the knowledge that 15 years after stopting, your risk
of death is almost the same as someone who has never smoked - a
remarkable fact that illustrates our the human body's surprising
ability to restore itself.

By coming up with a concrete plan to stop smoking help you will
greatly increase your chances of success. Crucial is
understanding the important role that your willpower will play
in the process, and planning to build up this willpower weeks
before you attempt to stop. Once you've stopped you have to keep
the strength of this willpower up, and to do so, remind yourself
of the health benefits you will be privy to immediately after
butting out that last cigarette.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Smoking is a difficult habit to get rid of. Many people try to give up, and fail, because the physical addiction is so strong. Thankfully, there are lots of aids available that can help you stop smoking, ranging from nicotine replacements, to drugs, and even alternative therapies.

The stop smoking injection is actually one of the most common and well known stop smoking aids. If this stop smoking option appeals to you, then you are going to want to read on so that you can learn more about it in order to determine whether or not it would be a good choice for you.

How The Stop Smoking Injection Works

The stop smoking injection is a very powerful stop smoking aid, although as the name suggests, it comes in injection form, so is not suitable for people who are scared of needles! The injection helps you beat the nicotine cravings which are one of the biggest reasons that so many people fail to stick to their resolution to give up.

The stop smoking injection is a very successful form of treatment, with a success rate in the 70-80% range. The injection works in a similar way to some other stop smoking drugs, by blocking the nicotine receptors in your brain.

As a result, your brain cannot recognize nicotine anymore, and therefore your desire for nicotine will end up vanishing. After all, smoking is just an addiction. As such, it is quite similar to any other addiction, for instance alcohol or other drugs. Treating he source of the cravings is the best way to get results.

How Many Treatments Are Required?

In most cases, only one injection is required to ensure that you successfully beat the craving, however some people find that a second follow-up injection is helpful. The injection is quite widely available, and can be given at a clinic, under the supervision of a doctor.

You can be confident that the stop-smoking injection is a safe, tried and tested method of stopping smoking. Since it is given under the supervision of doctors, you can ask any questions you like, and get advice while you are being treated. The injection is a very effective method of stopping smoking, and is a great option for people who feel they need more than just willpower alone to be successful in their stop smoking quest.

No matter what method you choose, just remember that once you have beaten the craving you will feel happier and healthier, and your long term health will be much better. Stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do for your body. Good luck!
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


SMART is the Scopolamine Medicated Anticholinergic Receptor Treatment, which comprises of the substances scopolamine and the antihistamine atarax. Not to be taken alone, you have to remain on the shot for a minimum of two weeks, during which time you must also be on the scopolamine patch for best effects. The shot is applied to your neck or to your buttocks, blocking your brain nicotine receptors and easing the physical withdrawal symptoms of the substance.

Before you embark on such treatment, you should have an extensive chat with your doctor because of the potential side effects of the shots. On its own, atarax is used in the treatment of allergies, itches and irritations. It is a weak painkiller and it also helps to reduce nausea.

However, its side effects are deep sleeps, dizziness, low blood pressure, dehydration and constipation. Scopolamine on the other hand is mostly employed in the treatment of motion sickness and intestinal cramping. It also causes dehydration and irritation as side effects, as well as sensitivity to light and difficulty urinating.

On the other hand, together and applied in the intravenous shot form, they have the soothing effect that can wean you off of nicotine in a way most other stop smoking treatments can't. As a result, you should seriously consider taking the treatment, especially if your doctor approves. If they don't, you will do yourself a favor and stick with any other stop smoking program they recommend to you. The doctors do know better, don't they?
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
If you've already tried a variety of the stop smoking aids, and you've tried quitting smoking without any help at all, you may think it's just not meant to be. If you haven't tried quit smoking hypnosis, you should take a minute to consider the possibility.

When the word "hypnosis" is mentioned, many people immediately conjure up images of the comedic hypnotists that make unsuspecting participants quack like a duck or perform some other ridiculous action. Hypnosis stop smoking programs are serious help for those with a serious desire to quit smoking cigarettes.

There's no doubt that suggestion is a powerful tool. If you doubt that, just think about the amount of money spent on advertising. While it's not hypnosis in the purest sense of the word, there's no doubt that advertising works because we are open to suggestion. This is the first major step before turning to hypnosis as quit smoking help - you have to believe that hypnosis will work and open yourself to the power of suggestion.

