
You know that tobacco is destroying your health. In fact, they claim that every cigarette removes 4 minutes from your life. That quickly adds up pack after pack. It's time to finally kick the habit once and for all, and in order to do that, it's essential to have the right tools, to have the stop smoking aids you need to be successful. Here are 5 stop smoking aids that will give you a distinct advantage in your war against nicotine.

1. The first of our 5 stop smoking aids is commitment. It's essential you take the time to make a deeply rooted commitment toward your overall success and goal toward giving up tobacco once and for all. Without this commitment, success is impossible. You can't just say your going to do it or just give it a try. You have to decide, deep within yourself, that it's a done deal and you are going to stick to it until you are successful.

2. Next you will need support. The right support network is the biggest tool most people overlook. Use your family and friends. Find groups both online and off that you can join. Talk with people and find people who can and will motivate you and help you keep on track with your overall goal. A poor, or even worse no support network at all can be one of the biggest influences on your success, or failure.

3. Take the time to visit your physician. There is nothing wrong with using all the tools available to you as stop smoking aids, and this includes medication. Your physician can help you understand the risks and benefits of prescription medication for giving up tobacco. These are gaining popularity as more and more people are finding success by using medication.

4. Set goals. Goals are important no matter what the task is and giving up cigarettes is no exception. Set a date to give them up once and for all and stick to it. Set benchmarks along the way to help you reach that end goal. Give yourself rewards as well along the way with one big, final reward when you reach your end goal. Setting goals allows you to lay out a plan for quitting successfully as well as track how well your doing toward your goal of giving up cigarettes for good.

5. The final step in our stop smoking aids is knowledge. Learn about natural methods for cleansing the toxins and nicotine from your body. Learn about the habit of smoking, it's triggers, and how to overcome these habits and triggers. Knowledge really is power when used properly. Get the knowledge and use it in addition to the other tools in your stop smoking aids toolbox.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
There is an old saying that there is no such thing as a free lunch. While this may be the case, there are always some alternatives that can help you for free. I know that when I was smoking there were plenty of things to help you to quit, but very few things were free. If you are serious about quitting smoking, and you really don't have the money to pay for something to help you quit then here are some free quit smoking aids that may help.

The first one that you can usually find in almost any community is a smoking support group. This is a group of like minded people, who want to quit or recently have quit smoking and want to get together to talk about it. Many times these things are sponsored by some of the businesses in the community and they are quite successful. The saying is that there is safety in numbers, and it is always good to not go it alone, I mean, misery loves company, right?

Another thing that you can do, and this really isn't free, is to spend any money that you would have spent on the cigarettes on a product that will help you to quit. I know from experience that it is better to spend $30 a week on something that will help you quit smoking than to spend it on cigarettes.

Don't overlook the power of being determined. It isn't easy, and the fight will be long, but if you go into the battle knowing that you will be fighting for a while, determined to succeed, then you can give up smoking once and for all.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Another option used as a stop smoking aid, the stop smoking inhaler is an important component of the nicotine replacement therapy that is another choice for smokers to use. It is more effective than other aids because it produces the illusion of a smoke, a psychological thing that smokers respond to mentally. The smoker cannot only hold the inhaler like a cigarette but can also puff on it, which is a physical connection to the cigarette and the "smoking action" itself.

The inhaler usually consists of two parts -- a nicotine canister that stores about 10 mg of nicotine and a plastic mouthpiece that is used to release the puff into the mouth. Each puff releases a small amount of nicotine that is quickly absorbed into the blood stream, producing the feeling of well being similar to a smoke. A smoker who is interested in quitting smoking can use these inhalers as an aid, while takings eight to ten puffs to replace the one puff of a cigarette. A lot of smokers enjoy this particular aid because of holding and smoking action that accompanies it. But the method of using the inhaler varies from person to person. Some puff heavily on the nicotine inhaler, some space it out - a lot depends on the nicotine addiction and how much they really want to quit smoking. Normally, six to 12 puffs are enough during a day. However, much depends on the state of the smoker and the advice given by the physician. Generally, several inhalers are needed during the course of therapy spanning a period of six months. The intake is highest in the first few months; after which it is slowly reduced to wean the smoker from the nicotine need.

Safety measures state that the inhaler should not be used by pregnant or lactating mothers. People suffering from asthma or cardiovascular diseases should opt for this treatment only under medical supervision. The inhalers and the units should be properly disposed after the prescribed course is over as they can be poisonous for small children. Throat irritation and mild coughing may be experienced when the inhaler is used for the first time with side effects usually disappearing with prolonged use.

Smoking inhalers are to replace cigarettes, not to smoke while you are using them - this is very important when you are using an inhaler as an aid. Otherwise, the nicotine levels in your body would rise to alarming levels, reducing any chances of the inhaler producing a healthy effect. Double loads of nicotine become almost like a poison in the system, even though nicotine is only one of 3,800 chemical substances found in cigarette smoke. A fatal dose of nicotine is approximately 40-60 mg, with up to 90% of nicotine is mainstream smoke being absorbed by the smoker. More than 95% of cigarette toxicity is 70% asymptomatic or 25% mild with the mouth, pharynx, esophagus and stomach may show evidence of the caustic effect following an ingestion of nicotine. Respiratory stimulation and gastrointestinal hyperactivity are the two main symptoms of nicotine poisoning.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


The newest "stop smoking pill" is Varenicline, sold under the brand name Chantix in the US and Champix in Europe and Canada. This stop smoking medication was approved by the FDA in August 2006 and was approved for sale in Europe shortly thereafter.

The normal FDA review period of 10 months was shortened to six months for Chantix, allowing the drug to be placed on the market more quickly. According to the FDA's press release, the new stop smoking pill received a "priority review" because of its "significant potential benefit to public health".

The fact is that Chantix, although it is considered a "unique" compound, derives chemically from cytisine, which has been used as a "stop smoking medication" for over 40 years in Eastern Europe. Cytisine is a toxic compound that acts very similar to nicotine.

After analyzing accumulated data involving thousands of smokers, researchers at the University of Geneva concluded that "Cytisine may be effective for smoking cessation." Coincidentally, the Geneva review was released in August of 2006.

Advertising for this "new" stop smoking pill claims that Chantix is more effective than Zyban, the name given to the anti-depressant Welbutrin, when it is prescribed as a stop smoking medication. The fact is that Chantix was only slightly more effective than Zyban in only two of the five independent studies that were completed and patients in the study also received daily counseling.

Over the years, several different anti-depressants have been prescribed as a stop smoking medication. Nicotine replacement therapy, gums, patches, lozenges and nasal spray are commonly used. The gums and patches are sold over the counter in the United States. Overall, studies have shown that about 80% of all smokers will return to smoking within the first year, regardless of the therapy they chose to use.

In April 2007, Pfizer research and development published a study concluding that people could safely take the new stop smoking pill for 52 weeks or one year. The FDA has only approved Chantix for 12 weeks of use, followed by an additional 12 weeks if the person has stopped smoking.

The knowledge that most people return to smoking in the first year may have prompted the Pfizer study, but the results do not indicate that the new stop smoking medication is any more effective than other drugs, including nicotine replacement. Only 53.8% of the smokers completed the study. Of those who did, only 36.7% had not returned to smoking.

In other words, of the 251 smokers who began the study, only 49 completed the study and were still not smoking after one year. Those numbers indicate that Chantix is only effective 19% of the time. Placebo (inactive substances) when combined with a support program is effective 14% of the time. In fact, in a new study published in June 2007, researchers concluded that counseling is just as effective as any stop smoking medication currently on the market.

The researchers went on to say that counseling is the "sole approach without any adverse effects". Negative side effects of the new stop smoking pill are similar to those of nicotine replacement, including nausea, headache, vomiting, insomnia and abnormal dreams, with the added side effect of altering one's sense of taste.

A new drug free, nicotine free system with no adverse side effects reports a 90% success rate. To learn more please visit http://www.stop-smoking-blog.com.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
There are so many different quit smoking aids to choose from that it's difficult to know where to start sometimes. In this article, an ex-smoker reviews the different types of aids available and sorts the good from the bad.

So the time has come to quit. You've made the right decision, especially compared to some smokers who don't even want to quit, so deluded are they. But where should you start? The quit smoking shot? The pill? The patch? Let's take a look at each in turn.


A drug is a very convenient way to take treatment but surprisingly, there are only really 2 quit smoking pills available on the market (there are many others in development). The first is known as Zyban and the second is Chantix. They work on the brain chemistry level and stop you getting cravings.

So because you don't have cravings anymore, you can quit cigarettes more easily. The bad thing about them is that you don't take them forever so eventually your cravings will come back although by then you should have quit already. Secondly, they can have bad side effects - for instance, nausea is quite common with Chantix which the manufacturers freely admit.

Injections or Shots

This is even more convenient that the pill. Imagine being able to take a shot that will stop you from getting any cravings. Sounds great in theory but the reality is a little different.

First of all, there is no shot available on the market yet. There are many that are being developed and in trials so unless you are a lucky volunteer, you won't be able to get access to them.

