
Many people who are addicted to nicotine become frustrated when they try to quit smoking. The actual addiction is only one part of the battle. It's the withdrawal symptoms of cigarette smoking that can be the real challenge. These symptoms include: frustration, anger, irritably, and depression. Many people try nicotine replacement therapy to help them stop smoking. These treatments include the Nicorette patch or gum. While these treatments are effective, sometimes they are not enough. Fortunately there is a new prescription medication available that will aid with all the symptoms of withdraw.

Zyban (bupropion) comes in pill form and has been proven effective. It's recommended that you take one 150mg dose every day, for 7-12 weeks. After the addiction to nicotine has subsided, you should stop taking Zyban. While Zyban is a great tool in helping you quit, there are a few side effects you should be aware of. These side effects include: Shakiness, dry mouth, trouble sleeping ad Skin rash.

While medications are effects, it's important to understand that they should not be used along. This is why you should use Zyban along with other treatments, such as support groups.

Zyban is not for everyone. Women who are nursing to pregnant should not take it. Make sure you consult a doctor before you start using it. He'll be able to give you all the important information about Zyban.

Remember it's not necessary to suffer needlessly from the withdrawal symptoms from quitting smoking. Relief is available. You only need to talk to your doctor, give Zyban a try and start down to road to a smoke free life today.
Posted by Admin On 12:02 AM No comments


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