
If you have tried to quit smoking, you've probably heard of the smoking cessation drug known as Chantix. Exactly how it works to help you quit smoking, and what you need to know before you start taking this prescription medication stop smoking?

How does Chantix

Normally when you smoke, the nicotine contained in cigarettes goes to the brain and attaches to receptors located there. This triggers a release of dopamine, a brain chemical that is responsible for making you feel happy. What is Chantix is blocking these receptors in the brain and prevents nicotine from interacting with them. Simply put, this drug is so that you don't get is no longer as much pleasure from smoking cigarettes. Once it is no longer that that ' high ' smoker, no longer naturally want to smoke more.

Dangers of Chantix

Although it sounds like a great idea, this drug also has side effects.

Because this drug interferes with ' pleasure delivery system of your brain, can have the unpleasant side effect of interfering with normal mood. So while I don't enjoy no more cigarettes after using these pills, you may find that no longer enjoy other things in life as well.

Some who have used this prescription medication reported suicidal thoughts and tendencies, and some even unusually actually committed suicide.

If you're thinking of taking Chantix, make sure you have all the facts before you start. Since it is a prescription medication stop smoking, you should talk to a doctor before you are able to buy it. Make sure when you're getting this doctor's prescription, you ask them to explain properly the side effects of this medication.
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