The second thing is that although they will make quitting much easier, like the pill they are not meant as a permanent solution. You will have to stop taking it and the cravings will return. You need to remember that although in an injectable form, these drugs are not vaccines - your body does not produce antibodies which last for the rest of your life. They are drugs that work on brain chemistry.


Magnets, lasers and acupuncture. They all work in the same way. The idea is that by stimulating pressure points on the ear, you will get less cravings and find it easier to quit. Unfortunately, the effect is only temporary.


Probably by now, you're seeing a common theme. All these quit smoking aids work by reducing your cravings. Guess what patches do? You guessed it, they kill the cravings. Actually, patches work in a different way - they are a substitution method.

This means that you stop smoking immediately and go onto patches so you still get your dose of nicotine. You cut down on the patch dosage over a few weeks before giving up patches.

So patches are actually quite different because you are basically cutting down - a bit like cutting down on cigarettes. Unlike the other methods, there is no attempt to temporarily get rid of the cravings.

The Verdict

There are many different methods out there to quit smoking. The unfortunate thing with them all is that they all address the symptoms of addiction, the cravings, and only temporarily. None of them actually address the causes of the addiction.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Are you ready to quit smoking? Many smokers are simply sick and tired of smoking cigarettes, spending money on the habit, smelling like cigarette odor and of course adding to their risk of serious diseases. So, why don't you quit? I'll bet you've heard this question before. Many non-smokers have no idea how powerful the hold of nicotine is. This is why smokers continue to smoke although they understand the dangers of smoking. Nicotine is as addictive as heroine and it's hard to let go of it.

Many people who feel the same way and want to quit smoking have utilized a stop smoking aid to help them get more control over quitting. There are several reasons why a stop smoking aid can make it easier for individuals to stop smoking. One of the main reasons is that nicotine addiction is so powerful. Quitting cold turkey is extremely difficult and can bring on intense withdrawal symptoms such as:

o Feeling Light Headed

o Depression - Because nicotine produces a feeling of well being similar to when endorphins are released, the lack of nicotine can bring a sense of loss and depression. This is one of the most frustrating symptoms of quitting smoking and nicotine replacement can keep you feeling normal, although there is a risk of becoming dependant on the stop smoking aid which contains nicotine.

o Nausea - Because your body is accustomed to the nicotine, when you stop getting it, you can feel nauseated and sick.

o Irritability

There are other symptoms that one may feel, but these are the most common. A stop smoking aid can really help relieve these symptoms. Many people believe that the best aid you can get is one which doesn't contain nicotine, but something which helps relieve the craving for it. For example, the quit smoking aid Cigarrest is an herbal alternative which relieves the craving for nicotine with tablets and gum. This helps prevent individuals from becoming dependant upon the stop smoking aid, which can be an expensive addiction in itself. If you've ever seen someone still chewing nicotine gum years after they have quit smoking, it's simply because they have traded one vice for another.

Other helpful quit smoking aids may include help for the psychological addiction to cigarettes. This includes the habitual 'hand to mouth' action and the feeling that you need to smoke when you are bored, in idle times or when you have become accustomed to smoking. Like Cigarrest, many aids contain help for this aspect of quitting smoking, which some believe may be the hardest thing to deal with. If you're ready to quit smoking, it would be very beneficial for you to check out the stop smoking aids which are available to you. From the psychological aspects to the actual physical addiction and the problems these symptoms bring, you can get help in order to deal with each one of these. By covering all aspects of quitting smoking, they can really be the helpful key you need to stop smoking for good!
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


A lot of people try and quit smoking cold turkey. The only problem here is that most people need a little bit of help whenever they are trying to stop smoking. The best way to get this help is to count on some quit smoking aids. These are aids that you can buy at stores come in a lot of different styles. Not all styles work for everyone, but that is why there are so many different kinds. Today we are going to talk about a few well known quit smoking aids that can help you, as well as some nice habit breakers that could release you from your smoking dungeon. Sure, it costs some money buying these quit smoking aids, but in the end, you will save so much money from not buying smokes that you will end up saving a ton of money!

First of all, a lot of people have a hard time quitting smoking, because it is a habit. What people really need is a little will power and a habit breaker. For most people, using things to keep in their mouth really helps. This could be hard candies, gums, or something like that. Of course, these do not work for everyone. One of the best habit breakers looks almost like a straw. Inside these straws are little nicotine patches that you actually inhale. This works much in the step down method. As you become in control of your craving, you are able to step down to lower doses of nicotine. However, the reason why this works better than other methods is because of the way that you take your nicotine. Unlike other products that you just place on you, this is one that you actually hold like a smoke. You even huff on it like it is a smoke. This gives you the feel like you are smoking, which helps most people learn to quit.

Some other methods that people like to use are, of course, the nicotine gum and the nicotine patch. These are products that are full of nicotine, which just so happen to be the drug that makes smoking so addicting. However, unlike smoking, these patches and gum come with a step down plan. This is a way to get less and less nicotine with each product you use. Soon you will be able to just wing yourself off of it. Choosing which one will work for you is always something that is up in the air. If one does not work, do not give up. Try the other method, and see if that helps you.

Last, but not least, another great smoking aid is just to call quit smoking hot lines. These are great phone numbers that you can call and talk to people 24 hours a day that can help give you the will power that you need to stop smoking. Sometimes all we need is a quick reminder that we do not need to smoke. Calling these phone numbers is a nice quick way to find a friend whenever you need one. This could just be the little push you need to quit smoking.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
The most important factor in quitting smoking is having the right mindset. You must be at the point that you have seriously decided that you want to quit smoking now, once and for all. That's a great decision and very important step, but although many smokers are sincere in their desire to quit, they just can't break their smoking habit without some form of help from a quit smoking aid.

This is itself can be a bit of a dilemma as there are just so many different Stop Smoking Aids available these days, and it can be quite confusing deciding which stop smoking aid to use. For a start, different smokers have different metabolism's and what will work well for one smoker may not work at all well for another. Some quit smoking aids have side effects that can't be tolerated by some smokers but don't worry others, and so it goes.

Let's look at some of the Stop Smoking Aids on offer...

Nicotine Patch

Nicotine Gum

Nicotine Inhaler

Nicotine Nasal Spry

Hypnosis Remedies

Lazar Remedies

Herbal Remedies

Medical Remedies (drugs available only on prescription)

With a list like above where does the smokers start when confronted with all these different choices. For a start ask around to see any of your friends, or friends of friends have recently used any quit smoking aids successfully in their efforts to reach their quit smoking goal.

But even if you can find a reliable recommendation, as with a most things, different quit smoking aids will have different appeal for different folks. Some smokers will go for the prescription drugs whilst other will favour the herbal pills because of the possibility of the prescription drugs side effects. It's basically impossible to recommend what best suits a particular smoker trying to quit. Some have success with hypnosis, others may prefer and have had success with the nicotine patch, whilst at the same time there have been many recent reports claiming many smokers are having great success with the herbal pills. Apparently the herbal pills mimic nicotine and reduce the body's cravings without actually supplying nicotine to the system, which is basically what the patches, gums and nasal sprays are doing. Another bonus is there are no side effects because all the ingredients are natural.

So I guess my choice would lean towards trying the natural herbal pills as a quit smoking aid first, but it's a personal choice. The bottom line is, that whatever you use, you remain determined to reach your quit smoking goal and improve your life, health and wellbeing for you and your family.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Aids to Smoking Cessation

Is smoking a powerful addiction? Just ask anyone who has ever tried to quit. How can smoking cessation be easier? Well, smoking cessation can be a lot easier if you have these two basic fundamentals:- the necessary support and using a smoking cessation aid that is right for you.

Steps to Smoking Cessation

Decide to Quit
You may despise the cost, the smell and the hassle of smoking, not to mention the detrimental health risks, but in order for you to truly kick the smoking habit, you must make up your mind that it's time to stop. The first step in smoking cessation is for the smoker to decide to quit.

Seek Help and Expert Advice
You can ask your doctor to help motivate you, and also speak with your pharmacist. They will have pamphlets available on tons of stop smoking medication and tips, as well as a variety of stop smoking programs, self-help books, and even telephone hot lines. You can discuss which stop smoking aids would be most effective for you. Reach out to ex-smokers too and find out what worked for them.

Also, check with your insurance agent. The cost of your smoking cessation medication (e.g., a quit smoking pill), any counseling, as well as your stop smoking program may be covered by your insurance, alleviating any financial strain on your part.

Nicotine Gum and Patches
Try nicotine gum or nicotine patches as a smoking cessation aid. You chew nicotine gum when you have a craving for a cigarette. The gum contains nicotine. By chewing the gum, you gradually get your system used to living without nicotine. This eases your withdrawal symptoms and decreases your desire to smoke.

You wear a nicotine patch for 24 hours, and put a new one on every day. The patch puts nicotine into your system, and also allows your body to slowly adjust to life without nicotine. You use the most concentrated patches for the initial weeks and then gradually reduce the dosage over the following weeks. Both the nicotine gum and the nicotine patch are smoking cessation aids intended to be used for about three months.

