
If you are a smoker you may be wondering what happens when you quit smoking. After all, it's a big step to take especially if you have been smoking for a number of years.

What happens when you quit smoking is that you begin to notice some improvements in your health very quickly; other health improvements take a little longer. Are you curious about what happens when you quit smoking? Let me tell you more.

Within 8 hours what happens when you quit smoking is that nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in the blood stream reduce by half and oxygen levels return to normal. This has the effect of improving your circulation so you may find that you have a better skin color and your hands and feet will begin to feel a little warmer

Within 24 hours carbon monoxide and nicotine are flushed from your body. This is the time when you may experience withdrawal symptoms as you flush these toxins out of your system. You may feel irritable and have a headache.

After 48 hours excess risk of lung cancer stops increasing. It becomes frozen in time. Also the decline in lung function stops. It hasn't started to improve yet but at least it is not getting any worse.

Within 1 month you begin to look better. Smoking damages the skin, particularly the skin on the face. It causes premature ageing, wrinkling and coarseness. All of this will be improving at this stage. Deep wrinkles unfortunately won't disappear - but they won't be getting any worse.

Within 9 months your lung function begins to improve. Coughs will disappear, you won't be so breathless and you will not be so prone to chest infections and colds.

Within 1 year the excess risk of a heart attack that applied to you as a smoker has now reduced by half. Your body has begun to heal.

Within 15 years what happens when you quit smoking is that your risk of a heart attack falls to the same level as a non-smoker.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments


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