
Years ago smoking was the "in" thing to do; it made a person cool. As our society became more health conscious, the popularity of smoking decreased. Today the community ostracizes smokers. From prohibiting smoking in many public buildings to prohibiting smoking anywhere on certain property as well as possible allegations of child abuse in a home where there are smokers, smokers are rapidly becoming the minority. Aside from the health risks associated with smoking, nonsmokers can smell the smoke on a person and therefore tend to avoid them. Smokers are being made to ashamed of the addiction. Because of this, there are many quit smoking methods available today, for people who wish to quit smoking due to health or societal reasons.

Why quit smoking, I enjoy it? It may be true that smokers enjoy smoking, however; the smoker has to weigh the enjoyment of the activity with the health risks to themselves and others due to their smoking. When a person inhales the smoke from a cigarette, he or she is also inhaling nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide. These substances stay in the lungs when the smoker exhales, causing breathing problems and cancer. Anyone around the smoker is also inhaling the smoke from the cigarette, which in turn puts them in danger of experiencing breathing problems and cancer. So the smoker is not only endangering his or her life, but the lives of friends and family around them.

So how do I quit? I have tried before but why have I not been successful? Most likely, when a person has tried to quit smoking, they either try going "cold turkey" or they try gradually cutting back until they are no longer smoking. The problem with these methods is that smoking is an addiction, and as with most other addictions, one cannot do it alone. For this reason, there are many methods out there to help kick the habit.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy is one of the more popular methods on the market today. With Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), nicotine is slowly released into the body to keep a steady level of nicotine at all times, avoiding the need to smoke for a boost when nicotine levels drop. NRT is available in several forms and strengths, including patches, nasal sprays and inhalers. The user starts at the higher strength and gradually moves to the lower strength before stopping all together. This method is highly successful when used as directed.

Prescription pills such as Zyban and Chantix are another quit smoking method available only by prescription from your doctor. The pills contain no nicotine and studies show that the use of pills as directed by a physician reduces nicotine withdrawal symptoms and urges. These too, have been highly successful. Laser therapy, hypnosis, and acupuncture are other methods used to stop smoking and can be used by the long time, "stubborn" smoker.

Using a combination of one of the above mentioned methods and a support network of smoking cessation groups and family members has been shown to double the success rate. Some people should not use these methods and should consult their physician before starting any new method to quit smoking. If you are a smoker who is ready to quit, I suggest that you carefully research any method you are considering and consult your doctor. No matter which quit smoking method you choose, set your mind to quitting and stick with it, it is worth it in the long run!
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
White magic spell chants remind you what the word enchanting truly means! The flow of pure and good energy that runs though a benevolent chant or incantation is wonderful to experience first hand. There is also a great amount of flexibility within white magic spell chants and so you are free to shape them or tailor them to your needs. I have included here some basic tips to consider, leaving the actual examples to the very end. In essence though, you will be aiming to both channel and conjure potent energy forces. Here's how to go about it:

1) At the heart of your white magic spell chants must be a desire to use the universal powers for good only - which in reality means you will channel respect and a sense of honour as strongly as you will channel your intentions.

2) You can use Gods and Goddesses in your spell chants to harness the strength of their noble traits.

3) Rhyming is not essential to white magic spell chants but it can help you with one important ingredient - to build up momentum. This is what you will want to create in an effective chant, something that sounds and feels good to say. It will help you to really get absorbed and even carried away by your spell work. There is a meditative state that can come from chanting - think of the Buddhist chants and you will get an idea of what you want to aim for.

4) Use beads or something similar that you can use along with your words. You may associate this with the Catholic rosary beads and the principal is very much the same. It will help centre you and give you a focal point if you need one. But most importantly it will add to the rhythm and give your chant a pulse.

5) Walk in a circle or with purpose. This will depend of course on you having somewhere private enough to do this but it will really increase the power of your white magic spells chants in that you will be engaging in your physicality. It is the perfect combination of body and soul.

6) White magic spell chants can take the shape of words that build to a peak, affirmations or as a simple sentence repeated as many times as you feel is necessary.

By words that build to a peak, I mean that you can start with 'I pledge...I pledge to be true...I pledge to be true to my heart...I pledge to be true to my heart and follow my dreams'. You will be building your intentions or goals within the words to replicate the pattern of success that you hope to see come about in your life. As you hope to accumulate success by your hard work in reality, your chant will reflect this by becoming more with every stage.

For affirmations you will need to establish where your belief in yourself is letting you down. For example, if it is because you don't believe people like you, you will need to chant something like, 'I am worthy of the love and respect of others'.

Repeated sentences are my personal favourite white magic spell chants! I can lose myself totally in them. Keep them simple, you don't need to put all of the details into your wording. I prefer to meditate before hand in order to get my purpose fixed into my mind. I then take any visual cues I might need and place them in front of me. You might like to get a rose for anything love related for instance. Then, having put in the work up front I can then simply relax and enjoy the incantation - something as simply as 'I will flourish' or 'I will conquer' will then be as effective as anything.

I hope you enjoy working on your white magic spell chants and find every success in them!
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
In this article I'm going to get into non-nicotine pills. If you are thinking about quitting, non-nicotine pills are one of the best ways that can help assist you in the difficult stages of quitting.

Before I get into the details of non-nicotine pills, I want to make one thing clear. Above all, the hardest aspect of quitting is not so much of physical component, yet the psychological test your going to be under, especially the first 3 weeks. All the stop-smoking products out there won't do any good if you aren't 100% focused and committed to quit. If you are mentally ready, then they are your best option.

Why Non-Nicotine Pills Are Important

Quitting cold turkey is by far the best way to quit smoking for the long run. This is because you have to completely separate yourself with the very thing that's keeping you addicted to cigarettes - nicotine. The reason why nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) has shown low success rates to its users is you're still giving your body a chance to continue its cravings and keep the addiction. Trying to quit with patches, gums, and the like is usually a long, hard, and slow process because your cravings ever so slowly goes away.

Stopping your nicotine intake all together is a bit harder for the first few days, but your cravings will dramatically disappear faster compared to nicotine replacement therapy. What non-nicotine pills are great for is that it will take the physical withdrawal symptoms away while you quit, which is extremely important during the first week of quitting. Its like quitting cold turkey, except with a lot less of the pain associated with doing such.

All Natural Pills Is The Best Option

Manufactured non-nicotine pills have shown handle your cravings and to release dopamine into your body (which is what nicotine does) for you to handle the stress involved in quitting. Zyban and Chantix such products. The reason I don't recommend using these is because although they'll take away some of the physical withdrawal symptoms, they bring with them pretty nasty side effects such as nausea and insomnia. So your basically replacing one set of bad side effects with another.

I recommend using all-natural pills because they'll accomplish exactly what manufactured pills such as Zyban and Chantix does, but without the harsh side effects. This is because these pills are composed of all natural ingredients. They'll combat the withdrawal symptoms of quitting without using nicotine, and you won't see any side effects from the drug itself. Its the best way to put your body in a position to best get through your addiction.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Smokers like the idea of smoking cessation pills. Studies in America have shown that 80% of smokers think they should quit. Many of them think that smoking cessation pills have the answers they are looking for as they offer that potential miracle cure that will take the pain, anguish and torment of smoking cessation away from smokers. But is this really the case?

There are a number of treatments available to aid smoking cessation in the form of smoking cessation pills. There are also varying degrees of success associated with each type. The two most common types of smoking cessation pill that actually do have an effect are explained here.

The first smoking cessation pill I would like to consider is probably the best known; zyban. It was developed in the 1970s as a treatment for depression when it was marketed as wellbutrin. When researchers were conducting trials of the drug, they found that the test patients were reporting quitting smoking at a significant rate. This lead to further studies where the sole focus of the study was to determine the impact of wellbutrin on smokers.

Many studies have been completed since and it is commonly agreed now that 16% of smokers, who try to quit smoking using wellbutrin as their smoking cessation pill, will succeed after one year. I.e. they will quit at some point be smoke free one year after the course of treatment has been completed.

It is not known how zyban works specifically, but it is clear that it interferes with the normal brain chemistry associated with nicotine addiction.

The side effects most commonly reported are similar to the side effects suffered by any person quitting smoking. These side effects may be from the drug zyban itself or they may be from nicotine withdrawal. Significantly, any alcohol, heart or blood pressure problems will need careful consideration by your doctor if you wish to use zyban.

The most significant side effect associated with zyban is the 1 in 1000 siezure rate. This can be life threatening so is a serious consideration for any would be quitter. You dont want to kill yourself trying to quit smoking after all!

The second smoking cessation pill I would like to consider is the new kid on the block. It is called varenicline and marketed as chantix in the US and as champix in the UK.

Pfizer, the manufacturer has claimed a 44% success rate in smoking cessation studies but there has been much criticism of their claims. Significantly, when Pfizer have sponsored studies into the effectiveness of chantix as a smoking cessation pill, they have been very stringent on which smokers are allowed into the group. It is thought that hardcore smokers or people who have serially been unable to quit smoking have been excluded in order to bump up success rates.

Independent reviews of all chantix studies have shown the truer success rate of chantix as a smoking cessation pill as being about 22%. This is not a huge success rate when compared to the claims initially made by Pfizer!

