
It is amazing to think that we live in an age where so many of our sicknesses and physical problems can be fixed with a simple pill. Want to lose weight? Take a pill. Have a cold? Take a pill. Don't want to get pregnant? Take a pill.

With so many pills available to solve so many of life's problems, it is easy to wonder why there has not been one to help you quit smoking. That has changed in the past couple of years as several stop smoking pills have entered the marketplace.

Stop Smoking Pill is Not Just a Placebo

Thankfully for many of you who want to stop smoking, there are many products in the marketplace today that can help you and the stop smoking pill is one of them. These are used to reduce the craving for cigarettes or to reduce the effect of withdrawal symptoms. Two popular stop smoking pills are Zyban and Wellbutrin. Zyban is actually an anti-depressant pill and it releases endorphins by stimulating the pituitary gland. The endorphins boost energy levels and make a person feel good. Most of these pills use Bupropion hydrochloride to combat withdrawal symptoms.

The normal course runs for over 8 to 12 weeks. Individuals who stop too soon or who take the pill intermittently will not get the benefit from the treatment since its effect is accumulative. Stop smoking pills typically come with strict instructions on their use, and these instructions should be followed to the letter.

The pill should be taken for at least a week during which you should continue to smoke. You should plan to stop smoking during the second week. If you have not stopped smoking by the seventh week of Zyban therapy, it is unlikely that you will quit during that attempt and Zyban therapy should be discontinued.

This form of stop smoking pill is only available with a prescription, and does have some side effects which your doctor will outline for you.

Other Smoking Cessation Aids Available

For those who are concerned with the cost or side effects of the stop smoking pills, there are many other aids available on the market today to help them. This may include nicotine patches or gum, or even hypnotherapy. Many former smokers have reported good experiences with these products and courses of treatment, so it is good to know that anyone looking to stop smoking does have options when it comes to the help that's available. Maybe one day there will be a cheap, foolproof, side effect-free stop smoking pill out there, but for now, you can of course speak with your doctor about these other choices if you're ready to give up the habit of smoking.
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