There are other types of medical treatments for smoking cessation in the form of nicotine replacement therapy which comes in lozenges, inhalers and nasal sprays. Check with your doctor to see if nicotine replacement therapy should be in your stop smoking program.

Prescription Quit Smoking Pills
Prescription medication in a pill form can be prescribed by your physician to aid in your smoking cessation. Zyban, for example, is a popular smoking cessation prescription pill that does not contain nicotine. Studies have shown that Zyban has helped smokers quit more easily than without the drug.

Unlike other nicotine replacement therapies, Zyban does not inject more nicotine into your system. With nicotine patches or gum, you should cease smoking so that your body doesn't take in too much nicotine. But with the Zyban smoking cessation program, you can go on smoking at the start of taking medication. Set a 'final smoking date', and then continue with Zyban after this quitting date.

Treatment with Zyban has shown to reduce some of the nasty withdrawal side effects of quitting smoking such as irritability, frustration, anger, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, restlessness and depression. Zyban also reduced the craving for a cigarette and the desire to smoke.

Herbal Quit Smoking Alternatives
If you prefer to go the all natural way, then you can try a herbal-based stop smoking program. Herbal treatments, in the form of pills or patches, are a smoking cessation option without the use of nicotine or drugs. This all natural homeopathic formula removes your desire to smoke using natural herbs and extracts. If you do smoke while using the herbal treatment, it would leave a very unpleasant taste in your mouth. Taking the pleasure out of smoking makes it an easy habit to drop.

Find the Plan for You and Quit for Good
There are many smoking cessation options available today. The key is to find the ideal smoking cessation option that fits your personality and your lifestyle. Create a custom made stop smoking plan that is perfect for you, and you will be butting out for the last time and cashing in on a smoke free lifestyle.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


When it comes to quitting smoking, you may want to begin on the internet: search for 'stop smoking aids' or 'smoking cessation aids' online and you are sure to come up with all kinds of products that help you quit smoking. Actually, you will come across perhaps a million links to different websites where aids to stop smoking are peddled at length, and based on whatever criteria is important to you, you can narrow these options down to just a few stop smoking websites.

They offer different techniques for helping you quit smoking, and several different products that do precisely the same thing. If you have been trying to quit for a while and have not been able to, you are free to purchase any of these products and try them first, or else you can settle for the various advices they have to offer on how you will be able to live nicotine free.

Some common stop smoking aids are nicotine replacement products such as chewing gums, nasal spray, inhaler, and the nicotine patch. Other products include books and e-books, online publications, literature, printouts, and even wallpapers and screensavers. Interestingly, the list could go on. You may even find references to professionals around the country with just the kind of experience that will help you in your quest. You may want to call them up and book an appointment, but if you don't want to, an online consultancy also works.

Again, not everybody can quit smoking in the same way, but absolutely everybody can quit smoking, if they really try. It's your call, but if you know what is good for you, you may want to try everything you can get your hands upon.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Finding a stop smoking aid really does not have to be a difficult matter. Moreover you should not get aggravated trying to find one however rather feel proud of yourself for having the initiative to want to stop smoking in the first place. There are so many ways that are available out there today and you should really have no problem at all finding a stop smoking aid that works perfectly for you.

Choosing Stop Smoking Aid

There are many different ways that you have in regards to a stop smoking aid however some surely stand out among the others. One of these in particular would be Zyban that although considered as not being for everyone, it does have the advantage of lessening the uncomfortable that are associated with nicotine withdrawal.

Moreover this is a stop smoking aid which is able to make cessation much more controllable for those people who have not been able to successfully quit smoking before with other ways. So even if you have had trouble in quitting smoking before, perhaps trying Zyban will be the way that will help you to do so once and for all.

Zyban is a drug which was in fact formerly marketed as an anti-depressant drug. Its real effectiveness as a stop smoking aid was in fact only discovered when smokers started using it to cure depression and also understood that their interest in smoking had been relieved as well. There are certain side-effects to this aid such as headaches, dry mouth and insomnia.

Another great method is using your own will. Even though this might sort of anger some people but it is a shown fact that the best smoking cessation aid on the planet is that of your own will and determination to stop smoking. If you are not motivated enough to stop smoking on your ownself, then none of the stop smoking aid in the world that will be able to help you. Otherwise it may help you in the starting but then odds are that you will easily start smoking again later on in your life.

Finally you need to remember to have the motivation and dedication in the quit smoking process because this is what is really required.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Stop smoking by using natural quit smoking aid can really be a godsend for those people who find it difficult to stay on the wagon. Nowadays there are many stop smoking programs that can help you to get rid of smoking habit in case you feel you need help. Some nicotine replacement products like patches and gums are one of the types however you can instead opt for natural cures to stop smoking.

Even if you haven't thought before, do give the idea some serious thought of giving up smoking. Not only because the smoking habit harm your health, it also affects the health of those around you included your family and friends. With the support from your family and friends, the right natural quit smoking aid can help you easily.

Today there are many types of natural cures to stop smoking available in the market. Any products that derived from herbs can be the right natural ways. The following are some of the natural quit smoking aids that you can try out:


Besides as a good natural quit smoking aid, Peppermint has the added advantage of reducing breathing problem and respiratory distress which related with your smoking habit. This herb not only cleans out your lungs, it's also reducing the craving for nicotine. You can make peppermint tea or use the leaves and extracts for aromatherapy to stop smoking.


The Licorice herb has detoxifying components which helps your body get rid of all nicotine during smoking cessation. Its detoxifying effects will help your nicotine cravings diminish and can also help the liver by clearing out the oxidants and toxins. The root of Licorice is very effective in quitting smoking as it helps in distracting you from the desire for smoking.


Mullein makes a great natural quit smoking aid because it has been used to cure asthma and other breathing problem since many years ago. This herb not only can help you regain your natural lung function, it can also reduce the craving for nicotine by clearing out toxins from your blood.

Slippery Elm

This stop smoking herb is amongst the best natural cures to quit smoking as it clears out your circulatory and respiratory systems by removing harmful oxidants and toxins during smoking cessation. Natural quit smoking aid that contains Slippery Elm is available in the form of supplements, tea and even infusions.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


In this article I'm going to talk about the best quit smoking aids. If you are trying to quit, I can understand how hard it can be. It took me multiple attempts before I finally was able to quit for good. I've tried a lot of different stop smoking aids and know first hand which ones work and which ones you want to stay away from. Here is my experience with the best quit smoking aids.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Nicotine Replacement Therapy is when you use a nicotine delivery method to replace the nicotine you normally would get from smoking. You progressively decrease the amount of nicotine you take in until you are no longer dependent of it. Gums and patches are the most common form on Nicotine Replacement Therapy. They are also the most popular type of quit smoking aid. Although so many people use this aid, there are actually very low success rates for its users. This is because you are still feeding your body exactly what its trying to become independent of. Even when you give your body a small amount of nicotine, you're still teaching it to depend on it. This makes the cessation process a long and difficult process.

Cold Turkey

Cold Turkey is when you give up smoking all at once, without the use of any aids. This is arguably the most effective way to quit. This is because your completely stopping your nicotine intake. It's a bit harder at first, but you're craving will go away faster, and you'll be able to quit for the long run more effective. The big catch with this method is that its the most difficult to get through the first few weeks. Cravings will be extremely intense and the withdrawal symptoms get very difficult to deal with as well. These include cold sweats, goose bumps, cold symptoms, anxiety, nervousness, and depression just to name a few. Most people can't get through the first week since most of these symptoms occur simultaneously.

Stop Smoking Pills

Stop smoking pills are the best quit smoking aid that you can take. This is because its encompasses the best aspects of Nicotine Replacement Therapy and quitting cold turkey, without taking any of their negative aspects. It will help to address your withdrawal symptoms and cravings just as effective as patches and gums, without using Nicotine. Since you aren't taking anymore nicotine, its sort of like quitting cold turkey, except without dealing with the nasty side effects. I would suggest that you look into herbal quit smoking pills because since they are all-natural, they won't add any of their own side effects. This is important because there are some stop smoking pills that use certain drugs that give you its own set of harsh side effects such as extreme insomnia and nausea. This is why herbal stop smoking pills are the best quit smoking aid, they'll put you in the best position to quit smoking for good.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Many stop smoking aids can easily be acquired over the counter, such as nicotine gums and nicotine patches. There are a few stop smoking aids, however, that need a doctor's prescription before you can purchase them at your local drugstore.

If you're not too sure about which type of aid you would like to use, it's best to consult a physician and ask for professional advice. He or she can best determine which stop smoking aid is most appropriate for your lifestyle and your smoking habits.

As your physician explains to you the intricacies of the various kinds of stop smoking aids, you will also begin to understand why many quitters fall into relapse a few months after quitting.

This is mainly because most nicotine-based products such as the patch, the gum, and the lozenges still give you a dose of nicotine, albeit in smaller amounts. They are designed to gradually wean you off tobacco until that time when you no longer feel the urge to reach for them.

The downside to these medications is that most nicotine-based products only work for a short period. There is a big possibility that the person would revert to his or her normal ways, and because of this, researchers found a need to develop nicotine replacement medications.