The most commonly cited side effects associated with chantix are those of nausea, sleep problems and weird dreams or nightmares. The other significant side effects are shared side effects found from nicotine withdrawal.

Due to the high rates of nausea, stomach cramps, feeling bloated, constipation or diarrhoea associated with chantix, up to 30% of patients have to abandon the treatment. Not mush fun if you have shelled out $300 for your smoking cessation pills only to find you cannot take the drug after all!

My advice is that smokers should try any non-pharmaceutical methods to quit smoking before they turn to smoking cessation pills such as chantix or zyban. Not only is there hypnosis that is very commonly known and probably as effective as chantix, there is also cognitive behavioural therapy that has very high success rates thought to be well over 50%.

As ever, every time you fail to quit smoking, you are one step closer to success. Never stop trying to quit.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Chantix (generic name Varenicline) was hailed as a quit smoking wonder drug when it was launched a few years ago. This powerful mind altering drug blocks the pleasure receptors in your brain so that lighting-up that craved-for cigarette no longer gives you a buzz. It blocks the effect of the nicotine so that you stop getting your fix. Since you're no longer enjoying smoking you lose your craving, and your desire to smoke fades away. That's the theory, anyway! But even the manufacturers suggest you'll need 'behaviour modification' and 'counselling support.' You may need to take a course of treatment for up to twelve weeks, and you might need a second round of treatment if you're still craving cigarettes.

So it's not quite a wonder drug. And there are some well known side-effects which can be very serious. The less serious side-effects can include stomach upset, rashes and skin eruptions, drowsiness and vivid dreams. But remember that this drug works on your mind and some people have had to stop taking Chantix because of its effect on their mood.

Although doctors have issued millions of prescriptions for Chantix, enthusiasm for the drug was tempered by reports of aggressive behaviour and suicidal feelings in those people taking it. In 2008 reports about the adverse psychological effects prompted the US Food and Drug Administration to issue a Chantix safety warning.

Dr. Nancy Rigotti conducted Chantix research studies at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, where she was director of the Tobacco Research and Treatment Unit.

"Those trials mostly enrolled people who were pretty healthy," she said. "They did not include people with depression or much of a history of depression."

Dr. Rigotti thought it was possible that Chantix, "might have more psychiatric side effects in certain groups of people."

Should you try it? There is no doubt that for many people it can be a significant factor in their quit smoking program. For some people it works where other, less drastic, methods have failed. You will need a good sympathetic doctor who has experience of prescribing Chantix and who can monitor you for the first signs of any dangerous side effects. You will also need counselling if you are to become a permanent non-smoker.

Taking Chantix is a serious step which can have dangerous repercussions if you are someone who is in the least susceptible to psychiatric disturbance. There are other less extreme methods you can use to quit smoking which may be more effective in the long term.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Stop-smoking pills have been a very popular option recently. This is because these pills will will help you get through the tough challenges of the physical withdrawal symptoms of quitting.

If you tried quitting in the past, you know how difficult it can be. You'll start to feel cravings as soon as 4 hours after you last smoke, after about 3-5 days, the cravings peak. Although the cravings are part of the problem, you'll also experience tingling of the hands, mental confusion, sweating, cramps, irritability, nausea, anxiety, headaches, and cold symptoms. Many of these symptoms occur simultaneously along with your cravings which makes the first 2 weeks the hardest to get through.

Although nicotine patches, pills, inhalers, and the like are popular options to help you get through this first few weeks, in actuality they have a rather low success rate. This is because your still feeding your body nicotine, which continues to make quitting a long and difficult process.

Non-nicotine stop smoking pills have received a lot of buzz lately because like nicotine patches and pills, they'll combat the physical difficulties of smoking by giving your body similar effects of smoking, except without the use of nicotine. This makes breaking free of a nicotine addiction effective.

There are popular brands out such as Chantix and Zyban. These drugs will increase the levels of dopamine and Norepinephrine, which is what nicotine does. The big downside with these drugs is they bring with them nasty side effects such as nausea, stomach pain, a loss of energy, headaches, and insomnia. A friend of mine tried using Chantix and went 6 days without sleeping because of such.

The best option is herbal stop smoking pills because they are made up of all-natural ingredients. You'll get the same effects of Chantix and Zyban, except without the nasty side effects. Most contain Lobelia Extract which gives you similar effects to your nervous system that you'll experience with smoking cigarettes. Other ingredients include Passion Flower and Ginger Extract which combat the stress your body goes through and promotes calmness. Herbal stop smoking pills are the most realistic option to effectively quit your smoking and help you get through the difficult first few weeks.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


As the world is gearing up to ban smoking, it would not be long when smokers will be shuns wherever they go. Most of the states in the United States have already adopted the anti-smoking law, and so have Canada, most of the European countries, few Asian and African countries. Further, smoking in the confine of home is also forbidden by many families now. This is a drive to make world a more livable place and protect people against second hand smoke, the killer.

Whether you want it or not, it would not be long when smokers become the ostracized group. This seems like a harsh and unfair prediction but if you take the time to see the mortality rate due to active and passive smoking the possibility is heavy. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death. Every year thousands of people die due to cancer of Lungs, Throat, Urinary tract, Sex organs, Women's fertility zone, Digestive organs, Bones and joints etc and also many diseases of the Heart, Eyes, Skin and Male fertility.

Though death due to passive smoking are comparatively lower than active smoking, it is not something which we cannot snub out as the exposure to second hand smoke can lead to serious health complications, even death which could otherwise be avoided. The immediate effects of second hand smoke include dizziness, eye irritation, cough, headache, sore throat, and nausea. Non-smokers who are exposed to second hand at the confine of homes have 25% chances of suffering from lung cancer and heart diseases. Children have a high risk of suffering from Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Bronchiolitis and Asthma if exposed to second hand smoke.

Further, exposure to passive smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage and causes low birth weight. If a pregnant women smokes, she increases her risk of suffering premature delivery, miscarriage, stillbirth, placenta abnormalities and to her baby, she increases the risk of low birth weight, sudden infant death syndrome, abnormal lung development, pre-maturity, long term growth retardation etc.

Therefore, before you become a social outcast and cause any further harm to people living around you and yourself, consider staying smoke free. Do quit smoking today before you are being shunned by the world, let alone your loved ones. Addictions are never hard to quit, so is cigarette. However, you need to balance the cause and effect of your smoking and I do hope you will be able to come to a resolution to lead a quality life and longer life expectancy not only for you but for your loved ones whose life you have been shortening everyday with your bad habit.

If you are worried about the withdrawal syndrome, let your worries rest in peace as the new drug by Pfizer Chantix is there to overcome your craving and lessen the withdrawal syndromes. It is neither a nicotine replacement nor addictive drug, but an effective drug which works in the brain like nicotine without harming your health, through which you will gradually be able to kick off that harmful butt for good. Also make sure to consult a doctor for the right dosage before buy chantix or order chantix online.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
The simplest way to answer the question of how to quit cigarettes is to say, just don't smoke anymore! That is a bit of a fickle response though because if it were that easy, no one would bother to ask how to quit cigarettes would they?

The reason why cigarettes are so hard to quit is because of nicotine addiction. Many smokers and healthcare professionals believe that smoking is a 'habit'. I can assure you and them that this is not the case. Biting your fingernails is a habit, smoking tobacco is the manifestation of an addiction to nicotine.

One of the common answers as to how to quit cigarettes is to turn to nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) such as nicotine patches or nicotine gum. This in my opinion is possibly the stupidest course of action to take. The reason I think this is because of what I have already said about addiction and habit. I also think it is stupid because any drug addiction treated with more of the same drug just seems silly.

When you are told how to quit cigarettes using NRT, you are basically told you have to overcome the habit of smoking and then you have to overcome the addiction to nicotine. Stop smoking then stop using the patches.

What I can tell you is that there is no need to use the patches to try and overcome the 'habit'. There is no habit in smoking. It is all the result of addiction. The only reason you keep smoking is because you are addicted to nicotine. It has nothing to do with you needing to put a cigarette in your mouth. Children need soothers but adults do not!

Another common response smokers are given when they ask how to quit cigarettes is to turn to a 'wonder' drug such as zyban or chantix.

Zyban and Chantix have respectively 16% and 22% success rates. (Chantix does not have the 44% Pfizer like to suggest it has by the way.) The problem with both Zyban and Chantix is that they break the physical addiction to smoking. They stop nicotine working somehow (and by the way, the doctors don't know how!) but they don't change your emotional attachment to smoking.

Without dealing with both your physical and mental addiction to nicotine, you are highly likely to fall back into smoking one your prescriptions for zyban or chantix run out.

The other problems with these drugs are the side effects. There is the nausea, the chances of seizure and a whole host of others. I cover those in more detail in other articles on my blog.

So what is the answer as to how to quit cigarettes? Well, in my humble opinion, it is achieved through adjusting your mental attitude towards smoking. It is achieved through understanding your enemy. In short, understand nicotine and how it has changed the way your body operates. One way this can be achieved easily and quickly with an open mind and a fresh look at smoking through an approach known as cognitive behavioural therapy.
Cognitive behavioural therapy works by looking at smoking in a different way. The relationship you have with cigarettes is often based on a series of misconceptions. It breaks your relationship with tobacco down into bite-sized chunks and deals with each misconception individually. Just because you think you have a handle on smoking, doesn't necessarily mean you have!