Smoking cessation is undeniably difficult. One of the most common problems faced by those who seek out hypnotherapy seems to be the expectation that stop smoking help will be easy with hypnotherapy. The truth is that most who undergo hypnosis still report an occasional craving for a cigarette. There's no doubt that stopping smoking isn't easy, and there seems to be no stop smoking methods that work without the will power of the smoker. If you want to know how to stop smoking without ever facing any cravings for another cigarette, you're looking for a magic cure - unfortunately, it doesn't seem to exist.

That's not to say that hypnosis doesn't work - quite the contrary. And there are those people who report that they never again have the desire to pick up another cigarette. Just don't enter into a hypnosis program expecting perfect results. This, like all quit smoking products and programs, should be counted as one part of the overall plan.

Quit smoking support is another important factor, and you may very well get the needed support as part of the hypnosis program. There could be a group that meets periodically, or the hypnotist may be available for additional consultations at no cost over a specific period of time.

Cost is another factor that keeps some people from seeking out hypnosis. You'll find that this isn't a free stop smoking program, but it may not be as expensive as you think. You'll find plenty of advertisements in most areas for around $100.

Despite what some people think, stop smoking hypnosis isn't a magic cure. Regardless of what stop smoking programs you try, you're likely going to experience some withdrawal and there will be times that cigarette smoking is appealing. But if you're ready for help to stop smoking, hypnosis may very well be just the answer you've been searching for.

There's no doubt that smoking is detrimental to your health, and that there are incredible benefits to quitting. Isn't it time you considered hypnotherapy?
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
From food, to shelter, to remedies - Mother Nature has it all. There have been a lot of dilemmas from different people regarding the difficulty they are faced with when trying to quit smoking. Well, good for you! Stopping smoking is absolutely one of the best decisions a man can ever have, and it's quite challenging too.

Some people succeed in quitting such habit, while others fall back into the smoking wagon. That isn't what you want. When nicotine product replacements, activity distractions, medications, and support groups can't do it, then perhaps it's about time for the herbs to the work. Yes, to stop smoking, herbs can be a great alternative. How does smoking herbs work? Simple; instead of smoking tobacco or cigarettes, you smoke herbs - legal herbs. What are these herbs?

o Coltsfoot: helps soothe inflamed lung tissue, loosen secretions, as well as tones the lungs.

o Lobellia: acts like nicotine. Although it is less potent, it can still fool the body into thinking it is nicotine. Also known as Indian Tobacco.

o Mullien: this soothes irritated lungs and speeds healing of damaged tissues. Great for the sore throats brought about by quitting smoking.

o Black Cohosh: relieves the smoker from the nervousness, anxiety, and depression that is brought about when you're trying to quit smoking. It helps fight the side effects of quitting smoking.

These stop smoking herbs are not meant to be the replacement to cigarettes that you can smoke for a lifetime. These are simply remedies - temporary essentials that could get you through the challenge of quitting smoking with flying colors.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Once you have decided with finality that you are to begin the process of quitting smoking, you can then start researching the various options made available to the smokers who are seriously looking for a change in their lifestyles.

The first options you'll come across are the numerous types of stop smoking aids which promise to either fool the nicotine receptors in your body or provide you with small doses of nicotine until such time that you can do away with the offending substance.

Another tool that would benefit you significantly is recruiting the assistance of stop smoking centers. Numerous stop smoking centers are strategically set up all over the country, and a simple search on the Internet would provide you with several options.

Communities, no matter how small, surprisingly have stop smoking centers to help those who are not too keen on long commutes. Alternatively, you can even solicit their help without having to leave the comforts of your home. Many organizations employ trained telephone counselors whom you can consult on the phone and ask about any concerns you may have.

The Mayo Clinic stop smoking center

They have several satellite offices throughout the country, but their Rochester clinic in New York offers an 8-day live-in program for smokers who are willing to stay within the center itself. This treatment method may prove to be very effective as you are assured of being surrounded by a very supportive staff.

Their stop smoking center provides a combination medication and evaluation by a healthcare professional who is available to offer advice and support. A stop smoking center such as this is recommended for smokers who have a host of other smoking-related issues, as the staff is always there at hand whenever they are needed.

They will also be able to monitor your progress closely because you will remain in that stop smoking center for more than a week.

