
It may seem like a silly question, but the best quit smoking aids are the ones that actually help you to stop. The problem begins when you see the hundreds of different systems, pills, patches, and drugs available on the internet.How do you know which one will work for you?

Well the reality is that you don't know which one will work until you try it. Sure, you can read the testimonials ringing around the internet from people who swear by these different methods to quit smoking, but let's be honest here, do you seriously think that any company or person would put any bad testimonials out to promote their product or system?

Patches are the choice of many smokers, and is actively endorsed by many governments and there is scientific evidence to back it up.This is known as nicotine replacement therapy and the idea is that you can gradually wean yourself of f nicotine by reducing your consumption. I have tried these patches myself on one of my many previous attempts to quit.The only thing they did for me was to create very itchy red marks all over my arms and legs. It got so bad i had to stop using them after 7 days. I was back to square one again.

Another quit smoking aid is nicotine gum. Again it follows the same principle as patches. The problem is that it tastes awful. Some people have used acupuncture to quit smoking. By exploring the bodies pressure points, it is claimed that acupuncture can help you stop smoking. I have never tried this method, but there are people out there that claim it helped them.

Some people have used laser therapy to quit smoking. The idea is that a laser is aimed at various pressure points on the ears, face, body, hands and wrists. Low level and cold lasers are used as these are deemed to be the safest type of laser to use. Some companies offering this treatment claim a success rate of between 60% to 90%. This could be an option for you, but i am not too sure of it myself, the idea of shooting a laser into your body seems a bit strange.

People use hypnosis to quit smoking. The idea is to remove the psychological dependence that smoking causes. It can be quite expensive and you certainly need to careful who you choose. A recommendation is crucial here, and do your homework first before you try this method.

If you want to stop smoking there is a vast array of ways to help you. Read up on these methods, try to get some recommendations, or even better, visit the many quit smoking forums on the internet and see what real people are saying.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments


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