People who use cognitive behavioural therapy to quit smoking often report 'seeing the light' or having an 'epiphany' about smoking when they complete the course. More often than not, they know they will never start smoking again after they have quit because the whole smoking relationship has been blown to pieces.

Finally, there are many ways to quit smoking and it is important that you find the one that works for you, so as ever, my most important piece of advice to any would-be quitter is, never stop trying to quit.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Smoking can hurt people in a number of ways including being an addiction, with; it is believed more than 400,000 deaths resulting from smoking in the United States. It also hurts those around smokers, and involuntary smoking can cause, it is believed, as many as 300,000 cases of pneumonia as well as bronchitis annually.

Many people try to stop smoking, but may fail in the effort. However, they need to take heart from the fact that they may have to make several attempts before they are able to successfully stop smoking. Every time you try and fail to stop smoking it may be viewed as a part of the overall effort of stopping to smoke, and not a lesson in failure. It is important for you, at the outset, to realize that your smoking habit is an addiction that needs to be cured.

A Matter Of Personal Choice And Liking

Many people believe that they smoke due to liking the feeling, or because they choose to smoke and this may be due to the heavy advertising that tobacco companies use to promote the belief that smoking is a matter of personal choice. The point that needs to be considered is whether this choice or liking to smoke has turned into an addiction, which if it is the case, will prove to be difficult to break the habit. In fact stopping to smoke is as difficult as giving up on a heroin addiction, or cocaine addiction.

If you do make the wise choice of stopping to smoke, you will be well advised to try out a new tool that will help you in your endeavor. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved of Chantix as a means to stop smoking. This is not a magic pill that will end a person's habit of smoking, but it will considerably ease the process of stopping to smoke, and will certainly require you to be persistent as well as committed to achieve your goal.

Smoking causes nicotine from the cigarette to make the receptors within the brain to release dopamine, which is a chemical that causes positive feelings in smokers. If you do stop smoking, the lack of dopamine will trigger misery in you as well as make you feel certain withdrawal symptoms, which include irritation, insomnia as well as difficulty to concentrate. There are nicotine replacement products that you may turn to, which help in continuing to release some few dopamine in the brain and thus lessens craving for nicotine.

You can use Chantix in this way as it also releases low amounts of dopamine so that you do not experience withdrawal symptoms, while it also blocks nicotine receptors within the brain. In fact, the occasional cigarette that you may smoke while taking Chantix will not stimulate your brain's receptors as it would have if you were not using Chantix. In fact, smoking becomes less pleasurable and there is thus less desire to return to smoking.

To get the best from your Chantix intake, you could begin by taking it a week prior to when you wish to stop smoking. It is often prescribed for twelve weeks, and at first, you may need to take it once daily and then progress on to twice daily. With an increase in dosage, you will also not be at much risk of side effects. If you do manage to stop smoking after the twelve weeks are up, another twelve weeks course may also be required to ensure that you do not go back to your old smoking habits again.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


I want to explain the reasons why I am such a big fan of people who quit smoking cold turkey. It is not because they are heroes, able to overcome the evils of nicotine and tobacco without help, it is because it is the best way to quit smoking.

Statistical evidence from both Australia and the United states indicates that of all the smokers who have ever quit smoking, over 85% of them have done so successfully by using the quit smoking cold turkey method.

For all of the magic pills and potions available out there, it seems they account for only 15% of all the successful long term quits. This may seem strange given that the quit smoking cold turkey method boasts such a low success rate when compared to the other solutions.

Nicotine replacement therapy allegedly boasts a doubling of success rates in quitting smoking. Zyban apparently trebles the rate and chantix apparently quadruples the rate. Whilst this looks like great news for smokers, it hides a dirty little secret. These methods are successful in the short term, but in the longer term, there is growing opinion based on statistical evidence that these ex-smokers fall back into a life of cigarettes more easily than cold turkeys!

Just a side note here - the company that manufactures Chantix, Pfizer, claims a 44% success rate but it is clear that this is not the case as independent analysis of their data and independent research proves the research was heavily biased in favour of the drug!

My argument here is not that these methods don't increase your chances of success, my point is that long term success is more important than short term success. To quit smoking cold turkey gives you a better chance of long term success than using chemical intervention.

If I told you that you could have $10,000 now and never again or $100 every month for the rest of your life, I hope you would take the latter option.

When we choose to quit smoking cold turkey, we are taking the boring, un-flamboyant but ultimately successful approach as opposed to the glamorous, substance-less short term glory of pills and potions.

At this point you might be thinking well, I'd rather have a better chance in the short term in the hope that you can achieve long term success. You might be thinking that NRT and zyban and chantix offer this to you, but they don't.

To quit smoking cold turkey merely means to not use any chemical interventions such as NRT, zyban, chantix, hypnosis, acupuncture, nicocure, laser therapy, herbal remedies or whatever other miracle cure is being offered at the moment. When you chose to quit smoking cold turkey, you should not do it using brute will power, you should do it using your positive attitude and a whole lot of education about how to quit smoking.

Here is the thing - most people when they think of the quit smoking cold turkey method think it means just stopping smoking - it doesn't. Get yourself educated and learn how to quit smoking before you do it - the success rate for people who quit smoking like this is in excess of 40%. Sure there is a ton of information out there about eating healthily, setting a quit date and all that other stuff about making quitting smoking a big deal. In my opinion it is rubbish simply BECAUSE it makes quitting smoking a big deal

The bigger a deal you make out of quitting smoking, the harder it gets. Buying a can of soup is easy and it isn't a big deal and there aren't support forums littered over the internet for buying cans of soup. Quitting smoking should be treated the same. Learn how to do and then get on with doing it and forget about it. You weren't born a smoker so you sure as hell can return to being a non-smoker.

Whilst I clearly condone education as the best method to quit smoking cold turkey, if you must, try the other methods and remember, any method is only successful if it is 100% successful to you. Good luck and never stop trying to quit.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Quit smoking treatment is used to ease the quitting process. It aids the body to handle the complications linked with nicotine withdrawal. It also helps to reduce the nicotine cravings a smoker has to deal with when he wants to give up.

Stop tobacco medicine is often a helpful aid when a particular person wants to quit. It can be helpful to work with it as component of an overall quit smoking program, because it's imperative to have the proper attitude and motivation when utilizing cigarette smoking cessation medicine. It truly is also important to see that you be assisted by your doctor when busy with the quitting process.

Distinct types of quit tobacco medicine are accessible:

Nicotine Replacement Therapy -

Nicotine Replacement Therapy is obtainable within the form of patches, a gum, lozenges, nasal spray or a nicotine inhaler.

With Nicotine Replacement Therapy you replace tobacco smoke with other nicotine substitutes. Small amounts of nicotine are delivered into your body without the dangerous chemicals linked with cigarette smoke. The quantity of nicotine is gradually reduced until you put no more nicotine into your system. You can then carry on with you life without having any nicotine cravings.

You need to give up smoking before you begin using Nicotine Replacement Therapy, or you could become very ill due to a nicotine overdose. One needs to also take care not to use more than the prescribed quantity of the prescription medication, because that could also cause a nicotine overdose.

A nicotine overdose could cause dizziness, nausea, headaches, body pain, respiratory troubles and fainting.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy stop smoking medicine must not be utilized by women whom are pregnant or breastfeeding. It also not meant for persons under the age of 18 years.

Non-nicotine prescriptions stop smoking medicine-

Two of the very best known prescriptions stop tobacco medications are Chantix and Zyban. Chantix works in two techniques, it blocks the enjoyable effects that smoking has on the brain and it reduces withdrawal symptoms. Chantix is a pill and it ought to be prescribed by a healthcare person. Many people do have success when using Chantix, but some individuals give up using it because of severe side effects.

Zyban is a pill that suppresses your desire to smoke.

It really is better not to use Zyban if you do have high blood pressure or for those who experience heart troubles.

Alternative quit cigarette smoking medication-

These quit smoking medicines are developed from natural extracts.

These natural medicines act in a way to make a smoker dislike cigarettes and quitting becomes significantly easier. These medicines act also as a safe "natural" antidepressant and are especially successful in countering depression resulting from nicotine withdrawal.

Natural stop smoking medicines are formulated to repair the damage brought about by smoking cigarettes and also to rid the human body of toxins brought on by your tobacco habit.

Lobelia is mostly used in these quitting medicines. It acts as a replacement for nicotine, but it is not addictive.

To conclude:

There are lots of quit smoking remedies and other smoking cessation products available.

A single best medicine is just not obtainable. It is very important to sort out your mental attitude towards using tobacco and then choose to make use of a suitable remedy.

Best is still to use a treatment and combine it with a quit smoking plan. This could possibly be some counseling or behavioral modification plan.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
In the similar manner in which Indian government is focusing its attention on clamping down scenes in Bollywood (name of Indian Film Industry) flicks in which the hero or the heroine is shown to be pressing a piece of cigarette or cigar to their lips, if the authorities worldwide implement such anti-smoking measures, do you think any substantial result would be the outcome?