What the Freedom Stop Smoking Centers offer

This stop smoking center [http://www.stopsmokingaidsguide.com/Stop_Smoking_Programs/] gives clients a non-addictive medication to be taken during the first few days after quitting, when the withdrawal symptoms are most felt. These drugs help ease the effects of nicotine withdrawal and facilitate long-term avoidance of tobacco.

If you manage to tackle this first hurdle, you will then be oriented on certain lifestyle changes that come with smoking cessation. These counseling sessions at the stop smoking centers are conducted by adequately trained professionals who ensure that you are well on your way to recovery.

Deciding to quit once and for all is not an easy decision but it may well be the most meaningful decision you'll make. A stop smoking center drastically increases your chances of succeeding in your stop smoking efforts. Surf the Internet today to discover the stop smoking centers in your area, and plan your course of action now.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Are you looking for some stop smoking help? Well in this article I will tell you the stop smoking methods I used to give up just recently. One of the main things I would like you to put into your mind is that no situation is hopeless and you can quit smoking for good...but only when you're truly ready.

Let me first tell you that I had been a smoker for 33 long years but had wanted to stop for the majority of those years once I learned how bad cigarette smoking really was for our health. However I thoroughly enjoyed smoking too which made it very difficult to even attempt to quit.

Other than health, I had other reasons to quit smoking, like my son and nephews and nieces who I was not being a very good example to, among others.

Believe me I know how much smoking and cigarettes preoccupy your mind when you are a smoker and you pretty much live from one cigarette to the next one right?! I have so much more time on my hands now that used to be spent smoking. I feel proud of this accomplishment and determined to help others if I can.

My friends and family are all amazed that I have stuck with quitting for as long as I have and, as each day goes by, it becomes less of a thought in my mind. I believe that smoking is a bad habit, not an addiction and I have broken myself of this bad habit.

So how did I do it? I did not use any quit smoking product, believe it or not. I used a few simple steps actually. First of all I prayed about it and asked for help as I knew it would be a monumental task for me.

Then I decided to tell myself that quitting would be "easy" as opposed to what I used to tell myself all the time that it would be difficult and probably impossible for me to ever quit smoking.

Third I told myself to take it one day at a time and that if I ever felt such desperation that I had to have a cigarette they would always be available in the store and I could have one. I think this step helped a lot because whenever I had thought of quitting in the past I always had a fear that I would be dying for a cigarette and wouldn't have any. I'm sure I'm not alone in that fear.

It's been 10 weeks now since I quit and each day it gets easier and easier.

So that's the best stop smoking help that I can offer to you and it works as I've proven to myself. My sister-in-law once tried to quit and smoked in the middle of trying to quit so I told her to "Never quit quitting!" at least when it comes to smoking.

I hope my story inspires many to give my method a try but for those of you who feel you may need more stop smoking methods there are a multitude available so don't ever stop trying to quit smoking for good. Best of success to you in this quest.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Are you looking for stop smoking tricks to help you quit smoking? That is great. It must mean that you are seriously looking for a way to stop your smoking habit.

Quitting smoking is the best decision you can make for yourself and your health. The fact that you are reading this article shows that you are looking for help. That is important; looking for help is going to greatly improve your chances of successfully quitting.

Whether you have tried smoking already or if this is your first attempt using the right techniques and suggestions can nearly guarantee that this attempt to quit will be successful.

First of all it is important to understand that the addiction to smoking is two-fold. You have both a physical addiction to nicotine and a psychological addiction to the habit of smoking. Do not let this discourage you. There are strategies to conquering both aspects of your smoking addiction.

Overcoming the Physical Addiction to Nicotine

Believe it or not this is actually the easier of the two. After you quit smoking the physical addiction to nicotine passes in about a week as nicotine passes out of your system. This week can be hard. Many smokers who quit refer to it as "hell week" but it doesn't have to be too difficult if you use the following tricks to get through this first week.

Avoid your "Triggers" - Triggers are the places, situations or habits that you associate with smoking. It may be that going to a bar or nightclub, going on a long drive, or having a cup of coffee are things that really make you want to smoke. For at least the first week or two after quitting smoking try your best to avoid these triggers.

Drink a lot of Water - Drinking water will help the nicotine to pass through your system more quickly. Keep a water bottle close by and when faced with an urge take a sip. It will help with the urges as well as speed up the process of getting nicotine out of your body.