Perhaps the most common of stop smoking prescriptions that are premised on nicotine replacement is the pill Zyban (buproprion). It works by tricking the nicotine receptors into thinking that you're still on tobacco.

When using the nicotine-based gum, patch, and other similar products, you are discouraged from smoking at the same time because the nicotine levels in your bloodstream may become too critical.

With Zyban, however, you are allowed to smoke while taking the medication - that is, until a so-called "quit date," after which you continue taking only the stop smoking prescription for Zyban.

Support systems are important especially when you're taking stop smoking prescriptions for medication such as Zyban. Drugs aren't magic pills which you pop to make the smoking addiction go away in an instant. To help ensure that you stay on track even after the therapy is over, the people around you must be available for the needed support and motivation.

In addition, if you feel that you need more than just a stop smoking prescription [http://www.stopsmokingaidsguide.com/Stop_Smoking_Patch/], consult a counselor for some post-treatment therapy. Remember that there is a psychological aspect involved in addictions and smoking isn't an exception.

In this aspect, a complete stop smoking prescription for smoking cessation should involve not just the physical facet of quitting but the psychological and emotional angles as well.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Unlike in the past when there were not many aids to help smokers quit the habit, there are now more than enough aids out there that picking the best ones has become very difficult. This article looks at 3 tips that can help you, in no small measure, to pick the best stop smoking aids from the many out there.

1: It must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration - The U.S Food and Drug Administration makes it a duty to check out the aids out there for stopping smoking and after thoroughly testing them, they approve the ones that really work. If the stop smoking aids you are interested in is approved by this body, then you can go ahead and use it.

2: It must work very well to manage the nicotine withdrawal symptoms - It's not enough to stop smoking, but the aids should be able to effectively help you manage the nicotine withdrawal symptoms so that you don't easily slip back into the habit.

3: It must not be too expensive - Regardless of how effective any of the aids is, it shouldn't cost an arm and a foot. It should be affordable so that everyone who wants to quit the habit can afford to buy and use.

If you adhere to the above tips, they can really aid in selecting the absolute best stop-smoking aid out there. Thankfully with the power of the Internet, your search won't be as laborious as it should be when looking for these aids.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


If you are finally ready to stop smoking you may be wondering which method will be the best for you. Should you just stop cold turkey? Maybe. Some people have reported getting sick with the flu for a few weeks and just loosing the desire to smoke after this time. This is probably not the most highly recommended stop smoking aid; it is just a coincidental thing that happened. Maybe you want to gradually stop smoking. Many people just slowly reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke everyday until they have quit. This is a good method to use if you have the ability to stick with it.

Other people feel they need a more direct stop smoking aid like the nicotine patch. This is a patch that is attached to the skin that gradually releases a certain level of nicotine into the person's bloodstream through the skin. Over a period of time the new patches that they wear have a lower and lower level of nicotine so that eventually they have stopped needing nicotine at all. They have hopefully done this without the many withdrawal symptoms that come with stopping smoking.

Another stop smoking aid is to get the nicotine gum. You can chew gum to your hearts desire and still get a portion of the nicotine into your body. The chewing helps with the urge to put a cigarette in your mouth, and the release of nicotine from the gum gives you a small amount of nicotine in your system. Sometimes this stop smoking aid is used with counselling as well. Over time you should be able to chew less and less gum and completely end your body's addiction to nicotine.

There are other quit smoking aids to also consider. Acupuncture or the futuristic method of laser therapy is one method that has been shown to help some people. With this method, energy points in the body are stimulated so that they start producing feel good chemicals within at least a day or two of treatment and which help with the discomfort of nicotine withdrawal. Other people get help to kick there smoking habit with the aid of hypnosis. Hypnotherapy sessions can either be conducted one on one by a qualified hypnotist or a hypnotherapy audio program designed for smokers can easily be purchased or downloaded and listened to when ever you want in the comfort of your own home.

These methods have had great success with many people also. Whichever method you choice to quit smoking, you can rest assured that you are not alone in your quest for success.a
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
"Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health". Even if this statement is spread almost everywhere we cannot deny the fact that there are tons of people who are chain-smokers. Just recently, it is now evident that there are babies who are already chain-smokers. Imagine how contagious it has become that even babies as young as 2 yrs. old would smoke four packs a day. I wonder how they were raised by their parents considering that they are experiencing that state from their life. This is pretty much a common case especially in South Asian countries like Indonesia. Technically, it has been reported that as of the moment, there are thousands of babies who are so into smoking right now.

Aside from that, there are disadvantages in smoking namely it decreases your IQ or otherwise known as (Intelligence Quotient) and increases your stress level. According to some researchers, it is evident that men who smoked more than a pack per day had an average IQ of 90. Not only that, it also increases stress level over the time rather than calming your nerves which was newly discovered by some researchers. Although before it was proven that it reduces stress but then today's research is the actual opposite of reducing stress level. But what are the ways to quit this habit? What are the products to minimize such habit? Here are some tips to consider in solving this problem.

Seek support:
I know that it is not easy to quit from something that you have been doing ever since before. I advice you to seek for support before it gets worst. Hence, call your best buddy or someone who is close to you and encourage you to quit smoking. In this way, you will prevent yourself from such habit because you have moral support. Otherwise, you can join a forum perhaps and get connected with people who are also experiencing such problem and be able to work hand-in-hand.

Have a balanced diet:
In most cases, this kind of habit removes toxins from your body and so it also expels energy as well. Drink lots of water at least 8 to 10 glasses a day and follow the food pyramid. However, do not go overboard on foods such as junk foods because you are in a quest of eating the right kinds of food. Thus, eat fruits and vegetables to keep you going.

Take multi-vitamins:
Even if you are not sick or what, everyone must take vitamins in order to reduce the chances of getting diseases out from nowhere. Yes, you may feel healthy today but then you do not know that inside your body system is a catastrophe. Smokers are prone to diseases since it increases their stress level, lowers their energy, as well having the high risk of lung cancer. Hence, it is highly recommended to take multi-vitamins because as what they say "Prevention is better than cure".

Consequently, we must take good care of ourselves and stop this habit before we regret. Yes, it may feel like it is the end of the world once you stop smoking but then it is for your own good. So say no to smoke and yes to sports.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Current stop smoking quit rates range anywhere from 3% to the mid twenties. These are pitiful results because of the addictive nature of nicotine. Roughly 85% of all smokers are clinically addicted to nicotine. Since nicotine is just as addictive as cocaine, you can see why the success rate is so low, relatively speaking.

Many people wrongly feel that you can lay down an addictive habit as easily as you picked it up. This is grossly incorrect. Ask a recovering alcoholic how difficult it was to stop drinking. Then you'll discover that for many of these smokers, it is simply no longer a choice to stop smoking. Oh sure, they may "try" to stop, but it is next to impossible for them to be successful without some overriding behavioral or medicinal assistance.

This has given rise to many experimental schemes all designed to assist the smoker in their efforts to become a former smoker. Many try giving a placebo method and label it as a new natural stop smoking aid or they'll provide a medication as a shot and offer it in an off-label manner as the newest stop smoking shot. Others try to cajole smokers through whatever means, scientific or not, to get the desired affect - smoking cessation.

There are researchers currently looking at a nicotine vaccine which does show some promise, however, it is still in the clinical trials and may not be ready for some time. Well, enter in the field of study called, behavioral economics. This science looks at how emotions determine a person's financial choices. In other words, does depression cause us to save money or spend it?

In Europe and the United States, behaviorists are examining how the influence of money affects a person's ability to stop smoking. In essence, can a person be paid-off to stop smoking? We're talking bribery here folks. How much money do I have to pay you, in order for you to stop smoking? Wow, that's a great question isn't it?

Managers will tell you how annual merit increases are not primary motivators for people to work hard at their jobs, but rather recognition and autonomy might be what pushes people's buttons to perform at a top level. However, early research is showing how financial rewards might just be doing the trick as a motivator in smoking cessation clinics.

A recent article from Reuters discusses how this is impacting a community in Scotland. The concept points to a pay the smoker now to quit, and hope to save the enormous health cost liability later - when the ill-effects of smoking start showing up. These are the ones we're all familiar with like COPD, lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. They are hoping to employ this cost avoidance strategy through what amounts to a bribe and it seems to be working.

Reuters reports in one region of Scotland where approximately 200 women had stopped smoking as a result of the bribery scheme, compared to only 6 from the previous year and those 6 had lost contact with the smoking cessation resources for that region.

This can be compared to many US corporations who promise to pay more of the health insurance premiums if their employees take part in a wellness program that tracks individual progress to certain health goals. For instance, if you lose 20 pounds, you may have to pay $2 less per pay period for your health insurance premiums. Or if you stop smoking, you may receive a $10 a week discount on your insurance premiums per pay period.

Some researchers discount the "pay to get healthy" results because of a meta-analysis study that showed financial incentives did not work to help people stop smoking after 12 months. The thought is, once they get their financial reward, they'll start smoking again. Others feel this just needs more time to work and study.