Buddy dear! The addiction of the harmful substance nicotine happens only when your mind remains indelibly attached to nicotine and you are unable to kick off the habit. And nicotine cravings are such deeply rooted that even after trying out a plethora of measures smokers around the world become unsuccessful in inducing quit smoking. As it is the truth, I don't think that you would be able to quit smoking just by watching a couple of flicks that shows your favorite hero or heroine getting rid of the disastrous habit of smoking addiction.

To be frank, scenes in movies depicting Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise with cigarettes are not totally responsible for the increase in cigarette addicts across the world. When it comes to the factors responsible for nicotine addiction, there are other substantial ones like peer pressure, a false belief on the part of the youngsters that the guys who smoke are smarter than the others and also the inclination seen among a section of the young generation to try out cigarettes and keep stress at bay.

Cigarette smoking by film stars and celebrities is not the cause behind the public falling in the grip of smoking addiction and it is also not possible that if they leave to smoke, the public would also get rid of smoking addiction. Then what is the suitable anti-smoking measure that you can incorporate in your life and relieve yourself from the evil influence of nicotine? It would be best on your part to ask a doctor first and if he recommends the quit smoking medication Chantix, you can unhesitatingly opt for it. Chantix is Food and drugs Administration (FDA) approved medicine and with its help you can easily make your way out of nicotine addiction.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Smoking cessation is not a child's play. As a matter of fact you know better how tough it is to live without cigarette...I know you have tried to quit earlier but failed. Not that you are the only person who failed in his very first attempt, it is a common story among smokers. The nicotine addiction is responsible for this and you need to plan your cessation activities keeping in mind that quitting smoke involves fight with your addiction hence it also involves your mind.

A strategic planning is required before you decide to quit smoking. Normally this process is made up of five steps which should be planned properly if you wish to be successful.

>> Get prepared

>> Get help

>> Learn new skills and behaviors for quit smoking

>> Get medication and use it correctly

>> Be ready for relapse or difficult situations Get prepared

When you decide to quit smoking, get mentally prepared. You will not allow even a single puff to yourself. Fix a date for quitting smoke and rearrange you home, car and office table by getting rid of smoke related things like ashtray, cigarette packets etc.

Get Help Seek support from your family members, friends and co-workers. Tell them that you are going to quit smoking and you need their support. This step will help you get motivation for smoking cessation and your friends and co-workers will consciously keep you away from smoking by not offering cigarette to you.

New Skills and Behavior for Quit Smoking Learn the tricks of distracting yourself from your cravings. Talk to a close friend, go for a walk or take a shower when you feel a strong urge to smoke. Avoid places where you know that you will be offered cigarette or people around you will be smoking. Use good stress busters like light exercise, meditation, music etc to lessen stress from your everyday life. Avoid alcohol and drink a lot of water and fruit juices through out the day to flush out body toxins.

Use proper Medications There are medications available to help you in managing nicotine cravings, the most popular medication now a day is Chantix, which makes you dislike the nicotine kick. This medicine can help you immensely in controlling your cigarette cravings. Ask your doctor about the medications which will help you in managing cravings.

Get Ready for Relapse and Difficult Situations There is no need to feel discouraged if you relapse because it takes at least two to three attempts of quitting smoke before permanent quitting. But if you have a proper plan and a strong will to quit smoking along with the help of anti-smoking medicine like Chantix, your success is 99% sure.

Using the five steps for proper planning, there is no need to be afraid of quit smoking. Try and give your best effort and enjoy a smoke-free, healthy life.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
One of the most challenging things to do is to quit smoking. That one last puff can only fuel cravings for another stick. Medical disclaimers and anti-smoking campaigns do nothing to curb your cravings for a nicotine fix. This difficulty can be rewarded by the multitude of health benefits that can result from a smoke-free living.

Smoking is an addiction to nicotine. Its perceived benefits are limited to psychological and self-centered making it a more pleasurable activity for one yet an irritating habit for another. When you quit smoking, the benefits that your body can enjoy is numerous. For one, your breathing will be easier and your other sensory organs will be refreshed. You get back your sense of taste and your sense of smell. Your predisposition to certain illnesses is likewise curbed. You will be less likely to develop heart disease, lung disease, stroke or cancer.

There is help for anyone who wants to stop smoking. You can go to support group sessions to meet and interact with people who are in the same predicament and those who have been through the same situation and have succeeded in evading the lure of the stick. There are some companies that have introduced a number of quit smoking aids such as gums and patches. Nicotine replacement therapies are advertised in most media as tools to help manage nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Not all of them, though can be certified as effective.

You can also go for medical care to help you stop smoking. Drug companies have developed medication to help in the campaign against smoking. Antidepressant Bupropion lessens nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms. This drug is comparable to most nicotine replacement therapies. Studies show successful quitting behaviour in as short as three months. Another drug Varenicline, a prescription drug, is also known to be successful in helping people quit smoking. This drug is commonly marketed as Chantix in the USA. It is considered a nicotinic receptor partial antagonists which means that it reduces nicotine cravings and cuts down on the pleasurable effects of smoking.

There are also alternative medical care available that helps stop smoking. Alternative medicine practitioners can prescribe meditation as well as herbal supplements and drinks that can help control nicotine cravings. Meditation is a practice that relaxes your mind and body, bringing your focus inward towards yourself and taking it away from your cravings. The deep breathing techniques involved in most meditation exercises effectively oxygenates your body and relieves anxiety and stress making you less likely to look for a stick to light - aside from incense sticks, that is. Others go as far as going into hypnosis to get to the root of the psychological need for a smoke.

There is never a bad time to quit smoking. If you want to stop smoking, the best time to do it is always the present time. The tools to help you start breathing healthy are at your fingertips. All you have to do is to decide which one will fit your personality, lifestyle, and budget.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
In this day and age, we all want a cure-all pill that will solve all of our woes. We want a stop smoking pill, a diet pill, a little blue sex pill, a heartburn pill an anti-stress pill and an anti-depression pill. Heck if you could make one pill that did all that, you would make Bill Gates look like a pauper! But what stop smoking medications are there available to us?

For the purposes of this article, I am only going to look at the stop smoking medications that have some merit about them and have actually been tested. The herbal, shaman, snake oil remedies and secret formulas are not getting a mention!

The first of the stop smoking medications I want to mention is the nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) approach to quitting smoking. This comes in main forms of 24-hour patch, 16-hour patch, chewing gum, lozenge, microtab, inhalator (a plastic nicotine only 'cigarette'), or nasal spray. The idea is to use this source of nicotine as a replacement to keep your cravings for tobacco under control. The process does not wean smokers from nicotine (which in my opinion, is the only reason why people smoke).

Of the stop smoking medications I am reviewing, this has the least side effects and normally only leaves an unpleasant taste or sensation with the smoker. The nicotine is absorbed through the mucosal linings of the mouth and nose and can cause irritation because these parts of the body are not used to nicotine.

NRT is said to double the rate of success in quitting smoking when compared to people quitting using will power or going cold turkey. That success rate is between 3% and 5% so NRT has a long term success rate of around 6-10%. Not great odds! Of the stop smoking medications I am looking at here, this is by far the weakest medication.

The second of the stop smoking medications I want to mention is zyban, which is often known as wellbutrin or bupropion hydrochloride. Zyban was initially developed as an anti-depressant (which it is still used as) but during clinical trials, researchers found that smokers stopped without any intervention at a statistically improbable rate. In other words, one of the side effects of taking zyban was an increased likelihood of quitting smoking.

Zyban is an incredibly popular drug with over 21 million prescriptions in the US in 2006. The beneficial side effect of zyban helping people quit smoking is countered by the many negative side effects. In larger doses, zyban can cause seizures and there is little tolerance for alcohol too.

Because zyban interacts with a subjects brain chemistry, there is a need for doctors to assess a patients mental health very carefully before prescribing. There are also implications when prescribed with high blood pressure (prevalent in smokers!) and people with heart problems (again, prevalent in smokers!). Zyban was initially seen as the potential 'cure-all' pill but in truth, this is not the case.

Studies have shown zyban is about 15% effect when used in combination with NRT and stop smoking support groups.

Of the three stop smoking medications I am looking at, Chantix is the final and most promising of the three. Chantix is the trade name for varenicline which is also traded as Champix in the UK. But just because is is a promising stop smoking medication, it does not mean it is 'the cure-all'.

Again, like zyban, chantix interferes with the brain chemistry of a smoker, although the exact mechanism as to how this happens is not known. It is thought the chantix blocks off the receptors in the brain where nicotine normally attaches. As a result, the normal smoke and reward cycle associated with smoking doesn't work because the nicotine doesn't get a chance to do what it normally does. As a result, the smoker finds that smoking does not have the benefits it once did so they are inclined to stop.

Pfizer, the manufacturer claims a 44% success rate but other studies have shown a much lower success rate in the order of 20%.