Get Active - No, you don't have to go to the gym and start working out (unless you want to). Just try to get out in the evening and go for a walk. Or go for a walk at lunch. It will help to distract you. Also, getting some fresh air will help you feel better.

Overcoming the Psychological Addiction to Smoking

This is the harder addiction to overcome. Smoking becomes such a strong habit that it actually becomes a part of your subconscious. It almost becomes a part of who you are. This is the reason why people start smoking months or years after they quit. Some circumstance or stress occurs in their life and their subconscious urge to smoke kicks in and they have a cigarette. This can be conquered with the following trick.

Listen to an NLP Recording - NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming and it is a therapy technique that is very successful in helping people to break the psychological addiction to smoking. Like hypnotherapy it targets the subconscious and breaks the deep rooted desires to smoke. NLP benefits, however, can be gained in your own home just by listening to an audio recording.

If you apply both the physical and psychological stop smoking tricks mentioned here you have an excellent chance of quitting smoking. But remember that the physical addiction is broken quickly. You need to make sure that you use a technique, like NLP, to break the psychological addiction to stay smoke-free for the rest of your life.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Hypnosis has been viewed as an effective method of changing habits for many years. It was recognized as a viable treatment in 1957 by the American Medical Association and the British Medical Association. And even before that it was used by Dr. James Esdaile as far back as 1845 as an analgesic so that he could perform what would be an extremely painful surgery on a patient without the use of chemical anesthesia.

If you can change a person's perception of pain and cut into that person in a very tender area of their body, don't you think that hypnosis used properly could change your perceptions about other things? And that is one of the ways that hypnosis to quit smoking can help you become a nonsmoker.

The way that you respond to being without cigarettes is only a perception. You saw how powerfully you can change your perceptions to the physical sensation of pain. Hypnosis can change the way that you respond to any physical and mental withdrawal that stopping smoking might produce. Would you be more able to continue being a nonsmoker once you stop, if you didn't have to deal with any of the withdrawals that are associated with quitting smoking? Of course you would!

There is also some mistaken ideas that you hold onto about cigarettes and what they do for you. Some people think that smoking calms them down. Nicotine is a stimulant, so I have to ask, how do you think taking a stimulant could have a calming affect? It couldn't! There's something else going on that causes that calming affect because it's definitely not the cigarette.

When you do a behavior and make an association between that behavior and a feeling it becomes a cause and effect relationship. When you were a teenager you probably listened to music. Music is a fad or transient phenomena. It is popular for a time and then some other music comes in to take it's place. If you were to listen to a song today that was popular when you were a teen, just the sound of that music could transport you back in time to the feelings, thoughts, and images of things going on in your life around that time. You have created a connection between those sounds and those images, thoughts, and feelings. And that's what you've done with smoking as well. You've created an association between smoking and feeling relaxed.

This association between smoking and relaxation shows how really powerful your mind truly is. It has overridden the physical component of nicotine that acts as a stimulant to give you the feeling of relaxation. Imagine how much relaxation you could really feel without the interference of nicotine.

Using hypnosis to quit smoking you will create better and healthier associations that have nothing to do with smoking. You will rid yourself of the illusions of what you think smoking is doing for you and the misconception that quitting smoking is hard. And since there are also individual and personal reasons that smokers have created about smoking, working with a smoking hypnotist will get to the root of those problems as well.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
If you are researching stop smoking aides to help someone stop smoking, I am here to assist you! I actually won my battle with nicotine addiction over fifteen years ago. It is not an easy battle to wage but with the right tools and information it can be won with relative ease. Let us begin with 4 quit smoking aides that could be used to fight the battle to become smoke free!

# 1. Group therapy or counseling

Joining a support group for people who are quitting increases a smokers odds of quitting for good. In addition to this, joining an online quit smoking forum will give the smoker access to support 24/7. The more motivation the smoker can get, the better!

# 2. Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Nicotine gum, patches, lozenges, sprays and inhalers are aids that work by giving the smoker nicotine without actually smoking. Smokers are 50 to 100% more likely to quit if they use a nicotine replacement aid. Importantly, these can be used in combination with other methods to quit.

# 3. Medicine

There are now some effective prescription drugs on the market made to help people quit smoking. Zyban and Chantix are perhaps the top two.The smoker would need to consult his doctor to see if he qualifies for this method.

# 4. Hypnosis

Many people find this method useful. The main concern with this method is to find a qualified hypnotherapist. The smoker's doctor should be asked to recommend one.

