
You may have heard of stop smoking hypnosis or even know of someone who's tried it. More and more people have turned to this method. Does it work? And if so, how?

The different theories for how hypnosis works are:

o One is dissociation, which suggests that the subject's behavioral control sector is temporarily separated from ordinary awareness.

o Another theory is that the subject is in control the whole time but has made an unconscious decision to act as if he were not.

Some people are more easily hypnotized than others. Studies done of people under hypnosis have shown that different areas of the brain are more active in people who are easily hypnotized as opposed to people who are less susceptible to hypnosis. When they were not hypnotized there was no difference. This suggests that there is a difference in the way that the brain works when it is hypnotized.

Hypnosis for stopping smoking involves the hypnotist making suggestions to the person trying to quit smoking while under hypnosis. It does not require any control of his behavior. This works because during hypnosis the brain will not censor what is said: it accepts everything it is told without question.

So if the person is told that he no longer wants to smoke, when he wakes he will not have a desire to smoke. There is no 'Do I want a cigarette or don't I?' He may feel cravings from time to time, but he will know they are just the effects of a former addiction that is no longer relevant to him.

Unlike other methods of quitting, hypnosis can even help with the problem of weight gain at the same time. Many people do gain weight when they stop smoking, but as hypnotism can also be used for weight loss, the hypnotist can easily tackle both of these problems at the same time in order to prevent the subject gaining weight when they quit.

While scientific research on the success of hypnosis for quitting smoking may not be entirely conclusive, some results claim a success rate of up to 80%. Three factors contribute to success.

Success probably depends on three factors:

o The subject's motivation level

o Whether or not the person is easily hypnotized

o The hypnotist's technique

Sometimes the hypnotist suggests a follow-up session a few weeks or months afterwards. It's a good idea to follow through with this even if you think you don't need it. Since people sometimes pick up the habit again, even after a long time, this can help you avoid that problem.

There is no way to know if you will be a good hypnotism subject without trying it, but you can certainly work on your motivation. Try to choose a time for your appointment when you will be relaxed and feeling positive, not when you are under a lot of stress for any reason. For women, it is better to avoid the premenstrual time of your cycle.

If you are considering hypnotism to get over your smoking habit, it would be a good ideas to ask for recommendations in your area for a good hypnotist. Your doctor or other health practitioner may have some advice to give. Generally, people who attend any kind of quit smoking therapy do better than those who do not, and stop smoking hypnosis can be one of the best kinds.
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