Of all the stop smoking medications out there, chantix is probably the most effective but all of these approaches lack one common requirement. When you quit smoking, no matter which of the stop smoking medications you use, if any, you need to get your mental attitude to smoking and tobacco sorted out. It is possible to stop smoking without any of the stop smoking medications available, as many millions of people do every year - why not try and be one of them.

As ever, if you want to stop smoking, never stop trying. Failing to achieve something only really happens when you stop trying to achieve it.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


A research conducted by the NHS Smoking Helpline found that smokers don't make good lovers. 1000 people, aged 18 to 35, were interviewed in this research. 22% of them believed that non-smokers make better lovers. While 34% said that the risk of impotence in smokers makes them less attractive. 39% people constantly had arguments with their smoking partners for quitting smoking. 11% actually ended the relationship because their partner wouldn't quit smoking. Over 78% people expressed their dislike for their partners smoking in bed. And, most smokers voiced their concern that their smoking habit put them in danger of impotence. This statistics, when Valentine's Day is just round the corner, can make smokers change their perspective and consider quitting smoking.

Effects of smoking on your heart

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 33% of deaths in the United States occur due to cardiovascular diseases. Smoking is a leading cause of cardiovascular diseases. Smoking also increases the risk of death from coronary heart diseases by up to 30%. Smoking increases blood pressure, decreases exercise tolerance and increases the tendency for blood to clot, all surmounting to heart attacks and strokes. Quitline Iowa, the statewide toll-free smoking cessation hotline, was quoted remarking, "When you give someone your heart this Valentine's Day, make it a healthier heart by quitting smoking."

Other effects of smoking

Impotence and heart diseases are not the only reasons because of which smokers don't make good lovers. Partners of smokers often get annoyed about the money being wasted on smoking cigarettes, which could have been spent on romantic getaways and other better things. Also the partners of smokers are turned off because of yellow teeth, smelly hair and bad breath, all signs of smoking. All in all, your smoking is completely capable to spoil your Valentine's Day if you don't do something about it. Make an effort to quit smoking this Valentine's Day and give the gift of healthier heart to your lover. There are several resources that can help you to quit smoking without experiencing any nasty effects.

Quit smoking help

From NHS Smoking Helpline to counseling through to Chantix varenicline, the FDA approved quit smoking pill, there are several sources that can help you to kick your habit for good. Chantix varenicline works in the brain by attaching itself to the nicotinic receptors where it acts as nicotine and provides the same pleasurable feeling. This reduces the cravings for nicotine as your brain doesn't demand nicotine. Also it reduces the severity of withdrawal symptoms by fooling the brain that it is getting its daily dose of nicotine. Chantix varenicline is a good alternative to nicotine replacement therapies such as nicotine gums, patches and lozenges as it doesn't contain nicotine.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
According to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, 1/3 of infertility cases are attributable to women. 1/3 is attributable to men and the remaining 1/3 to combined infertility or unexplained causes. Find out below about how smoking can directly lead to infertility.

Introduction of infertility

Experts in reproduction and infertility consider any male or female or couple infertile if they are under the age of 34, have not used contraceptive and have tried to conceive for a period of 12 months. If the female is above the age of 35 and has not conceived after a period of 6 months of contraceptive-free intercourse or if a female is incapable of carrying a pregnancy to term, it may be termed infertility.

Causes of infertility in males

The main cause of infertility in males is low sperm count or volume. Sperm production is affected due to hormonal problems in the testicles or pituitary gland, treatment of cancer with chemotherapy or radiation and several other factors. Sometimes genetic problems also play a part. Diabetes and thyroid also cause infertility in men suffering from them. Ejaculation problems such as blocked ejaculation and retrograde ejaculation also play a pivotal role in infertility. Klinefelter syndrome or problems in chromosomes cause infertility too.

Causes of infertility in females

The fertility rate of women is affected by age. Other conditions that lead to infertility in women are pelvic inflammatory disease, ovulation difficulties, diabetes, thyroid disorders, liver problems, kidney disease, problems in the fallopian tube, uterus and cervix and endometriosis (a disorder in the female reproductive organs). Less well-known factors that can lead to infertility in women are excess weight gain or weight loss.

Environmental and lifestyle factors responsible for infertility

Certain lifestyle factors such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, rigorous exercises and taking undue physical stress can lead to infertility. Environmental factors such as exposure to toxins like glues, volatile organic solvents, silicones, physical agents, chemical dusts and pesticides also contribute to infertility.

Relations between smoking and infertility

Smoking is not only dangerous for your heart and respiratory organs but also your reproductive functions. Smoking or consumption of substances that contain tobacco reduces sperm production in men and affects the quality of eggs in women, causing infertility in the course of time. Smoking also decreases the production of testosterone in men, thereby causing impotence. Smoking in women causes changes in the cervical mucous, which prevents the sperm reaching the egg and induces infertility.

Treatments that help you to quit smoking

As smoking is an addictive habit, preparation and help is advisable when looking to quit. Chantix and Zyban are 2 clinically proven treatments that help you to quit smoking. Both Chantix and Zyban are approved by the FDA, so that you can quit smoking safely and effectively.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Drugs block the effect of withdrawal from the chemicals in tobacco and tobacco smoke. Some, like Scopolamine and Atarax, which block the brain nicotine receptors and ease your physical withdrawal pains as you try to stay off of the substance, are applied intravenously for best effect - the Scopolamine Medicated Anticholinergic Receptor Treatment, SMART, has been in use in that capacity for years.

Other types of drugs that help with quit smoking efforts include Chantix and Atropine, and a number of other neurotransmitter drugs. Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, SNRIs, are mostly also used as depression medications, but they do have some application in helping people to quit smoking, albeit under strict supervision. Drugs like venlafaxine or mirtazapine, which prevent the neurotransmitters serotonin and norephinephrine from binding to nearby nerve cells, have found controversial use in this same department.

Basically, the biggest problem with smoking cessation drugs is the side effects that they have. The chief side effect of such medications is dehydration. Others include nausea, sleeplessness or insomnia, mood alterations, gas, constipation, headaches, allergic rashes, loss of taste, and a number of others. As a result of the severity of some of these symptoms, many physicians actually question the efficacy of these drugs and would much rather have their quit smoking patients on any number of other stop smoking techniques.

But do smoking cessation drugs work? Statistics show that they do. The question is how badly do you want to break the habit? Is it enough to put up with the side effects? If it is, you may as well just stay with any program or medication that you are placed on.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


In the face of the adverse effects of Chantix, you may want to consider the milder Zyban. Zyban is one of a group of antidepressant drugs that inhibit the reuptake of the serotonin neurotransmitter. When secreted, these chemicals in your body cause a spike in your pleasure-seeking behavior, which makes you 'crave' nicotine.

Zyban is the brand name for the substance bupropoin, which is not without its own side effects. Offshoot symptoms of bupropion include dizziness and fainting, dehydration, mouth dryness, difficulty urinating, and drowsiness. While on bupropion, you may want to abstain from milks and cheese because they set off a whole new range of side effects.

Scopolamine and Atarax are two drugs that can help you stop smoking too, except that they are not orally administered drugs like the previously mentioned ones. These two, blended together into a single SMART injection are given to you intravenously. Although they are individually FDA-approved, the cocktail is still in the review process. They work well to help your smoking cessation efforts, but they also have side effects similar to those mentioned above.

The fact that a drug works and saves you from the worse potential effects of nicotine is often reason enough to keep you in the program. Nicotine causes irregular heartbeats, high blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, and is a poison used in most insecticides.

The other chemicals in tobacco proffer little more than increased risks of cancer and heart disease, which should convince you to stay with the program until you don't need the drug anymore. Smoking cessation is not an easy thing to achieve, but there are people doing it all around you. Perhaps it is time for you also to give it what it takes and never smoke another cigarette again.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Recent studies have shown that in America the most preventable cause of deaths is smoking. Since many smokers are aware of the deadly effects of smoking, nearly 90 percent will do anything to try and quit smoking. But the tobacco makes it difficult since it is both an addiction and a pleasure. Nicotine releases endorphins which help individuals to feel good.

While many may start their quit smoking regimen with enthusiasm and determination, many can't maintain this rhythm for long and often go back to smoking. Other choose to give up the effort because of the withdrawal symptoms that come along with quitting smoking. The prescription treatment Chantix can help to control the habit during this crucial period. While there are many quit smoking options, Chantix has become a favorite and highly adopted method since it helps individuals quit smoking in a very short time.

Why Is Chantix Successful?

In the production of anti-smoking pills a milestone was reached when Chantix became available. It increased greatly in popularity after it achieved FDA approval. It became a successful effort in the fight against stopping smoking as well as preventing withdrawal symptoms just a few months after its launch. There is a reason behind the success of this drug with smokers. Chantix has become popular because it is a completely different way to quit smoking when compared to other methods and is also much more friendly to those who want to quit.

The nicotine inhaled during smoking attaches to the receptors and tell the brain to release the chemical Dopamine which causes individuals to feel good when they smoke. While Dopamine will give pleasure it will only last for a short while. Most gums and patches on the market today contain nicotine, but Chantix is different since it contains no form of nicotine but reacts similar and helps to block the addiction. Chantix also helps to tell the brain to produce more Dopamine to lower an individuals desire to smoke.

