
You started a long time ago, because it was the cool thing to do. But now it's not so cool, very expensive, forces you into segregated areas when you want to do it, and is in general more of a nuisance than a pleasure. And even more important, you know you have been dodging a massive hailstorm of cigarette-shaped bullets for the past few years. What you don't know is how to stop smoking.

You don't know how to stop smoking because smoking is an addiction, and unless you have been through other forms of addiction withdrawal, you cannot be mentally prepared for the struggle. You will be dealing with a brain that does not really care what the cigarettes are doing to the rest of your body, and wants its nicotine.

Even if you are prepared to deal with the physical withdrawal symptoms which will accompany your decision to stop smoking, smoking is a psychological addiction as well. One of the best tips you will get in how to stop smoking is to find one of the many available support groups to help you break the social and emotional bonds that you have to being a cigarette smoker.

Getting Support
The American Cancer Society's Quitline is a free telephone program which will connect you to a counselor who can help you come up with a strategy on how to quit smoking based on your unique cigarette usage. Statistics have shown that those who use the Quitline program as a guide in how to stop smoking have twice the success rate of those who don't; the counselors know what pitfalls will be awaiting you as you try to quit and can prepare you for them. And for many people having telephone counseling available to meet their schedules is the only practical means of getting support.

You Need Your Family On Your Side

One key in knowing how to stop smoking is to determine in advance whether or not you will have the full support of our family. While one of your main concerns about your own smoking habit is that it might be a health threat to the non-smokers in your household, if other smokers with whom you live do not want to quit, they may not support your own efforts.

Your family members may just decide that they don't want to put up with the bad moods brought on by your physical and emotional withdrawal from nicotine, and offer to go pick up a pack of cigarettes; if they are smokers you may find it hard to be around them when they light up. Knowing how to stop smoking successfully means you will have an advance plan to deal with your particular living situation.

Knowing how to stop smoking means putting your long-term health ahead of your short-term pleasure. It sounds simple enough, but it's not. Your understanding of what's at stake is the best weapon you have in your battle against your smoking addiction.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments


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