The concept is still relatively new, but matches a cultural mindset that says, "if you want change, then show me the money". One of the directors of this program in Scotland stated the key as having to work with the smokers to come up with motivators that smokers really think about. For instance, many who smoke are poorly educated and in the lower income ranges. They think about money all the time. For them, smoking seems absolutely impossible to quit, so they resolve themselves to continue smoking, even though it costs money. Now say to them you'll actually pay them to stop smoking. What is going through their minds now? They get a little stipend and no longer buy the cigarettes. That's a double windfall, just in time for Christmas.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


When people want to quit smoking, they will search for all possible stop smoking methods available including taking a smoking cessation aid. One aid that is quite popular is Zyban. Actually, before it was named Zyban, it was called Welbutrin SR. A doctor from Loma-Linda research hospital discovered this drug. She noticed many patients taking Welbutrin SR did not want to smoke as much. She studied it further and found there to be a connection between the ingredient and the feeling of not wanting to smoke again.

So the drug's manufacturer, Glaxo Wellcome, produced extra batches of Wellbutrin SR and renamed it as Zyban and marketed it as a smoking cessation aid. Although Zyban is an anti-depressive, this character is actually a side-benefit. The drug is the mood changing type, it blocks the neuro-transmitters in our brain that feel rewarded from nicotine that makes it such a wonder drug.

However, many people also prefer Prozac over Zyban. Often, they get result with Prozac after a week or so before they completely quit. The best idea when using drugs is to taper off of whatever drug you take, even though the maker may not say so. But still, each person's result varies and thus you will need to consult with your health advisor.

One should notice during the quitting process. Several people actually took many quits before they realized that they got depressed and those lead to a relapse. Even on Zyban, you may feel the blues descend so much that you feel Zyban is not working and that you may get off them. The truth is Zyban is helping considerably.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Because giving up smoking is known to be a challenging task, many people try to stop smoking by using stop smoking aids. There are a lot of these stop smoking aids such as patches, pills, gums, inhalers, and natural remedies available on the market.

The most widely known and perhaps most popular of the various stop smoking aids is the nicotine patch. It is available over the counter in the pharmacy. Designed to deliver a dose of nicotine via a patch, it is intended to lessen withdrawal symptoms while the individual tries to stop smoking.

The nicotine patch can be an invaluable aid to smokers dealing with the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, including anxiousness, nervousness, irritableness, sleeplessness, headache, and cravings. The patch cannot eliminate all of the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, but there is evidence that it can alleviate some of them effectively. In order to succeed, one must wear the patch every day for approximately three months. It's said that one out of every five smokers is able stop smoking using the patch if they are committed to quitting. However, some people experience side effects such as skin irritation and difficulty with sleeping.

Buproprion, or Zyban, is one drug many people use to help them quit smoking. This pill is an antidepressant and is actually used for people who are clinically depressed. It has been proven, however, that this pill will help people trying to quit smoking, because it helps to suppress withdrawal symptoms from nicotine. In some clinical studies, Zyban was twice as effective at helping stop smoking as the nicotine patch. In addition, you cannot become addicted to it, and it is easy to use. Although side effects may include insomnia and dry mouth, Zyban is worth trying.

Nicotine inhalers and nicotine gum are examples of other stop smoking aids. Nicotine gum assists people in their quest to quit by keeping their mouths busy and delivering small doses of nicotine to ward off intense cravings. Some people are hesitant to quit smoking because of the possibility of large weight gain. In such cases nicotine gum is the most useful option as helps ward off cravings without weight gain. Nicotine gum is chewed like other gums and may be used for about 12 weeks to wean off nicotine addiction.

Nicotine inhalers are stop smoking aids that allow smokers to take a nicotine dose whenever they feel it's necessary. The inhaler imitates the nicotine effects of smoking, and helps make quitting smoking easier for those trying to stop smoking. Throat and mouth irritation are some of the side effects.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that no matter which stop smoking aids a person uses, they are only effective when the person is committed to quitting. Their effectiveness is determined by how dedicated a person is to stopping smoking. The only true way a smoker will be able to stop smoking is their own inner drive and motivation.

While aids like patches, pills, gum, and inhalers that contain nicotine can help people quit, nothing will help a smoker stop for good except for their desire to stop smoking.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Presumably the best stop smoking aid of all would be one that works every time. Unfortunately, no one has come up with such a thing because the problem isn't actually smoking. It's smokers! Smoking, after all, is pretty much the same wherever you go: you set fire to some cured tobacco leaf and then inhale and exhale the resulting poisonous fumes. Bob Newhart pointed out the absurdity of this decades ago in his classic monologue, "Introducing Tobacco to Civilization."

This being the case, if you are setting about searching for the best stop smoking aid, I would suggest that you stop thinking about whether the "aid" in question works, but instead ask yourself about the kind of person you are. For example, there are a number of very good books on the market to help people quit smoking. But that's not for you if you're not a great reader. One page a day isn't likely to get the message through to you! So, first, look at the format of any stop smoking aid.

If you like listening in your car, for example, don't buy a hypnosis recording! If that's the kind of stop smoking aid you want, you must be prepared to follow its instructions - no doubt to relax and to take some quiet time. Not for you if you're the busy, restless type!

Nicotine replacement has an interesting track record and history as a stop smoking aid. I'm talking about patches, nicotine chewing gum and nasal sprays, for example. Originally, nicotine chewing gum was designed to help wartime submariners not suffer nicotine withdrawal whilst submerged, so it wasn't a stop smoking aid at all. If you fear withdrawal, (which is actually painless and fast), then these replacement ideas might be for you, but they are based on the premise that you're so addicted to nicotine that you need another means of administering it. They don't actually get you free, and you're still putting a deadly poison into your body, albeit in slightly more controlled doses. They do, however, change your routines around smoking, so you may feel that you are ready to ditch nicotine altogether.

There remains a range of gadgets, gimmicks and therapies too vast and in some cases too wacky to mention here. But before closing this article, there is one tool that is without the slightest doubt the best stop smoking aid of all. That aid is your ability to make decisions.

Decide today that enough is enough. You are not going to poison yourself, risk horrendous diseases or inflict misery on your loved ones any more. Decide right now that you are going to get free no matter what. The word "de-cision" means "to cut off from" - that is to cut off from all other possibilities.

Once you are decided all you need do is return to the start of this article and ask yourself what kind of person you are. And then you can decide on what will be the best stop smoking aid for you.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


The truth may seem jaded by now because it's always being forced on smokers that smoking is harmful to one's health. Thus, smokers have this warning coming out of their ears, and somehow it does not working as well anymore. Why?

There is only one reason why people continue to smoke in spite of the dire warnings, and that is because they can't help themselves. They are addicted to nicotine, and their spirit is too weak to fight the addiction.

Anyone can quit smoking cold turkey if they want, but only if they want to. So now we have these so-called stop smoking aids which are suppose to help an addict fight the desire to smoke. These stop smoking aids range from nicotine patches to nicotine replacements, sucking on a lollipop or lozenges. They all work to some extent for some people, but not on all nicotine addicts.

This brings us back to determination. Anything will work if you have enough guts and will power. A person can stop the habit with or without aids if his will power is strong enough.

At any rate, let's go over the benefits you will get if you stop smoking. For one, you stop infecting yourself. The problem with smoking is that you cannot reverse the ills effects. If your lungs have been ravaged by 30% because of smoking, stopping will not bring your lungs back to its pristine condition. However, it will prevent it from getting worse.

A chain smoker is likely to die by the time he is middle-aged. At the very least, he will start to experience lung problems, high blood pressure, premature aging, and a less alert mental state. If he quits smoking, he can regain a luster in his appearance, stop the premature aging and wrinkles, maintain a better blood pressure level, and be more alert.

It is important to want to quit smoking, not just for yourself, but also for the benefit of the people around you. Secondary smoke is known to cause cancer as well. In fact, the effect from secondary smoke is said to be more toxic than if you smoked the cigarette yourself.

If you cannot quit smoking based on will power alone, use a stop smoking aid until you finally get to release yourself from the evil shackles of nicotine. Naturally, consult with your doctor prior to using any stop smoking aids.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
More and more people seem to be on the bandwagon for trying to quit smoking, whether if it's for their health, social matters, or due to the ongoing rise in the cost of cigarettes and taxes. However, many still find that, despite all of the aids out there, that quitting isn't as easy as they would hope for. In the end, there are some stop smoking tips that you can use that may help in making the transition run more smoothly.

Often enough, the key to stop smoking comes down to knowing what your triggers are and how to work around them. Nicotine is addictive, but humans are also creates and victims of habit. These habits are generally developed while you smoke over time, whether it's physical, psychological and so forth. For example, some may be addicted to the sensation of inhaling smoke, holding a cigarette in their hand or in their mouth.

Some people may also be in a pattern that boils down to their daily routine, like smoking after meals, during stressful or emotional times, in the morning when they wake up, or while they're out socializing. Generally, it's about rewarding themselves, motivation, or to calm themselves down or to make themselves happy. These are psychological, physical and patterned behaviors.