A quit smoking regimen is difficult to maintain because individuals don't have the buoyancy and relief sensations they get with smoking. Chantix helps by letting the smoker feel these sensations while diminishing withdrawal indications. Although it has proven to be popular both with those who are trying to quit smoking and by campaigns against smoking, it isn't without its side effects like most medications. Some of the side effects include nausea, sleeping sickness and restlessness. Although if treatment is continued most of these side effects go away with time. Chantix has proven to be an important part of the effort to help individuals quit smoking successfully and completely.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Oral cancer is one of the many potential side effects of smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco. This disease is characterized by an abnormal growth of cells in the mouth, sinuses, and/or pharynx. Smokers are six times as likely to develop this type of cancer and smokeless tobacco users are fifty times as likely.  Overall, excessive tobacco and alcohol users comprise nearly 75% of the 29,000 annually-diagnosed oral cancer cases in the United States. 


Unfortunately, oral cancer can be deadly if it is not caught early and treated aggressively.  Most victims are diagnosed by their dentists when they go in for their routine check-ups. Dentists typically look for the following symptoms of oral cancer when they examine their patients:

-Unusual swelling or abnormal bumps in the mouth
-Unexplained oral bleeding
-Development of white or red sores in the mouth
-Soreness or abnormal feelings of blockages in the throat
-Pain in the ear
-Numbness or loss of feeling in the mouth or face
-Development of white or splotchy patches of gum in the mouth
-Unusual, unexplained taste in the mouth

If your doctor notices that you have any of the above signs, then he or she will recommend that have the affected area looked at more closely by a specialist. Typically, a biopsy will be performed on the tumor so that the specialist will be able to determine whether or not it is malignant cancer.


If you are diagnosed with oral cancer, then you will need to explore the various treatments available to patients. Typically, the first step is to remove your cancer tumor surgically. If the cancer has spread to other areas, then you may need to turn to chemotherapy or radiation therapy to attack the tumor(s). Following the successful removal of your cancer, you will be treated with speech and movement therapy.

On the whole, approximately half of all of these cancer victims will live for more than five years after their diagnosis. The other half, unfortunately, will pass away from this disease. Approximately 25% of all victims will die because they were diagnosed and treated too late.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


What can you do to stop smoking is a really important question. Consider the fact that smoking kills enough people to represent a Hiroshima bomb attack every 6 days and you realize just how important stopping is.

With an estimated one billion people expected to die over the 21st century as a direct result of smoking, it is no wonder that here is such a lot of activity in trying to get people to stop. So what can you do to stop smoking?

Firstly, you should ensure that you understand why you need to stop smoking. The toxins found in both tobacco smoke and in smokeless tobacco cause the death tolls that I have mentioned. Tar contains hundreds of toxic and carcinogenic (cancer causing) substances. Because of these, tobacco causes an enormous amount of cancer in smokers, particularly of the lung, but all over the body too.

The second thing you can do to stop smoking is to assess the various options available to you and decide to follow one or more of them.

The most common method is to stop smoking cold turkey but that has the very lowest success rate of any approach. Having said that, people who quit cold turkey (without pharmaceutical aids) have the highest long-term success.

What other methods can you do to stop smoking? Probably best known is nicotine replacement therapies such as gum, patches, lozenges, spray and inhalers. These are reported to double your chances compared with cold turkey, to about 10%.

True pharmaceutical approaches include Zyban (also known as wellbutrin) and Chantix (also known as varenicline). Although they work differently, they largely interfere with the way your brain interacts with nicotine. Zyban removes the urge to smoke and can be more effective if used in conjunction with nicotine replacement therapy. Chantix blocks the receptors in the brain that receive nicotine, taking away the pleasure of smoking from smokers so they just give up.

Zyban reportedly increases chances of quitting to around 16% and Chantix, despite initial reports of 44% success, has been found to have around a 21% success rate in reality. Both of these methods are significantly better than cold turkey or NRT but their success rates are pretty low and there is a big drop off rate with time as people return to smoking because they still have a mental attachment to it.

Hypnosis is another well known approach and there is evidence that it can be very effective. It is important to realize that hypnosis is very dependent upon the therapist and on you. A therapist that works for your friend may be useless to you and vice versa.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is one of the least well known but conversely more effective methods available with independent research suggesting chances of success being between 5 and 7 times that of quitting cold turkey. It works by breaking down smoking into finite problems and then leading the smoker through each problem to help them reach a positive resolution. Putting that more simply, it helps you change your attitude to every aspect of smoking thus making it easier to quit

There are also a whole army of other methods out there, most of which belong in what I call the 'snake oil' cabinet. Therapies such as laser treatment, acupuncture, magnets, herbal tinctures, patches and pills are either completely unregulated or unmonitored or where they have been assessed scientifically they have been found wanting.

The most important thing you can do to stop smoking is to educate yourself. You can do this on the net. This is free but could take hours if not weeks and will be unstructured if you are turning to site after site for information. Alternatively, you can use a prepared system such as a book or a subscription website.

Secondly, you must realize that you can only stop smoking for yourself. You cannot do it for someone else or because someone else want you to stop smoking. You are responsible for smoking and only you can be responsible for stopping.

Thirdly, once you have decided to stop smoking, make sure you are happy with that decision and never doubt the decision thereafter. It was right when you made it and it will be the right decision till the day you die.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
I am not a doctor, so I don't write from the medical point of view to advocate any products or services, yet, I can share that a medication my husband has taken has helped him quit the physical addiction to the nicotine in the cigarettes. That medication is Chantix.

For the first week he used the Chantix, he smoked, just a little bit less. The second week on Chantix, the "must-have " urges for the cigarette were reduced in about half. I was ecstatic. He was obnoxious. He was extremely moody and I would not allow myself to give in.

I learned that in the past when he had tried to quit smoking, his family, by the fourth day he was smoke-free, yelled at him to smoke because he was nasty and intolerable. I knew this going in to this process and I promised myself that I would not accept verbally abusive treatment , no matter what. Second, I decided that I would not, under any circumstances, tell him to smoke.

Was it hard to stick to my personal promises, yes. Almost impossible at times, but I knew that I would not be the one to tell him to quit trying to quit. I had to be stronger than him, if necessary, emotionally. It was necessary. I kept a positive outlook on the long-term future benefits to his health, and our lives. I kept telling myself, " I can get through his quitting even if he's not sure if he can."

It's been about 21 days since he's had a cigarette, yesterday he made one greater improvement, he stopped complaining about a heaviness in his chest. He was nice to me and verbalized his recognition that he was making progress. He mentioned that psychologically, he still wants to pick up a cigarette, but that he has decided not to. He's also sleeping more soundly, so I am sleeping better.

We're going to celebrate our progress with a mini-getaway. Hang in there, the results will be awesome.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Smoking retains it's popularity in the United States despite all the Surgeon General's warnings and tobacco company lawsuits. Roughly a quarter of all Americans are still smoking. In many parts of the United States, smoking is as part of the mainstream culture as baseball and apple pie. Why does this past-time enjoy such esteem in today's day and age? That is a great question and one that has a pretty good, if not complicated answer.

Currently, there are many stop smoking aids, methods or products on the market. Everything from electric cigarettes to lasers. But when you get past the hype and look at the science of smoking cessation, you are left with a very stark reality, low success rates. Let's look at what's called the front line methods for smoking cessation.

The first category can be called non-pharmacologic means. This includes quitting cold turkey, behavior modification, and support groups/counseling. Quitting cold turkey, although the preferred method of quitting by most smokers, offers the lowest success rate at 3%. Group counseling and behavior modification has the highest success rate, right around 20%.

The second category would then be pharmacological interventions. Here is where you see nicotine replacement therapy, like nicotine gum, the patch, the nasal spray, etc. You'll also find Zyban and Chantix in this category. The success rate found with nicotine replacement is about equal to what is found with Zyban. This rate is basically double that of quitting cold turkey. Chantix on the other hand, boasts a success rate above 20%. However, Chantix has been required by the FDA to place a warning label on each box dispensed. The label basically warns the consumer that some who take Chantix, have experienced erratic and bazaar behavior. Many who want to quit smoking may not be willing to take that chance, in spite of the potential upside in success. The last member of this group is the placebo medication. This group wouldn't be classified as a front line method, but it is a pharmacological intervention. This is where someone takes a legitimate medication with a very real medical use but offers it up as a stop smoking aid in an "off-label" manner. In other words, they may take some benign medication used to dry up secretions, and market it as a stop smoking shot. So it is no longer being used for the purpose stated on its label, but rather is now being used off-label. The consumer then receives this medication thinking they are getting some new smoking cure. This idea is so powerful, it creates a very real placebo effect in their mind. The success rates for off-label or placebo medications is thought to be about equal to that of quitting cold turkey, as you would expect. However, there are no clinical studies that evaluate these medications for smoking cessation in which derive accurate data. Therefore, the consumer is at the mercy of the advertising departments.

