
When you tried to quit smoking but failed again and again? If so, quit smoking drugs may be the answer. Here are some drugs that are known to be effective in helping you curb your cravings.

1. Zyban

This drug was first developed as an antidepressant. It is also known as Wellbutrin or Buproprion Hydrochloride. What this medication does is to reduce your nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

While it will not eliminate all your typical withdrawal symptoms, it can definitely make them much weaker. At the same time, do not confuse this with any other nicotine patch or gum, as Zyban does not contain any nicotine.

To get Zyban, you need a prescription from your doctor. Once you start taking it, you have to continue eating it for at least 8 weeks. Seek the advice of your doctor on how much should your daily dose be.

Do note that Zyban has known side effects which include body pains and insomnia. Hence, check out with your doctor before starting on your prescription.

2. Champix

Another quit smoking drug is Champix. This is the first non-nicotine drug specially designed for smokers keen to kick the habit.

This medication works by targeting nicotine receptors in the brain to help reduce craving and withdrawal symptoms and also the pleasures from smoking.

The known side effect for this drug is nausea. Among the quit smoking drugs, Champix has a much higher success rate than others.

Although we have stated 2 quit smoking drugs here, you need to decide if these drugs are suitable for your needs. You need to realize that not all medications are suitable for you so if you are in doubt, it is best to seek the opinion of your doctor. After all, there is nothing more important than your health.
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