Regardless if your approach is by weaning yourself off slowly, quitting cold turkey, or through other methods, breaking your pattern is important. This is something that can be achieved by recognizing your triggers and what you're doing when you grab your pack and smoke. If you are into the physical feeling of actually holding a cigarette or inhaling the smoke, you can try methods that work around this. For example, you can try eating carrot sticks that have been soaked in sugar water, taking deep breaths to simulate inhaling, having candy or licorice nearby, or trying electronic cigarettes.

If you have a specific reason for quitting, whether you're trying to save money, lose weight, or opting to go healthy, make sure to use these goals to your best advantage. For instance, many people fear to quit smoking because they want to lose weight or feel they'll gain weight if they quit, when the truth of the matter is that nicotine actually slows your metabolism down. Instead of grabbing that cigarette, try to put that urge to productive use. Exercising is a great way to curb the urge and releases endorphins, which act similar to the sensation that nicotine provides, calming you down or making you happier.

If you happen to be quitting in order to save money or because you can't afford it, try to reward yourself with small treats as you can. You can set personal goals after you quit or cut back, saving up for an item that you normally couldn't afford or wouldn't normally splurge on. Even setting up a bank account for this purpose helps. You may also feel further motivated by knowing how much you're truly saving by quitting, especially due to the hike in taxes and prices.

There are numerous stop smoking tips and aids out there, but what is important is making sure that these coincide with your triggers. This goes along with virtually anything that represents a life change, whether it involves quitting, dieting, saving money and so forth. Try to find a means to distract and reward yourself so that you can break those habits and trigger your brain into action during urges. You can even try simple techniques, like keeping a rubber band around your wrist to snap when you feel a craving, triggering your brain into action.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
When I was struggling with nicotine, I tried literally all the stop-smoking products on the market. I tried gums, patches, lozenges, prescription medications, inhalers, nasal sprays, and a range of stop-smoking herbs. They all worked to varying degrees, but none of them were permanent solutions to my problem. No matter what I'd try, it was only a matter of time before I relapsed into my old addiction. Whether it took a week or six months, these quit-smoking aids always failed me.

The Importance of Determination

The main reason why nothing worked is obvious. Apparently, I just didn't have the will and determination needed to quit. If I'd felt deeply certain that I was going to succeed in my quitting, then I'm sure any of these quitting methods could have done the trick.

In the end, the quit-smoking aids you choose to use are not important. If you have determination and the certainty that you want to quit, these products are practically unnecessary. Sure, it may make you feel better to use something to help you along your path. But the fact is that the best stop smoking aid is your own mind. If you don't have the will to succeed, it's just not going to happen.

Which Stop-Smoking Products Work?

A small percentage of the people who try nicotine replacement products have success. Things like the gum and patches work by delivering nicotine into your body through means other than cigarettes. Which is fine in the short-term, but what happens a few weeks down the line when you're still addicted to nicotine and you have a stressful day? Are you really going to be satisfied with a piece of gum? This is the problem that many people run into.

Prescription quit-smoking aids have been known to help as well, but you can only get them through your doctor, and there's a good chance that your doctor won't want to prescribe them for you. After all, they're serious medications with real side effects. From your doctor's perspective, why put a patient through that when there are other ways to quit smoking?

I did have surprising success with stop-smoking herbs, but, as with many herbal products, it was hard to tell if the results were real or just a placebo effect. In the end, I relapsed back into smoking.

Quit Without Products

In reality, the best way to quit is to forget about stop-smoking products entirely and go cold turkey. If you don't think you have the strength to face up to this, you can try one of the alternative treatments used to make cold-turkey quitting go over easier.

For example, you could try to stop smoking with hypnosis. This is what worked for me, so I'm biased in favor of it. You might have doubts about hypnosis, as many people do, but believe me, it works. It enables you to go cold turkey with strength and determination. It shortens your withdrawal period, reduces your cravings, and makes you feel like you never want to smoke again.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Smokers wanting to stop smoking, often try everything they can to quit the habit and become smoke free. Quit smoking aids like pills, creams and patches can help, but many have not been successful with these types of products.

A new aid to help stop smoking has now become available. These are the stop smoking magnets. Featuring two specially designed bio-magnets worn on the upper ear, the gentle yet precise pressure created by these magnetic anti smoking aids, stimulate specific nerve points in the smokers ear. By applying this gentle acupressure, these magnets induce the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the smokers' brain.

Dopamine is a natural chemical produced by the human brain producing feelings of calm, pleasure and satisfaction. Stop smoking magnets encourage the production of this natural brain chemical and reduce the desire to smoke in the process, slowly eliminating the smokers need to light up.

This bio-magnetic anti smoking device is worn on the left ear by the smoker for at least two hours a day, during which he or she can continue to smoke as usual. Quitting "cold turkey" is not required when using stop smoking magnets which are FDA registered medical devices. Smokers wishing to quit have reported reduction in their desire to light up a cigarette after using the magnets for seven days.

Stop smoking magnets are a form of auricular therapy, which is the science of applying acupuncture to the ear. As auricular therapy devices, these magnets, which are usually 24 karat gold plated, are similar in effect to reflexology and iridology.

Currently it is reported that over 2 million people have used stop smoking magnets to cure their smoking habit. Smokers trying to quit, often complain about the ongoing cost of aids such as pills, patches and creams. The magnets are reusable and require a onetime investment by the smoker.

If you would like to learn more about stop smoking magnets, the technology behind them and their effectiveness, please click on over to: http://www.discover-more.info/about/stop-smoking-magnets.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
If you have decided to quit smoking you have no doubt been told how difficult it can be (or maybe you have tried a few times and failed to kick the habit completely). The main reasons why people fail to quit successfully is because there are a number of factors that exert influence on the person. There are physical withdrawal symptoms, psychological issues to address and finding an adequate replacement for an activity that you used to enjoy doing. This is why many people relapse and why stop smoking aids can help in the process. This article will list 4 stop smoking aids that can help you and describe how they work. 

One such stop smoking aid is the medication known as Zyban. Zyban is the brand name for a drug that contains the chemical compound bupropion hydrochloride. This compound is thought to act on the brain chemicals noradrenaline and dopamine. These chemicals have a number of roles on the body but in terms of smoking addiction they affect the physical and emotional responses that an individual has to smoking. Zyban is generally prescribed by a doctor after interviewing the individual to ascertain if they are serious about quitting and if they have any other conditions that might rule out taking the medication. Zyban is taken orally in tablet form.

Smoking patches are a well known and used product to help you stop smoking. A patch is placed on the skin which delivers small doses of nicotine into the system. Nicotine is the main addictive component of smoking. It can create both physical and emotional dependence symptoms. The aim of the patch is to replace the nicotine hit that a person would get from a cigarette. As the smoker progresses, he/she will use fewer patches so that the nicotine gets less and there is less reliance.

A similar idea is nicotine gum. This works on the same principle but also has a psychological aspect to it's method. Many smokers need to do something to replace their smoking habit. Having nothing to do can often drive them back to the smokes or do other things like eating to compensate for it. Chewing nicotine gum gives them something to do.

A fourth smoking aid is to use a spray to relieve withdrawal symptoms. Some of these sprays may have had nicotine in them before as an active ingredient. However newer products work without using nicotine. This is thought to be a better solution than weaning a person off the addiction in a trickle process. Sprays are generally taken orally. 
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
It may seem like a silly question, but the best quit smoking aids are the ones that actually help you to stop. The problem begins when you see the hundreds of different systems, pills, patches, and drugs available on the internet.How do you know which one will work for you?

Well the reality is that you don't know which one will work until you try it. Sure, you can read the testimonials ringing around the internet from people who swear by these different methods to quit smoking, but let's be honest here, do you seriously think that any company or person would put any bad testimonials out to promote their product or system?

Patches are the choice of many smokers, and is actively endorsed by many governments and there is scientific evidence to back it up.This is known as nicotine replacement therapy and the idea is that you can gradually wean yourself of f nicotine by reducing your consumption. I have tried these patches myself on one of my many previous attempts to quit.The only thing they did for me was to create very itchy red marks all over my arms and legs. It got so bad i had to stop using them after 7 days. I was back to square one again.

Another quit smoking aid is nicotine gum. Again it follows the same principle as patches. The problem is that it tastes awful. Some people have used acupuncture to quit smoking. By exploring the bodies pressure points, it is claimed that acupuncture can help you stop smoking. I have never tried this method, but there are people out there that claim it helped them.

Some people have used laser therapy to quit smoking. The idea is that a laser is aimed at various pressure points on the ears, face, body, hands and wrists. Low level and cold lasers are used as these are deemed to be the safest type of laser to use. Some companies offering this treatment claim a success rate of between 60% to 90%. This could be an option for you, but i am not too sure of it myself, the idea of shooting a laser into your body seems a bit strange.

People use hypnosis to quit smoking. The idea is to remove the psychological dependence that smoking causes. It can be quite expensive and you certainly need to careful who you choose. A recommendation is crucial here, and do your homework first before you try this method.

If you want to stop smoking there is a vast array of ways to help you. Read up on these methods, try to get some recommendations, or even better, visit the many quit smoking forums on the internet and see what real people are saying.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


California has often been termed the land of fruits and nuts, but I think they may have stumbled across a good idea that may revolutionize the way the rest of the country views the left coast. An article in the Sacramento Bee discusses the idea of requiring insurance companies to cover 100% of the cost of any stop smoking medication approved by the FDA. This would include Zyban, Chantix and any of the nicotine replacement therapies that require a prescription.