The final category is labeled alternative methods. This sort of catch-all group is where you find hypnosis, acupuncture, lasers and herbal or natural remedies. These methods might have a basis in non-traditional science and certainly have helped people to stop smoking. But there is sometimes no rhyme or reason as to whether it will or will not work; which, I suppose, doesn't make them much different than any other method. Like placebo meds, there are no studied success rates with these methods and there are no clinical studies to quote statistics from. There is a segment of the population that will find success by using one of these methods, but most experts would agree it's similar to or less than that of quitting cold turkey.

After looking at these success rates, it becomes easy to see why smoking is still so prevalent in our society. Many believe the success rates remain low because people are unwilling to make the necessary behavioral changes and/or are not really serious about quitting. Many are fed misinformation when they search for "easy ways to stop smoking" on the Internet. Too often people buy into a product or method because it offers them a "magic bullet" to stop smoking. However, they are not emotionally or mentally prepared for the grind that is about to take place in their brain.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


In this article I'm going to explain the best stop smoking pill.

Good But Not Great

There are two popular pills in the market that are manufactured by large corporations. One of which is Chantix made by the company Pfizer. When you smoke a cigarette, nicotine is absorbed by your blood which eventually makes it way to your brain. In your brain there are receptors that detect nicotine where it attaches to it. This sends results in your brain releasing a chemical called Dopamine which gives you the happy, relaxed feeling. Chantix works by releasing dopamine without the use of nicotine. This allows you to get through the tough cravings of the first few weeks of quitting.

Zyban, made by GlaxoSmithKline is a similar drug. This drug was originally used as an anti-depressant but has recently been sold as a stop-smoking pill. It too releases dopamine into your body.

These drugs are great in the fact that they will give your body similar effects of nicotine, without actually smoking a cigarette. However, I do not recommend using these products. This is because they have nasty side effects which are hard to deal with while trying to quit. One such is difficulty sleeping. Many have gone multiple days without sleeping while taking these drugs. What freaked me out what the FDA's recent linkage with these drugs and suicide. In 2007, the FDA announced an official safety report that linked suicidal behavior to these drugs. For these reasons, they are not the best stop smoking pill you should be taking.

The Best Option

The safest and best stop smoking pills are all-natural supplements. This is because they have the best of everything you are looking for. They will combat the negative withdrawal symptoms (including dramatically lessening your cravings) to help you get through the tough few weeks. They don't contain nicotine, so you'll be able to quit quicker and more effective. Lastly, they don't have any negative side effects when taking it. You don't have to worry about any additional problems to deal with when you are already dealing with trying to quit. This will put your body in the best position to get through the difficult stages of quitting.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
People usually smoke to refresh when they feel tired or worn out. When we are smoking it makes us alert and gives relaxation, this makes us habituated to it, this is the addictive property of nicotine. We began to depend on smoking to refresh and relax our mind and tobacco gradually takes hold of our life.

However, in a new study on tobacco conducted by researchers at the University of Michigan has revealed that smoking impairs our ability to think just like alcohol. Smoking of cigarettes is found to have a negative impact on our memory and in our skills of solving problems; the condition is higher especially among men who had been smoking for a long time.

Besides this research, many studies on cigarette smoking have also found that young male smokers and particularly adolescents when tested were found to perform badly in selective and divided attention test. These studies also found that even the working memory is impaired.

So, the feeling you get when you smoke, that feel good effect is actually misleading and harmful in the long term. It is just a way to keep you hooked while damaging your brain with each puff you inhale. Besides, giving you all the cancers you can think about and heart diseases, loss of memory and concentration is what you will get by not heeding the voice of your well wisher who time and again asks you to quit smoking.

If we were some gadgets like cell phones, computers, digital camera etc then we could easily upgrade or change our memory when it is impaired or it is full. However, human memory cannot be upgraded, changed nor purchased; our memory is so precious, it is huge and has unlimited storage but once lost it is irreplaceable. There are people who lose their memory due to accidents and life is no longer normal for them. Therefore life without memory is unthinkable.

So, why not say no to smoking today before you are called the dunce in ever situation. Quitting is not easy but instead of losing your memory becoming an easy victim of Alzheimer's disease, it is better to quit smoking. Imagine you went out on a date and you forget your date's name, even worse, you forget your children's name, the class they are studying in. If somebody asks you something you ought to know and you can't give him the correct answer, how embarrassing the situation will be. Therefore, before its too late quit smoking today, it is always better to be late than never.

You can always use the therapies and pills available to help you in quitting. You can also buy Chantix by Pfizer; it is the one medicine which will definitely save you from losing your memory. As cigarette became so distasteful when you take chantix that in no time you don't feel like smoking anymore. Further it also cuts down the craving by reducing the nicotine withdrawal symptoms. In no time you became smoke free and hence save your valuable memory from deterioration. Think about IT!
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
By now, it has become widespread knowledge that smoking has a number of devastating effects on the body, in both the short and the long run. Despite the fact that tobacco offers up stress relief through its stimulating effects, this benefit does not outweigh the harm tobacco does to the body. Every year, nearly 440,000 people die as a result of smoking cigarettes.

Many times, once smokers realize how much their habits hurt their bodies, they try to stop using cigarettes.  However, nicotine has an extremely strong addictive effect on those who are exposed to it, and almost all smokers have significant trouble with their efforts to quit. There are a number of stop-smoking methods that people have tried, but none of them have been proven as particularly effective.

Short Term Effects

While smoking can positively affect one's mood for a short period of time, it can also have a number of negative effects on one's psychological, emotional, and physical well-being. When nicotine enters the body, it creates a stimulating effect. The smoker feels more alert and immediately relaxed.  However, as the nicotine is processed by the body, the user starts to feel less alert and more irritable and edgy. This creates the addictive effect of cigarettes.

Even after just a short period of time, the body will start to feel lasting effects of cigarettes, which include the following:

·         Stained teeth

·         Itchy and bloodshot eyes

·         Wrinkling of the skin, especially in the face and on the hands

·         Worsening of allergies and asthma

·         Stomach ulcers

If the smoker continues his or her habit, then the long term effects of smoking may begin to arise.

Long Term Effects

There are numerous diseases and cancers that can arise years after one starts smoking. These long-term effects can be particularly damaging or, in many cases, even fatal. The following have all been cited as smoking-caused illnesses:

·         Lung Cancer

·         High blood pressure

·         Cardiovascular disease

·         Kidney cancer/failure

·         Periodontal disease

·         Pulmonary disease

Many of these, if not directly fatal, can indirectly cause a victim's death. 

Contact Us

If you have suffered the dangerous side effects of the oral, smoking-cessation drug Chantix, then you have the right to claim damages for your pain and suffering. The Chantix injury lawyers of Williams Kherkher can help you with your claim.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


Is there a pill to stop smoking? There are many drugs available, such as Zyban or Chantix, which are advertised as simple remedies to quit smoking. However, you have to try them and face the associated side effects to see whether these drugs can really kill your urge for nicotine.

Nicotine causes specific chemical reactions in your body. These drugs should cause similar reactions to get you the same upbeat feel when you smoke. They should restrict bad effects of nicotine. Only then, these pills can prove effective in overcoming your smoking habit. 

You should take these pills twice a day and should start a week before stopping smoking. This acclimatizes your body to the approaching change. You should stop smoking only in the second week of pill intake. You should be careful not to miss a single dose.

You should continue these pills for eight to twelve weeks for a complete treatment. However, stop smoking pills control your urge for smoking but only at the cost of serious side effects. These drugs have serious side effects like insomnia, vomiting, nausea, headaches, body pain, and others.

If you have:

o Stomach disorders

o Bronchitis problems

o Depression or seizure disorders

o Are pregnant or lactating

o Planning for pregnancy

o Are already on other prescription medications for heart and liver problems

o Are on dialysis or have any kidney-related ailments

o Are on insulin or asthma medications

You should not take these medications. They aggravate your ailments and your health deteriorates. You are also unable to quit smoking.

A pill to stop smoking may spell more harm than it does any benefit. Sometimes, you start smoking again with greater vigor. Instead, opt for natural cures to overcome smoking like NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming. It is a completely natural stop smoking that has a 97.2% success rate with none of the side effects associated with Medications.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
If you don't know much about the quit smoking drugs out there, such as Chantix and the likes, this article will prove very helpful in not only informing you but also helping you in your quest to stop the bad smoking habit.

Despite the awesome good effects of some of these drugs that help you stop smoking, there are also negative effects. That's obviously the same thing with lots of things in life, even those things that help us incredibly in lots of areas - they also have side effects.

When it comes to drugs for stopping smoking, such as Chantix, they help a lot but they also have adverse effects, such as - sleep disorder, constipation, headaches, loss of appetite, nausea, dizziness and even fainting, dehydration, mouth dryness, etc.

Some people I talked to say they don't care about such negative effects because they are mild compared to the extreme dangers of continuing the dangerous habit of smoking - such as possible lung cancer. As far as they are concerned, such side effects are indeed mild and they prefer them.

I do agree with them, but I'd suggest you look for other ways to stop smoking that won't have extreme side effects. I say so because such adverse effects might affect you negatively. For example, if you are someone that works with heights and you suffer from the adverse effects like nausea, this is extremely dangerous and can lead to your death! So - despite how wonderful many of the drugs are, you should go for those that have the least side effects.
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
There are estimates the seventy percent--over thirty-one million--of America's forty-five million smokers either want to quit or have tried to quit and failed. Giving tobacco up for good is one of the hardest things anyone can ever be expected to do. Giving it up without some sort of stop smoking aids, in other words, going cold turkey, is almost impossible.

