
In this article I'm going to explain the best stop smoking pill.

Good But Not Great

There are two popular pills in the market that are manufactured by large corporations. One of which is Chantix made by the company Pfizer. When you smoke a cigarette, nicotine is absorbed by your blood which eventually makes it way to your brain. In your brain there are receptors that detect nicotine where it attaches to it. This sends results in your brain releasing a chemical called Dopamine which gives you the happy, relaxed feeling. Chantix works by releasing dopamine without the use of nicotine. This allows you to get through the tough cravings of the first few weeks of quitting.

Zyban, made by GlaxoSmithKline is a similar drug. This drug was originally used as an anti-depressant but has recently been sold as a stop-smoking pill. It too releases dopamine into your body.

These drugs are great in the fact that they will give your body similar effects of nicotine, without actually smoking a cigarette. However, I do not recommend using these products. This is because they have nasty side effects which are hard to deal with while trying to quit. One such is difficulty sleeping. Many have gone multiple days without sleeping while taking these drugs. What freaked me out what the FDA's recent linkage with these drugs and suicide. In 2007, the FDA announced an official safety report that linked suicidal behavior to these drugs. For these reasons, they are not the best stop smoking pill you should be taking.

The Best Option

The safest and best stop smoking pills are all-natural supplements. This is because they have the best of everything you are looking for. They will combat the negative withdrawal symptoms (including dramatically lessening your cravings) to help you get through the tough few weeks. They don't contain nicotine, so you'll be able to quit quicker and more effective. Lastly, they don't have any negative side effects when taking it. You don't have to worry about any additional problems to deal with when you are already dealing with trying to quit. This will put your body in the best position to get through the difficult stages of quitting.
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