Remember, the first few weeks of quitting are definitely the toughest. It is important that the smoker be armed with whatever help he needs to get him through the initial withdrawal stage. Any of the above methods can help the smoker cope with symptoms of his withdrawal. Do not encourage the smoker to go cold turkey. It is the hardest and least effective way to quit. Rely on stop smoking aides to help someone stop smoking.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
Health Benefits of Tea Drinking

Can drinking tea actually help you quit smoking? In this article I'm going to have a critical look at the assertion that drinking tea can help with quitting the deadly habit of smoking tobacco. I'm aware that tea, especially green tea, has been shown to contain anti-oxidants. Oxidants are chemicals formed in the body due to a variety of reasons. Smoking is one reason why these chemicals are created. These chemicals are important because they react with cellular components causing cell damage. In turn this results in genetic damage and genetic damage is a step towards cancer. The anti-oxidants in green tea have been scientifically shown to mop up oxidants. Therefore, green tea can possibly help combat the carcinogenic effects of tobacco smoke to some degree.

The Claims of Tea Drinking

Teas to help stop smoking? Are there any ingredients in tea that are of help in quitting smoking? There is no doubt that tea contains chemicals that can influence the body in a number of ways. However, is there any sound scientific evidence that supports the claim that tea drinking helps, in any way, to quit smoking? There are teas that can act as an expectorant; that is, they help to clear the chest of phlegm. Exponents advocate that drinking tea can relieve anxiety and reduce stress, detoxify the body, renew and improve lung function and suppress appetite. It is claimed that peppermint tea helps to alleviate withdrawal symptoms such as nausea and supposedly helps curb nicotine cravings. It is also claimed that drinking green tea can help to burn calories thus counteracting weight gain which is often a problem during the initial phase of the quit smoking process.

Teas to Help Stop Smoking- The reality

The scientific evidence for green tea having anti-oxidant properties is convincing. Therefore, green tea may actually help to reduce the risk of smoking related cancer. The worry of course is that the anti-oxidant properties of green tea may discourage smokers from quitting. The anti-cancer benefits are relative and don't equate to returning the smoker to the lung cancer risk of the non-smoker. Evidence in support of drinking tea to help reduce nicotine cravings is less conclusive. I suspect that many of the claims for tea drinking, as a quit smoking aid, are scientifically unsupported. As with many so called 'natural' products that are put forward to help stop smoking the benefits are perceived rather than real. They act as a psychological crutch. However, this psychological aspect of the quitting process should not be underestimated. If someone honestly thinks that it helps, then it probably does.

In the final analysis, I am of the opinion that the claim that drinking tea to help stop smoking is overstated. There is no doubt that green tea is a health tonic. However, as a quit smoking aid, apart from providing psychological support, there are no real benefits.

To learn proven and tested ways to quit smoking go to tipstohelpstopsmoking.com
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


 Someone you care about smokes but they have decided to quit. This is a great time for you to show your love with understanding support. There are certain steps you can take to help your smoker while he is facing one of the biggest challenges of his life. Here are some useful ways to help someone stop smoking.  

If you are an ex smoker yourself, as I am, it is much easier to empathize with a smoker's dilemma when it is time to quit. You understand the cravings, anxiety, insomnia and other symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. Be sure to share your experience with the smoker. Let him know you realize he has a tough road ahead but at the same time share with him how much better you feel since quitting. Give him any good tips you used to help you meet your challenge.  

If you do not smoke, do not act superior. Just let the person know you realize how hard it is to tackle an addiction. Tell him positive stories of other people you know who have quit.  

If you are smoking now, this would be a great opportunity to quit together. However, it is okay if you are not ready. Just let your smoker know if you have tried to quit. Tell him you believe he is the one who can actually do it.  

Never lecture on the effects of smoking. Believe me, the smoker is already aware of the dangers and it is a big reason he wants to quit. Instead, reinforce the benefits he will enjoy from quitting. Emphasize the improvements in his health, the way he looks and even the savings of quite a bit of money!  

To help someone stop smoking you have to be ready for some irritability and crankiness. Nicotine withdrawal is very uncomfortable. Perhaps you could help your friend research and find a nicotine replacement aid that would ease some of the withdrawal symptoms.  

A smoker usually has certain things that give him an almost uncontrollable urge to smoke often referred to as triggers. Ask the person what his are and then help him avoid them. Sometimes smokers light up right after a meal. In this case, you could suggest a walk. Alcohol is another fairly common trigger. Avoid going to places where alcohol is served.  

