
In this article I'm going to explain the best stop smoking aids. If you are looking for the best stop smoking aids, I can understand how confusing it may be. There are a ton of different approaches and a ton of different products for each approach that all claim that there product is the best. It took me many times for me to finally quit for good. I've been through a lot of different products and tried a lot of different aids first hand. Below is a description of the best popular stop smoking and its effectiveness in helping its users quit smoking for the long run.

Nicotine Patches and Gums

Nicotine patches and gums are the most popular type of approach that most people will opt to use. The companies that makes these are huge so they spend a lot of money advertising its use and effectiveness. Although patches and gums are so popular, there is actually really high failure rates with these aids. This is because when you continue to give your body nicotine, it makes the cessation process long and strenuous. The cravings will also be very hard to quit, which makes quitting for the long term difficult using nicotine replacement therapy. For these reasons, this many not be the best option you can take.

Quitting Cold Turkey

When you quit cold turkey, you are abruptly stopping the intake of nicotine. This is one of the most difficult things to do, but it also will have the best payout. This is because when you stop smoking and giving yourself nicotine, the cessation process will be much faster and your cravings will go away much sooner. The reason why this approach has seen such low success rates is because most people find it extremely difficult to handle the intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms. When your body is demanding a cigarette, and you have to deal with withdrawal symptoms such as cold symptoms, insomnia, cold sweats, depression, anxiety, and stomach pains at the same time, it makes quitting almost impossible.

Herbal Stop Smoking Pills

I've seen the most success with this method. Herbal stop smoking pills are the best stop smoking aids for a few reasons. You won't be using any nicotine, so this makes the quitting process much faster and more effective. Also, they are certain herbs that effective in handling your cravings and withdrawal symptoms. For example, Lobelia inflata will give your nervous system similar effects of smoking which will handle your cravings. There are other herbs that will dramatically decrease each of your withdrawal symptoms to relax your body and promote calmness. The reason why herbal stop smoking pills are so effective is because they contain all of these important herbs in one capsule. Since its all-natural, there are little to no side effects you'll have to worry about. This will put your body in the most comfortable position to successfully quit.
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