
There are many stop smoking aids on the market today. In fact, if you were cynical you may believe that the tobacco manufacturers, who are seeing a dip in profits as well as facing prospective legal action, may have seen another source of profit. They could provide stop smoking aids!

A study in Australia in 2006 confirmed that over 80% of successful non smokers i.e. those that had quit smoking had done it themselves by going cold turkey. They didn't use any stop smoking aids but simply stopped. So the best stop smoking aid is your own mind. Make a decision to cease and stick to it.

But if you feel that you need an aid to help you quit, here are some of the most common ones available:

Nicotine gum, patches or inhalers: The idea behind these stop smoking aids is that chewing the gum or using nasal sprays helps you to deal with nicotine cravings. There is no doubt that nicotine is such a powerful drug, the cravings it can induce can be extremely difficult for some people to deal with. By chewing this gum or sticking a patch on your leg or arm, your system is still getting its fix of nicotine albeit in smaller quantities. This is much better than smoking cigarettes which contain over 4000 different chemicals of which over 60 are proven to be carcinogenic.

But there are people who have got addicted to the nicotine gum, patches and pills and are having trouble coming off this nicotine replacement therapy. Nicotine in any form is dangerous causing a build up of plague on blood cells which can lead to heart disease. So avoid it where possible and only use as a short term aid.

Medications: Your doctor can prescribe some medications that are not nicotine based. The most well known would be the brand names Zyban and Chantix. Zyban is an anti-depressant that also acts as a non smoking aid. Chantix, approved in 2006, works with the neurotransmitters in your brain interfering with how you react to nicotine. Your body does not get the same pleasure or fix from using the nicotine. Neither of these drugs are suitable for long term use and wouldn't be prescribed usually for pregnant or breastfeeding women. They can also cause some unpleasant side effects such as nausea and bowel disturbances. But both have been proven to help some people quit smoking.

Other stop smoking aids include hypnosis, acupuncture, yoga and aromatherapy and are worth a try. Some herbal remedies such as Lobelia and St John's Wort, have helped some people to quit smoking. But, as these products interfere with other medications, they are not suitable for a variety of patients and can be quite addictive their own right, you may want to give these particular stop smoking aids a miss.
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