
There are so many different quit smoking aids to choose from that it's difficult to know where to start sometimes. In this article, an ex-smoker reviews the different types of aids available and sorts the good from the bad.

So the time has come to quit. You've made the right decision, especially compared to some smokers who don't even want to quit, so deluded are they. But where should you start? The quit smoking shot? The pill? The patch? Let's take a look at each in turn.


A drug is a very convenient way to take treatment but surprisingly, there are only really 2 quit smoking pills available on the market (there are many others in development). The first is known as Zyban and the second is Chantix. They work on the brain chemistry level and stop you getting cravings.

So because you don't have cravings anymore, you can quit cigarettes more easily. The bad thing about them is that you don't take them forever so eventually your cravings will come back although by then you should have quit already. Secondly, they can have bad side effects - for instance, nausea is quite common with Chantix which the manufacturers freely admit.

Injections or Shots

This is even more convenient that the pill. Imagine being able to take a shot that will stop you from getting any cravings. Sounds great in theory but the reality is a little different.

First of all, there is no shot available on the market yet. There are many that are being developed and in trials so unless you are a lucky volunteer, you won't be able to get access to them.

The second thing is that although they will make quitting much easier, like the pill they are not meant as a permanent solution. You will have to stop taking it and the cravings will return. You need to remember that although in an injectable form, these drugs are not vaccines - your body does not produce antibodies which last for the rest of your life. They are drugs that work on brain chemistry.


Magnets, lasers and acupuncture. They all work in the same way. The idea is that by stimulating pressure points on the ear, you will get less cravings and find it easier to quit. Unfortunately, the effect is only temporary.


Probably by now, you're seeing a common theme. All these quit smoking aids work by reducing your cravings. Guess what patches do? You guessed it, they kill the cravings. Actually, patches work in a different way - they are a substitution method.

This means that you stop smoking immediately and go onto patches so you still get your dose of nicotine. You cut down on the patch dosage over a few weeks before giving up patches.

So patches are actually quite different because you are basically cutting down - a bit like cutting down on cigarettes. Unlike the other methods, there is no attempt to temporarily get rid of the cravings.

The Verdict

There are many different methods out there to quit smoking. The unfortunate thing with them all is that they all address the symptoms of addiction, the cravings, and only temporarily. None of them actually address the causes of the addiction.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments


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