Well, what does this do. It would force the insurance companies to pick up the copayment and/or deductible for countless smokers who may be hesitating to quit due to the cost. And because they live in California, I can see where they'd want to potentially spend that extra money on things like food or rent. Now, common sense, tells everyone that if they are really worried about pinching pennies, then they shouldn't be smoking in the first place. After all, a pack of cigarettes can cost on average $5 per day or more, depending on the addiction. Putting that aside though, I wonder if that many people will really decide to stop smoking as a result of the legislation? Will saving some money, really cause the smoker extra motivation to stop smoking? I really don't know the answer to that question.

But, I believe the senators are on the right track. Please don't quote me on that, because I can't believe I just said it myself. Regardless, it is true. Smoking currently costs the US over $190 Billion. About 20% of all US citizens smoke and just under 500,000 people die because of smoking related illnesses. Those are sobering statistics and represent a significant cost to Medicare (our tax dollars), private insurance (our premiums), and local communities resources (our local taxes).

Imagine what impact we could have if smoking decreased by 10% across the nation? What would that do for our premiums and medicare taxes? Think of it, 10% reduction in lung cancer, COPD (emphysema), cardiovascular disease - the Big 3 related to smoking. That would actually reduce the risk and thus, reduce the cost associated with the risk.

By my math, that would more than pay for the intensive care unit admissions, chemotherapy and other related healthcare expenses associated with smoking that insurers currently have to dole out each day across the country.

But again, will the California smokers take advantage of this prospect if it gets signed into law? That is the big question. However, insurers should not balk at this idea as it really is a win-win for them. For those who take advantage of the law, they'll have a greater chance of quitting smoking. For those that don't, well, the insurer isn't out any extra money.

So, it seems like a no brainer. This also should satisfy liberals and conservatives, because the liberal should like the government telling big pharma what to do, and the conservative should like the government giving the little guy a chance to overcome his challenging situations.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Unlike in the past when there were not many aids to help smokers quit the habit, there are now more than enough aids out there that picking the best ones has become very difficult. This article looks at 3 tips that can help you, in no small measure, to pick the best stop smoking aids from the many out there.

Tip #1: It must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration - The U.S Food and Drug Administration makes it a duty to check out the aids out there for stopping smoking and after thoroughly testing them, they approve the ones that really work. If the stop smoking aids you are interested in is approved by this body, then you can go ahead and use it.

Tip #2: It must work very well to manage the nicotine withdrawal symptoms - It's not enough to stop smoking, but the aids should be able to effectively help you manage the nicotine withdrawal symptoms so that you don't easily slip back into the habit.

Tip #3: It must not be too expensive - Regardless of how effective any of the aids is, it shouldn't cost an arm and a foot. It should be affordable so that everyone who wants to quit the habit can afford to buy and use.

As simple as the above tips are they can go a very long way to helping you pick the best among the many quit smoking aids out there. Ensure that you adhere to them, if you really want to get the best from the bunch out there.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
What is the best stop smoking aid? Now that really is a tough question to answer as I've found that there is no best way to quit smoking. Like I've heard it said before, the best way to stop smoking is any way you can. Some people say "cold-turkey" is the best way to stop smoking, other people say medication is the way to go and yet still others will say the best stop smoking aids are natural stop smoking aids. Who is right? Well my answer to that question is, "Why does anybody have to be right?" After all, we are all different people with different make ups and different personalities and what might work for me may not work for you at all and vice-versa. I can tell you, cold turkey did not work for me but neither did medications from the doctor. I cannot sit here and tell you that there is one magic solution to quit smoking. The best thing I can do is provide some stop smoking aids and tips and trust that you will find what works best for you.

In that vein, let's take a look at just some of the view tips and aids I've come across through the years.

First of all, let me state that I am a very mind over matter, power of persuasion person. Yes, I was addicted to cigarettes but I also liked smoking them. I actually enjoyed smoking and I saw it as a very positive thing. For me, it was important for me to see not smoking as a positive thing too. One of the most important things that helped me was to retrain my brain and take my focus off of one behavior and put it on another. I had to change my habits and change my routines. Instead of taking my smoke breaks (which I genuinely looked forward to) at the same exact time, in the same exact place I started calling it my walk break and while I couldn't change the time of my break, I did change the place. I walked out a completely different door and went for a walk an exercise that has proven to be very helpful, not to mention, healthy. So, think about changing your habits and routines as an aid in your journey to quit smoking.

Secondly, set up a layer of support. When you've made up your mind to quit smoking this is vital because inevitably, under no control of your own, you are going to be tempted to smoke again and you are going to be weak. It is in these weak times that calling on a friend or attending a 12-step program could be just the safety net you need to not go back to those old smoking habits.

These are just two of the best stop smoking aids but there are many others. I hope you find what works for you.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


If you are trying to quit smoking, then you are going to run into a billion different products that exist to help you stop your habit. You can find different drugs that exist and other chemical products, but many people prefer a natural stop smoking aid. Natural stop smoking products provide you with the help you need without harming you.

Three of the more popular natural ways to stop smoking include hypnotherapy, herbal methods, and quitting cold turkey. Let's take a look at each of these quit smoking methods:


One of the biggest problems with a lot of different smoking cessation programs is that they don't actually address the problem that causes the addiction in the first place. They tend to focus on providing you with a substitution for nicotine versus addressing the root cause of the issue at hand.

Hypnotherapy is a psychological approach to treating your smoking habit naturally. In order to get you to quit smoking, hypnotherapy taps into your subconscious to try and break the addiction where it is strongest. Typically, a patient is put into a relaxed state by a therapist. The therapist can then address the issues with the subconscious mind.

Herbal methods

The most common natural stop smoking aid is St. John's wort. St. John's wort is an herbal supplement that you will often find used for anti-depression. Lately, however, it has also been used frequently to help smokers combat their cravings.

A lot of times when smokers quit or attempt to quit smoking, the dopamine levels in their brain tend to drop off. This can obviously make the person trying to quit feel lousy. By using St. John's wort, the idea is that the supplement will help to bring the dopamine levels back to normal, therefore reducing some of the withdrawal symptoms of quitting.

Cold Turkey

More than likely, you are aware of what it means to quit cold turkey. Basically, quitting cold turkey is the most natural stop smoking process that exists. This process does not rely on using any other kind of quit smoking aid. You just set the pack down and never look back.

The problem with quitting cold turkey is that it is very difficult to follow through with. Smokers are faced with withdrawal symptoms on two fronts: physical and psychological. Quitting cold turkey will mean that you will feel negative effects from the lack of nicotine and also the habitual process of smoking a cigarette.

There are plenty of other natural stop smoking methods that exist. These three are some of the more common, but there are others that may suit you better. You should really try to find out what works best for you.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
When most people first try to quit smoking, they do it cold turkey. This means that they completely stop all at once by yourself without using any aids. For a few people this method does work, but for most it does not. That is why there are many smoking aids available to you.

When you do start to quit, you will go through a period of withdrawal because you are no longer giving your body nicotine. You will experience physical and mental discomfort, irritability, mood swings and even develop shutters; those are a form of shakes that happen when your body is going through withdrawal.

The many popular aids can be found at your local grocery store in the pharmacy. The most popular of all the quite smoking aids is the nicotine replacement therapy. What these do is they give you a small dose of nicotine and you gradually work your way to eliminating that chemical. They can be in the form of a gum, inhaler or patch.

You are probably asking yourself why should I by that when I can just smoke a cigarette and get the nicotine I need. Unlike cigarettes, these quit smoking aids only contain nicotine and not all the other chemicals that cigarettes contain.

Some other aids that are at your disposal can come from your doctor. They can prescribe you will a medication to help calm your nerves so you will be more relaxed and not so stressed out during the process. Some medications can have potentially harmful side effects so you want to make sure that you are using the medication under a close doctors care.

No matter what quit smoking aids you use, you will be benefiting your body. If you have the strong will power to quit cold turkey, that would be the best way to eliminate the nicotine from your body the fastest.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
If you are a smoker hoping to finally kick your nicotine addiction, I have good news for you! There are numerous products on the market today specifically aimed at helping you reach your goal of becoming smoke free. In fact, there are so many it can be overwhelming. To get you started on the path to finding the perfect aide for you, I will list 4 of the top rated stop smoking aides. 

1. Prescription Drugs
Zyban and Chantix are two popular prescription drugs. Check with your doctor to see if either one could be an option for you. 

2. Hypnosis

The method of hypnosis is not for everyone but those who are receptive to it usually experience good results. There are different varieties of hypnosis so again, I suggest you check with your physician to get a recommendation for a qualified hypnotherapist.  

3. Support Groups

Finding a support system can be extremely beneficial. Connect with others who are going through the same process and share invaluable tips on how to make quitting easier. This can be a traditional support group with appointed meetings or find an online forum.  

4. Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Researching and choosing a nicotine replacement therapy aide can easily be done on line. The aides are available as a patch, gum, lozenge, inhaler or spray. When I quit, I was helped with a spray. It is an individual choice though so find the one that best fits your lifestyle. 

You can also try a combination of the above stop smoking aids. For instance, use the patch or spray and join a support group, too. 

Remember, beating your nicotine addiction is hard work but with a little help it can be done! Focus on your goal of being smoke free and do whatever it takes to reach that goal. You can do it!
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


It is not at all wrong to say that the nicotine patch is today the most popular stop smoking aid in the world, which is used by several smokers to kick their habit. Perhaps their popularity stems from the fact that they are extremely easy to use, as the way to use them is just to stick them somewhere onto the skin. These transdermal nicotine patches are available in differing capacities such as 21 mg, 14 mg and 7 mg of nicotine for hardened, moderate and mild smokers respectively. Smokers are to choose the nicotine patches as per their smoking habits.

But, the nicotine patches have their grave disadvantages, howsoever much popular they might be. Doctors are aware of these shortcomings and they do warn their patients about them at the onset. Firstly, the nicotine patch does contain nicotine. The theory behind making a nicotine supplement for the smoker is that he or she will not find the craving that bad as nicotine is slowly pumped into the body system. The theory is that it is not nicotine that kills people; it is the carbon monoxide and the tar in the cigarettes that kills them. Nicotine is there only for the addiction. For this reason, the patches contain nicotine.

However, this in itself is a big problem. If the person is kept on nicotine patches, there is a very less chance that he or she will ever be de-addicted from nicotine. Nicotine might be harmless, but its addiction will continue in some form or the other. It is quite understandable if the person returns back to the nicotine in the cigarette, since he or she has never been de-addicted in the first place. There have been many cases of people who have reverted to active smoking even after long-term nicotine patch treatments. If this happens, then the chance of a heart failure increases, especially if the person also continues to consume alcohol.

The continuous use of nicotine patches at a particular place on the skin can cause irritations like itching after a few days. This is because of the adhesive and the nicotine itself. Some people could discontinue the nicotine patch just to get rid of the itching. Then they might go back to smoking cigarettes.

That is the reason why a totally new stop smoking aid has become very popular today. A herbal formulation, SmokeRX, is perhaps the most popular natural remedy for controlling the smoking habit. Actually there are many herbs that can help a smoker to quit smoking. Some of the most common ones are chamomile, kava kava and St. John's Wort. There are formulations of these herbs available online, which can quite easily and conveniently wean the smoker away from his or her habit.

Herbal remedies work at two different levels. They help the person control the urge for smoking and they also repair the damage that has already been done in the body. The herbal stop smoking aid is available in several convenient forms, such as pills, capsules, powders and even herbal cigarettes, which do not contain even a trace of nicotine in them.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
As an ex smoker I can tell you right off the bat that nicotine withdrawal can be tough. The cravings to smoke combined with irritability, crankiness and fatigue can be overwhelming. We all know smoking is harmful to our health and most smokers want to quit. Now, for those committed to quitting there's good news. Nicotine replacement aids can ease the torment of withdrawal symptoms and help beat tobacco addiction!

Everyday newer and improved products to help you stop smoking are hitting the market. First, understand how they work so you can choose the one right for you.

As you smoke, nicotine from your cigarette causes receptors in your brain to release several chemicals, including dopamine, which cause most of the positive feelings you associate with smoking. When you stop smoking, the lower levels of these chemicals cause the often miserable symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.

By continuing to stimulate the release of low levels of dopamine and other chemicals in your brain when using a new and improved nicotine replacement product, you will decrease your craving for nicotine and also decrease your other symptoms of withdrawal!

Makes sense, right?

Now that you know how they work, choosing the right aid for you will be the next step. Every smoker's quitting challenge is different. What works for one may not work for another. The aids are available in different forms such as a patch, lozenges, gum, inhaler and sprays. The sprays worked for me because of their convenience but as I said, each smoker is different. The answer to your own personal quest can be as close as a website. If one doesn't work for you, stay focused, motivated and try another.

You've made the first major step by committing to stop smoking. Now equip yourself with an effective nicotine replacement aid and you're on the way to winning the most rewarding challenge of your life. You're going to feel better, look better and be rightfully proud of yourself. I did it and you can too!
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Quitting smoking is a serious commitment because it takes determination, willpower and support to succeed. That is why you should look for and get all of the stop smoking aid which you can so that to quit for good.

Below is a brief "Stop Smoking Guide" to let you know some of the most popular and accessible quit smoking aids. However you need to be strong enough to cope with the smoking cessation stress and determined to quit smoking forever before these stop smoking aids can really help you. Assuming that the determination and the decision are there, let's see what other forms of stop smoking aid are available.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Cigarettes contain addictive substance that known as nicotine. Nicotine is the main reason you get addicted to cigarettes and make quitting being so hard. A nicotine replacement therapy functions on the replacing cigarette nicotine principle with nicotine from other sources. After your body continues to accept its daily nicotine doses, so that you have less symptoms and this leaves you more stress-free time to cope with the behavioral side of the problem.

There are various types of nicotine replacement products in the market. For example the nicotine gum which is one of the very popular stop smoking product. You even do not require a prescription for a nicotine gum and all you require to do it to chew a gum any time you have the desire for cigarette.

Stop smoking gum is generally one of the inexpensive quit smoking aids. A stop smoking gum contains nicotine which cannot harm you in general but it might not be right for certain medical conditions. It is not recommended for women who are trying to get pregnant or being pregnant as well as for breast-feeding mothers.

Laser Stop Smoking Aids

Laser therapies are also a well-known and effective way to quit smoking. The therapy employs ancient Chinese acupuncture methods that specific points of your body are stimulated with low-level lasers. As a result it increased endorphin production thus reduced cravings and post-smoking symptoms. Laser treatments give very good results especially while combined with a right behavior therapy.

Alternative Stop Smoking Aids

Many people are reluctant to apply any kind of chemical substances to assist them quit smoking. There are also people whose medical condition does not approve the usage of nicotine replacement products. The good news is that there really is a stop smoking aid for those people as well and there are many herbal products like mention in our website can reduce the cigarette cravings and help you quit smoking.

These quit smoking herbal products have the benefit of settling a smoker's problems by making use of natural elements. In order to get the best results it is better if these methods are applied together or at least two of them. By combining them, smokers will easily find a way to quit smoking and to recover fast from the troublesome period that follows.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


There are billions of smokers out there. Some are struggling to quit while others have no desire to do so. The culprit: tobacco and nicotine are basically very addictive. The consequences of using tobacco or cigarettes are many and can be life-threatening.

Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer in addition to other chronic respiratory and cardiovascular disorders. Fact is no benefit can be gained by smoking, not only does it affect the smoker but the people around him as well. These are just some of the reasons why a lot of smokers would like to quit.

Problem is most smokers are not able to quit easily due to the addiction. Some of these problems are also psychological as well.

The good news is there are several products to help quit smoking. As before, consult your doctor before buying any of these products. Here are a couple of the products to help quit smoking problems.

Nicotine patch is a self-adhesive patch usually placed between the neck and the waste. It works by releasing the nicotine into the blood stream and then through the skin. Another product that can help you quit smoking is the nicotine gum.

It is like the ordinary gum but this one satisfies your craving for nicotine. While chewing this gum you will notice the tingly feel or peppery taste, this means nicotine is slowly being released.

There are also newer herbal stop smoking aids available. These are made from 100% natural ingredients and they mimic the effects of nicotine but without the harmful chemicals.

They are gaining popularity these days as more people realize they are better for your health. Plus, using nicotine related products still does not allow you to quit your smoking addiction easily.

There are still more products if you shop around. Some may work for you and some may not. There's no need to worry because you can always ask your doctor about the product that will work best for you.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
They must be pretty thin on the ground and I can only think of Government sponsored ones that would be in existence. I can only speak for the UK where the Government has set up a National Health Service, Stop Smoking Service. I assume similar schemes have been set up in other developed countries but on these I have no knowledge.

In England this takes the shape of Nicotine Replacement Therapy. (NRT) Since 2003 a total of about £250 million has been allocated to this end. Also counselling services are provided. It is claimed that the money spent is 'cost effective', but I shall leave that for others to judge.

What I have noticed on discarded cigarette packs is some of the very graphic pictures of internal organs and the like that have been badly effected by smoking. That for me would serve as adequate persuasion. (I used to have a deep rooted fear of throat cancer) These images have been placed on the cigarette packs by Government directive.

The best free stop smoking aid is the one in our head. I have always (and shall carry on) promoting this as our best way of stopping smoking. It's a powerful addiction we are fighting here so it naturally follows that we require a formidable weapon for the job.

Yes, by all means seek out help, but from there it's down to then individual. Maybe that is where the counselling comes in handy but it would have to be skilled to deal with a lot of cases successfully. The best cure I think are the self imposed ones assisted by an appropriate program/package.

If it is self imposed on the will of the smoker him/herself that is the first big step. Nothing will be successful until that resolve has taken place. Then you can look forward to moving on to a smoke free life.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
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