
When you embark on your nicotine withdrawal or quit smoking process, you will experience many quit smoking withdrawal symptoms including having a greater urge to light up a cigarette. Why is this so?

Well, this is because when you decide to completely kick off the habit, you are depriving your bodies of the nicotine that you have grown quite accustomed to after years of smoking cigarettes. Nicotine is actually one of the most addictive substances and it really does take a while for the body to get rid of both its effect and presence.

So if you are a smoker who wants to quit and are tired of all the harmful effects it has, you need to be aware of some of the obstacles that you are likely to face. The most common quit smoking withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, having trouble sleeping, depression, cravings for a cigarette, and an increase in appetite for food as well as concentration problems.

By being knowledgeable about these things before hand, you can work out a kind of game plan on how to deal with these urges and symptoms. Some people become concerned about not being able to keep up and relapse back into smoking.

But today, there are plenty of products available that can help people cope. These products include nicotine patch which can help suppress the urge to light up a cigarette. Of course, these remedies can not be with you for long as you need to reduce your reliance on nicotine.

There are also other prescription drugs such as the Wellbutrin and Zyban that can help you out. These medications are said to be very helpful and effective when it comes to relieving the other symptoms that comes with quit smoking withdrawals. Do consult your doctor as to which one is more suited to you. The urge to light up a cigarette would come and go all throughout your day. The longer you can make do without lighting up, the less extreme the urges would be.

As soon as you start the process of quitting, you would feel these urges and they are tell-tale signs that your body is detoxifying itself of the nicotine. If you can, do you best to wait it out instead of lighting up. Try and distract yourself by doing other things or better yet, learn a few meditation chants to help clear your mind. Stock up on some healthy food that you can munch on instead of lighting up another cigarette.

Also, do not forget to let your loved ones know about what you are going through. You will experience erratic mood swings and unless they know why you are acting that way, they would mostly likely write you off as a jerk. Lastly, keep your eye on the prize and do not let quit smoking withdrawal symptoms throw you off course. Remember why you want to quit and stay with it.
Posted by Admin On 7:02 AM No comments


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