Remember, being positive is key. Always comment on the milestones. A day without a cigarette may not seem much of an accomplishment to you, but to a smoker it is major! Having your support is going to make a huge difference to your smoker. You never know which display of your support will be the one that helps him over the hump and on his way to a life free of nicotine. It is worth your effort to help someone you care about beat the habit!
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Quitting the habit is easy. In fact, so many people have done it for so many, many times. You can even say to yourself right now that you will never hold another pack of cigarettes for good. But would that work? In most cases not. It takes so much will power and real determination before one could truly quit from smoking. Every smoker has at least for once, tried to break the habit but too few have stayed true with their initial convictions for quitting.

Stopping yourself from taking your "last stick" is just as hard as forgetting something very special for you in the past. The urges to think about those pleasant- and sometimes painful- memories linger. This is just the same with quitting the addiction.

While some people can do it without the external support of programs and other things that would make quitting a lot easier, many would still require some help. Thus, the medical community and anti-smoking communities have devised ways and products to help smokers kick off the habit.

Because of the cumulative efforts of various individuals, institutions and health facilities, the following products have emerged:

Nicotine Replacement Therapy Products

Nicotine is actually the substance that urges you to stay physically hooked with the addiction. So Nicotine Replacement Therapy provides substitutes for tobacco through various products that contain nicotine. This helps the person focus more on the psychological aspect of quitting.

Nicotine patches or transdermal nicotine systems- This product help people quit smoking by providing controlled doses of nicotine which would be delivered through the skin. The gradual weaning off of this substance will contribute largely to the level of dependency the smoker has over nicotine. There are various strengths and types available which makes the control of nicotine intake feasible.

Nicotine gum or nicotine polacrilex- Nicotine gum is a non-prescription product to help people suppress the cravings of smoking. This works by replacing the need for nicotine in the mucous membrane of the mouth. For optimum results, it is best to follow the manufacturer's instruction on how to use the nicotine gum effectively.

Take note that the maximum nicotine gum that could be used for a day is just twenty pieces and if the 2mg gums do not work well for you, it is best to shift to 4 mg gums. Nicotine gums are also best for people who have very sensitive skins and do not react well to nicotine patches.

Nicotine nasal spray- This is a prescription only stop smoking product. This works by readily delivering the nicotine into the bloodstream through the nose. Because nicotine nasal sprays are easy to use, many people find them very satisfying and very effective. It helps the smoker relive himself from the usual attacks of cravings.

Nicotine inhalers- Inhalers work by helping the smoker execute the act of actual smoking without really having to hold a cigarette. Unlike most inhalers that deliver medication into the lungs, nicotine inhalers carry nicotine vapor directly to the mouth.

Nicotine lozenges- This product is the newest addition to the lines of nicotine replacement therapy products. This is a non-prescription product which is available in two dozes- 2mg and 4mg. Just like with nicotine gums and patches, the users are allowed to determine their own dosages.

Here are some of the advantages individual products have to help stop smoking.

Gums, inhalers and lozenges work by substituting the oral urges of smoking. Sprays, on the other hand, deliver immediate nicotine need mainly into the bloodstream. If you want something that will help substitute the acts of actual smoking, nicotine inhalers will best work for you. If the smoker doesn't want anything that interferes with his system, he may require the benefits of nicotine patches.

Nicotine wafers and nicotine water- These were products that have become popular for people who normally have the urges to smoke in places where smoking is banned.

Nicotine lip balms and nicotine lollipops- Lollipops with nicotine salicylate are banned by the FDA due to the risks and dangers that are posed against the health of people using them. Also, these are quite dangerous when accidentally used by children.

Medications are also helpful in helping someone quit smoking. These include the following:

Bupropion (Zyban)- This is an anti-depressant that helps limit the symptoms of nicotine-withdrawal.

Varenicline (Chantix)- this medication works by reducing the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal and the pleasurable effects of smoking.
Posted by Admin On 8:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
If you discover that your teenager or child is addicted to cigarettes, it can be a frightening situation to deal with. As an adult, you realize the harmful effects of smoking and how devastating the deaths and sicknesses that can occur will be for your child. We never want to see anything bad happen to our children and smoking is one of the worst habits to pick up. But before you jump all over your child, stop and think through some strategies to help your teen stop smoking.