If you've decided that you've had enough of your tobacco habit, and are ready to give quitting a shot, don't be afraid to look for help. You'll need help from you family, of curse, who will have to bear with you during the early stages of nicotine withdrawal. But you can look for ways to reduce the severity of your withdrawal symptoms, and make life easier for both yourself and those around you.

The Two Approved Stop Smoking Drugs

The most convenient smoking cessation aid is the stop smoking drug; there are two which have been FDA-approved. The older, Zyban, is actually buproprion and has been marketed as an anti-depressant as Wellbutrin for years. When patients taking Wellbutrin for their depression reported that their nicotine cravings were diminishing, the makers of Wellbutrin developed a form of buproprion to sell as a stop smoking drug. It was the only stop smoking drug with FDA approval until May of 2006.

In May of 2006, after having the FDA fast track their stop smoking drug Chantix, Pfizer introduced it to the market. By stimulating the brain to release small amounts of dopamine, the stop smoking drug fools the nicotine receptors into thinking they are getting nicotine, so the nicotine craving diminishes.

As the stop smoking drug takes over some of the job of nicotine, nicotine cravings diminish, smoking no longer delivers the punch it once did, the smoker smokes less, and the nicotine addiction is weakened even further.

Comparing The Stop Smoking Drugs

Now that Chantix has been available for a year, its long-term statistics can be compared to those of Zyban. After one year 22% those who used the Chantix for the standard twelve week treatment period remained smoke free; for Zyban the one-year success rate is 15% and for nicotine replacement items like gum, patches, and lozenges, the long-term success rate is 10%.

Side effects of the stop smoking drug [http://www.stopsmokingaidsguide.com/Stop_Smoking_Programs/] Chantix include nausea and vomiting, difficulty sleeping and changes in dreams, and changes in the way some foods taste. The stop smoking drug Zyban can produce dry mouth and sleeplessness, and the nicotine replacement treatments may cause throat irritation in the case of lozenges and sprays, and dizziness or headaches in the case of patches.

If you are going to use a stop smoking drug to improve you chances of permanently kicking your nicotine addiction, you will, of course, have to consult you doctor. But whether or not you are interested in the drugs, trying to break an addiction is not something you should undertake without talking to your doctor first.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST


You have always been told that Nicotine is bad for your health and so you must forsake your dear nicotine, your partner of weal and woe. You have shared most delicate private moments with nicotine. In your stress and depression nicotine lifted your spirit, when you were tired, nicotine assured you to fill your body with energy, when you were bored, nicotine made you feel enthusiastic about whatever you were doing. You are in love with your NICO-darling, how can you betray your love? True, you make a point. Nicotine did award you a euphoric feeling every time you pressed it with your lips. How can you give up this extraordinary excitement with every nicotine kiss! It is really tough...not because you just love nicotine, but for the fact your NICO-darling has captivated you in such a way, that you fail to notice that you have become a slave to it. You have become addicted to cigarette, and now you can not imagine anything beyond the poisonous puffs.

What is there in those puffs of nicotine? Hold your heart, I am going to smother it with some hard facts. The organic compound nicotine is C10H14N2, a natural liquid alkaloid, made of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sometimes oxygen. Your cigarette contains approximately 8 to 20 mg of nicotine and out of that only around 1 mg is essentially absorbed by your body after smoking a cigarette. After you smoke, it first causes a rapid release of Adrenaline, as a result you experience rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, rapid, shallow breathing. Then nicotine blocks the release of hormone insulin and thereby increases the sugar level in blood. Then nicotine increases the LDL cholesterol that is responsible for damaging arteries. This way, you increase the likelihood of a heart attack or a stroke, by smoking. And you also increase the chances of cancer in your body parts, mainly lungs, and emphysema.

The main role of nicotine, which has more than 3999 compounds including some poisonous compounds, is to make you addicted to cigarette smoking. It is the primary reason for being addictive to cigarettes, it is something like sending a captivating women to seduce the targeted man so that he may be killed easily by the devil. If you have realized that you have been kissing poison since the first fag of your life, I hope you understand that you need to quit smoking as soon as possible. Of course it's ultimately a matter of your heart's desire if you wish to keep on 'sleeping with the enemy'!

Is it just impossible for you? You cannot live after leaving nicotine, right! I know you cannot imagine making life miserable fighting with the CRAVINGS for the rest of your life. If you have a hidden wish to ditch your NICO-love, then I can show you a way to free yourself from the evil grip of nicotine. There is a new anti-smoking medicine available in the market, its name is Chantix. Smoking people have been able to quit smoking permanently after using Chantix, the latest smoking cessation drug, which is making wave in the market. Why not when nearly more than half a million people are dying because of tobacco smoking each year!

Chantix has been able to make an impact on the smokers mainly because it has the right approach to the problem; it has targeted the nicotine addiction, by which you are seduced to smoke tobacco. If you start disliking nicotine effects, why on earth will you ever go to the smoking zone and take a puff? This is called an eye for an eye! The devil tobacco has nasty nicotine to seduce you...and Chantix has very good varenicline to take you out of the evil captivation. When varenicline starts working, you just cannot enjoy nicotine! As a result you just quit smoking easily with Chantix and go back to a tobacco-free clean and healthy world! Get rid of Tobacco... Chantix is the hot chic in the town, a kill-bill for the tobacco devil.
Posted by Admin On 11:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
Unfortunately, if you smoke, you are more prone to developing certain types of very unpleasant, very deadly cancers. Every year, a shocking 440,000 people in the United States die from smoking-related complications, the majority of which are cancers. In fact, smoking-caused cancer fatalities account for approximately 30% of all cancer deaths.

Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is not only the leading cause of all cancer deaths, but it is also by and far the most common cancer resulting from cigarette use. Overall, smoking is the cause of 80% of all female lung cancer cases and 90% of all male cases. 

Those who develop cancer of the lungs begin to feel symptoms such as pain and tightness in the chest, a persistent cough, shortness of breath, and wheezing. If the cancer is not caught and treated in time, it can cause a number of other complications. It can cause fluid accumulation in the chest, it can spread to other areas of the body, and in the worst cases, it will result in death.

Other Cancers

Though you may not realize it, smoking can have very detrimental effects on more than just your respiratory system. When lung cancer spreads to other areas of the body - a phenomenon known as metastasis - it can overwhelm the body, require extensive and aggressive treatment, or even cause death. Typically, it will migrate to the liver, brain, and bones.

Sometimes, smokers will develop cancer in other areas of their bodies (instead of the lungs). Though these cases are not as common as smoking-related lung cancer cases, they still occur. Some other cancers that can develop include the following:

·         Oral cancer - including that of the mouth, larynx, and pharynx

·         Bladder and kidney cancer

·         Colon cancer

·         Pancreatic cancer

·         Esophageal cancer

·         Breast cancer

·         Cervical cancer

·         Stomach cancer

·         Leukemia

These cancers, though not as widespread as lung cancer, can still result from exposing the body to the harmful toxins present in cigarette smoke. They can be treated by chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, or alternative methods and therapies.

Contact Us

If you would like to learn more about quitting your smoking habit, or if you have been harmed by the smoking cessation medication Chantix, then the Chantix injury lawyers of Williams Kherkher can help. 
Posted by Admin On 3:02 PM No comments READ FULL POST
There are generally four main kinds of rosacea. The first kind is Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea. This type causes people to look as if they are blushing. It can happen easily and very often. It looks like the face is flushed with color or blood. Small blood vessels can also be seen below the skin surface. A person may also have burning or uncomfortable itching feelings in the area, usually the face.

The second type is Phymatous rosacea and causes the nose to become larger through the skin becoming thicker and redder. This can also happen to the chin. The third type is Ocular and affects the eyes and eyelids. The eyes may become gritty and red. The fourth type is Papulopustular rosacea and is most commonly confused with acne. This type of the condition develops red bumps, sometimes called papules, on the skin. Sometimes these contain pus and are called pustules. This type of rosacea occurs when the condition is in a severe affliction stage. This may occur at the same time as any other stage mentioned above, but as said, it usually depicts a more advanced stage of rosacea. The way it can be distinguished from acne is if it is a chronic condition, building from the blushing and flushing stage to the point where burning and tingling sensations are happening in the face and other symptoms are present.

Treatment can vary, but many things used to treat wrinkles are things that progress rosacea. These include using microdermabrasion, skin peels, chemical masks, and harsh products. The best treatment is to slow down the progress of the condition. This includes wearing sunscreen everyday, limiting the amount of time in the sun, not drinking caffeinated hot drinks, and knowing what triggers can cause an outbreak. Keeping a journal about what activities and what foods were eaten can improve a person's life with rosacea. This way they can know what causes episodes over and over and prevent them in the future, slowing down roasacea. Also, before using anything on the afflicted area or face, make sue to read the ingredients and test a small patch of skin before slathering it all over one's skin.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments READ FULL POST
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