The worst thing you can do to encourage your teen to stop smoking is to yell, scream, or demoralize your child. This will have the opposite effect of what you want. Teens already have a problem thinking that their parents do not understand them and if you go nuts when you find out the problem, in the mind of your child this will only solidify that you do not understand them or their position.

This is not to say that punishment will not be necessary, particularly if you have clearly stated that smoking is not acceptable behavior in your home, but if you want your child to successfully stop smoking, punish with love and respect.

The first thing you need to do is talk to your child about the reasons to stop smoking. It can be difficult for teens to recognize that all of the terrible effects they have heard about smoking can actually happen to them. You may want to have them talk to a smoker that you know, one who perhaps has some of these health problems, about the long-term effects. Remember, teens live in the now and they have a hard time thinking about the future. Right now, it is cool to smoke and they might not care about the future risks. It is your responsibility as a parent to convince your teen that they need to stop smoking for their own health. That is one easy to do.

Once you have overcome that hurdle, give your teen the support that they need to stop smoking. Assure them that you realize it will not be easy. Many teens think they can stop smoking whenever they want. This is not the case and they are often discouraged when they find that they are truly addicted! Tell your teen that they will probably fail in their first attempts to stop, but that the important thing is to keep at it. Assure them of your support!

You may need to consider outside counseling to help your child stop smoking, especially if you have never had a serious addiction. It can be hard for teens to relate to their parents, particularly about a hard-to-kick habit like smoking. Talk to your school and see if there is a counselor you can use. Or, consider talking to your pastor if you attend church.

The most important thing you can do to help your child stop smoking is to be consistent and loving! Even though you are angry or embarrassed, if you are committed to helping them quit, you must be loving! Give support and be there to pick them up when they fail. This is the best way to help your child stop smoking!
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


To stop smoking is an action that will benefit your life almost instantly!

You will feel much better within yourself; you can save lots of money and if you're trying for a baby, your little bundle of joy will be much healthier than if you smoked! These are just three of many things that will happen if you stop smoking today. So the question is how? How do these things affect me?

Smoking affects your body in many ways but did you know that nicotine raises your blood pressure and that when you smoke your skin gets less oxygen?

Smoking puts you at more risk of developing mouth ulcers, cancer, gum disease and heart disease. It also clogs up your arteries and as a smoker; you are at more risk of dying from heart disease. And according to the NHS, 83 percent of deaths from lung cancer, bronchitis and emphysema are related to smoking.

And as well as your health, have you ever thought about the money you could save? Smoking around 20 a day means that cigarettes cost you around ฃ1,500 every year. That's the money you could be saving if you were to stop.

This big save each year could go towards a holiday or your baby (if you're trying for one). Stopping smoking can reduce the risk of stillbirth, cot death and miscarriage. And smoking whilst pregnant means that your unborn baby is inhaling what you inhale too so if you stop, you'll be helping your baby in the long term!

Stopping smoking benefits you, your child and your pocket. Although we know how, another question is when. Did you know that once you've stopped, your body benefits almost instantly! Within 20 minutes, changes begin to happen.

When you stop smoking, within the first 20 minutes, your blood pressure and pulse rate will return to normal.

It only takes eight hours for oxygen levels to return to normal. Within this timescale, nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in your blood reduce by around half.

And after 24 hours, the carbon monoxide will be completely eliminated from your body and the chance of a heart attack decreases.

So when you stop smoking, significant changes are already happening in a day!

After 48 days, the nicotine has completely left your body. And your taste and smell is enhanced.

Within 72 hours, you will notice a change in your breathing. It'll be easier for you breath as your bronchial tubes begin to relax and you'll feel like you have all the energy in the world as your energy levels increase.

On top of this, after 12 weeks of not smoking, your circulation would have improved and lung function is beginning to improve.

Within three to nine months, any issues you had with coughing, wheezing and breathing should be decreasing as lung function increases by up to ten percent. Your energy levels are also continuing to increase.

After five years of you not smoking though, your risk of suffering a heart attack is halved.

And after ten years, your risk of lung cancer falls to half that of a smoker. And the risk of heart attack falls to the same as somebody who has never smoked in their life.

To beat your addiction is a feat within itself and the benefits to your health are amazing. Evident from after just one day to ten years, your health is likely to be like somebody's who has never smoked before.
Posted by Admin On 4:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
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